WOLFjr Posted May 12, 2013 Share Posted May 12, 2013 Hi, I love Dog Days! Watched the first season twice already and right now I'm watching the second season for the second time, too. And season three is already confirmed for this summer It is indeed very fun! The characters are very very cute and amiable, I just love all of them! Especially Rico and Yuki (my avatar^^), but Noir and the Princess are really nice, too! Just can't get enough of them. A total moe-overkill! You're making me more excited to watch this particular anime. Sadly, the one site I watched the first episode on wasn't very good. I'd like to try and get a DVD set of the first two seasons so I can watch them on my tv. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sarita Posted May 12, 2013 Share Posted May 12, 2013 Dog Days is available to watch with a free Crunchyroll account. I mentioned a few pages back that I finished it recently and that's what I watched on. It's completely overloaded with moe, and I loved it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thomas Draco Posted May 12, 2013 Share Posted May 12, 2013 Congratulations, you completely misunderstood my point and what I was saying, and put a lot of words I didn't say in my mouth in the process.How so? I read your entire post and answered to it. Actually, I very much have a place to say that and find it very easy to. It's called "my opinion."See, despite all this, at no point did I want to hang any of Wing's characters from the neck with an exposed electrical wire and run 10,000 volts through it until there was nothing left but ash, soot, and a foul smell permeating the air. The same could not be said for Amuro.Great, you have an opinion, doesn't mean I can't argue against it.And pffffft, my word you're really that worked up over Amuro? Do you know how enjoyable it is to be watching a series where the protagonist is someone you can't relate to, feel for, and/or root for? What flaws the Wing characters had, they didn't detract from the experience, unlike Amuro. If Amuro were the villain, however, things would be different and that would get an applause from me for great villaining simply because if you can get me to outright hate a villain, then good show, old beans. But he's not, he's the good guy you're supposed to root for and Zeon are the baddies you're supposed to hateYes, I watched Evangelion from start to end and enjoyed it, even if Shinji was an awful excuse for a character who was thrown in just to try to show how mentally unstable people are.And are you serious? Constant plot armor abuse and goal changing detracted a lot from the experience with the Wing boys. However I did like Wing's characters, and some of the Wing boys were tolerable.A villain doesn't have to be hated in order to be a good villian. Hell, Wing has this in the form of Trieze Khushrenda, who was one of the antagonists, but he had a very strong moral belief and was a charismatic leader. He's was one of my favorite Wing characters, and I liked him, but he was still an antagonist.And it's obvious you're missing one of the biggest points in the entire Gundam metaseries: How the battles between factions aren't usually black and white. Zeon is fighting for spacenoid independece, which is a vaild cause, however their methods for fighting that war, and the fact that the Zabi family (who supposibly murdered the namesake of Zeon, Zeon Zum Deikun) wanted more than just independence and they wanted the Earth sphere for themselves, means Zeon is in that moral grey area. Even the Earth Federation isn't immune to the moral grey area, as the suffered from political idiocy, which basically left the Federation defenseless as the Zeon decided to attack. The point is you're not supposed to root for any side, but only for individual characters. but it's the opposite for me. I hate the Earth Federation, and root for the snazzy lookin' oppressed space nazisGreat, I do too, and if you watched Zeta, ZZ, CCA, Unicorn, F91 and further on you would see why.They aren't really oppressed. If they were so oppressed we wouldn't see those galas high ranking officers and political figures attend, or we would see the slums within the colonies, instead of slums on Earth. with the usually snazzy lookin' mechs.I won't argue that. That's all well in good, except that it has nothing to do with my point. The majority of my point was to point out your stating opinion as fact, you should stop that, because while there's no official rules on it, it tends to be an assholeish thing to do, annoying, and causes trouble that can be avoided by going the extra few words it takes to make the transition from being stated as fact to opinion. And the post I'm talking about is as follows).I'll say what I want if I want to say it, full well knowing it makes me look like an asshole, because I don't give a damn as long as I'm not breaking rules. Anyways, my point was that the original Gundam was far from realistic. Your statement that Evangelion isn't realistic, doesn't take itself seriously, and isn't a good show is loaded and pure opinion.Considering it set up the surge of the "real robot" genre, and was more realistic than other shows of the era, it's pretty realistic, but it's not perfectly realistic. It's way more realistic than Evangelion though. Also:A. How is saying the show about giant cyborgs powered by the souls of dead people, and people using those cyborgs to ascend themselves to godhood, isn't realistic an opinion?B. And great, the rest of my post was an opinion, but what's your point? It may not be to you, but there's people out there, I imagine a lot given how popular Evangelion tends to be, that would disagree. But neither of you'd be right or wrong as one end of the spectrum to the other doesn't matter when it's all subjective.Then why do you care if I share my opinion on it? Except that they're not the same. About every aspect of it is different, the characters, setting, story.And this is where I disagree because the whole intention of Wing was to be a modern retelling of the 1979 series, and it basically is.-Colonies want to wage war against Earth-We get a masked blonde looker who pilots a custom mobile suit and has royal lineage-the fact that the same UC terminology and tech is alluded to in the show multiple times (the blueprints of the Sandrock, Mercurius, and Vayate have UC terms like Minovsky generator and ALICE system)They just took it and spun it differently because they changed directors about 1/3rd into the show. But if we're talking just straight watching the series, games and later stories in the same universe not included and all, yeah, lead enema is a good analogy for it, no enjoyment was had that ever.And that's your opinion. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WOLFjr Posted May 12, 2013 Share Posted May 12, 2013 Dog Days is available to watch with a free Crunchyroll account. I mentioned a few pages back that I finished it recently and that's what I watched on. It's completely overloaded with moe, and I loved it. Problem with that is that Crunchyroll doesn't offer free accounts. If offers a 14 day free trial of their premium membership, but no free accounts. EDIT: Nevermind. I'm too much of an idiot to not press the log in button. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TrishaCat Posted May 12, 2013 Author Share Posted May 12, 2013 I kinda want to watch Dog Days myself. I get the vibe that its a slice of life anime though, and I don't really feel like a slice of life anime lately. Forgive me if I'm wrong though. I don't know much about it, though it does look good. Have any of you watched Attack On Titan yet? I want someone to talk about how awesome it is with. Also, I started watching Gargantia On The Vertuous Planet, another new anime, and its pretty good too! I like the characters a lot in it, and it seems like a very fun show. Though the first half of the first episode sounded like just a lot of techno babble, where nearly everything people said was incoherent because they kept using scientificy important sounding terms. Also, if it means anything, it has mecha in it, though I'm not sure as of yet that its a mecha anime. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vy'drach Posted May 13, 2013 Share Posted May 13, 2013 Once again, you're missing points. How so? I read your entire post and answered to it. You can read and answer it all you want but if you're addressing points that weren't made from things I didn't say, you're clearly misunderstanding it. Great, you have an opinion, doesn't mean I can't argue against it. And at what point did I say you couldn't? Seriously man, do you even English comprehension? I didn't say not to have an opposing opinion. I said to stop stating subjective opinion as objective fact. It makes you out like a belligerent ass with no respect for others, and causes problems. This can easily be rectified by adding only a couple words like "I think, to me, I feel" etc. etc.. That's the issue right there. Keep in mind I'm not a fan of Evangelion, either, it's just what you're doing. And are you serious? Constant plot armor abuse and goal changing detracted a lot from the experience with the Wing boys. However I did like Wing's characters, and some of the Wing boys were tolerable. To you, perhaps, but to me it didn't, leading to Wing being the exponentially more enjoyable show. Not saying my take on it is right, didn't ever, just that my take is my take. A villain doesn't have to be hated in order to be a good villian. Hell, Wing has this in the form of Trieze Khushrenda, who was one of the antagonists, but he had a very strong moral belief and was a charismatic leader. He's was one of my favorite Wing characters, and I liked him, but he was still an antagonist. Here's your English comprehension problem again, at what point did I say that a villain had to be hated? Oh right, once again, that's something I did not say. It is, however, acceptable for a villain to be that despised. I didn't say it was the only way a villain should or could be, just that if a villain made you hate him that much, well done. And it's obvious you're missing one of the biggest points in the entire Gundam metaseries: How the battles between factions aren't usually black and white. Zeon is fighting for spacenoid independece, which is a vaild cause, however their methods for fighting that war, and the fact that the Zabi family (who supposibly murdered the namesake of Zeon, Zeon Zum Deikun) wanted more than just independence and they wanted the Earth sphere for themselves, means Zeon is in that moral grey area. Even the Earth Federation isn't immune to the moral grey area, as the suffered from political idiocy, which basically left the Federation defenseless as the Zeon decided to attack. The point is you're not supposed to root for any side, but only for individual characters Ultimately, however, you are supposed to be more on the side of Amuro and the Earth Federation. Not saying it's so clearly black and white, and there's no Zeon you can root for, but Amuro and the Earth Federation are the protagonists, ultimately you should want them to succeed over Zeon. I, however, can not root for the protagonists, I can not empathize with them. I want them completely and utterly decimated. That makes the show very unenjoyable for me. I'll say what I want if I want to say it, full well knowing it makes me look like an asshole, because I don't give a damn as long as I'm not breaking rules. Ahh but here's the fun part, Bucky Boy, if and when trouble does arise because of it, you will have been breaking the rules. Let's take a look at two of those rules now, shall we? 1. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Insults, flamebait, trolling, linking to shock sites, and racism/sexism/etc. are not allowed. Please post in a friendly manner. Do not use ad hominem argument in debates. Please note that mild profanity is allowed so long as it is not used in excess or insult. 16. Any behavior or post deemed by the staff to be inappropriate or against the best interest of the community may be subject to action, up to and including post deletion and permanent ban, even if it is not explicitly in violation of these rules. However, posting opinion as objective fact in short, blunt sentences directly opposing other's opinions is hardly friendly posting. This is what I picture every time I see it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqs9DYisSsg Because while they weren't talking about opinion in the video, posting something as objective truth basically says, "This is how it is, the only way it's ever been, no ifs, ands, or buts about it, anyone who doesn't think so is stupid." It makes you look like an ass and is so easily avoided by three extra words, but not doing that shows a complete disrespect and disregard, and I'm telling you to stop it. Considering it set up the surge of the "real robot" genre, and was more realistic than other shows of the era, it's pretty realistic, but it's not perfectly realistic. It's way more realistic than Evangelion though. Also: A. How is saying the show about giant cyborgs powered by the souls of dead people, and people using those cyborgs to ascend themselves to godhood, isn't realistic an opinion? B. And great, the rest of my post was an opinion, but what's your point? A: It was less about how Evangelion isn't realistic is an opinion and more about how saying Gundam is, is. The thing about realism is there's no set scale or way of measuring it. There is no black-white, yes-no, on-off, 1-0 about it. It is one heaping ball of grey area. It can be measured via overall realism, or perhaps a type of pro's vs. con's type deal except it's realistic vs. unrealistic, and who knows what other ways of going about measuring it people can come up with. The point is what is and isn't realistic is subjective, and thus is opinion. It may be a hugely popular opinion, but at the end of the day, it's still subjective. B: My point was that you're not stating it as opinion. Then why do you care if I share my opinion on it? I don't care if you share it, in fact I encourage it, but I do care how you do it and posting completely contradictory one sentence opinions in an objective manner like a belligerent ass is not how you do it. And this is where I disagree because the whole intention of Wing was to be a modern retelling of the 1979 series, and it basically is. -Colonies want to wage war against Earth -We get a masked blonde looker who pilots a custom mobile suit and has royal lineage -the fact that the same UC terminology and tech is alluded to in the show multiple times (the blueprints of the Sandrock, Mercurius, and Vayate have UC terms like Minovsky generator and ALICE system) They just took it and spun it differently because they changed directors about 1/3rd into the show. Parallel basic plot structure, tribute or stand-in characters banking off the popularity of one before, and terminology hardly make the shows the same. It may be overall parallel but that hardly makes it the same. Characters, story, events, and all that are different, and that's the actual meat of the show. Now then, I will not be continuing this argument about courteous posting, you have been told. But discussion of the shows is still fine. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WOLFjr Posted May 13, 2013 Share Posted May 13, 2013 Just went through the first 5 episodes of season 1 of Dog Days, and I'm thoroughly enjoying. The animation is great, the main characters are likeable, and the story is very fun and engaging. The fact that wars and battles in the show are treated as competitive sports is definitely a fun idea. The fact that it's taken very seriously but still accepted as fun sporting event makes it very engaging. I would definitely love to live in this world. I'm looking forward to watching the rest of season 1, all of season 2, and season 3 when it gets released. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sarita Posted May 14, 2013 Share Posted May 14, 2013 I'm starting to make my way through Fate/Zero. I'm not sure if I'm gonna like it yet, but so far I have no complaints. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xortberg Posted May 14, 2013 Share Posted May 14, 2013 I've been wanting to watch it for a long while now, but I only recently started because the English dub is airing. Soooo many voices that I love. Jamieson Price hamming it up as Rider is the highlight so far, though XD Going off of what I've seen so far, it's already far superior to Fate/Stay Night, and I liked that one pretty well. I have high hopes for it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TrishaCat Posted May 14, 2013 Author Share Posted May 14, 2013 Out of the new anime me and a friend started watching Flowers of Evil, and I really don't like it. The art looks kind of ugly, the music is nearly nonexistent in show and the ending theme is awful, the characters consist of a sadist being portrayed to be more like someone in real life and a really perverted guy who thinks he is better than everyone else because he reads books on philosophy, and its just overall really weird. I have to admit it kind of disapointed me when a friend told me he liked it and that he had nearly no interest in Attack On Titan. I was hoping to have found someone to obsess over the show with. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WOLFjr Posted May 14, 2013 Share Posted May 14, 2013 If we're now hopping to the subject f our least favorite animes, then I have one that I'd like to mention. It's known as Kekkaishi. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TrishaCat Posted May 14, 2013 Author Share Posted May 14, 2013 I was more just looking for a place to rant, plus I'm talking about the new anime this season. But that's fine. I actually loved Kekkaishi and thought that it was underrated and didn't get as much good reception as it deserved. I loved the similarities to Edward Elric that Yoshimori was, and I loved that most of the anime took place at night that it mostly took place at the same location. I found the fighting unique, as the idea of using boxes as weapons and the other clever ways boxes can be used in and outside of combat was cool to me. I even liked the sort of siege story that it had, and I loved the other characters too. Though I can understand why people might not like it. Also, this is what The Flowers of Evil looks like: Admittedly this picture doesn't look half bad, but I was unable to find pictures depicting how ugly looking the show can be. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WOLFjr Posted May 15, 2013 Share Posted May 15, 2013 I was more just looking for a place to rant, plus I'm talking about the new anime this season. But that's fine. I actually loved Kekkaishi and thought that it was underrated and didn't get as much good reception as it deserved. I loved the similarities to Edward Elric that Yoshimori was, and I loved that most of the anime took place at night that it mostly took place at the same location. I found the fighting unique, as the idea of using boxes as weapons and the other clever ways boxes can be used in and outside of combat was cool to me. I even liked the sort of siege story that it had, and I loved the other characters too. Though I can understand why people might not like it. Yeah for me it was the characters that I hated most about Kekkaishi. I hated that Yoshimori was constantly trying to impress a girl who saw him as nothing more than an idiot. And the girl, Tokine, was a total perfectionist who in my opinion looked down on anyone who doesn't do things the right way. I'll admit that there were a few episodes that were enjoyable, but the rest of the show was just horrible to me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sarita Posted May 15, 2013 Share Posted May 15, 2013 I've been wanting to watch it for a long while now, but I only recently started because the English dub is airing. Soooo many voices that I love. Jamieson Price hamming it up as Rider is the highlight so far, though XD Going off of what I've seen so far, it's already far superior to Fate/Stay Night, and I liked that one pretty well. I have high hopes for it. I love Rider so far, bahahaha~! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xortberg Posted May 15, 2013 Share Posted May 15, 2013 If we're now hopping to the subject f our least favorite animes, then I have one that I'd like to mention. It's known as Kekkaishi. Oh, we wanna talk about our least favorite anime now? Zero no Tsukaima, hands down. I only liked the first season because Cristina Vee was in the English dub and I got to hear her indignantly refuse to put on panties and even she didn't really save the show. But, even though the first season wasn't that great, I liked the world they were building, and it looked for a moment near the end that the characters might actually develop and mature. Then came season 2, without even an English dub so I could listen to Ms Vee, and instead of developing, the characters actually fucking developed backwards. Characters who before, while never being exemplary models of originality, at least had some degree of personality and depth suddenly got either shooed out of the picture to make way for replacements (who, in one case, actually looked almost identical to the character he was brought in to replace) or were demoted to one-dimensional, cock-hungry fuel for our main character's "unwanted" harem. The dynamic between our main characters as their "romance" developed went back and forth from Saito, the guy, saying "Oh Louise, I love you so!" to him blatantly comparing her breast size to other girls, and Louise alternating between saying she trusts Saito and almost managing to say she loves him to her completely misreading a situation, not giving him a chance to explain what's going on, and attacking him with explosive magic. Now, I'm not much of a snob when it comes to anime. In fact, while I do have standards for what I like, they're pretty forgiving as long as there's SOMETHING in your show I can enjoy. And hell, like I said, I liked the world they were building and even kinda-sorta saw potential for the characters in the long haul, if they didn't fuck everything up. Then, they went and fucked everything up. So yeah. Zero no Tsukaima is one of the few anime I can actually tell you I dislike, rather than giving it a pass as just not being my cup of tea. I despise it. I loathe it. I want it purged from existence. It is, as Vydrach so aptly said in a post earlier, comparable to having a molten lead enema. I love Rider so far, bahahaha~! Unfortunately, his master is a whiny little prick. He deserves much better. I can't wait to actually see him in action. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WOLFjr Posted May 16, 2013 Share Posted May 16, 2013 I just finished season 1 of Dog Days and now starting season 2. Just two episodes in and already they start it with a bang. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TrishaCat Posted May 18, 2013 Author Share Posted May 18, 2013 Bought Tenchi Muyo: Tenchi Universe and Inuyasha season one. Seems that Tenchi Universe is one of the good ones. Also started watching Sword Art Online. Episode 1 was great but episode 2 had so many problems. Them taking video games seriously is so funny to me. Plus lines where they say "He's a beta tester and he's a cheater! He's a beater!" are just plain silly to me. Watched the first two episodes of Boogiepop Phantom. I liked it but it left a "What in the world did I just watch?!" sort of impression. Attack On Titan is still epic. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xortberg Posted May 18, 2013 Share Posted May 18, 2013 The first half of SAO is fairly good. Like, I really liked the first 2 or 3 episodes. I thought they were fucking great, even if some of the moments were a little goofy. Then, the rest of the first half is, while not without its flaws, pretty enjoyable. Taking the game so seriously didn't seem silly at all to me, considering the stakes. Just... don't expect much out of the second half of the show. The action is still pretty to watch, but they dropped the ball hard after the halfway point XD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TrishaCat Posted May 18, 2013 Author Share Posted May 18, 2013 The first half of SAO is fairly good. Like, I really liked the first 2 or 3 episodes. I thought they were fucking great, even if some of the moments were a little goofy. Then, the rest of the first half is, while not without its flaws, pretty enjoyable. Taking the game so seriously didn't seem silly at all to me, considering the stakes. Just... don't expect much out of the second half of the show. The action is still pretty to watch, but they dropped the ball hard after the halfway point XD I've heard that the second half is horrible. I heard that they switch games. I've enjoyed the show somewhat so far, so no worries. Even the action seems kind of off to me though. It's hard any of the attacks actually hitting the opponents. Plus the time skip along with other things made episode 2 feel more like I had jumped in randomly at around episode 11 or something. It felt out of place to me. I can forgive the taking the game seriously thing though, because as you said, the stakes are high. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vy'drach Posted May 18, 2013 Share Posted May 18, 2013 Know what I miss? Zoids. Not the one where it was a war, but where it was a big demolition derby type deal. I need to get around to seeing that again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TrishaCat Posted May 18, 2013 Author Share Posted May 18, 2013 Did anyone know that Bobobobobobobo???? has apparently gotten a DVD release? As well as Digimon? Know what I miss? Zoids. Not the one where it was a war, but where it was a big demolition derby type deal. I need to get around to seeing that again. I've never seen Zoids. I'd love to though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xortberg Posted May 21, 2013 Share Posted May 21, 2013 So everyone's posts gushing about how much they loved Dog Days convinced me to go start watching it. I powered through 5 episodes tonight, and oh my god I love it so much already. It's just so full of adorable little animal people and it's so ridiculously over the top and I can't stop smiling at all while I watch it. Yes. Also, I love that our main character fights with a staff. It's always a sword in these fantasy anime. We need more staff people, dammit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TrishaCat Posted May 21, 2013 Author Share Posted May 21, 2013 I might just start watching Dog Days now.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
conaly Posted May 22, 2013 Share Posted May 22, 2013 Hi,I might just start watching Dog Days now....Do it! As I said already a few times: Dog Days is great! If you like cute characters, you can't do anything but fall in love with all of them I am currently watching the second season of To Aru Kagaku no Railgun. Actually it is more a prequel than a sequel so far, but I like it anyway. Misaka is one of the cooles characters ever! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xortberg Posted May 22, 2013 Share Posted May 22, 2013 I just watched season 1 of Index, and then Railgun. I felt they fell short of what they could have been, but I do like the city and the characters, so it's still a really enjoyable experience. I'm watching Dog Days because I wanted to take a break before continuing the Index/Railgun marathon, actually XD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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