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Depends on what you're into. Lemme dig into the ol' list and see if I have any recommendations :D


If you want a lot of badass action, series like Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Accel World, and Ben-To are ones that I love. Yu Yu Hakusho is good as well, but it's 112 episodes long so that might be a turn-off XD


If you're looking for a more drama and character oriented anime, stuff like Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Spice and Wolf, Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko, and Dantalian no Shoka are good ones I've seen.


Of course, the action ones I mentioned often have dramatic elements to them, and the dramas sometimes have some badass action scenes as well. 


EDIT: AND DURARARA! I keep forgetting that one. I don't know why ;_;

Why would a long show be a turn-off? That just means it'll last longer! XD


But, yeah. I'll check these out some time.

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Today I got Casshern Sins on DVD!

Need to add this to the list.

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Why would a long show be a turn-off? That just means it'll last longer! XD


But, yeah. I'll check these out some time.

I'm having enough trouble making progress on my "to watch" list as is, and they're all 13-26 episodes long. I can't afford to watch long shows XD

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Long shows can change in quality, even having lots of pointless filler episodes that are very poor quality. A good example of this is the show Bleach.

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I generally agree with the consensus of the thread. XD Steve and I watch a lot of anime (we actually did Accel World and Madoka over Christmas, loved them), Gurren Lagann is also a favourite of a lot of the people I know that watch anime.


I haven't seen Sword Art Online mentioned, and it gave me so many feels. I'm sorta mad they ended it when there was a whole complete arc, and an ongoing arc that they didn't decide to adapt. :C There's so much of the story missing. There is sooo much anime I've seen and I can't even think of all of it. XD

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I agree, that Angel Beats was not perfect. In fact I really hated the final episode. But most of the show was really good. A bit overrated, but much better than many other shows which have "death" as main plot.

Oh, and I forgot to mention: Madoka! That series was crazy... you watch it, think ok, another magical girl anime and FLASH... everything you believed in is gone. Damn, that series was so unfair...

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SAO was great for about three episodes with that whole low-level guild subplot, which gave me some serious feels, and then just decent for the rest of the first half.


Then the second half came around :/


I still enjoyed it for the action and Kirito's VA's performance, but holy shit it went down the crapper in the second half.



And SPEAKING OF BLEACH. Holy shit, the first 20 or so episodes? That cool, urban fantasy vibe with a lot of potentially cool background information and a really cool, really well-executed soundtrack? I loved it so, so much.


Then, the Soul Society arc happened. I watched through all of that, and then only because I was determined to finish what I had started. After it was over, I was done.


I agree, that Angel Beats was not perfect. In fact I really hated the final episode. But most of the show was really good. A bit overrated, but much better than many other shows which have "death" as main plot.

Oh, and I forgot to mention: Madoka! That series was crazy... you watch it, think ok, another magical girl anime and FLASH... everything you believed in is gone. Damn, that series was so unfair...

My main beef with Angel Beats is that it was supposed to be 26 episodes, and executive meddling got it cut down to 13. It could have been amazing, but they had to cram everything into half of the time they needed to work with.


And yeah, Madoka. My tears during the last three episodes could supply water to a third world country for a month. And while the dub isn't always as consistently good as the original Japanese, hooooly shit did Cristina Vee bust out a hell of a performance as Homura near the end. 

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Rosario + Vampire


Tenchi Muyo


Tenchi Universe




Cowboy Bebop




Elfen Lied


Gundam Wing


Gundam 0080


Gundam 08th MS Team



Can't say I recommend Elfen Lied, was incredibly over-hyped. Not bad per se, but over-hyped.


Rosario + Vampire is a laugh riot, however, and I love it. Tenchi Muyo and Universe used to be my favourites until that came along.


Gungrave is awesome too, except it's story is supposed to be about a man resurrected from the dead to exact vengeance on his former friend and head of the Millenion Corporation. Problem is, 20 of the 26 episodes are about Brandon Heat (AKA Beyond the Grave) and Harry MacDowell (AKA Bloody Harry) climbing the ranks of the Millenion Corporation. Also half of the dialogue of the show goes something like this.


"Brandon. Brandon Heat.




Also Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt

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Angel Beats was supposed to be 26 episodes long? I think it would've been soooo much better! Though that does help me understand why the animation and art was so good.

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Yeah. That's why the show pisses me off so much. I think it would be up there in my absolute favorites if it had gotten all 26 episodes. As is, some subplots like 


The whole romance between Yui and Hinata


have to be introduced and resolved all in one fucking episode, so it's all fucked.


Granted, there are still some plot points that just irk me just based on concept, so having time to develop wouldn't have made it perfect, but it could have been a hell of a lot better.

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Lesee... I've watched: (with comments!)


Death Note (Only up to when L died)

Ghost in the Shell (Up there on my favorites)

Cowboy Bebop

Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood (Top on my list of anime)

Samurai Champloo

Spice and Wolf (Another favorite)

Desert Punk


Girls und Panzer (I blame World of Tanks for this one)

Zoids: New Century


Dragon Ball (Z as well. First anime: gotta thank Toonami.)

Rurouni Kenshin

Black Lagoon

Black Butler (only a few that a friend showed me)

Outlaw Star


Mobile Fighter G Gundam

Afro Samurai

Air Gear

Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt

Initial D

Dog Days

Durarara (Only 6 episodes in)


Digimon Tamers

Elfen Lied (I do NOT like blood, and somehow I still go through this anime)

YuYu Hakusho

Devil May Cry (Yes, there is a DMC anime)


Halo Legends (I'll toss this in on account of style)

Avatar: The Last Airbender

Avatar: The Legend of Korra (and if style counts, they get in too)

IGPX Immortal Grand Prix (I knew about this one BEFORE it was made into a racing anime)

Wolfs Rain

Neon Genesis Evangelion (Haven't watched Rebuild though)

That is pretty much a full list of the anime I have watched. I might be missing a few and I know there is still a few anime that are on my "need to watch" list still.

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I wish I could remember my list, but I'm bad with names. On a good year, I get to watch around 10-15 different animes, assuming they are on the 13-26 episodes range. I do like to re watch though, so my list should be around 70+ish.

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@Gene Inari: It just so happens that on Saturday Toonami will air the movie Evangelion 1.11. So you have a chance to see one of the rebuild movies now if you live in America. (This Toonami is only airing this in the US far as I know)

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Pretty sweet. I remember that song too. It's pretty cool, and has a nice style to it.

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are you all watching your anime dubbed or subbed? Because I absolutely can't stand dubbed ones. At least most German dubs are totally worthless. There are only a few, which I like (Azumanga Daioh was good for example). I also tried some English dubs, but still hardly any dub is as good, as the original Japanese one. Besides that, the Japanese language is one of the most beautiful sounding languages there are. So I only watch them subbed. That way I can also assure, that I get EVERYTHING. Many series, that ran on German TV, were cut or got new soundtracks (often if they used the American dubs as template). In One Piece for example they changed whole dialogs and plots that way. In Naruto they made the series more "kid-friendly" by removing most of the blood, violent language and such things.

Series, that get a direct-to-DVD release here are mostly uncut, but still the dub is too often just a mess. That's why: subs only!

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Umm....When anime air on American television, if its aired on a kids channel, it'll be heavily edited. That's what happened to Naruto and One Piece back in the day. However, when put on dvd, dubbed or not, the shows are oftentimes uncensored, and yes, that includes the blood in Naruto I believe. That means you can watch the English dub of Naruto with all the blood intact. English dubs also used to be pretty kidified back in the day, specifically if they were dubbed by 4Kids (which murdered One Piece, Sailor Moon, Yugioh, and Sonic X, if I'm right). However, nowadays, English dubs are serious business and don't really get very kidified. I mean, check out the dubbed version of Deadman Wonderland. Most curse words, (yes, even the f word) are in it, the show is filled with blood and gore, and the storyline is likely left the same. Very rarely in the modern era are the English versions of anime much different than the subs in terms of translation. I watch my shows dubbed, but I do watch subbed versions sometimes. Especially if the show is only available subbed (Bakemonogatari, I'm talking to you). What English dubs have you watched? I might be able to tell why they seemed so horrible to you. (Also, if one gets used to watching subbed, dubs may sound weird)


PS: One Piece has been redubbed by Funimation, which made things a whole lot better, if I'm right.

Also, I know little about German dubs. REally I mainly know about subbed anime and English dubbed anime.

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didn't watch too many English dubs, that was years ago, when I had not that many sources for anime yet.

For example there were some Pokemon movies, which weren't available in German that time. Those were quite good, although I have no comparison with the Japanese one. Especially the movie with Latias and Latios was sooo charming (hope this is the right phrase for what I want to say, I'm not a native speaker xD).

I also watched Love Hina, some Haruhi and Lucky*Star episodes and parts of Azumanga Daioh in English. Love Hina was bad, Haruhi wasn't that good either and Lucky*Star at least bearable. Azumanga Daioh though was great! English, German or Japanese, that show is so hilarious, I just love it and could watch it anytime again and still laugh my ass off^^

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I enjoy Anime-Pokemon, and FullMetal Alchemist: Bortherhood mostly. Digigmon was great until it just fell off the grid never to be seen again-just like Amelia Airheart entering the Bramuta Triangle. So sad for both accounts.

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I love watching a good English dub anime, but I have no idea about the quality of German dubs so I can't comment. Some dubs are indeed bad, but a lot of them are seriously high quality (coughcoughGurrenLagannandMadokaMagicacometomindcough)


And as for Digimon, it isn't quite off the map. Just laying low for a while. Xros Wars came out relatively recently in Japan, and is now finally being localized to America, so it might make a comeback XD

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The worst English dub I can think of right now was Sailor Moon S's English dub. *shudders*

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On the whole question of dub vs. sub: I'm on the dub side, but I have no issue with watching an anime that either isn't dubbed to begin with or the English one is outright bad. I just perfer things in my native language. :U
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Sub = Dub. I, personally, have my anime, if I can, dubed in German. No reason in particular. Just because.

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On the whole question of dub vs. sub: I'm on the dub side, but I have no issue with watching an anime that either isn't dubbed to begin with or the English one is outright bad. I just perfer things in my native language. :U

And you just summed up my thoughts on the matter completely. I prefer a good dub, but I will not hesitate for a moment to drop a shitty dub to go back to Japanese.

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And you just summed up my thoughts on the matter completely. I prefer a good dub, but I will not hesitate for a moment to drop a shitty dub to go back to Japanese.

I watched bits of Black Butler subbed. My friend showing it to me is a "Dub or bust" anime person. So if even she took the sub over the dub, I'll just take her word on it for how baaad it is.
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