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Looks interesting. I might start watching it. I've been trying to find a good anime to watch for a couple days now anyway.


To fill in the gap while I looked, though, I finally got around to watching the Gurren Lagann movies. Hooooooly shit. They suffered somewhat since they tried to fit 26 episodes' worth of story into 4 hours, but shit gets so cool I can't even fault them for that. Just... Jesus. They were amazing.

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I've been wanting to see the GL movies. I heard that the show suffered being broken up into movies but made up for it by making final fight scenes more epic than before. I recently saw the s.t.a.r.s. Yoko Special Box music video thing. Had very catchy music. Well animated too.

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-is it bad that i just watch it all for free? :)

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Nobody has enough money to buy every anime they want to watch. So no, it's not bad. I myself am too much of a poorfag to buy ANYTHING I watch, though I plan on changing that when I become less poor.

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-is it bad that i just watch it all for free? :-)

Nah, its fine. It's good to try and get the creators money though. Watching anime officially for free is a pretty good way to do this I think, such as by using Hulu or Crunchyroll or, in some cases, TheAnimeNetwork

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Favorite anime is Soul Eater. For second I would say Sword Art Online.

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Judging by the last six pages I'm guessing nobody here has gone through and watched Fist of the North Star/Hokuto no Ken, that's rather disappointing actually. Go watch it right this instant.


As for other stuff I'm into I like Yu Yu Hakusho (re-watching it now actually), Cromartie High School, Cowboy Bebop, Dragon Ball and a couple others I can't name at the moment.

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Judging by the last six pages I'm guessing nobody here has gone through and watched Fist of the North Star/Hokuto no Ken, that's rather disappointing actually. Go watch it right this instant.


I've watched the first ~25 episodes or so, and it was cool, but just not great enough to hold my attention for the 140 or so episodes it had. It may - and likely will - change as you get further into the story, but 25 episodes of Ken doing nothing but making his shirt evaporate and then effortlessly dispatching bad guys starts to get old.

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Favorite anime is Soul Eater. For second I would say Sword Art Online.

Soul Eater is a sweet anime. I've been watching it as it airs on TV. I love its art style and its action. Bones did a good job animating it.

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I've come across a recent anime that I am very interested in watching. It's called 'Unlimited Hyobu Kyosuke'. It's look like an interesting anime, though the main reason I heard of it is from talk and videos of a cameo appearance by a certain internet celebrity by the name of, wait for it... THE NOSTALGIA CRITIC!!! Along with the Angry Video Game Nerd!

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Yeah, I think that one also has cameos from a couple of well-known LoL players, who are even wearing shirts with their team logos on them. Pretty interesting stuff XD

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I've watched the first ~25 episodes or so, and it was cool, but just not great enough to hold my attention for the 140 or so episodes it had. It may - and likely will - change as you get further into the story, but 25 episodes of Ken doing nothing but making his shirt evaporate and then effortlessly dispatching bad guys starts to get old.

It really does get better later, if I ever watch it again I'll make a list of the essential episodes and send it your way. There are too many epic moments that come later on that it would be a shame to miss out on them.


While I'm here has anyone seen Golgo 13 The Professional?

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Favorite anime is Soul Eater. For second I would say Sword Art Online.


SAO should never be second. :c


(I kinda love SAO, if it wasn't clear.)

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Would anyone object if we expanded this to cover manga as well, even animeless manga?

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Would anyone object if we expanded this to cover manga as well, even animeless manga?

I don't object; Go right ahead! :)

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Excellent, then I must ask this question, how many folks here are familiar with Parasyte?

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SAO should never be second. :c


(I kinda love SAO, if it wasn't clear.)


SAO was pretty exceptional for the first few episodes, but then it was only alright till the end of the SAO arc. Once the ALO arc came around, it kinda went to shit IMO. Still had great action scenes, and Kirito's voice actor was pretty phenomenal, but the gratuitous incest-but-not-quite-incest subplot, Asuna spiraling into complete damsel status, and the fact that they still tried to treat in-game death as a huge deal when it wasn't just made the whole thing fall short.




Excellent, then I must ask this question, how many folks here are familiar with Parasyte?


I never had heard of it, but it looks somewhat interesting. I may read it sometime. I haven't read a lot of manga, though. I read the Shaman King one after the I watched the anime, and it was pretty goddamn cool, and I read through quite a bit of the Pokemon manga before I got burnt out on it and then forgot all about it.


Most of the time, the manga that I see that interest me already have anime adaptations, and I prefer watching to reading.

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SAO was pretty exceptional for the first few episodes, but then it was only alright till the end of the SAO arc. Once the ALO arc came around, it kinda went to shit IMO. Still had great action scenes, and Kirito's voice actor was pretty phenomenal, but the gratuitous incest-but-not-quite-incest subplot, Asuna spiraling into complete damsel status, and the fact that they still tried to treat in-game death as a huge deal when it wasn't just made the whole thing fall short.


Shhhhhh, ALO didn't happen.

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A bit of warning with Parasyte, it's a bit more graphic than what most people'd be used to. For those that don't know, alien spores come to Earth and take over hosts on the planet, usually humans, by burrowing into the head and replacing it (as they need the body to survive still). Hell, here's the wikipedia run down of it.


Parasyte centers on an teenaged boy named Shinichi Izumi, who lives with his mother and father in a quiet neighborhood in Tokyo. One night, worm-like aliens called Parasites invade Earth, taking over the brains of human hosts through their ears or noses. One Parasite attempts to crawl into Shinichi's ear while he sleeps, but is stopped by his headphones; it accidentally burrows into one of his hands instead.
In the Japanese version, it takes over his right hand and is named Migi (ミギー?), after the Japanese word for 'right'; Tokyopop's version, in which the images are flipped horizontally, has the Parasite take over Shinichi's left hand and named Lefty.
Because Migi infected Shinichi's hand instead of his brain, both beings retain their separate intellect. This gives them an edge in battling the other Parasites, who frequently attack the pair. Initially other Parasites see them as an aberration that needs to be destroyed, but eventually come to see their pairing as a threat. Shinichi also feels compelled to fight other Parasites, who kill and eat humans for food.


Anyway, it has no qualms about being violent where it needs to be. This isn't to say it's like SAW or something, but when someone gets ripped apart, it doesn't hold back. That being said, it may sound like an Invasion of the Body Snatchers in Japan type deal, but it's much more than that. One thing I loved was it often times made you really think of the Parasytes were truly bad, or if humans were by far worse of a species. It is definitely worth a read if you get the chance, preferably not in a mirrored format.

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I highly recommend it. For me, it was far more interesting than it sounded, very emotional too.

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A bit of warning with Parasyte, it's a bit more graphic than what most people'd be used to. For those that don't know, alien spores come to Earth and take over hosts on the planet, usually humans, by burrowing into the head and replacing it (as they need the body to survive still). Hell, here's the wikipedia run down of it.



Anyway, it has no qualms about being violent where it needs to be. This isn't to say it's like SAW or something, but when someone gets ripped apart, it doesn't hold back. That being said, it may sound like an Invasion of the Body Snatchers in Japan type deal, but it's much more than that. One thing I loved was it often times made you really think of the Parasytes were truly bad, or if humans were by far worse of a species. It is definitely worth a read if you get the chance, preferably not in a mirrored format.

Woah. That sounds really cool! I rarely read manga, but this sounds interesting, so I might make an exception for it. I've been finding a few manga I've been wanting to read. I still want to finish the Durarara!! manga, I want to read Kekkaishi, I want to read The Flowers of Evil, and now this! Thanks for mentioning it! :D

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I just powered through 32 chapters of Parasyte. It's definitely interesting. I'ma stop for the night to give my brain a little bit of time to digest what I read over the past 2 hours, but yeah. If the premise sounds at all interesting to you, then I recommend it as well based on what I've seen so far.


Shhhhhh, ALO didn't happen.


Just like the second half of Death Note.

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I just powered through 32 chapters of Parasyte. It's definitely interesting. I'ma stop for the night to give my brain a little bit of time to digest what I read over the past 2 hours, but yeah. If the premise sounds at all interesting to you, then I recommend it as well based on what I've seen so far.



Just like the second half of Death Note.

I thought the second half was great too! It was

sad that L was not there, and he definitely made the show awesome in some ways, but even without him,

I feel that the second half of Death Note was still strong and still kept the "I move one step ahead of you" "Not so fast, I predicted that" "I'm prepared" *moves ahead of opponent* sort of thing that the second half of Death Note did. Plus, it was a little different, and I'd say that even that new kid that

was a successor to L who's name I can't remember but is probably called N

was pretty cool too. And the ending....the ending was great.

EDIT: *sort of thing that Death Note is known for.

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I utterly despised the

L replacements. They were Near and Mello, and they were both obnoxious fucking twits. I could buy L as this exceptional genius kid, because he actually had a lot of interesting personality quirks and such. He heavily suspected Light of being Kira, but actually managed to build a relationship with him and I felt some mutual respect between them. That's what made their interactions so good. They were worthy foes.


The two replacements were just... bad. They barely had any meaningful interaction with Light, Near was just a bad L knockoff, and Mello was an annoying twat who thought he was way cooler than he actually was. I wish the show had just ended with Light winning over L. Bringing more people into the mix made the conflict feel less personal, and that's where the drama and tension came from in the first place. It would have been a hella ballsy move, and I think it would have been much better.


Of course, it did still have some good moments in the second half. I don't hate it as much as I do the second half of SAO, for example XD


But still. I just lost all investment in the outcome after it was dragged on past where I feel it should have ended.

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