sroberson Posted January 3, 2014 Share Posted January 3, 2014 Sort of related question to this thread, but does anyone know if they publish anime with Romaji subtitles? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xortberg Posted January 3, 2014 Share Posted January 3, 2014 I've absolutely never seen it before. Most you'll get is OP and ED subtitles, which usually at least have the Romaji there most of the time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sroberson Posted January 3, 2014 Share Posted January 3, 2014 Bummer, didn't think there would be any but figured I would ask. I have a seriously hard time picking apart a foreign language if I cant' see it written out (and twice as hard if the characters aren't Romanized). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vy'drach Posted January 10, 2014 Share Posted January 10, 2014 Ok, been meaning to share with you all my latest obsession. Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou (Every Day That There Is A Monster Girls). Be forewarned, it's 18+ due to nudity and suggestive dialogue and what not, though the latter part isn't worse than what you'd see on prime time. Anyways, do not expect this to be the most straight forward of explanations because I'm going to warn you right now, I will gush at least a little on here. First off, an explanation as to what it is. It's a harem manga, which as you may or may not have noticed about me, I love harem manga/anime, namely average, run of the mill human, and freakishly strong women because him inadvertently getting punched through a few walls always makes me laugh. Anyway, onto the basic premise of the manga. Monsters have existed but their and our respective governments have kept them secret from human society, but they've suddenly decided to integrate them into human society. This is done by a monster lives with a human household, where they live as a guest, and the human(s) teaches them about human society. Anyways, monsters are not allowed to be unsupervised by their homestay due to mutual safety, as while the program has been a decent success, there's of course still racism, and monsters can easily hurt humans and it'd be a huge political incident. Anyways, moving onto the story itself. Kurusu Kimihito is a normal guy, when suddenly the integration organization moved a lamia named Miia into his house by mistake since he wasn't actually part of the program. Anyways, she ends up staying with him and due to his kindness and his not caring that she's a monster, she falls in love with him, and is constantly trying to put the moves on him. However, you can't have sex with your monster guests because it could be a big political problem, so he's trying to deal with her advances and his own desires because if they did do the do, he could wind up in serious trouble and she could get deported. Not long in another monster is introduced to his home, a bird-brained harpy named Papi. She ends up being moved to his care as well and also falls in love with him, so now he has trouble with two women after him (I'll be going into more depth of the characters here in a bit). Then, while out shopping alone, he "bumps" into a centaur girl named Centorea "Cerea" Shianus, who wants to stop a purse snatcher in the area, but since monsters can't legally harm humans (and vice-versa) she needs the help of a human "Master," which is what all centaur wish to achieve as they are a proud, warrior race that live to become knights and servants to a master of their choosing. After a chase with the purse snatcher (who is riding on a scooter) he puts his life on the line for her and she decides that he is to be her Master and also gets transferred to his homestay. Anyways, so not being able to have sex with monsters was brought up again, and the person in charge of overseeing that homestay Ms. Smith (who's does a lot of other things, but I'll get into that in a bit, what I will say is Ms. Smith is fucking awesome though), says that actually there's a thing where they're looking into monster/human marriage because some monster species (such as lamias and harpies) are all female and thus they will need male human mates. So she says they want to use his case as a trial and flat out tells him that they want him to marry one of the girls. He's already had trouble trying to stave off Miia's and Papi's advances, so the idea of having to stave them off now was freaking him out. That night was also the full moon, which affects monsters in a strange way and they were acting more on their... baser instincts so the full moon, the marriage information, and his reaction to it was causing them to go crazy amorous, and Miia and Cerea have insane strength and Papi has razor sharp claws, so he was physically in danger. They damn near kill him but snap out of it due to that, and the next day he explains he's going to look at them all as marriage candidates, date them, and see where it goes from there (and that on the nights of a full moon that they are going to bed early). Once all that is sorted out, things go on fairly normally, a bit if hijinx, but nothing need be explained here, until a slime seems to be attacking folks around the house. Turns out slimes aren't normal monsters, and not part of the "extraspecies immigration act," and the slime is a bit like a child, doesn't know anything and learns by watching and imitating. Papi quickly befriends it (after a bit of hijinx), and names it Suu. They're debating what to do with Suu and Miia and Cerea were talking about turning her in to Ms. Smith, and Papi took her and ran from the house to protect her new friend. He runs after them while Cerea and Miia get waylayed by Ms. Smith at the house. He ends of catching up to them and Suu risks her life to save a little girl from American truck! This makes him want to not turn Suu in and he calls the girls and tells them this, at first they argue until he says to think of her as a child, which causes them to picture having a family with him, and changes their mind on the matter. They tell him Ms. Smith is at the house so don't let the cat out of the bag right as he walks in the front door and runs into Ms. Smith, who takes one look at Suu and basically says, "I do all this crap at work and they haven't given me a raise in ages, so y'know what, I'm not gonna deal with this. She's your problem, not mine," and leaves. As she's saying that, it turns out that the girls took Suu and ran off to keep Ms. Smith and her men from getting her. He of course goes after them and on the way meets a wheelchair bound girl who saw the girls and can take him to them, all the while avoiding Ms. Smith's men looking for someone. Meanwhile at the park, due to dehydration, Suu is going a bit amuck, really only being a problem for the girls while they try to hide from Ms. Smith's men who they think are after Suu. Kurusu and the strange girl arrive in the park right after Suu has... incapacitated the girls, and she goes after the one in the wheelchair, but he manages to catch her in a big plastic bag, and they go home and find Ms. Smith again and she explains that they were looking for the girl in the wheelchair, who is the new addition to their household, a mermaid named Meroune Lorelei. More hijinx abound for a bit but nothing really worth ruining beyond it turns out Ms. Smith has a team of monsters that are called in to deal with dangerous situations involving monsters that go by the name of Mon Squad, who's members are Ms. Smith as leader, a ogre by the name of Tionishia, a cyclops sniper named Manako, an undead named Zombina, and a doppelganger named Doppel. Anyways, more hijinx, and later on the main cast has to deal with a sleazy director who, under the guise of making a documentary to help monster/human relations, was instead trying to get more naughty things about the girls for those with an interest in that. He gets caught out, and Kurusu beats the crap out of him. The director runs to his home where he rants about what happened to an arachne named Rachnera Arachnera, who has a bit of a tragic backstory but I'll get to that in a bit. He keeps he around to sell her thread (for god knows what purpose), and she hears about this person who is kind-hearted to monsters and ties up the director to go and see about him herself. She kidnaps him, and explains she doesn't like humans since her original family she moved with were expecting a monster that was less... scary, fearing her demihuman appearance, so when the director showed up and offered to "take her off their hands," they immediately accepted and sold her to him illegally, being the main cause of her misanthropy. Ms. Smith and the Mon Squad trace them down and show up, and when Ms. Smith announces via loudspeaker that, "We know what you did to the Director," Kurusu figured they had actually come after him and not Arachnera, so he told her to hide while he turns himself in, and to escape when she can. This act (along with a bit of dialogue and interaction where she found out he's attracted to her and not put off by her spider body, something she's self-conscious and fearful of), she feels he's genuinely kind hearted, and when Ms. Smith hears the whole story, Arachnera convinces her that it's humanity's fault for the inconvenience, and says she needs a place to stay at now, but not just any place, some place with other extraspecies girls, a place that had been remodeled for large bodied extraspecies members, and a place not discriminatory against arachne, which only one place like that was around, Kurusu's house, so that's how she ended up moving in there. That about sums up the major plot details of how he came to live with a lamia, a harpy, a centaur, a slime, a mermaid, and an arachne. I left out a lot of other stuff that didn't have to deal with them all coming together in case anyone actually wants to read the bloody thing, which I highly recommend so long as you keep in mind, not for children. Anyways, now for a better description of the characters: Kurusu Kimihito - Average, every day human male, though bloody resilient given the shit he's lived through. Ironically, his name is only said once in the entire manga. Every character calls him by an affectionate pet name, I shall include that in the appropriate character's bit. Miia - First of the girls to live with "Darling" as she calls him. Often tried to seduce him much to his chagrin because of the that could arise from it. She's cold-blooded so becomes really lethargic in the cold to the point of damn near hibernating. After the revelation that she can marry Darling, she decided to learn how to cook to show that she's "Good wifey material!" And she can not cook at all, to the point that these were the ingredients she used for white rice gruel, white rice, white onions, white sesame, white-hot boiling water, white cabbage, white pepper, white peach, white icefish, white roe (fish eggs), and white chocolate. Papi - Childlike harpy, both mentally and physically since harpies have small builds because they are flying creatures, leading Miia and Cerea each to mistake her for a child when they first meet, only to be shocked when they find out she's the same age as them. She loves to play video games (Wii), and if she has to think about something complicated (such as the Monster Immigration Act rules), her brain will visually overheat. She refers to Kurusu as "Husband," and talks in the third person. She poses extremely sharp and dexterous talons. Centorea "Cerea" Shianus - A member of the esteemed Centaur race, their life goal is to find a worthy person and swear their fealty to that person, becoming their knight and servant. She has chosen Kurusu to be her master and, as such, that is what she calls him. She's quite physically imposing, being about 6'5" to 7' tall, and about 8' or so long. Her personality is, a bit like Princess Luna from FiM when Luna first reappeared, she is rather rigid and proper, and speaks in a very archaic manner, lots of thou's and thy's. Ever since she was little she has been trained in the use of weaponry, and due to this and her physical strength, she's able to use a dulled training sword (that looks like Anduril from LotR) to slice through many objects, even slicing down a wall in an instant. She can also fire several arrows precisely in an instant. She's easily my favourite character of the bunch because while being large and imposing, she knows her way around a weapon and is downright adorable. Plus she has some interesting character development given that she is having trouble coming to terms with her feelings for Master. Suu - A slime that went into the house in the search for water, she quickly befriended Papi and ended up living at the house as well. She appears to be very childish (more so than Papi) and not know much, but this could be a facade as there's a couple of moments where she seems to be quite intelligent and capable of talking and not just parroting people (one such instance she also said she loved her "Master," though not sure if that was coming due to Cerea or what she calls him herself). Her abilities include shape shifting, vocal mimicry, mind-reading, healing abilities, unable to get sick, can eat anything, can absorb a great blow, and so on, but she also has severe weaknesses, namely if she loses too much water she kinda goes ravenous for more and will even attack people for moisture that is on them, but if she were to fall into a large body of water or get caught in the rain, it could kill her by dissolving her body. Meroune "Mero" Lorelei - Sarita and Redeemer, I think she'd be your favourite, given she has a penchant for lolita, namely she usually wears a lolita maid outfit because she is, of course, a mermaid. Normally confined to a wheelchair on land, she is, of course, a powerful swimmer. She is also able to apparently detect water, including the water inside people. She refers to Kurusu as "Sir." She's a bit of a masochist because she grew up in love with Hans Christian Andersen's The Little Mermaid story, and ultimately desires for him to wind up with any of the girls but her, and to live with an unrequited love. Or any tragedy will do really. She even enjoys Miia's cooking because when she first tried it, it reminded her of a line from The Little Mermaid that goes, "Little Mermaid, this potion will give you the legs you desire! In return, you will feel the pain of your fins being split apart and endure a torture known only in Hell!!" at which point she keels over with a smile on her face. She actually has a pretty sweet character development, too. She's very kind and respectful. Rachnera "'Rachnee" Arachnera - An Arachne, which is a human torso sitting upon the front of a spider. She has six pupiless, red eyes, a mouth of only fangs, her spider body is based on a black widow, and very long, spindly limbs. She's very strong, very fast (able to dodge a sniper shot from Manako), and can skillfully manipulate her silk, creating all sorts of things (including clothing), using it to spy in on conversations, and can quickly tie people up. She refers to Kurusu as "Honey" and is apparently a bit of a sadist, intentionally saying the things to irk the person the most, she knows she's intimidating and loves to torment people like that, and loves to tie people up in bondage both to beat them in battle and simply for her own amusement. Her original host family, frightened by her monstrous appearance, sold her to the Director illegally to get rid of her, starting her misanthropy, and he would sell her silk, and was rather abusive, deepening her hatred for humans. Honey managed to convince her that he was genuinely nice, and because of this she played the system to get transferred into his home. She is apparently rather lazy and tends to lounge about. She is self-conscious about her spider body, worried that people will find her revolting due to it. Ms. Smith - She works for the "Monster Immigration Enforcement Agency" and is in charge of making sure things are going fine at the house, making sure the rules are being followed, and she also heads the M.O.N. squad, which is essentially a special forces unit devoted to handling cases of monsters attacking humans. As for her personality, she tends to shirk off her duties at the job (mostly because she has so many responsibilities she's overworked and underpaid), she bums meals off the household and is a coffee fanatic, stating that they have the best coffee in town (but hates the same type of coffee in other places). She the type of character that... well, y'know the type, a huge scene is playing out, hilarity abounds, and she comes in, says one line, and steals the entire scene. She is a laugh riot, and she is quite proficient at what she does, when she does it. After hearing Miia call Kurusu Darling, she also calls him that or "Mr. Darling." "Tio" Tionishia - Tio is a very tall (7'5"), very strong ogre that is, despite her size, very gentle and lighthearted (unless she is on a mission, which she will use her strength when needed). She is also self-conscious about her height, worried people will mistake her as a guy due to it, and a bit absentminded. Basically, if you're familiar with League of Legends and/or Tenchi Muyo/Universe, imagine a 7'5" tall Soraka with brown skin that acts like Mihoshi. That's Tio. Zombina - A Frankenstein's monster of body parts, she is apparently indestructible, and quite competent with weaponry, often dual wielding PDW's or assault rifles. She doesn't even mind shooting through herself to hit someone behind her, only concerned that the bullets stuck in her would add to her weight. Despite being undead, she can bleed and feel pain, apparently. Manako - M.O.N. team sniper, she's a cyclops that can, without a scope, rapidly shoot the guns out of opponent's hands with a modified CheyTac Intervention rifle from over 2 kilometers away. She is then able to run said 2km while carrying said rifle in a matter of minutes, she is a bit shy and somewhat depressed, worrying that the team sends her out of range because they don't like her. Dopple - A doppleganger, and M.O.N. team infiltration unit, she can change her appearance at will, even so far as her scent. Her prehensile hair forms the clothing she uses in her form (think Bayonetta and then some), and she possesses good hand-to-hand skills. She has dark skin, gold eyes, and black sclera. She is apparently a bit sadistic and is not the most sympathetic of people. Anyways, tl;dr, I've started reading this new manga about a human guy living with a bunch of monster girls that all want to marry him, hijinx ensue, all the characters are fucking fantastic, and it's actually not like other harems I've seen/read because usually the guy is completely opposed to even thinking about touching any of the girls whereas in this one he's not opposed to the idea, just for one reason or another he can't, but he is well aware of his desire to. And another thing is that usually they really hint at who his choice is going to be, such as Tenchi Muyo! having Ayeka be the favoured, Tenchi Universe, it was Ryoko, and Rosario + Vampire it was without a shadow of a doubt Moka. In this one, there's no telling, and that has seriously piqued my curiosity. *EDIT* Hnnnnggg, new chapter released, and it's so good. Centorea, y u so adorable? Also, for five weeks in a row, Monster Musune was in the top 10 New York Times bestsellers for Manga, #1 for the first week. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xortberg Posted January 19, 2014 Share Posted January 19, 2014 I remember when I first started reading that. It was hella fun, especially since I love me some monster girls. But then I got to the current "end" which was, I think, the introduction of the mermaid girl. I didn't feel like waiting for new chapters so I dropped it till it was done XD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vy'drach Posted January 19, 2014 Share Posted January 19, 2014 It's had a few more updates since Mero, but if you were to pick it up again, stick to the fan translations online would be my suggestions. And this shall be a bit of a rant as to why: They bloody changed the damned good dialogue of the original version for the sake of filling this one with cheap puns. I am damn near afraid of the chapters introducing Suu and Meroune because it's going to be "You slimy little..." and "Something's fishy..." every other speech bubble. And the characters, through the slight changes in their dialogue, are not as interesting. Papi no longer refers to Kurusu as Husband, but Boss now, which just doesn't work nearly as well for the interactions, and Centorea is no longer nearly as awkwardly archaic in what she says. It's still a largely dated way of speaking, but not nearly so much now, and just about everything said in it has the same message, but said in a different way, and that different way is usually a bit more blunt, lacking as much character, and a bit more vulgar. And oh gods what have they done to you Ms. Smith? You are no longer the queen of the one-liners that steals the entire scene. Thankfully the main reason I have started getting the books was just so the sound effects and signs would be translated, as those can really set up a scene and there were a few scenes I felt I was not getting the full experience with due to the lack of knowing what those were. Don't get me wrong, the story is still the same in the two of 'em, it's just the way they're wording it falls flat, hard. It's like eating at a fine steakhouse one night, then going to Sizzler the next. They're both steak, but they don't taste the same by a long shot. Thankfully I can still access the fan translations for the better dialogue that better follows the original Japanese version. Long story short, mrw official English adaption of Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xidphel Posted January 19, 2014 Share Posted January 19, 2014 ...That freakout... 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TrishaCat Posted February 26, 2014 Author Share Posted February 26, 2014 Been a while. So I finally watched and finished .hack//Sign. I liked it. The pacing was super slow, the English dub could've been better, and there was way too much unimportant conversations in the show, but the music was gorgeous and I really liked the story and to some degree the characters. Especially Tsukasa. Though it does disappoint me that the story is kind of unfinished. Like, what happened to Sora? Is he dead? Do I have to play the games to find out what happened to him? The ending was also kind of abrupt. Now watching .hack//Legend of the Twilight and .hack//Roots. In other news, Kill La Kill is getting better and better. I love how its gone from silly to serious. Intense even. Any idea why (newest episode spoiler ahead)Ryuko would give up her Kamui again? Also been watching Pupa. I actually kind of like it, even though most people don't. Its at least very pretty to look at, if a tad gruesome. Also, a WHILE back someone made an argument complaining about how Elfen Lied is a bad show. I'm probably going to get around to arguing that its good at some point when I'm not feeling lazy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Layeyes Posted February 26, 2014 Share Posted February 26, 2014 GURREN LAGANN!!! -is Important FLCL Furi Kuri!! -is Deathly Important Kill La Kill -important XD Du ra ra ra -Very Important Baccano! -Equally Important First Season of SOA (only) Professor Layton series (just love the character designs, and yeah I know there just that one OAV) Anyone seen royal space force the wings of honneamise (1987) Gainax Earliest OVA Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
conaly Posted February 27, 2014 Share Posted February 27, 2014 Hi,currently I'm totally addicted to D-Frag! So far the best series of the season. Hilarious as hell and Takao... boobzilla Well, Roka... you can't compete with that :lol: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Emiko Gale Posted May 9, 2014 Share Posted May 9, 2014 Some of my favorite anime are Yu Yu Hakusho, One Piece, Pokemon, Yu Gi Oh, Tokyo Mew Mew, Pretear, Petite Princess Yucie, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Cardcaptor Sakura, NANA, Lucky Star, Angel Beats, xxxHolic, Myself; Yourself, Case Closed, Lupin the 3rd, among others. My favorite anime genre is Magical Girl and I believe the Magical Girl genre is underrated. My second favorite genre is Shounen...But I am VERY PICKY about shounen. But I grew up with long running shounen and when I become a fan of a long running shounen I become obsessed and make loads of crack pairings for said shounen anime...Because long running shounens make for the best crack pairings. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vy'drach Posted May 9, 2014 Share Posted May 9, 2014 Been a while. So I finally watched and finished .hack//Sign. I liked it. The pacing was super slow, the English dub could've been better, and there was way too much unimportant conversations in the show, but the music was gorgeous and I really liked the story and to some degree the characters. Especially Tsukasa. Though it does disappoint me that the story is kind of unfinished. Like, what happened to Sora? Is he dead? Do I have to play the games to find out what happened to him? The ending was also kind of abrupt. Yeah, his story carries over into .hack//ZERO, .hack//Liminality, the .hack// games, and a few others. You've seen the .hack//Unison episode, right? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vy'drach Posted May 24, 2014 Share Posted May 24, 2014 So I've started watching an anime called Accel World, which to explain it I'll just go ahead and paste the synopsis off of Wikipedia: Haruyuki "Haru" Arita is a short, fat boy who is constantly bullied at the Umesato Junior High School which results in him having exceptionally low self-esteem. To escape the torment of real life, he logs onto the school's Local Network where he always plays squash by himself, and his innate skills bring him the attention of Kuroyukihime, the school's popular and attractive female Student Council Vice-President. After helping him against some bullies, Kuroyukihime introduces Haruyuki to Brain Burst, a secret program that is able to accelerate the human cognitive process to the point at which time appears to stop. Haruyuki soon learns that Brain Burst is more than just a program, but a Virtual Reality Massively Multiplayer Online (VRMMO) Fighting Game where people fight each other in fierce duels in order to obtain Burst Points which can be expended for acceleration abilities in the real world. Kuroyukihime then enlists Haruyuki's help in reaching Level 10 within Brain Burst by defeating the "Six Kings of Pure Colour" and ultimately meet the creator of Brain Burst to learn its true purpose. With every challenge they face in the Accelerated World, Haru and Kuroyukihime, under their aliases "Silver Crow" and "Black Lotus", gather trusted allies, confront treacherous enemies and their bond grows stronger while working to attain their ultimate objective. So far, it seems rather interesting. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xortberg Posted May 24, 2014 Share Posted May 24, 2014 Accel World was kinda like SAO but way better. I think they're actually in the same universe, with Accel World being a distant future thing. But yeah, pretty good show. I don't remember too much about it, but the fight scenes were cool and I think the music was at least alright. It was also really interesting to have out main male lead be short, fat and unpopular, instead of being a super attractive motherfucker. I was planning on rewatching the dub after it came out, but I lost interest. Partly because Ash Roller isn't nearly as hilarious in the dub. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sarita Posted May 24, 2014 Share Posted May 24, 2014 Accel World was kinda like SAO but way better. I think they're actually in the same universe, with Accel World being a distant future thing. But yeah, pretty good show. I don't remember too much about it, but the fight scenes were cool and I think the music was at least alright. It was also really interesting to have out main male lead be short, fat and unpopular, instead of being a super attractive motherfucker. I was planning on rewatching the dub after it came out, but I lost interest. Partly because Ash Roller isn't nearly as hilarious in the dub. Yes, they were both written by the same author. They are related. Ash Roller isn't funny in the dub? Screw the dub then. >:C Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xortberg Posted May 25, 2014 Share Posted May 25, 2014 I wouldn't say Ash Roller isn't funny at all. Just not nearly as funny as his Engrishy performance in the Japanese. Dub's pretty good, and I think I'd like it a lot more if I hadn't watched Japanese first. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xidphel Posted May 28, 2014 Share Posted May 28, 2014 I found this a while back. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xortberg Posted May 29, 2014 Share Posted May 29, 2014 Kill la Kill dub cast announced. Trailer. So. I totally fucking called Christine Marie Cabanos as Mako. I just knew it was gonna happen. The only other VA I predicted who was also in it was Todd Haberkorn, but I figured he'd be Inumuta instead of Iori. Also, for any fans of the Madoka dub, Satsuki is Mami and Nonon is Sayaka. All in all, I kinda like it and kinda don't. I dunno. KlK was one of those series where the Japanese performances just had so much over-the-top character that it would take a stellar dub to match up, and this one's only kinda average. Not bad by any means, but I think I'm gonna prefer subs over dubs this time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Robert Monroe Posted May 31, 2014 Share Posted May 31, 2014 The Japanese dub of Gundam Unicorn's finale hit internets a few weeks ago and its pretty kickass. If you're a fan of Gundam especially the UC lore, I highly suggest watching Unicorn. Definitely one of the best storyarcs in the franchise. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gestalt Posted June 1, 2014 Share Posted June 1, 2014 On Kill la Kill..Normally not one to pass up a gud dub, (what with re-watch-ability and hidden talent ), but as you say the original performance was something tough to beat, and so, (based on the given) I'll too be recommending subs this time. But for what it's worth, my impressions.. Satsuki/Ryuko: mmmMm..nope The Elite Four: Actually pretty good In particular, Jakuzure: Mikisugi need to see the ____ line: Nudest BEEEEAAACH Senketsu: Almost good/Almost bad Mako: Mako: Mako 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xortberg Posted June 1, 2014 Share Posted June 1, 2014 I think Satsuki's gonna be good once she's gotten past her uberham villain phase and into her actual character arc. Her VA is a good one, just not as the evil overlord shouting imposingly. Ryuko's so-so, but despite her being the main character I really don't much care about her anyway. The other characters are just more interesting. As such, a so-so Ryuko dub won't change anything for me. The only problem I have with the Elite Four (aside from the fact that NANI SORE won't be a thing in the dub) is that Gamagoori just doesn't quite rub me the right way. The rest are great, but Gamagoori's gonna have to grow on me as I rewatch it. And yeah, Nonon in particular is fucking great casting. I figured Senketsu would sound older. He sounded at least 40 years old to me in Japanese, and in the dub he sounds mid-late 20s. I like the voice, but I feel like it's not that great for the character. What I really can't wait for is to see how well Cabanos handles the Mankanshoku rants. I imagine it'll be hard to nail that rapid-fire nonsense, but she's a good VA. I hope she does well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vy'drach Posted June 2, 2014 Share Posted June 2, 2014 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xortberg Posted June 2, 2014 Share Posted June 2, 2014 I've watched that video at least ten times since you linked it to me. I can't get enough. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Raging Space Cookie Posted June 7, 2014 Share Posted June 7, 2014 I have watched soul eater, kuroshitsuji(black butler), sailor moon, digimon season 1(digimon adventures), kaichou wa maid-sama and some card capture Sakura. I am currently watching soul eater NOT Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ori Posted June 7, 2014 Share Posted June 7, 2014 So I've been watching some One Piece. I'll admit I'm addicted. It makes me want to know what's next asdf-- So far I've got to episode 324, just past the Water 7 arc. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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