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I just powered through 32 chapters of Parasyte. It's definitely interesting. I'ma stop for the night to give my brain a little bit of time to digest what I read over the past 2 hours, but yeah. If the premise sounds at all interesting to you, then I recommend it as well based on what I've seen so far.


This pleases me. I'd love to have more folks to discuss it with. Glad you enjoyed it.

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Today I discovered an anime movie by Osamu Tezuka called "Bagi: The Monster of Mighty Nature" made in the 1980s. For those of you who don't know, Osamu Tezuka is famous for works like Kimba the White Lion and Astro Boy, and those seem cool to me, and I think this movie looks really really cool. I also found out that it, and the tv show The New Adventures of Kimba the White Lion are both available to watch legally on Viki.


EDIT: I got Fullmetal Alchemist: Conqueror of Shamballa on DVD today. Now I've just got to finish the original FMA....

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I read through the entirety of Franken Fran last night. C: It's so cute. If body horror and nightmare fuel is your thing, anyways.


(It's totally my thing.)

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I read through the entirety of Franken Fran last night. C: It's so cute. If body horror and nightmare fuel is your thing, anyways.


(It's totally my thing.)


I honestly wouldn't of guessed, haha. That being said, from what I've seen of Franken Fran is certainly interesting.

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And then today I finished Parasyte. Maybe I will start reading more manga. That was actually pretty awesome. I felt like, despite all the shit that happened, everything still tied up a bit too neatly, though. For example,

I would have actually kinda liked if Migi had really died there at the end, and Shinichi would have had to carry on his life without his right arm from then on. He still would've been superhuman enough to get by, but there would have been some real lasting impact from the final battle.


I had a couple of other small issues that occurred to me as I read as well. I felt the attempt to

make the parasites sympathetic by talking about how humanity is destroying the planet was kinda wasted. It had potential if they had gone more in depth in the origin of the parasites, which I was quite interested in and thus disappointed when we didn't get 

any exploration on that front. As it ended up, they kinda-sorta vaguely hinted that the parasites might have been sent, or created, or whatever, to cull the humans and keep them from fucking everything up, but no confirmation one way or another and that plot thread sorta just got left hanging. Feel like it was a bit of wasted potential.


In any case, it may not have been the greatest story I ever read, but it was really solid. Good characters, some interesting moral dilemmas that had to be wrestled with, and the body horror and gorn were pretty top notch. I enjoyed it quite a bit.




I read through the entirety of Franken Fran last night. C: It's so cute. If body horror and nightmare fuel is your thing, anyways.


(It's totally my thing.)


Just get done reading a serious, dramatic body horror/nightmare fuel manga, and I already have a recommendation for one on the opposite end of the spectrum. OFF TO READ FRANKEN FRAN I GO!

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Well the thing, if I remember correctly, Xort,


was that the Parasites themselves aren't really aware of anything before they come to Earth. When they emerge from the spores is when they start to actually have thought. Everything before that is just a blank. So the Parasites, the only things that could know what their origin is, have no clue.

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Yeah, that was the case. I didn't mean to imply the lack of a concrete answer wasn't justified, I just get annoyed when a plot thread is introduced and then left hanging, even if they never intended for it to get confirmation. I like to know everything I can about the universe in a work I get into.

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I finished the movie "Bagi: The Monster of Mighty Nature" and I can honestly say that it was a great movie worth watching. A little weird at moments, but forgiveable. The movie is somewhat sad, and it has really cool, though admittedly rather archetypical characters. It's animation can be choppy at times, but its still watchable and I recomend it to anyone wanting to watch a good 80s anime movie. The message it tries to convey about science trying to create new life and the possible consequences it could have was portrayed very well, though its not an idea we haven't seen before. Still, considering this was made in the 80s, one might be able to forgive it for that.


EDIT: Speaking of which, are there any 80s anime that you guys are particularly fond of?

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Aaaand I finished powering through Franken Fran. It was pretty fucking morbid and gruesome at times, I have to say. Still...


Hnnnnnnnnnnnng Veronica. She's so damn adorable <3


I sometimes wished for a normal end to one of the stories, just because it would have been a way to change things up and something resolving itself normally would have actually been quite a twist XD. Still, very cute, when it wasn't being utterly disgusting. And even sometimes when it was.


Dammit you guys. I already have enough trouble making progress on my list of anime. Now I might have to start adding manga to the list as well.

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She was indeed good, too. That's why I especially liked the chapter where Veronica and Adorea got sent off to school for the month. Although, the end of that chapter did make me very sad.

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I particularly liked the chapter where we meet Adorea. It kinda feels like her ability is played for laughs the first time she uses it, but at the same time it's so very... body-horror. Haha.

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A bit of warning with Parasyte, it's a bit more graphic than what most people'd be used to. For those that don't know, alien spores come to Earth and take over hosts on the planet, usually humans, by burrowing into the head and replacing it (as they need the body to survive still). Hell, here's the wikipedia run down of it.



Anyway, it has no qualms about being violent where it needs to be. This isn't to say it's like SAW or something, but when someone gets ripped apart, it doesn't hold back. That being said, it may sound like an Invasion of the Body Snatchers in Japan type deal, but it's much more than that. One thing I loved was it often times made you really think of the Parasytes were truly bad, or if humans were by far worse of a species. It is definitely worth a read if you get the chance, preferably not in a mirrored format.

Oh boy, I remember that manga. I came across it at a local Border's book store a couple years ago. I read through about half of the first volume of it. It was definitely gruesome, and for some reason I got physically lightheaded while reading it. Though this was probably because I was standing up the entire time.

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I am buying Durarara!! Bluray Collection Lunchbox Limited Edition on Monday! Finally, I'll own Durarara!! on Bluray!

I started watching Afro Samurai, and it has amazingly unique and stylish art and great animation! The dub is also amazing, though some of the voice acting doesn't fit the mouth movements. So far I enjoy it! It's story is really simple though.

In other news, IGPX premieres on Toonami tonight!


Also, while not anime, I got the game Solatorobo: Red the Hunter today, which has anime style cutscenes animated by the same people who animated Death Note.


Here's a picture of what I bought:


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Oh my god, all that Durarara swag


Slap me on bread with some peanut butter, because I am fucking jelly

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Oh my god, all that Durarara swag


Slap me on bread with some peanut butter, because I am fucking jelly

I know right? It's pretty cool, and I'm glad to be getting it, but its really pricy. 150 dollars. And I was told that the parts where Celty uses her phone to talk in the dub don't show subtitles for what she is saying on her phone. So except for the parts where they use voice actors for her to speak, no one will know what she is saying in the dub. Still, its a minor problem, and overall this set was really cool. I was originally going to buy the DVDs instead of the bluray, but after watching the movie Summer Wars on a widescreen television, I finally noticed how bad some DVDs look on widescreen tvs.

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This surprised me. V


Although I never played the game, I found this entertaining to say the least.

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So, I finally got around to watching FLCL. I...


I mean, it was...


I just can't quite...




It was pretty awesome, yeah. Funny, too, and set in a pretty interesting world. But I don't even know WHERE to begin trying to comprehend this insanity. How does getting smacked in the face with a guitar replace your brain with an interdimensional portal? Why does said guitar have an engine? HOW DOES SAID GUITAR DOUBLE AS A FLYING SURFBOARD AND A GUN?


I think I'm going to have to watch this series again if I want to even begin to understand what the hell happened. Multiple times. If it's even POSSIBLE to understand what happened.

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Watch it again, but don't expect to understand it. That being said, for a fun little mindfuck, Avatar: The Last Airbender was based a little on FLCL to the point that the head guy of it all made all the animators and such go out and buy FLCL so they know what to do.

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Finally started watching Baccano, which was created by the same people who made Durarara!! It's a pretty awesome show, and I love the fact that in the dub the characters have accents. It's a show that about immortal gangsters in 1930s America. It's really fun, and really violent.

So, I finally got around to watching FLCL. I...


I mean, it was...


I just can't quite...




It was pretty awesome, yeah. Funny, too, and set in a pretty interesting world. But I don't even know WHERE to begin trying to comprehend this insanity. How does getting smacked in the face with a guitar replace your brain with an interdimensional portal? Why does said guitar have an engine? HOW DOES SAID GUITAR DOUBLE AS A FLYING SURFBOARD AND A GUN?


I think I'm going to have to watch this series again if I want to even begin to understand what the hell happened. Multiple times. If it's even POSSIBLE to understand what happened.

Oh wow. You finally watched it. My take on FLCL is this:

a coming of age story about a kid named Naota who gets attacked by an alien named Haruko Haruhara in the hopes of her finding the pirate king. By hitting Naota in the head, objects from medical mechanica are now able to come out of his head. Haruko hopes that by doing this she'll be able to help Naota release the pirate king who I believe was captured by medical mechanica. Also, medical mechanica will do anything to get what it wants, and when it realizes that people on Earth are being used to try and release the pirate king, they decide to attempt to destroy the planet and make everyone on it mindless by "straightening the planet". Thus is why the factory was there. In the end Naota had to toughen up and beat medical mechanica and unleash the pirate king, whom of which apparently Haruko was in love with.


Hope that helps. I'm pretty sure I got some info wrong there. But this might help. I think I've been told that

nothing that is alive can come from medical mechanica, which is why only machines and stuff come out of Naota's head or something, but I'm not sure.


@Snes1993: Would you recomend watching Dante's Inferno?

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@Snes1993: Would you recomend watching Dante's Inferno?


Yes, but be prepared for disturbing imagery and tons of gore and blood. Dante is travel into the Nine Rings of Hell after all.


The different anime styled animations flow wonderfully as Dante gets closer to his ultimate goal, the rescuing of his beloved and a showdown with Lucifer. The story is much deeper than I expected, being both a mortality tale and epic.


I give it 8/10.

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I recently came across an anime based off of one of my childhood video game heroes, Bomberman. I believe it's called Bomberman Jetterz. I was completely unaware that the anime existed until I watched an episode of Death Battle on youtube. Afterwards I watched a couple episodes. It's pretty cool looking with great characters (mainly Birdy and Shout), fun stories, silly moments, but it's very hard for me to take any emotional moments very seriously when they involve the Bomberpeople.

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I just started watching Gurren Lagann. I don't have much to say on it so far having only seen the first episode, but I'm really liking the art style.


Also, I started reading the manga 'Tsubasa'. So far it's been great. At the time I'm impatiently waiting the arrival of the next issue. xD

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I just started watching Gurren Lagann. I don't have much to say on it so far having only seen the first episode, but I'm really liking the art style.


Also, I started reading the manga 'Tsubasa'. So far it's been great. At the time I'm impatiently waiting the arrival of the next issue. xD

I hope you love Gurren Lagann.

I have seen it so many times, and I still consider it to be the greatest anime ever.

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