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The only reason I've not watched One Piece is because it's like 10 fucking days long all told. No way in hell am I jumping into that. If it was a more manageable length, I'd probably love to watch it.

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If it was easy to catch up it wouldn't be interesting. o3o

Truth to be told though, at least for me it was worth the trouble so far. The plot develops in a way characters grow on you a lot, and while at that, you always want to see in what shenanigans they get themselves into.

Sometimes it gets fillers post end of arcs, but most of them aren't that bad.

(Not much to say on how to compare it to other anime as I haven't watched many so far)


In otherwise unrelated news I've been also watching "Major" since a few months ago. Pretty much just hit the 6th season. (that fourth opening is still in endless loop on my mind tho o3o)

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One Piece is amazing, but yeah, its long as heck.



In other news, been finishing the original Fullmetal Alchemist since I never actually finished it. Got a lot of heart it does. 

Yeah, his story carries over into .hack//ZERO, .hack//Liminality, the .hack// games, and a few others. You've seen the .hack//Unison episode, right?

Oh. Well all right. And nah, I haven't just yet. I saw that it took place after the games and decided to wait on it. I decided since getting the games was difficult that for now I'd read .hack//Another Birth, which is a novel version of what happened in the games that takes place through the eyes of Akira, also known as BlackRose. So far I'm enjoying it a lot. Also bought the .hack//Legend of the Twilight manga.


Also, I went on 4chan's /a/ to discuss .hack//Sign and I learned that in .hack//Roots, Sora

is the main character. What a twist that was to learn.

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Allow me to give some context as to just how ridiculously long One Piece is.


My "Completed Anime" list has 187 entries in it. That's how many shows I have watched beginning to end. It's taken me several years to amass such an achievement. All told, according to MAL, it equals 57.74 days total. That's almost two months. If I sat down for literally two months without sleep and did nothing but watch anime, I could watch everything I've ever seen.


Assuming 22 minute episodes which is the average as far as I've seen, One Piece is 9.83888... days. 1/6 of my total anime completed, all on its own. That's a rather substantial fraction.


Add up all the episodes I've watched, and the sum is 3298. One Piece, currently at 644 according to Wikipedia, is 1/5 of that. All on its own. Not even counting movies. That's an even more substantial fraction.


It's not that One Piece isn't easy to catch up on. One Piece is just too damn long. It can be an amazing story with unique characters and a great soundtrack and animation and all the other things that make an anime good, but son, I still have 398 anime on my to-watch list. Even if I just focus on the entries with 10-13 episodes in them, I could knock out 60 entries, each with their own potentially unique casts, beautiful soundtracks, fantastic plots, and great animation, all in the time it would take me to catch up to the point where One Piece still hasn't ended.


So no, I don't think One Piece is the anime for me.


Relevant to Battlechili's discussion, I also just recently watched .hack and felt much the same way. Like hoooly shit that soundtrack. I never had any doubt it would be a good soundtrack, with Kajiura on it, but man. Sometimes it's easy to forget just how awesome she is.


I started playing the games at the insistence of a buddy who has them, but the first one pissed me off so I'll probably just watch a playthrough on Youtube if I can find one, because I am curious to see where the story goes.

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No game no life.

Just... I can't do it justice. To spoil, episode 3 had a chess game turn RTS with the main character making the opposing queen switch side using his dating sims skills.

6 is my favorite episode though.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oroooooooo... RuroKen is one of my top faves too.Comes second to only Bleach and Naruto "DATTEBAYO"!!! :D


I'd have to say my favorite would probably be Rurouni Kenshin. I know the ending to it is a little dull and it has some flaws, but I really enjoyed watching it back in 2003 on Toonami and Nobuhiro Watsuki is my favorite anime artist. 


Nowadays I've been barely watching any anime......Mostly tokusatsu.

whoa... oops. didn't notice the date... sorry.

Edited by Hitokiri Tenshikage
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This might seem a little out of topic, Mr. OrbiKitsune, but are you perhaps a TwoKinds fan?

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So, kinda late but through the past few weeks I watched Spice and Wolf as well as Steins;Gate. I still think someone had a few extra doses of LSD to come up with Steins;Gate, that is. SaW was fine I think. And why so much unfinished stuff in the end for soup can's sake asdf--


Also watched until Ep. 10 of No Game No Life, but it doesn't seem like my kind of thing.


(And yes Hitokiri[?]. As I heard someone say once, "TwoKinds is everywhere." o3o)

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Steins;Gate is one of my absolute favorite anime. In the top five for sure.

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Steins;Gate is awesome.


Am I the only person in the wordl who is so pumped for Sailor Moon Crystal I am in physical pain waiting for 5am? (When it airs in the central time zone :P)

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It's 12 episodes and 11 nets you this:

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Steins;Gate is awesome.


Am I the only person in the wordl who is so pumped for Sailor Moon Crystal I am in physical pain waiting for 5am? (When it airs in the central time zone :-P)


I'm not in any pain (well, aside from the toe I destroyed the other day, but that's unrelated), but I am slightly hype for Crystal. I hated the OG Sailor Moon, but this remake has a hell of a cast and crew working on it so it should be pretty good. I just dunno if I want to watch it as it airs or let myself build up a backlog of episodes for a mini-marathon.


Also that's a pretty impressive list, Rush. You've got more completed than me. I'm just barely behind what's displayed on your list, but if you haven't updated it in a while then you've got a pretty solid lead on me.

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I'm not in any pain (well, aside from the toe I destroyed the other day, but that's unrelated), but I am slightly hype for Crystal. I hated the OG Sailor Moon, but this remake has a hell of a cast and crew working on it so it should be pretty good. I just dunno if I want to watch it as it airs or let myself build up a backlog of episodes for a mini-marathon.


Also that's a pretty impressive list, Rush. You've got more completed than me. I'm just barely behind what's displayed on your list, but if you haven't updated it in a while then you've got a pretty solid lead on me.


I stayed up to watch it and it was totally worth it. :D

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Alright, watching now and I'll transcribe my reactions as they happen. I'll put it all in spoilertags because, well, spoilers.


First off, holy shit Usagi's hair is beautiful in this show. It's already got me excited just because of how good they made the main character's hair look.


Also, this opening starts off with some hella rockin guitar. On one hand, I kinda dig the whole thing where the song's talking about how badass the girls are, but I can't help thinking about how it comes off as "I'm a strong, independent Sailor Scout who don't need no man" and I can't stop laughing. Pretty good OP, I like it better than the old one.


I'm also really digging the tune when she's running to school. I'm fairly certain the composer here also did the Heartcatch Precure OST, which I loved and I can hear it in this song for sure. Plus, "Why does morning come every day?" is moderately hilarious, and I can completely relate.


Jesus, mom's kicking Usagi out for bad test scores? Brutal.


HOLY SHIT TUXEDO MASK'S DISGUISE IS EVEN WORSE HERE! At least in the old one his mask actually covered his eyes. He's Clark Kenting to the max. He even walks around town in a tux, so how the hell are they gonna justify the girls not making the connection?


I really like Luna's voice in this. She's really abusive, though. Like, my recent toe injury has made me realize just how downplayed injuries in anime are, where a motherfucker can get his arm chopped off and it'll be played for comic relief. Getting scratched across the face by an angry cat is fucking painful. Chill the fuck out, Luna.


TRANSFORMATION TIME! That transformation incantation is just as ridiculous as always. Good old magical girl shows. I'm not entirely sure I like the CG in the transformation, but it also took like 10 episodes for Heartcatch's entire art style to grow on me and now I love it, so I won't knock it yet. I also 100% hear Heartcatch in the transformation tune, so I went and checked to make sure and yep. Yasuharu Takanashi did both soundtracks. Hell yes.


RADAR BUNS! Even if I hated the original series, "In the name of the moon" is so iconic it still gave me a huge nostalgiaboner.


Usagi's so obnoxious, she's managed to weaponize her voice. Yep, seems accurate. I'm rather disappointed that the fight scene was just Usagi screaming and crying, and then the Boomerang to end it. I know it's an introductory setup episode, but a badass fight scene would have really helped the first impression. Oh well. Maybe next time.


Tuxedo Mask is honestly sexy as fuck. I still can't get over the terrible disguise though. Also, it just hit me how silly his name is. "I'm wearing a tuxedo, and a mask... I SHALL BE TUXEDO MASK!" But eh, Usagi came up with Sailor Moon on the spot too, so maybe that's actually how it went down. He just needed an alias and said the first thing that came to mind. That's my new headcanon.


Wait, so Usagi's just gonna wear her distinctive transformation trinket out in the open? That's a good idea in the sense that she'll always be ready to transform and fight, and eventually Sailor Moon will be popular and well known enough that maybe people will think it's just a replica because she's a fan, but as of right now it's a pretty big giveaway as to her alter-ego. Then again, her friends are a bunch of vapid middle schoolers, so they probably wouldn't notice anyway.


And we end on a shot of our Mercury-to-be. I really hope they make her seem more useful in this series. In the original, her powers never amounted to shit. It's a shame, because her bubbles seemed to turn into a sort of smokescreen, which could make for some interesting fight scenes if the girls use it for strategic hit-and-fades, but that never really happened. Fingers crossed.


Ending theme is fairly pretty, but again what stands out to me the most is the fucking pretty hair. Man, that's some good hair.



So final verdict: It's not too much different from the original yet, but it looks and sounds SO much better. The director also did some work on some Heartcatch episodes, and Heartcatch has some of the best fights I've seen in any anime ever, much less magical girl anime, so I've got tentatively high hopes for future fights. I hope they don't just do like the OG one and rely on a bunch of stock footage finishing moves. I really wanna see some good fights where the girls get in close and mix it up with the baddies.


10/10 it's okay. I'll probably watch each episode as it airs.

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Alright, watching now and I'll transcribe my reactions as they happen. I'll put it all in spoilertags because, well, spoilers.


First off, holy shit Usagi's hair is beautiful in this show. It's already got me excited just because of how good they made the main character's hair look.


Also, this opening starts off with some hella rockin guitar. On one hand, I kinda dig the whole thing where the song's talking about how badass the girls are, but I can't help thinking about how it comes off as "I'm a strong, independent Sailor Scout who don't need no man" and I can't stop laughing. Pretty good OP, I like it better than the old one.


I'm also really digging the tune when she's running to school. I'm fairly certain the composer here also did the Heartcatch Precure OST, which I loved and I can hear it in this song for sure. Plus, "Why does morning come every day?" is moderately hilarious, and I can completely relate.


Jesus, mom's kicking Usagi out for bad test scores? Brutal.


HOLY SHIT TUXEDO MASK'S DISGUISE IS EVEN WORSE HERE! At least in the old one his mask actually covered his eyes. He's Clark Kenting to the max. He even walks around town in a tux, so how the hell are they gonna justify the girls not making the connection?


I really like Luna's voice in this. She's really abusive, though. Like, my recent toe injury has made me realize just how downplayed injuries in anime are, where a motherfucker can get his arm chopped off and it'll be played for comic relief. Getting scratched across the face by an angry cat is fucking painful. Chill the fuck out, Luna.


TRANSFORMATION TIME! That transformation incantation is just as ridiculous as always. Good old magical girl shows. I'm not entirely sure I like the CG in the transformation, but it also took like 10 episodes for Heartcatch's entire art style to grow on me and now I love it, so I won't knock it yet. I also 100% hear Heartcatch in the transformation tune, so I went and checked to make sure and yep. Yasuharu Takanashi did both soundtracks. Hell yes.


RADAR BUNS! Even if I hated the original series, "In the name of the moon" is so iconic it still gave me a huge nostalgiaboner.


Usagi's so obnoxious, she's managed to weaponize her voice. Yep, seems accurate. I'm rather disappointed that the fight scene was just Usagi screaming and crying, and then the Boomerang to end it. I know it's an introductory setup episode, but a badass fight scene would have really helped the first impression. Oh well. Maybe next time.


Tuxedo Mask is honestly sexy as fuck. I still can't get over the terrible disguise though. Also, it just hit me how silly his name is. "I'm wearing a tuxedo, and a mask... I SHALL BE TUXEDO MASK!" But eh, Usagi came up with Sailor Moon on the spot too, so maybe that's actually how it went down. He just needed an alias and said the first thing that came to mind. That's my new headcanon.


Wait, so Usagi's just gonna wear her distinctive transformation trinket out in the open? That's a good idea in the sense that she'll always be ready to transform and fight, and eventually Sailor Moon will be popular and well known enough that maybe people will think it's just a replica because she's a fan, but as of right now it's a pretty big giveaway as to her alter-ego. Then again, her friends are a bunch of vapid middle schoolers, so they probably wouldn't notice anyway.


And we end on a shot of our Mercury-to-be. I really hope they make her seem more useful in this series. In the original, her powers never amounted to shit. It's a shame, because her bubbles seemed to turn into a sort of smokescreen, which could make for some interesting fight scenes if the girls use it for strategic hit-and-fades, but that never really happened. Fingers crossed.


Ending theme is fairly pretty, but again what stands out to me the most is the fucking pretty hair. Man, that's some good hair.



So final verdict: It's not too much different from the original yet, but it looks and sounds SO much better. The director also did some work on some Heartcatch episodes, and Heartcatch has some of the best fights I've seen in any anime ever, much less magical girl anime, so I've got tentatively high hopes for future fights. I hope they don't just do like the OG one and rely on a bunch of stock footage finishing moves. I really wanna see some good fights where the girls get in close and mix it up with the baddies.


10/10 it's okay. I'll probably watch each episode as it airs.


I stayed up to watch it and it was totally worth it. :D


I dont see why people are so butthurt about the new sailor moon it's still pretty great and it definitely deserves this reboot, its a classic and im glad im seeing more and more people liking it now or a lot of fans still enjoy it i have yet to still watch it since work but ughhh i cant wait toooo

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I am watching HunterXHunter at the moment, and I am liking it so far as a popcorn anime (meaning that its fun to watch, but not something to take seriously either).

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I've been watching HxH too, despite my usual aversion to watching both ling running anime AND incomplete anime. I fucking love it. Some of the arcs are just silly fun stuff, but then you have shit like Yorknew, which turns into badass full-blown gang wars, and the Chimera Ant arc which has some of the best character development we've seen in the series yet. Shit's awesome.


Also #BasedMadhouse giving us some of the best fight scenes I've seen in recent memory.

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Sword Art Online 2 has also started this weekend and members at other forums are already arguing against each other, whether it's the same great show or the same bullshit. Well... I don't care about that. I liked it but it's far from confirming the hype it gets. As long as I have fun watching it, I'm fine with it^^


Besides that I've started with No Game No Life.


And no Sailor Moon for me... didn't even like the old one, so no thank you :D

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I didn't like the old one either. Hated it, in fact. I'm just watching in the hopes that the reboot gives me a reason to like it.


As for SAO 2, eugh. I'm so fucking angry that it got a season 2 before all the other good anime that deserved one, 

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good anime != succesfull anime... And you can't blame the companies for investing in anime with a huge fanbase. It's all about money after all. Still, I agree there are many good anime series, which deserve a second (or even third) season.

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Wow. Stop me if I'm wrong, but there is like, 3 different animes right now about being stuck in a virtual game.

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:DWell then, Mr. Orbi, we can can consider ourselves fandom siblings LOL. Am a big SF fan too (obviously LOL again). Please, by all means, peruse my dA account at your leisure. The link is @ my site profile for anyone who wants to know. No 2K fan stuff yet but working on it. in any case, enjoy.  :D



(And yes Hitokiri[?]. As I heard someone say once, "TwoKinds is everywhere." o3o)



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Wow. Stop me if I'm wrong, but there is like, 3 different animes right now about being stuck in a virtual game.


I'm thinking of three off the top of my head, what are your three? :-P Mine are SAO, Accel World aand Log Horizon. :D


ETA: OH OH how could I forget the .hack// series?

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