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On the whole question of dub vs. sub: I'm on the dub side, but I have no issue with watching an anime that either isn't dubbed to begin with or the English one is outright bad. I just perfer things in my native language. :U

For the most part, this. Though I'll even watch some bad dubs. As long as the dubs aren't ear-destroyingly bad, of course. Or if its only subbed, then I watch subbed. On the subject of Black Butler's dub: I thought the dub was fairly decent, though it was odd hearing characters speaking in a British accent. No matter. I didn't much care for Black Butler itself, anyway. The butler seemed too overpowered from the few episodes I saw.

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I would have to say my favorite anime is Dragonball Z, ( not GT or dragonball though) Im not a huge anime fan, though a couple friends of mine are. Inuyasha is good as is Beserk

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I would have to say my favorite anime is Dragonball Z, ( not GT or dragonball though) Im not a huge anime fan, though a couple friends of mine are. Inuyasha is good as is Beserk

I absolutely adore Inuyasha.

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The worst English dub I can think of right now was Sailor Moon S's English dub. *shudders*

I'm about to get my hard-freakin core Sailor Moon nerd on here. There might also be a long rant-y tangent.


Assuming that you aren't counting the DiC dubs, sure, S's dubbing was pretty bad. An important thing to keep in mind here is that S and SuperS were done by a different company than Sailor Moon and R. DiC is responsible for most of what's wrong with the dubs, mainly due to continuity issues with the rest of the series if the company who took over (who I can't remember at the moment) were to decide that they would stay true to the original Japanese, instead of the localization. Another important thing to keep in mind here is that at the time of Sailor Moon's English localization, anime just wasn't a popular genre, so DiC and it's predecessor changed whatever they felt like wouldn't sell to American audiences. Unfortunately for us that meant sometimes  they added crappy 90's catch phrases and nutty rock music. Especially in the case of Sailor Moon, where it would have been THIS (Linked for your sanity), if the original liscensors had had their way.


I could pull out my DVDs of S and take some of the choice dialogue that really made the dub weird. All of the seasons of the show have those gems of localization. Overall though, the dub of S remained much truer to the Japanese than the first two seasons. (It's also interesting to note that most of the names used in the anime were also used in the original Tokyopop Sailor Moon releases, I'm not sure which one came first, but they likely drew inspiration from each other) Not gonna lie though, SuperS was pretty flawless as far as localizations go.




(Yes I did get distracted halfway through this post looking for information on the reboot. Am I the only one freaking out about this?)

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@Sarita: Thanks for the info. I didn't know all that. I did hear about the reboot, and I do want to see it, however I also want to see the original Sailor Moon, as I've never actually watched a single episode of any Sailor Moon series. I've just seen a few clips I think. I sure wish the series would be rereleased on DVD so I could get it. And hopefully with the subbed versions too in case I don't like the dub or want to avoid censorship.

As long as the new Sailor Moon reboot isn't treated as a children's show here, it should end up pretty awesome I would think.

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I wasn't aware there were so many different Sailor Moon series.




Lesee... I've watched: (with comments!)

Ghost in the Shell (Up there on my favorites)
Samurai Champloo
Outlaw Star
Elfen Lied (I do NOT like blood, and somehow I still go through this anime)
YuYu Hakusho
Avatar: The Last Airbender




I also forgot to mention:


Paranoia Agent which has one of my favourite anime openings




Big O


Saw a decent bit of RahXephon (can not take the robots seriously with the headwings)




Lupin the III


Good bit of Blue Gender


And I watched a bit of Mononoke, and it was good, though I didn't get to finish it. It's apparently a spin-off of another one called Ayakashi: Samurai Horror Tales, namely the arc with the Medicine Seller, who's the main character of Mononoke.



And I know I am forgetting more.



Also, Sissi, I recall you saying you've seen Rosario + Vampire before, and I meant to ask what your thoughts on it were?

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@Sarita: Thanks for the info. I didn't know all that. I did hear about the reboot, and I do want to see it, however I also want to see the original Sailor Moon, as I've never actually watched a single episode of any Sailor Moon series. I've just seen a few clips I think. I sure wish the series would be rereleased on DVD so I could get it. And hopefully with the subbed versions too in case I don't like the dub or want to avoid censorship.

As long as the new Sailor Moon reboot isn't treated as a children's show here, it should end up pretty awesome I would think.

You're welcome! :3 I am a fountain of useless Sailor Moon knowledge


It's been released on DVD. :-P But you'd better be ready to spend a LOT of money if you want the boxsets. The first two seasons are $300 together retail, and those are the only sets that exist of the first two seasons, in addition to being Japanese only with English subs. 


All you have to do is look at the "Used" pricing on Amazon to see how much each box is going to run you, especially since they're out of print.

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That's why I want a rerelease. So I can get it and it not be insanely expensive. I'm not fond of the idea of paying so much for the series.

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Yep, I'm kinda hoping for a whole series special edition box to coincide with the reboot. The show is being/was rerelased on special edition DVDs in Japan, but they were fairly pricey.


Found 'em! Yeah, like I said, fairly pricey.

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I just don't understand the love for Sailor Moon. I tried watching it and made it all the way through the first season, and while I didn't hate it, it wasn't all that great IMO. I've heard the later seasons were much better, but I don't like jumping past all sorts of stuff to get to the parts people say are good, so I wasn't able to get to them and see for myself.


Is that the case with you, where the later seasons are really good enough to make up for the earlier stuff? Or is it nostalgia? I just dun get it XD

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It's mainly a case of "I was 14 when I watched the first two seasons" and wasn't really aware of what good TV was. XD I watched the first two seasons in those huge, Japanese only boxsets, so they were nothing at all like the show I watched as a kid, which was heavily edited. There are a lot of filler episodes in season 1 and 2, between the two of them they make up pretty much half the show. (About 90 out of 200 episodes were season 1 & 2!) There's a lot of stuff you can skip in those seasons, also. As you progress through the series, there's a higher concentration of plot based episodes as opposed to filler, because honestly the plot is just better from then on, since the original manga was intended to end after the Dark Kingdom arc, and they wanted to continue it, so Naoko Takeuchi's writing got better.

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Now that I'm thinking about it. I believe Adventure Time could, just could, be considered an anime. 


But the real one I wanted to mention is Code Lyoko.


Man this show made me into a tech freak. This was a French based show that I though was a great new idea to an old story. I was amazed on many episodes and I can still remember the theme today. I loved how part was 2D and part was 3D animation and the stories sometime went on what seemed like forever but other than that it was great.


And I know they're making a live action remake but from what I've seen of it (since most of the dialog is French and I'm a German Boy) the models are the same but of lesser quality. I am frankly disappointing.


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I LOVE CODE LYOKO. Seriously. It was awesome. I don't think it or Adventure Time is actually an anime (especially not Adventure Time), but I won't deny similarities, especially between Code Lyoko and them. Code Lyoko was amazing. If I'm right, the show also got really more story based after the first and second seasons ended.

Also, if I"m right, Code Lyoko Evolution is getting an Engliish dub in the same manner Power Rangers got one. Or something like that.

PS: Don't get me wrong; I really like Adventure Time.

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Also, if I"m right, Code Lyoko Evolution is getting an Engliish dub

It is but I wouldn't get your hopes up too high. From what I've seen of the liveaction it's ehh... it's... it sucks really.

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It shouldn't be too hard to figure out my favorite anime.


@Xid, are you an Arkansas fan or do you just like that gif for the memes?

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@Drewbz: Is that Bleach?

I do like Bleach when its at its best, but all that filler....

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So, my brother and I just watched this:




Hands-down, one of the best anime-viewing experiences I've ever witnessed. The energy level is similar to the simultaneous consumption of coffee and Red Bull; the universe, while not the most original, is imaginative and fun to look at - it's very similar to the 1981 animated film Heavy Metal. While the story isn't anything spectacular, the story is less the point than the way it parodies and pays tribute to the whole genre (similar to the way Tarantino does with his films). The best part of RedLine is the fact that everything was hand-drawn - I still refuse to believe it, especially this day in age. Overall, it's an anime film definitely worth checking out. My final note; I'm not the most Blu-Ray friendly guy, but if you're going to watch it, WATCH ON BLU-RAY!

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I watch quite a lot of anime. Mostly the basics that everyone knows and watches (Bleach, Deathnote, Soul Eater, etc). As for my favorite anime, that would be Wolf's Rain. Again, I love wolves, and I enjoy the concept of wolves hiding among humans by disguising themselves as humans. Another anime I love is Spice and Wolf. Granted there isn't a whole lot of action, but I really did enjoy the characters.  

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High Executor reminded me of Code Lyoko, simply amazing and under-appreciated are what describe it best in my opinion. Other shows I've enjoyed include Gurren Lagann, Toradora!!, the original season of Beyblade, Metabots was pretty good (too bad the video games were terrible...), [i might get slapped for this one] Megaman NT Warrior :hehe: , the first AND second seasons to Digimon, Pokemon (which was my first anime), Fighting Foodons, Ultimate Muscle, [would "Sonic Underground" be considered anime?] and the last one that comes to mind off the top of my head would be CardCaptors [does anyone remember that show?]

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Ah yes, one of the ones I knew I forgot, Kikaider.





Also, Sissi, I recall you saying you've seen Rosario + Vampire before, and I meant to ask what your thoughts on it were?



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Ah yes, one of the ones I knew I forgot, Kikaider.








Whoopth, I didn't see it, baha. 


Yeah, I saw it. :D I liked it well enough, I wouldn't say it made my favourites list, but it was definitely good enough for me to watch the second season. It was a little too fanservicey for me, but the story was good.

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It was a little too fanservicey for me, but the story was good.

What?! Rosario+Vampire had a story?! All I saw were panties, bras and and strawberries...
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Aye, it was indeed fanservicey, but it was hilarious all the same. And there is indeed a story, Conaly, though no where near the caliber of the one in the manga, namely from the altering of some key events and complete removal of others in the anime.


I recommend the manga as well. Barely the same story in the two of them, with a lot more stuff happening in the manga.

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