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Are there any anime fans here? I'm pretty curious to see how many people here are anime fans. If so, what's your favorite anime?

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I do like me some cowboy bebop.  I watched Robotech back when I was a kid but in retrospect that show wasn't very good.

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I do like me some cowboy bebop.  I watched Robotech back when I was a kid but in retrospect that show wasn't very good.

I didn't care for Bebop the first time I watched it, but I watched the last 2 episodes again recently and loved them. I actually watch Toonami on tv every Saturday night. I've got Robotech Season 1 on DVD, but I have yet to take a look at it. Maybe I ought' to.

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I watch so damn much anime.


Like, holy shit, I can't believe I used to dislike it.


My favorite is Gurren Lagann, but other notable mentions are Madoka Magica, K-On, Digimon Tamers, and Wasurenagumo, even though that last one is only a single-episode OVA. Aside from your obvious love for Gurren Lagann, what are some of your other favorites?

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I watch so damn much anime.


Like, holy shit, I can't believe I used to dislike it.


My favorite is Gurren Lagann, but other notable mentions are Madoka Magica, K-On, Digimon Tamers, and Wasurenagumo, even though that last one is only a single-episode OVA. Aside from your obvious love for Gurren Lagann, what are some of your other favorites?

Gurren Lagann is for the most part my favorite anything in media. Besides Gurren Lagann, my favorites are Durarara!!, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Bakemonogatari, Nekomonogatari, and Death Note. Movie wise, I love Evangelion 1.11 and 2.22, and Summer Wars.

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I am ashamed. Bakemonogatari and Nekomonogatari are on my 'to watch' list, but that list is like, 80 strong and growing, so I haven't had a chance to get to them yet XD

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I am ashamed. Bakemonogatari and Nekomonogatari are on my 'to watch' list, but that list is like, 80 strong and growing, so I haven't had a chance to get to them yet XD

It's all right. Durarara!! though is what I believe got me hooked on anime. Also, I know what it's like to have a long "to watch" list. In fact, here's my "to watch" list here: http://myanimelist.net/animelist/Battlechili1

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I'd have to say my favorite would probably be Rurouni Kenshin. I know the ending to it is a little dull and it has some flaws, but I really enjoyed watching it back in 2003 on Toonami and Nobuhiro Watsuki is my favorite anime artist. 


Nowadays I've been barely watching any anime......Mostly tokusatsu.

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I'd have to say my favorite would probably be Rurouni Kenshin. I know the ending to it is a little dull and it has some flaws, but I really enjoyed watching it back in 2003 on Toonami and Nobuhiro Watsuki is my favorite anime artist. 


Nowadays I've been barely watching any anime......Mostly tokusatsu.

I've not seen either of those. Perhaps I'll check em' out. :)

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Tokusatsu isn't an anime but a genre (I think.)  It's stuff like Kamen Rider and Power Rangers, right? (Doesn't know a thing 'bout anime)

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Tokusatsu isn't an anime but a genre (I think.)  It's stuff like Kamen Rider and Power Rangers, right? (Doesn't know a thing 'bout anime)

Its basically Japanese live-action.

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Hmm... lets see...

-Death Note

-Soul Eater

-Any Miyazaki film

-Gurren Lagann

-High School of the Dead (Hey I liked it... mostly.)

-Nyan Koi

-Akane Iro

-Fullmetal Alchemist BROTHERHOOD

-The Original Yugioh



I'll post here if I think more up.

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High School of the Dead was okay. I don't judge you for liking it. And as for FMA, I've never gotten around to watching Brotherhood yet. I loved the original anime, so I want to, but when I tried watching it I had just finished watching FMA a week or so ago and didn't want to go all the way from the beginning again so soon. It's definitely been long enough now, so I should watch it sometime soon.

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I like some things that happen to be anime, but my tastes are rather selective so in general I'm not an otaku or anything. Some of the ones I like are Ghost in the Shell, Cowboy Bebop, Miyazaki movies (most of them anyway), Death Note, Armitage the Third, Unico (this one is rather old and obscure XD), Trigun, Escaflowne, and Slayers.

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UPDATE (Guess I should elaborate instead of make a whole new response)




Black Lagoon (obviously)

Samurai Champloo

When They Cry

Cowboy Bebop

Azumanga Daioh

Gurren Lagann

Pumpkin Scissors




Grave of the Fireflies

Ghost in the Shell

My Neighbor Totoro

Spirited Away


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my list says: completely watched around 100, currently watching 25 and around 50 on the to-watch list :D

My personal number 1 is the Haruhi Suzumiya Movie. After three hours of pure drama I've been sitting in front of the TV and couldn't move a finger. It totally blew me away. A masterpiece! One of the best pieces of anime on this planet!

The whole Haruhi series is great, just that 'Endless Eight' thing was a bit nasty. I even started to read the novels, as there are currently no plans to continue the series as anime.

Besides that, I also liked this shows:

- Lucky*Star (a must see for any Otaku out there^^)

- Death Note (epic! No further comments needed!)

- Shakugan no Shana (the series, that brought me back into anime! Great show, although the third season was a bit disappointing)

- Strike Witches (it is trash, but so many cute and likable characters... I love Sanya!!)

- Azumanga Daioh (king of comedy! Haven't seen anything which is nearly as funny as this show^^)

- Seitokai No Ichizon (Otaku-comedy, very cool)

- Angel Beats (what a drama, totally moving show)

- Dog Days (ecchi, lolis, kemonomimi and pure fun!)

And so many others... :D Even started to buy some figures. That stuff is so damn expensive though...

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 Digimon Tamers


Digimon Tamers was ok. My favorite one was Frontier, though. I prefer when the main characters actually FIGHT instead of shouting orders and letting their partners do all the work. It's part of the reason why the end of Tamers was my favorite part: the tamers actually merged and fought with their partners. Also why I like Saver's masaru who actively fought alongside Agumon at times, even using the tactic my friend called "punch shit to digivolve".


These days, I read a bit of Naruto when it comes out and look for anime openings. I also watch some toku.

I'd watch Fairy Tail if they weren't so far (14 openings).

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I liked the idea behind Frontier, but I completely fucking hated every character we met. The only exception was Seraphimon, because he was voiced by Jamieson Price in the English dub, and he fucking died in the episode we met him and later came back as fucking Patamon. QQ. I loved Tamers because there really wasn't a "bad guy" in it. Every villain had a reason for doing what they were doing, and even the final big bad was just doing what it was programmed to do. Not often you see a kid's show with so much grey morality in it. The massive amounts of nightmare fuel and tearjerkers near the end, and the fact that I don't think there's a Tamers character I didn't like, didn't hurt its case either.


And yeah, I know what you mean about Fairy Tail. I kinda wanna check out One Piece, because fuck yeah pirates, but it's ~600 episodes long. That's like, over a week of total airtime. Noooo thanks.

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- Dog Days (ecchi, lolis, kemonomimi and pure fun!)



This was a fun as f*** anime. I lol'ed at least once on every episode.

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Oh fuck, I missed Conaly's post. I loved the Haruhi series too. It's what got me into anime in the first place. Endless Eight was kinda balls, but I can understand why they would do it from a narrative standpoint. If we hated it that much, just imagine being Yuki O.o


Unfortunately, understanding why they did it doesn't make it suck any less :P


Also, you mentioned Angel Beats. Oh my god, I have a lot to say about that show, and not all of it is positive. In fact, most of it is complaints I had with it XD I'll spare everyone my massive, wall-of-text rant about the show, but I was sorely disappointed by it. A shame, really, because I wanted to like it so badly. Same with AnoHana, which is another one I wanted to love but just ended up being disappointed by.

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I haven't watched very much anime actually. I'm a huge fan of Studio Ghibli films and I started Fullmetal Alchemist a while ago, but outside of that I haven't really seen anything.


If anyone has any recommendations I'm looking for something new to watch since I'm almost done with Doctor Who. xD

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I watched the entire series of Clannad over about a month and a half, and in Summer I watched all of Angel Beats in one sitting, after a friend of mine forced me into it convinced me to. I enjoyed Clannad, Angel Beats was a pretty lackluster series for me, but they both made me realize that I am not much of an anime guy, regardless of how well the story and characters are, and admittedly; there are some great ones.

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I haven't watched very much anime actually. I'm a huge fan of Studio Ghibli films and I started Fullmetal Alchemist a while ago, but outside of that I haven't really seen anything.


If anyone has any recommendations I'm looking for something new to watch since I'm almost done with Doctor Who. xD


Depends on what you're into. Lemme dig into the ol' list and see if I have any recommendations :D


If you want a lot of badass action, series like Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Accel World, and Ben-To are ones that I love. Yu Yu Hakusho is good as well, but it's 112 episodes long so that might be a turn-off XD


If you're looking for a more drama and character oriented anime, stuff like Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Spice and Wolf, Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko, and Dantalian no Shoka are good ones I've seen.


Of course, the action ones I mentioned often have dramatic elements to them, and the dramas sometimes have some badass action scenes as well. 


EDIT: AND DURARARA! I keep forgetting that one. I don't know why ;_;


I watched the entire series of Clannad over about a month and a half, and in Summer I watched all of Angel Beats in one sitting, after a friend of mine forced me into it convinced me to. I enjoyed Clannad, Angel Beats was a pretty lackluster series for me, but they both made me realize that I am not much of an anime guy, regardless of how well the story and characters are, and admittedly; there are some great ones.

I didn't like Clannad very much. It wasn't terribly bad, it was just - like ALL THE OTHER anime I've watched just because I was promised feels beyond compare - extremely disappointing. Like, I can't even chalk it up to me having hyped it up too much. It just didn't deliver. I haven't watched After Story, though, so maybe when I get around to that my opinion will change.


AND FINALLY SOMEONE WHO AGREES THAT ANGEL BEATS ISN'T THE GREATEST THING SINCE SLICED BREAD. I don't care if you probably just didn't like it because you just aren't into anime, I'll take what I can get XD

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Any Clannad fan will tell you that After Story is where it stopped being lame and started being amazing. That's not really the case though, since After Story pretty much was the exact same anime, and as such the same antics and episode designs happened. Though, they did try to make it come full circle, which to me made it feel like too much was resolved too quickly. In any case, if you were a Clannad fan from the first story, you'll probably like it just as much bolstered by the fact that there is more for you to enjoy, if not then I doubt it'll change yours or anyone's mind.


And yeah, I did have a few criticisms of Angel Beats after I had watched it, but it's been awhile now and I haven't seen any of it since, so as far as anyone should be concerned I just didn't like it because I'm not into animes.

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Today I got Casshern Sins on DVD! Sad and depressing anime full of feels, here I come!

Hmm... lets see...

-Death Note

-Soul Eater

-Any Miyazaki film

-Gurren Lagann

-High School of the Dead (Hey I liked it... mostly.)

-Nyan Koi

-Akane Iro

-Fullmetal Alchemist BROTHERHOOD

-The Original Yugioh


I'll post here if I think more up.

You have no idea how much I love most of those shows/movies. Except for Yugioh. I took a look at it recently and didn't like it. Used to like it years ago though.



I like some things that happen to be anime, but my tastes are rather selective so in general I'm not an otaku or anything. Some of the ones I like are Ghost in the Shell, Cowboy Bebop, Miyazaki movies (most of them anyway), Death Note, Armitage the Third, Unico (this one is rather old and obscure XD), Trigun, Escaflowne, and Slayers.

That's quite all right. I do like Miyazaki films and Death Note. I want to see Unico though, as well as Trigun.

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