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My Little Pony Thread


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u doubt the apple, fine oc'd sir?


Greatly, my dear fellow.  It has no power compared to that of the partying of hardy.




Wow, I should feel right at home in this topic. ^^ (


Tis why it exists :3

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Has anyone else head that a new album of MLP was released on iTunes? It seems pretty recent, since it has Apples to the Core on it, and that's not such an old episode. ^^

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Only thing I bought was a Rainbow Dash energy drink and a Discord picture signed by John De Lancie. I don't do MLP music much.

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I listen to too much of it both fandom and in-show. I guess I could buy a few official iTunes releases for support and all.



Rainbow Dash energy drink


u drink it?

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I listen to too much of it both fandom and in-show. I guess I could buy a few official iTunes releases for support and all.




u drink it?



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What a response. ^^


Might I ask who everyone's favorite pony is? If it's Twilight Sparkle, then we just became friends! ^^ (

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Yeah Twilight is pretty much best pony imo, but Rarity is so close to being best pony. I love me some Rarity almost as much as I love me some Twilight.

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Yeah Twilight is pretty much best pony imo, but Rarity is so close to being best pony. I love me some Rarity almost as much as I love me some Twilight.


Oh my glob, your avatar is SO adorable! ^^


Rarity has tried to tackle Twilight Sparkle many times in my mind for the position of best pony, but never has she succeed! ^^

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I love almost all pony equally, for different reasons. And this includes background characters and what not was well. I only dislike Silver Spoon and Sapphire Shores. Otherwise, all pony is best pony.

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I only dislike Silver Spoon and Sapphire Shores.


So what about Diamond Tiara? I mean, she made fun of Scoots not being able to fly, that's a pretty low blow, you know. (Woah, I rhymed)

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Spoon too easily fits the role of people pleaser.


-=engage prodding=-

 Otherwise, all pony is best pony.

Translation: Fluttershy

-=prodding disengaged=-


Of the Mane6 Applejack makes me most habby inside. I do like Applejack a lot but don't admit it. Outside of Mane6 Gilda is best pony. People speculate whether I like G for the gryphon she is in the show or the griffon she is in my head when really it is both griffins. When I watched that ep, my brain had it that she'd be a staple part of the show. Should she return, I'd would be interested in either the <airquote>bully</airquote> or a reformed greffen narrative.


Did not like Trenderhoof*sp doe

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I do like Rarity a lot but don't admit it.



Pinkie Pie is by far the best to me as I can relate to her manic happiness teetering on the edge of depression all the time. The rest of the cast is fantastic as well, with my head canon Vinyl Scratch coming in at a close number 2.


But Spike can go pout in his room or something. I do not understand liking him at all.

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So what about Diamond Tiara? I mean, she made fun of Scoots not being able to fly, that's a pretty low blow, you know. (Woah, I rhymed)


I used to not like her then Egophiliac happened with her "Slice of Pony Life" tumblr which has given me so much headcanon. Basically she was annoying as a filly, but grew up to be alright.




Also, the reason for Bon-Bon having different voices and personalities through the show is the Bon family has identical mares with different personalities, Bonnie, Bombe, Bon Suite, Bonelle, Bon-Bond, Bonita, Sweetie Drops, and Bon-Bon. 



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I used to not like her then Egophiliac happened with her "Slice of Pony Life" tumblr which has given me so much headcanon. Basically she was annoying as a filly, but grew up to be alright.


That's an interesting theory, but making fun of Scoots not flying is below the belt, know what I mean?


Come on, it's Scoots! Best CMC only because Twilight isn't a CMC. xD

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Luna is best pony.


​All arguments are now invalid. 


I'm right your wrong haha screw you Luna.

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We don't really need anymore Flash, lol. Maybe in the new Equestria Girls movie Rainbow Rocks, but as far as anything else, please re-watch the video posted.


Something funny I'd like to mention, Meghan McCarthy actually Tweeted that Flash wouldn't be in Season 4. But remember in the episode "Three's a Crowd"? Next time you're watching the episode, take a look at the guards, one of them is Flash.


Why do you troll us so, Meghan? Why?

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We don't really need anymore Flash, lol. Maybe in the new Equestria Girls movie Rainbow Rocks, but as far as anything else, please re-watch the video posted.


Something funny I'd like to mention, Meghan McCarthy actually Tweeted that Flash wouldn't be in Season 4. But remember in the episode "Three's a Crowd"? Next time you're watching the episode, take a look at the guards, one of them is Flash.


Why do you troll us so, Meghan? Why?

I was more offended by some other pony.



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I wasn't necessarily offended, just very very surprised. After Meghan did say herself that Flash wouldn't appear in Season 4. It's only a sensible reaction to be surprised.

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I wasn't necessarily offended, just very very surprised. After Meghan did say herself that Flash wouldn't appear in Season 4. It's only a sensible reaction to be surprised.


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Who knows for sure? Maybe it wasn't her, and the animators just thought it would be funny to put Flash in the episode to see how fans would react.

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