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The chara design of the upcomming Digimon sequel. My guess from left to right:

Jo (Joey), Takeru (TK), Hikari (Kari), Taichi (Tai), Yamato (Matt), Sora, Koshiro (Izzy), Mimi

The final design will be released within the next weeks. Let the Hype begin :-)

Btw, Dog Days 3 will start from January 2015! And for the extra hype: second seaon of Attack on Titan probably in 2016.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Mamoru Hosoda has a new movie on the horizon.





The chara design of the upcomming Digimon sequel. My guess from left to right:
Jo (Joey), Takeru (TK), Hikari (Kari), Taichi (Tai), Yamato (Matt), Sora, Koshiro (Izzy), Mimi

The final design will be released within the next weeks. Let the Hype begin  :-)


Man, they look like adults in this one. Looks pretty cool.

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just saw a post about this on Facebook. I fuckin loved Summer Wars (and the Digimon movie, which was... Summer Wars with Digimon and the Barenaked Ladies), and felt Wolf Children could've been better but was still really good with some really good moments, so I'm reasonably psyched for this new flick.

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EDIT: I was talking to someone about the picture and they pointed out that Kari and Sora basically have the exact same face in this pic. That kinda rustles my jimmies.


But Mimi's still supercute so yay.

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I just leave this here without any further comment^^



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  • 2 weeks later...

Ping Pong was a fun ride for me in part , if not wholly, because high school table tennis with that much hype. I kid, the story is nice and complete as well  (would defs rewatch), while I got to see a lot of character development through actions alone. The main story reveals its intentions, i'd say, a little over midway and thereafter is thrilling and solid. Find all 11 eps on youtube der: 

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There's so many series I need to finish watching, Gurren Lagann, Accel World, Killa la Kill, Outlaw Star, Mononoke, Samurai Champloo, and I also need to go and rewatch Tenchi in Tokyo and watch it episode by episode rather than catching them sporadically on Toonami, and give it a fair shot.


And I have plans to rewatch Gundam 8th MS Team, and watch Slayers.


And bloody hell, gotta catch School Rumble in its entirety as well. And I'm pretty sure that's a long one.


So much anime, so little time.

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Finish TTGL and Kill la Kill first. /totallybiasedopinion

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Finish TTGL and Kill la Kill first. /totallybiasedopinion

Ay Gurren Lagann tho


Also I really want to watch Kill la Kill already.

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If you wanna wait like 8 more years because Aniplex is releasing shit at a fucking snail's pace, you can wait for the dub to be finished. In like 2 months or something it'll be released up to episode 19 I think? And the dub is pretty fucking good. Everyone is at least acceptable, but fucking Nonon is 1000/10 casting.


Or you can just watch the Japanese first because it's also plenty fucking good too.

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I actually did not like the English dub for Kill la Kill.

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How far did you watch? Because Ryuko and Satsuki really don't hit their stride till episode 4 and on, for sure.


If you watched that far and still no then yeah, you're probably not gonna like it any more, but I stuck with it because I was psyched for Nonon and all the rest of the cast really stepped up their game as the series went on IMO.

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If you wanna wait like 8 more years because Aniplex is releasing shit at a fucking snail's pace, you can wait for the dub to be finished. In like 2 months or something it'll be released up to episode 19 I think? And the dub is pretty fucking good. Everyone is at least acceptable, but fucking Nonon is 1000/10 casting.


Or you can just watch the Japanese first because it's also plenty fucking good too.


While the dub for TTGL was legendary, I probably won't be patient enough to wait for the Kill la Kill dub. I'll probably jump for the subbed.


Then again, it'll be a bit before I even get to the show. Gotta finish some current ones. So I guess we'll see, but I've generally heard that the subbed is pretty sweet.

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It is. The dub is generally only like, as good as the sub, at best. There are a few disappointments in it, but it's still pretty fuckin great. Just, the sub is better overall.

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Anyone excited for Durarara!! 2? It begins airing on the 10th. Apparently its going to be 3 cour, so I guess we can expect at least 36 episodes. 



The original is all right but I can't get over how poor the animation is. Even compared to other stuff from that time it isn't very good looking.

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I'm super excited for Durarara but I also really, really, REALLY loved the English dub and don't wanna watch it till it's dubbed and I don't know what to do.


It's quite distressing.

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My issue with the original Gundam is just how much I fucking hate Amuro Ray. I can't watch it because the entire time Amuro is on I'm just sitting there thinking, "Just die, Amuro, just die. Like really, just drop dead, just go headbutt a unicorn, go play hopscotch in a minefield, get a molten lead enema, something, just stop breathing, permanently."


I do enjoy the universe it set up though that lead to some of my favourites, like Gundam 8th MS Team and Gundam 0080. And also just Zeon, badass space nazis.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I finished the movie "Ghost in the Shell". First anime movie I watched beginning to end. It got me thinking about life and sentience. It was totally new for me, I hadn't read the manga at all.

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I just discovered a movie called 'Young Saint Men'. I haven't watched it yet, but it seems to be about Jesus Christ and Buddha being roommates in Japan, so I have high hopes for it.

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I just discovered a movie called 'Young Saint Men'. I haven't watched it yet, but it seems to be about Jesus Christ and Buddha being roommates in Japan, so I have high hopes for it.


It's so funny. I haven't seen it yet, but I've seen gifs, and am therefore an expert on the matter. :3

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Just gonna copy paste what I put in the good news topic:


Finally set up my new ghetto'd up dual monitor system that I'd been meaning to do for a while, and thanks to it I can now play my games and watch my anime simultaneously, unfortunately not Kill-La-Kill because I refuse to watch that dubbed because of the voices, but I did manage to finish Samurai Champloo and have moved on to finishing Outlaw Star. Then it'll either be finishing Accel World, watching all of Ghost in the Shell, or watching all of School Rumble to see if it ever makes sense.


EDIT: And Outlaw Star is down. I really hate when animes come to an end poised for more. Closure episodes are already painful enough (in a good way), but when they're saying there's more adventures to come that you won't see, that really hurts. The Tenchi shows always hurt the most for that, to me. Oh yeah, something I forgot to bring up before, Outlaw Star has probably one of the best ending credit thing-a-ma-jiggers out there. Love that fantasy meets sci-fi artwork.


EDIT 2: First Semester (season) of School Rumble down, Second Semester left. I am also left rather convinced I actually didn't miss episodes of School Rumble, it just is like that. It is just insane but it is so good and can not really be explained properly because without the foundations and the build ups and the context quotes from it just fall flat. Like faded polaroids of museum pieces. But I can explain the idea of the anime kind of. It's a high school romance anime where all the misunderstandings and awkward moments and love triangles are cranked up to eleven. It is literally "Love triangles and misunderstandings: The anime."


EDIT 3: After six episodes into Second Semester, this is my predictions for the ending:



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