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Lulz were had.


I'll try the Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann and Death Note, btw. I've heard/seen way too much about them not to have watched.

Have fun. :) Do beware episode 4 of TTGL: While my favorite show ever, episode 4 was just awful.... And Death Note was great too.



Loool, I'm a dude XD

Oops. Sorry about that. Twas' the avatar.


Unrelated: I bought  the anime Afro Samurai Director's Cut and Afro Samurai Resurection. Both were extremely cheap and had very good packaging. Don't know if they are any good, but I'm looking forward to them nonetheless. They apparently star Samuel L. Jackson as a voice actor.

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Have fun. :-) Do beware episode 4 of TTGL: While my favorite show ever, episode 4 was just awful.... And Death Note was great too.

Please don't make me remember that godawful episode D:


Oops. Sorry about that. Twas' the avatar.

No worries. I figured that was the deal XD


Unrelated: I bought  the anime Afro Samurai Director's Cut and Afro Samurai Resurection. Both were extremely cheap and had very good packaging. Don't know if they are any good, but I'm looking forward to them nonetheless. They apparently star Samuel L. Jackson as a voice actor.

I've never watched Afro Samurai. I really should get around to watching it instead of all the shit that I've been slogging through lately.

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Unrelated: I bought  the anime Afro Samurai Director's Cut and Afro Samurai Resurection. Both were extremely cheap and had very good packaging. Don't know if they are any good, but I'm looking forward to them nonetheless. They apparently star Samuel L. Jackson as a voice actor.

Yeah, in the English dub, Samuel L. Jackson voiced the main character. While the show was fun, it was short (only 5 episodes). I haven't seen Afro Samurai Resurrection yet.

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Yeah, in the English dub, Samuel L. Jackson voiced the main character. While the show was fun, it was short (only 5 episodes). I haven't seen Afro Samurai Resurrection yet.

In that regard I'm reminded of FLCL (Fooly Cooly). 6 episodes of crazy silly fun.

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On a note of short series that are serious fun, Dragon Half is only 2 episodes long, and is hilarious and campy.

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On a note of short series that are serious fun, Dragon Half is only 2 episodes long, and is hilarious and campy.

I never heard of it before, so I googled it, and it looks awesome. Then again, I like 90s art style in anime. Dragon Half looks so 90s. Thank you for mentioning it. I love fun shows, and it looks fun, plus, it's so 90s! :D


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Look at this:




Aniplex is releasing Gurren Lagann on DVD and Bluray in America. Each comes with its own exclusive extras. It's even better than that complete collection release Bandai did years ago. Unfortunately, the prices, even with all the stuff they come with, are insane. I hate Aniplex. They are the reasons that the cheapest I can buy Madoka Magica is 90 dollars, or cheapest I can get Durarara!! is 120 dollars, or the reason I can get Bakemonogatari in bluray only for no less than 150 dollars. I can't stand this company. And now they are breaking my heart with this release. I want to buy it. I might end up buying them. And I hate Aniplex for it. I want Durarara, Madoka Magica,and Gurren Lagann. I also want Read or Die, also released by them, which costs 150 dollars. I wish the company'd fail. But they don't somehow. But why, why did they have to be the ones to get Gurren Lagann? Why?!!

Well, at least if I do get the bluray box set I'll get the movies, the show in bluray, Parallel Works 1 and 2, the Yoko music video, drama CDs, a cool box, and the Nintendo DS episode. 

But if I get that, then I won't get the soundtrack and the double sided posters and the postcards that come with the DVD. I suppose if I want the soundtrack, I'll just have to buy them seperate, since I already own the Bandai Gurren Lagann DVD release. But yeah....So this exists.

Gurren Lagann Aniplex DVD set $130.

Gurren Lagann Aniplex Bluray set $500

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So far I have watched or am currently watching Cowboy Bebop, Bleach, Fullmetal Alchemist, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Inuyasha, Black Butler, Ouran Highschool Host Club, Gintama, Betrayal Knows My Name, Yugioh, Death Note, Vampire Knight, Wolf's Rain and a few others.


I have a huge list of series that I plan on watching, towards the top are Samurai Champloo, Soul Eater, Blue Exorcist, Deadman Wonderland, D-Gray Man, Trinity Blood, and Darker Than Black.

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Ohhh! ohh oh!!

i have a few good ones to recommend


1. kotoura-san


3. Squid Girl


here are some clips i really recommend these animes





I couldnt find any oreshura scenes wish i could though

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Those three are all on my list, but especially Squid Girl since I learned Cristina Vee voices one of the characters. She is one of my favorite voice actors <3

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Hmm also i do recommend another



Maoyuu Maou Yuusha

It's basically an oldschool RPG feeling, but with a twist <3

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Those three are all on my list, but especially Squid Girl since I learned Cristina Vee voices one of the characters. She is one of my favorite voice actors <3


It's on Netflix! I've watched a few episodes. :)

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Anyone heard of Little Witch Academia or heard of Inferno Cop?

Both seem to have become really popular as of late.

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I looked up Little Witch Academia, and I'm glad I did. It reminded me of another of my favorite shows that I'm not sure I've mentioned yet, since it was funded by the same project: Wasurenagumo. That shit was crazy. If you have ~20 minutes to spare, go watch Wasurenagumo. It blew my fucking mind.


Since they came from the same project, LWA definitely has my interest piqued. I'll watch it once I'm done with Bakemonogatari.


Inferno Cop also looks really, really interesting. I'll have to give it a watch as well.

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I looked up Little Witch Academia, and I'm glad I did. It reminded me of another of my favorite shows that I'm not sure I've mentioned yet, since it was funded by the same project: Wasurenagumo. That shit was crazy. If you have ~20 minutes to spare, go watch Wasurenagumo. It blew my fucking mind.


Since they came from the same project, LWA definitely has my interest piqued. I'll watch it once I'm done with Bakemonogatari.


Inferno Cop also looks really, really interesting. I'll have to give it a watch as well.

You're watching Bakemonogatari? Cool. It's a love it or hate it series, I think. Not a lot goes on, but amazing animation and great writing.

It might help to know that apparently, I think Inferno Cop was made by ex-Gainax employees.

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I'm sorta liking Bakemonogatari. It's... extremely weird. The constant cuts to title cards and random shifts in what the characters are doing onscreen while they're just talking and such makes it kinda difficult to follow, but it's interesting enough to keep my attention. I'm 8 episodes in and it doesn't seem like it's gonna be an all time favorite, but it's one of the better ones I've watched recently. Much better than Suki-tte Ii na yo. *shudder*

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Ah yes, one I believe I forgot to mention that I loved, Read or Die. I should really read the manga and watch the OVA since they're all in a sequence, and not remakes or spin-offs.

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Ah yes, one I believe I forgot to mention that I loved, Read or Die. I should really read the manga and watch the OVA since they're all in a sequence, and not remakes or spin-offs.

The 3 episode OVA is amazing. Even if by itself it'll leave one thinking "What in the world did I just watch?"



I'm sorta liking Bakemonogatari. It's... extremely weird. The constant cuts to title cards and random shifts in what the characters are doing onscreen while they're just talking and such makes it kinda difficult to follow, but it's interesting enough to keep my attention. I'm 8 episodes in and it doesn't seem like it's gonna be an all time favorite, but it's one of the better ones I've watched recently. Much better than Suki-tte Ii na yo. *shudder*

Bakemonogatari became a very big favorite for me, probably due to the music, art, animation, and story?ish thing going on. I loved it.


On a separate note: I realize earlier I was whining about the price of Gurren Lagann and I've been dreading paying that $500+ for the bluray, but then I remembered the show's whole "Do the impossible" or "Make the impossible possible" thing, so I feel a little motivated now to make the impossible (paying the hefty price) possible. YEAH! GURREN LAGANN BLURAY!

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Bakemonogatari became a very big favorite for me, probably due to the music, art, animation, and story?ish thing going on. I loved it.

I do find myself loving the soundtrack. I'll definitely by getting it to listen to, if I can find it. I just got done with episode 12, and there was an amazing piano piece that I absolutely must have.

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For those who have seen Madoka Magica and Gurren Lagann only, I present to you this amusing picture I found:



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I just finished Dog Days, finally. Both first and second season, I enjoyed it. Steve said he didn't like the second season, citing "too boring." I didn't think it was any less interesting than the first season, and I definitely consider myself a "fan" of the series now. :D

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Another one I forgot to mention, I believe. School Rumble. It's a sitcom type deal set in high school that's basically a big love, not triangle but just a fucking mess of relationship problems where anything that can go wrong will go wrong, chock full of misunderstandings leading to some hilarious moments. These two are my particular favourites.




This next one needs a bit of explaining. Harima is in love when Tenma, and he overheard her talking positively about facial hair, so he decided that the only way to win her heart was to grow the most magnificent facial hair known to man. I just wish it had the second part of this deal where he confronts Eri about what happened.



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I've been wanting to watch Dog Days, and I was curious about School Rumble. Dog Days looks like such an adorable show.

I'll have to look into School Rumble at some point too. Youtube doesn't work where I'm at right now.


Heh, you guys saying School Rumble and Dog Days reminded me of School Days. I've only seen parts of School Days, but it was a really.....crazy anime. I'm not saying good. In fact, I've heard that the main character is super hateable and the show has an unexpected ending. But.....it's a famous anime that came to mind due to the previous two mentioned shows names.

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A new anime called Attack On Titan has become a big hit really fast it seems.

It only has like 2 episodes as of this moment, though.

I think it sounds kinda cool.

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