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Batman: Super hero or not?


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WE all know love and hate Batman right? Well...he's classified as a Super hero, yet lacks any actual "powers". Does this mean he's not a super hero?

Stae your claims and banter. I WILL however occasionally glance to see your decidsions and opinions. Afterall, is the remains of this once great country's iconic false claims the right to give whats left of its constituants the right for freedom of speech?

 I will not be commenting to any of your replies on this topic. Just like my thread of "I'm gonna say a word and ....", it just for you people. Have fun.

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Yeah, I've had that thought for a while:  He's a hero--arguably a great one--but not a superhero.  It isn't anything about his deeds and whatnot, just because yeah, he lacks superpowers.


I think where it could get murky is if we want to say someone has super-human intelligence or endurance or the like, because that can sometimes be a sort of unestablished superpower.

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You kinda forgot a poll.


Also he's a superhero, just without powers. That's kind of always been the point. Same with Iron Man.

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Exactly; a hero isn't super because of his powers, a hero is super because of his or her deeds.  It doesn't matter if you can shoot lasers from your eyes, or fly into space, or bend steel with your bare hands.  Batman fights for the greater good, putting criminals down, and taking them off the streets.  Powers are just the icing on the cake.  If you have powers, you're no more or less a superhero than the one beating up thugs with his bare hands in tights and underwear.  

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I came into this topic expecting some sort of debate about whether or not Batman's actions qualify him as a hero or an anti-hero that occasionally acts in accordance with the good of the people. Oh well.


Anyway yeah he's a super hero that is still capable of doing things that normal people can't and saves the day from super villains with actual powers.

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Is he super?  Yup (Ninja detective with a bottomless wallet).


Is he a hero?  Sure (Defending  Gotham from it's own rotten underbelly).


If batman is Super and also a Hero I think it's safe to say he is indeed a "Superhero".

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As much as Ironman is lol


Come on, its Batman. An everyday guy (rich guy) bashing bad guys faces in with no superpowers. Believe it or not Batman does have a superpower. Its called being badass.

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Yeah, he's a superhero. I don't interpret the "super" to mean supernatural or anything, just that he's attained a level of awesome far beyond other people and uses it to be heroic.


The thing that I turn over in my head more is this notion I've got that Sherlock Holmes is basically a Victorian superhero, before people even knew what superheroes were. That's probably because I adore him as a character for reasons similar to those that I adore any superhero for - his abilities are just so radically evolved from those of most people. XD


Batman as far as I'm concerned is just Sherlock Holmes with money, gizmos, and a fancy outfit. >:3 Well that and martial arts training that's probably way more extensive.

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Are you implying Holmes' outfit isn't fancy?


Oh it is fancy, just not superhero fancy. XD

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