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Steins;Gate is awesome.


I know, right? :-P

I personally really liked its take in the alternate timeline repercussions and time travel. The plot had interesting elements that held me and went on a nice flow. Why you guys never told me about it asdf--


Anyway, saw the first episode of SAO II a little bit ago. Kira is arc antagonist confirmed. o3o

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I was wondering how well Cabanos was gonna be able to manage the rapidfire nonsense speeches. Looks like she's pretty okay. 


Now that I know the first four dubbed episodes are online, I dunno if I wanna go watch them now or wait for more.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nintendo animes, anyone? Mind's Kirby:Right Back at Ya! But I beg for an Earthbound or Starfox anime! ;)

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Something y'all may like, made front page on imgur recently. 




Keep in mind I can't vouch for the content of these shows, I know at least one, Kemonozume, is exceedingly violent and gory.

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Digimon Adventure is coming back! 15 years after the original show and the sequel Digimon 02 there seems to be another sequel in the near future:


Never would have expected to get the original cast (at least it seems like it) to get another show. Damn, I loved Digimon Adventure and Digimon 02 and now we'll get even more of them!

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  • 2 weeks later...


nobody interested anymore in anime here?^^ In that case I have big news for some of you. Dog Days'' ("Dog Days Double Dash") will start in January! :D

Link and Trailer: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2014-08-15/dog-days-anime-3rd-season-to-premiere-in-january-2015/.77639



Took them long enough, but finally an airing date. Moe-Overkill, here I come!

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Holy fuck I dunno how I missed the last few posts in this topic. Usually I watch it like a hawk.
That Digimon sequel thingy has my hype as fuck. When I first saw it I was like "Oh hey, that's kinda cool," but then I watched the video and my nostalgia just could not be contained XD
Also I definitely need to finish Dog Days. I got like, 3/4 done with the first season and then just stopped for some reason.
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I started watching Gurren Lagann the other day. From what Ive seen so far its pretty good.


I also finally got around to finishing the first season Sword Art Online. The SAO saga was awesome, but I didnt like the ALO saga quite as much.


Once I finish Gurren Lagann I will move onto Attack on Titan. I am long overdue to watch that.


I am also keeping up to date on Fairy Tail when new dubbed episodes of that come out.

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So I just found out about a manga/anime called Saint Young Men and it sounds positively hilarious.


Long story short, Jesus and Buddha are room mates in a Tokyo apartment trying to keep hidden and understand Japanese culture.


Less short details, hell, gonna just copy paste.



Jesus Christ (イエス・キリスト Iesu Kirisuto?) is portrayed as a care-free, generous, and humorous "sei-jin" (è–人=holy man or æˆäºº=adult in Japanese). Unlike Buddha—who is very strict about the relationship between him and his disciples—Jesus is very friendly to his apostles. Buddha worries because Jesus is even nice to Judas Iscariot. The residents of Heaven are overly protective of Jesus and will sometimes try to save him if they hear his cries, even though he may be riding a roller-coaster. As a holy figure, Jesus' stigmata will bleed if he experiences any suffering. Whenever Jesus' emotions are at a high or low peak because he finds something funny or frightening, miracles may happen unexpectedly. Jesus is a devout follower of drama shows, which he reviews on his blog. He is voiced by Mirai Moriyama in the anime.

Gautama Buddha (ゴータマ・ブッダ GÅtama Budda?) is portrayed as a calm, rational, and kind "sei-jin". However, he tends to be thrifty with money. When Buddha takes life too seriously, he is often "saved" by Jesus’ care-free simplicity. Jesus' care-free nature often manifests as impulse-buying, which irritates Buddha. When Jesus' behavior makes him angry, Buddha's halo begins to shine, increasing in brightness until Jesus either calms him down or apologizes. Buddha's head also glows if he says anything especially virtuous, and he must do something to lower his virtue. After Buddha spends a night in a manga cafe, he becomes a follower of Osamu Tezuka's works including one about himself. He is voiced by Gen Hoshinoin the anime.


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Saint Young Men is so cute! And you can watch it regardless of your religious preference.


I'm currently watching InuxBoku, and this anime is really cute. Yes I know there are plenty anime that are "cute" but I don't describe many anime as cute. (Usually what most anime that are considered cute are obnoxious to me.)


And of course Sailor Moon Crystal. This is great for me since I cannot get into the original anime because of all the filler (Even though it fleshes out characters.). And I want something close to the manga.

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  • 1 month later...



So, some of you may be familiar with the Fate/Stay Night anime. That one that was adapted from an H visual novel, by Studio Deen. That one that's notorious among Type-Moon fans for not being the worst TM adaptation only because Tsukihime's adaptation is even worse.


WELL NEVER FEAR, #BASED UFOTABLE IS HERE! They saw how much better their Fate/Zero and Kara no Kyoukai adaptations were and then said "Fuck it. We're just better at adapting Type-Moon stuff than they are. Let's show them how it's done." And by god, they did. The first episode of their own F/SN adaptation aired yesterday. And by "first episode" I mean holy shit this is a full 47 minutes of glorious ufotable animation. And by "glorious" I mean the first fight scene that takes place in the fucking PREQUEL episode is better than any fight scene in either of the Deen/Stay Nights. God DAMN this is gonna be a good show.


So yeah. I am hella giddy right now.

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So I've been weeabooing out to Kill La Kill lately.  It's fan-fucking-tastic, and I wish it had more than just 23 episodes, because I'm more than halfway done with it now.  

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a week ago there was a simultaneous world premiere of Fate/Stay Night 2014 in different movie theaters. I've been at one of these events here in Nürnberg. Awesome new Fate-anime, the movie theater version was even longer than the TV-version (53 vs 47 min - long version will be released on bluray in the future). It was also been said, that episode two will also be this long.

Got also some nice goodies:



And on 12. - 14. September I've been at Connichi (german anime convention), where I got the opportunity of an Q&A with the staff from Trigger (Kill La Kill) and Atsuhiro Iwakami (Fate/Zero, Fate/Stay Night 2014). Some nice background stories or storyboards, for exmaple how Ryuuko looked in the first concepts and how it took them more than a year to finalize her appearance.

And more goodies :D



I don't have enough walls left for everything... xD

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Oh god, I am so fucking jealous of all those Fate goodies. Tell me where you live so I can go rob you >: -(


Also, Kill la Kill is great but I'm really fucking annoyed whenever I think of it lately because Aniplex is slow as all hell releasing the dub. First four episodes came out like, months ago, and we still have to wait a little over two more weeks now for the next four episodes. By February of next year, we're gonna have 16 episodes released. Fuck.

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Well the Parasyte anime is apparently out, mrw:




But yeah, I need to watch that when I get a chance, but I am in the middle of Kill la Kill, Gurren Laggann, and still technically Accel World since I never finished that. But here's hoping they didn't fuck up Parasyte. Such a great combination of violent, unusual, dark, and preachy.

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It's animated by Madhouse. It isn't gonna get fucked up. I'd bet on it.


The manga wasn't my favorite thing in the world, but it was certainly interesting. I'm pretty excited to see how the adaptation goes.

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Finally working on finishing Neon Genesis Evangelion.

Believe it or not, I never actually finished that show.

It's animated by Madhouse. It isn't gonna get fucked up. I'd bet on it.


The manga wasn't my favorite thing in the world, but it was certainly interesting. I'm pretty excited to see how the adaptation goes.

Madhouse isn't infallible....

Although if its a manga adaptation by Madhouse it should be fine.

I'm not familiar with Parasyte though it sounds familiar. I think it was discussed here once before?

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No studio is infallible, but almost every Madhouse anime I've seen has at least been up to par, and quite often exceeds expectations spectacularly. They're on overwhelmingly good studio. They have their goofs (Chaos;Head was an absolutely terrible adaptation and I refuse to accept its existence) but when you've put out the sheer quantity of anime Madhouse has, you're bound to have some fuck-ups. I don't think Parasyte will be one of them.


And yeah, we talked about it a while back and I'm pretty sure that's when I decided to read it.

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How in the world did I miss that Digimon thing posted months ago? I hope it's not just an HD version of the original. Any new news on that since then?

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How in the world did I miss that Digimon thing posted months ago? I hope it's not just an HD version of the original. Any new news on that since then?

Digimon Adventure is getting remade into HD and released on bluray, however, what that was about was a new season that'll air Spring 2015. So its a new season, not an HD version of the original show, although an HD version is also being made.


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Looks like I started and finished Psycho Pass just in time to roll off nicely into the new season. I know everyone firstly by their hair colors and oh my sweet jebus-- I'd totally bro with orange hair guy. New bro model coming through.


Oh but yes, Psycho Pass has the themes and the philosophy, and given that both sides are presented well, people can take totally different things away from it. The story merely plays out. The dub is yes and season one could have stood on its own. Grade A shit. I'm sure it's on Netflix.. Also, [gore warning]

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I wasn't that big of a fan of Psycho Pass. It was basically just Minority Report: The Anime. It wasn't bad, but it didn't really click for me because I'd seen the premise before, even if the story itself was good.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Anime i have watched and liked are


Hellsing Ultimate and the TV series

Dragon Ball Series

BlazBlue The games not the animated series

Edit 1 Vampire Hunter D 1985/Bloodlust


im sure there is more but i cant think of them atm

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