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Clearwater's Flying Circus


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Just learnt that my local cinema is premiering Rio 2 on the 6th of April. I can't wait. :D

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I may actually set aside the time to read it. But, as much as I beat myself up for not watching the first on the big screen, I still plan on waiting for a crowd sourced reaction, before I spend theater money. Only KFP gets the "I must be among the first" luxury.

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I got in touch with my old friends from the TrackMania LYNX Clan I used to be with. Good to see them all: Sytec, Weerwolf, Browny... Yep, good to see you all. ;)

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Rio 2 is out this Sunday, but there's no stinking dates yet for my local cinema... Dammit, way to keep me

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Ha! Here is a funny highlight from last night when I was on plug.dj:

TM-Eyebo: whenever I play against good players on Trackmania, i need to think of a good way
to keep calm
TM-Clearwater: It can't be bothering you that much, you were top of the local server leaderboards last time I
checked! :o
Leedix: LOL. Guys, get that Horlicks down you. It's invaluable when the pressure starts to mount.
Chill-Bot: [EMOTE] TM-Clearwater eats a Horlicks and washes it down with Orangina
TM-Eyebo: ew i never liked orangina
TM-Clearwater: Each to their own. *Straps myself into cockpit of Stadium car*
TM-Clearwater: You coming or what, eyebo?

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Your plug.dj link on your first post is an infinite loop back into this thread.

We're doomed.

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Your plug.dj link on your first post is an infinite loop back into this thread.

We're doomed.

I fixed that. Give it a try now.

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I went to see Rio 2 with my friend yesterday. And it was the most beautiful, spellbinding, amazing thing
I had EVER seen. I didn't need fancy 3D glasses to admire the beauty of the Amazon. I won't spoil too much to those
who haven't seen it yet, but the opening is fantastic, with a massive party in Rio under full swing, with the humans
partying long into the night in the city, and all the birds having a party of their own below the landmark statue
of Jesus Christ. All the while, the theme song, 'What is Love', played... I couldn't stop smiling. 20th Century
Fox and Blue Sky Studios... Thank you so much for making one of the best films I have ever seen.

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Hot damn, I think this kid has a crush on me!

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LOL. For your info, I actually have a girlfriend over here. What I meant by 'practice' 'medicine' on TF2, is I mean I want you to teach me how to become a better

Medic. I'm not too bad right now, but I think i can do a bit better...


Last week, I downloaded a game called Frozen Synapse from Steam while it was being offered for free. It's a fantastic top-down strategy game. think

CounterStrike, set in what looks like ac omputer but it isn't, with a hint of chess dashed in and you're on the right track. I don't know if you can still get it

for free now, but either way, you should get it, it's a great game. Plus, it was made by the guys who did the original Mode 7 chip in the SNES...


EDIT: And for God's sake, Hidi, I am NOT a freaking kid. I'm 14, dammit! Hardly a kid!

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Me and Icy were online on Steam today, so we hit them, and each other, hard on a couple of TF2 servers. It was really good fun, playing with a fellow


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So me and my mates Nico and Val are heading out to do some karting next Friday. I can't wait for that, I'll tell you how it went.

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Ooh, damn. I downloaded Ridge Racer: Driftpoia for free today on Steam, only to find out it's really badly stuttery on my computer...


I'm screwed.

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Oh man, I can be such a sneaky turd at times. Here, have this chat segment from a couple of days ago when I was on plug.dj:
(Note that this is based on memory alone)
Naralith: !hangman 6 1
Chill-Bot: [ADMIN] Generating 6-letter game of Hangman; 1 place reward.
Chill-Bot: We're having a game of Hangman right now in the chat! _ _ _ _ _ _
Guess the word correctly to move up a place in the waitlist! Be careful though, guess
wrong three times and you LOSE a place in the waitlist. To guess a letter, type 'letter:' then the
letter you want to guess. To guess the word, type 'guess:' then the word. Good luck guys!
Eyebo: oh cool hangman
Clearwater: Lemme try! Lemme try!
Leedix: letter:p
Chill-Bot: Sorry @Leedix, that letter isn't in the word. You have 2 attempts remaining.
Leedix: Damn :/
Eyebo: well let's start with the vowels and narrow it down a bit
Clearwater: letter:e
Chill-Bot: Sorry @Clearwater, that letter isn't in the word. You have 2 attempts remaining.
Leedix: Oh jeez, this one's gonna be hard. Come on Nara, give us a hint!
Naralith: You're guys, you're capable *winks*
Clearwater: Uh, Nara, you just winked in the chat.
Naralith: No I didn't *raise middle finger*
Leedix: XD
Clearwater: LOL
Eyebo: lol
Eyebo: letter:o
Chill-Bot: Letter O is contained 1 time in the word. _ _ O _ _ _
Eyebo: ok that clears it up
Mr.H: umm...
Mr.H: letter:a
Chill-Bot: Sorry @Mr.H, that letter isn't in the word. You have 2 attempts remaining.
Clearwater: letter:u
Chill-Bot:Sorry @Clearwater, that letter isn't in the word. Careful now, you only have 1 attempt remaining!
Leedix: letter:s
Chill-Bot: Letter S is contained 1 time in the word. S _ O _ _ _
*Clearwater changed their name to Clear*
Clear: I need to stop thinking about my username and think about this stupid thing.
Leedix: Me too.
*Leedix changed their name to Leeds*
Naralith: Uh, guys, what the hell's going on?
Eyebo: you're a girl, figure it out
Simpsinator: LOL
Simpsinator: letter:i
Chill-Bot: Sorry @Simpsinator, that letter isn't in the word. You have 2 attempts remaining.
Clear: letter:d
Chill-Bot: Letter D is contained 2 times in the word. S _ O D D _
Eyebo: i've got it
Eyebo: guess shoddy
Eyebo: ?
Clear: guess:shoddy
Chill-Bot: Congratulations, @Clear ! You won the game of Hangman!
*Chill-Bot moved Clear to position 17 in the waitlist*
Clear: HAHA XD
Eyebo: cheater
Leedix: OMG that was low Clear
Naralith: AHAHAHA what the hell just happened there?! Clear stole it!
Clear: I'm laughing so hard here right now!
*Clear changed their name to Clear The Thief*
Eyebo: oh you thief D:
Clear The Thief: I thought Kansas cowboys like you had good reflexes.
Eyebo: we do
Eyebo: you didn't give me enough time clear you damn idiot =(
Leeds: Heh, no hard feelings, eyebo?
Eyebo: maybe some
*Clear The Thief changed their name to Clearwater*
*Leeds changed their name to Leedix*
Simpsinator: Wow that steal XD
Clearwater: Ever heard of the term 'Thinkfast' eyebo?
Eyebo: nope
Clearwater: Well, now you do. :D
Eyebo: :) promise me you'll let me win the next one?
Leedix: 'Thinkfast'.
Eyebo: i'll take that as a no
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Alright, let's put this one right here:



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Alright, so for the next couple of weeks on TF2, I'm gonna be reinventing myself as... *thunderclap, people screaming*

ZE EVIL DOKTOR KLARWASSER!!! (Hidi, top that one)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Man, courtesy of Garry's Mod, I've been up really late most nights, and because of that, I haven't been getting
much sleep. But I am very proud of my first two pictures I have made, have a look at them:


There is something funny about this one, seeing how the G-Man is being threatened by one of his inferiours.


Even if the models of Blu and Jewel didn't come out properly (For some bizarre reason, when I downloaded the models
it didn't come with most of the texture files), I am still proud of this one. Just doing 'em some justice.

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God dammit! I just went back to see how much bloody time we've spent doing the 4th episode of SFOCast! Do you
know how much time we've spent on it?

Call me impatient, but don't you guys think this project should've been finished long ago?

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I'm participating in the Motto Weekend tomorrow on plug.dj, where the theme of the day is Melodic Dubstep.
This will be the perfect time to play the Seven Lions remix of Velvetine - The Great Divide.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh yeah! My first gameplay video is online!



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Why would you ever play Super Hexagon in Arcade mode? It doesn't save your scores.

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I am now inspired to make a hexalord vid


with no useful information whatsoever


everyone will instantly become hexalords after watching this vid


because I have fed their fingers everything to not do

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Thanks for watching it guys! I'll see if I can do another vid at some point, unless you have any requests.

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