TrishaCat Posted September 23, 2013 Author Share Posted September 23, 2013 Recently watched Gunbuster, animated by Gainax and directed by Hideaki Anno. It was amazing. What a way to make a giant robot anime. Though the last episode was in black and white. Did they run out of money? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xortberg Posted September 23, 2013 Share Posted September 23, 2013 Gainax and Anno have done that in their super robot anime in the past. Dem full-minute scenes in Evangelion with absolutely no movement in them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Robert Monroe Posted September 27, 2013 Share Posted September 27, 2013 I started watching Elfen Lied for the first time. After 3 episodes, I'm surprised by how much I like this show. Like, woah. And conveniently, the show is being rereleased on bluray in September. Also, Lucy is extremely adorable. UGHHHH Elfin Lied. It's terrible! The characters are terrible! The sympathy is all artificially constructed from the almost satirical and comedic levels of abuse the humans give, mixed with some really shitty shock value ULTRAVIOLENCE. It's bland and flat and uninspired and I hate it. The music is pretty, though. '> Casshern Sins is one of the saddest, most beautiful anime I've ever watched. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vy'drach Posted September 27, 2013 Share Posted September 27, 2013 UGHHHH Elfin Lied. It's terrible! The characters are terrible! The sympathy is all artificially constructed from the almost satirical and comedic levels of abuse the humans give, mixed with some really shitty shock value ULTRAVIOLENCE. It's bland and flat and uninspired and I hate it. The music is pretty, though. The problem with the Elfen Lied anime is that it was written while the manga was still being done, the anime finished before the manga had it's own conclusion so it was incredibly bare-bones and not fleshed out. From what I hear, the manga is much better and the ending to it involved character reactions that are actually somewhat plausible. Know how the series ended pretty much with Kohta finally remembering how Lucy killed his little sister and father? And his reaction is basically, "I can't forgive you but I love you anyways so it's 'kay." That doesn't happen in the manga. He's much less forgiving to Lucy for that and what she said to him as a child, the "If I can't find a way to stop killing, I want you to kill me" thing is more than just a bit of dialogue in the manga. The manga ended, iirc, with something happening to cause Lucy's body to become highly unstable and start to break down, and Kohta ends up having to kill her, partly to put her out of her misery, and partly to get closure for what she did to his family. Anyway, I've heard tell of an anime called Stella Jogakuin Koutou-ka C³-bu that seems interesting to me. Idea is a girl transfers to another school and joins a military survival airsoft club. From what I hear, similar idea to Girls und Panzer but the execution is different. Might have to add it to my "To Watch" list. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xortberg Posted September 30, 2013 Share Posted September 30, 2013 Just got done with Eureka Seven. I... have a lot of issues with it - the lack of explanation for a lot of things being first and foremost - but I generally enjoyed it though. It was a really pretty show. Lots of nice rainbows and cool visuals. The robot dogfights were cool, too, and the dub cast was pretty awesome (Crispin Freeman <3 <3), so yeah. However Those last couple episodes. Just... wut. I don't even. I haven't put together any serious thoughts on the series as a whole, but I'll copypaste part of my discussion about it from Facebook, mostly about how much the last couple episodes baffled me. Like Hayley said, there was a whole lot of crying over things that had honestly already been resolved, Renton was a little shit for a long while, most of the Gekko crew were douchebags until they mellowed out, and there was a LOT that never got properly explained. The characters' immaturity is understandable, since it was actually very obviously intentional and I did enjoy watching them mature, but it does make the first half of the show pretty tough to slog through if your characters are generally unlikable douchenozzles. But Dewey suddenly, somehow, had one of those Compac Drive things in his chest like Norb did, even though he was only able to get that way because he tried to go over the Wall with Sakuya, and somehow was able to program Eureka's collar to self-destruct or something which would then force her to become the new Cluster thing which would SOMEHOW lead to the world ending even though that's what she and Renton were planning to do in the first place so how would it end the world, but then she decides not to because Renton makes the Nirvash go Super Saiyan with the power of love and kisses her, and then the Nirvash decides to graffiti the moon for them before just solving all the problems by taking the Scub Coral off to another dimension and WHY COULDN'T THEY HAVE DONE THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE I kiiinda enjoyed this show, but... lot of problems. A looooot of problems. I know I'm not the smartest of dudes, and I do tend to have a bit of trouble with things being 2deep4me, but this whole ending was just... meh. I'm being told that it's just going over my head, but I dunno man. EDIT: Okay, that same Facebook discussion has led to me being shown this picture, and I laughed entirely too hard at it. Spoilered for size: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StarFoxfan-FUR_ever Posted October 1, 2013 Share Posted October 1, 2013 Is it wrong that I want to check out Mirai Nikki even though I've heard it could very well be one of the worst anime's ever....just to see how bad it really is? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xortberg Posted October 1, 2013 Share Posted October 1, 2013 Having seen a lot of anime in my time, I think it's safe to say that Mirai Nikki is nowhere near the worst. The concept actually sounds kinda cool, and from the few episodes I've seen it actually looks pretty decent. And anyway, in a world where Zero no Tsukaima, Shingetsutan Tsukihime, KissxSis, and Clannad exist (YEAH I WENT THERE, FITE ME IRL) then I'm pretty sure it's gonna take quite a Herculean effort to be the worst ever EDIT: But for the record, watching anime (or anything) just because it's bad is a very mixed bag. On one hand, bitching about anime you hate is hella fun. On the other hand, that ~13 to ~26 episodes you spend watching your average bad anime to bitch about it is going to end up as a blight on your memory. You WILL want that time back, but there's nothing you can do about it but go watch actual good shit. Needless to say, being the loudmouthed jackass that I am, I see that as TOTALLY worth the sacrifice, but hey. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xortberg Posted October 3, 2013 Share Posted October 3, 2013 Double posting because FUCKING KILL LA KILL ONE EPISODE IN AND IT'S ALREADY THE BEST ANIME I'VE SEEN ALL FUCKING YEAR It's like, take Gurren Lagann. Now, remove Simon, Kamina and the giant robots. Next, take the holes where those parts of the show used to be and replace them with a schoolgirl and her sentient, sexy schoolgirl uniform that gives her superpowers. Now, drop all that into a fascist high school setting ruled by the iron fist of the Student Council President and her elite group of high-ranking students. That is Kill la Kill. I... I don't think I'm gonna be able to handle the weekly wait for a new episode. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StarFoxfan-FUR_ever Posted October 4, 2013 Share Posted October 4, 2013 Well, I gave kill la kill a shot....and I gotta say, your twisted tastes have impressed me Xort. Now that I'm officially corrupted for the rest of the year, we're gonna have to have some discussion about this show. Somehow I get the feeling the main character's "friend" is just gonna be the damsel in distress all the time. But she makes up for it with her charm (which in this case is wits....or lack thereof ) "It's half a scissor!!!" XD 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xortberg Posted October 4, 2013 Share Posted October 4, 2013 Well, I gave kill la kill a shot....and I gotta say, your twisted tastes have impressed me Xort. Now that I'm officially corrupted for the rest of the year, we're gonna have to have some discussion about this show. Somehow I get the feeling the main character's "friend" is just gonna be the damsel in distress all the time. But she makes up for it with her charm (which in this case is wits....or lack thereof ) "It's half a scissor!!!" XD Sometimes, I think I'm just a normal dude, talking with my normal friends and liking normal anime. Then, someone points out how weird the things I like are, and suddenly I remember that the show I just watched is really fucking weird and I'm just desensitized to all the batshit craziness that it throws at me XD I'm not entirely certain what to expect of the friend. Given the tone of the show so far, it's quite possible that she'll just be a ditzy comic relief airhead for the whole thing, but this is from the same people who made Gurren Lagann. There wasn't a single important character in that show who wasn't useful, even if they were a ditz or a fanservice girl or what have you. I'll be fine either way, because I thought her freakout when she was being held hostage was hilarious, but yeah. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Meiryu no Shugan Posted October 4, 2013 Share Posted October 4, 2013 I'm an anime fan too! What a small world eh? ;3 I personally like Naruto, Bleach, Inuyasha, Infinite Stratos and Gundam Seed Destiny. Oh, and not to mention some Pokémon movies and Robotech. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jeth Posted October 9, 2013 Share Posted October 9, 2013 I've got a question for you guys. Fullmetal Alchemist, vs Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, witch is better? I've started both and they seem to be basically the same, so I'm trying to decide witch I should finish. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xortberg Posted October 11, 2013 Share Posted October 11, 2013 I'm afraid I won't be too much help with that question, since I've only ever watched FMA. I've generally heard that both are really good, though, so you won't go wrong no matter which one you pick. If you still can't decide, you could always just flip a coin XD In other news, just got done with a couple anime. One that's been on my list for a good while, and another that just recently finished airing. First up, Another. It was a pretty uneventful watch, really - it's a horror anime that wasn't really all that scary, though it did have some moments where it was building up some good tension. Not exactly suspense, since most of the time you knew exactly what was gonna happen, but still enough to make me very conscious of my heartbeat. All in all, a decent watch, but the only real thing about it that stood out is the fact that I watched the whole thing in Japanese before realizing there even was an English dub, which looked kinda okay and I would have liked to watch. Too late now, though, since it's really not something I'd watch again. Next, Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi. I have mixed feelings about this one, but they're mostly very, very good ones. I don't wanna spoil much, especially since it's a new anime and hasn't been around long enough for me to just expect people to have watched it, but daaaamn. The first arc was a heavier hit to the feels than I've felt in a good long while. Not a devastating tactical nuke like episode 10 of Madoka or anything, but still pretty fucking hefty. Unfortunately, a strong start can make it hard to follow up, and I feel like KnIN didn't quite succeed on the follow-up. Each arc was weaker than the one that came before it, and given the fact that the very premise of the show is "fifteen years ago, God just up and left the world to fuck about without him", I feel like they really missed out on exploring what happened to the people in the immediate aftermath of what happened. Instead, we just follow a little girl (who is, admittedly, adorable and lovable) as she goes around and learns that life ain't always sunshine and rainbows and tries to be spread happiness regardless. That's not to say I didn't enjoy it, but I feel like they missed out And now, off I go to watch something mindless and silly to unwind after two serious business shows. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Redeemer Posted October 11, 2013 Share Posted October 11, 2013 So there's a parody ecchi anime called Colorful and it's the most hilarious thing I've ever seen. It basically follows the fails of men trying to get a view of panties or bras, but it's not even explicit. Example, from episode 2: Man working in store is talking with his female coworker. Female coworker crouches down to stock a lower shelf. Man becomes paralyzed with excitement because he can see the very top like 2mm of her panties at the waist of her jeans. It's something you have to see to believe. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vy'drach Posted October 11, 2013 Share Posted October 11, 2013 She showed me the episode, it is great. And indeed, not very explicit. I still want a gif of the guy that is trying to look at the girl's boobs on the subway. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Redeemer Posted October 11, 2013 Share Posted October 11, 2013 Maybe we can make one, how do you do that? I want a gif of the guy in the car who's looking horrified at the cyclist's censored face. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vy'drach Posted October 11, 2013 Share Posted October 11, 2013 I have no idea how to do it, haha. I imagine there's programs that let you take youtube videos and make gifs of them. But I dunno them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Redeemer Posted October 11, 2013 Share Posted October 11, 2013 I've got a question for you guys. Fullmetal Alchemist, vs Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, witch is better? I've started both and they seem to be basically the same, so I'm trying to decide witch I should finish. I recommend Brotherhood, it's more accurate to the manga I believe. I've watched both, I enjoyed Brotherhood more. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Meiryu no Shugan Posted October 18, 2013 Share Posted October 18, 2013 Is there anyone here who's watched Infinite Stratos and/or Robotech? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xortberg Posted October 18, 2013 Share Posted October 18, 2013 IS is on my list, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Meiryu no Shugan Posted October 18, 2013 Share Posted October 18, 2013 I have two bits of advice for you: 1. There are some echo moments, so beware. 2. REALLY pay attention to the prologue in the first episode. The CG alone is BADA** :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
conaly Posted October 20, 2013 Share Posted October 20, 2013 Hi,Infinite Stratos is ok, but the male protagonist is one of the most stupid guys I've ever seen. The more I watch of the show, the more I'm sure he is either nonsexual or afraid of female skin and breasts...And don't expect too much Mecha-Fights, mostly the anime is an ecchi-harem. Watching the second season currently, but so far it wasn't that good yet. But still - France and Germany are really cute girls :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Meiryu no Shugan Posted October 20, 2013 Share Posted October 20, 2013 I've only seen 1st season but the IS battles, however scant, are very exciting, not to mention it's a hoot to see poor Ichika gettin' chased all over the school by crazed fan girls and getting mauled by Houki when caught in a situation that is easily misunderstood lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jeth Posted October 20, 2013 Share Posted October 20, 2013 So, I've (finally) started watching Attack on Titan. So far I'm really liking it, even if the lead character is kind of bland. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xortberg Posted October 20, 2013 Share Posted October 20, 2013 Attack on Titan HWONJRLFYIGU;ROHLF >: -( /impotenthipsterrage Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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