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My Little Pony Thread


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Anyone from SFO going to BronyCon? 


I'll be going as well as with some others from Pony Fortress 2.   Hit me up on Steam or Skype, we have a lot to catch up on. :)

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If I were to go, it would be to meet the one who drew this cute little image of Fluttershy.


Funny story:
I woke up this morning and checked my DA messages to find this staring back at me.
Needless to say, I didn't feel like going back to sleep.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Owner/Technical Admin

That scared me. Never want to see that again. Gah.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I just watched the EqG movie as of now with a friend named Punchy. We talked through this whole movie.

And my face when...


Why am I watching this? Celestia was a total bitch. Luna is sister and Vice Principal? Weird Business... Granny Smith is old and fat. Twilight has no classes and hasn't been thrown out. HOLYSWEETBLACKJESUS THESEHUMANSARECREEPINGMEOUT. 


Rainbow Dash human my god... My god.





Punchy: no that's it i'm done

High Executor: 'EPIC FAIL"

High Executor: "Totally funny"

High Executor: My sides.

Punchy: OH MY GOD
Punchy: MY SIDES
High Executor: Rainbow and Rarity.
High Executor: Sweet suger
High Executor: Chill as iced tea
High Executor: hot as mexico
High Executor: FLASH
High Executor: SENTRIES
High Executor: SHIET
Punchy: .-.
Punchy: I
High Executor: Oh shit
Punchy: I'll be right back
High Executor: His name IS "Flash Sentry"
High Executor: The fuck
Punchy: o-oh
Punchy: ohhhhhhhhhhhhh
High Executor: I'm watching a High fucking school musical
High Executor: the fuck
High Executor: FLASH SENTRY
High Executor: SUCH A WHITE BOY-Vinyl Gangnam style?
High Executor: Punchy
High Executor: Stay calm
High Executor: and
High Executor: Just hold on
High Executor: '>
Punchy: ...izzat...
Punchy: izzat... luna...?
High Executor: Sunset Shimmer has anger management
High Executor: FUCK
High Executor: Sunset
High Executor: is a fucking h**
High Executor: sl**
High Executor: D-D-D-D-EMON
High Executor: I've seen some shit
High Executor: Zombies
High Executor: What a twist
Punchy: hahaha what
High Executor: Sunset -> Demon -> Zumbies -> FUCKING MISSILES
Punchy: >_>
High Executor: THE HONEST FUCK
High Executor: This whole movie
High Executor: set in two days
High Executor: SUN SET KILL
High Executor: SUN SET KILL
High Executor: YES
High Executor: SHIT
High Executor: SYMPATHY
High Executor: NO
High Executor: KILL HER
High Executor: GETS NO SHIT
High Executor: 1000 LIFE SENTENCES
High Executor: NOPE
High Executor: THE FUCK IS WRONG
That's my basic oppinion.
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Also, is it just me or does Cheerilie want to snap Twilight's neck in that library?



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Welp, just ordered me some of the comics, including some of the rare ones. It cost me a lot of money but I used birthday money/leeway combination, and the covers on some of those comics (this is what made it difficult to get the comics is certains retailers had different covers, some issues having over 10 different options), are just pure art worthy.


I mean look at this one, this is probably my favourite because the cover itself tells a bloody story.






And while I couldn't get this cover variant, I must have it one day.




Kinda small, I know, unfortunately but just look at it, ye olde Boston style gang spiders, complete with the fancy hair, bowler hat, striped shirt, and muscular fore...legs, I reckon, and the expressions the Mane Six has. I mean Rarity outright looks like she shut down mentally, as does Pinkie.

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So is that first comic actually the story of how Big Mac marries a retired Wonderbolt and has babies, or is that just the cover? Because holy shit it feels like my TwiMac ship is sinking and by god I'll go down with the ship if I must XD

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This hasn't been posted here has it? If so, enjoy it again.



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So is that first comic actually the story of how Big Mac marries a retired Wonderbolt and has babies, or is that just the cover? Because holy shit it feels like my TwiMac ship is sinking and by god I'll go down with the ship if I must XD


I do not know. That issue definitely seems to be Big Mac focused as apart from the special Comic Con covers and the Hot Topic one (And Hot Topic covers don't have anything to do with the story, they're just awesome nods to the fandom but are standalone), they all deal with Big Mac. The combination Larry's World/Jetpack Comics covers (each issue they each make one that is one larger image split in half that getting both comics and putting them side to side completes the image) implies Big Mac x Cheerilee it seems. But as for that particular cover, I think it's Fleetfoot's fantasy and not actually what happens. The banner that says, "Can you read my mind?" The romance novel image in the top left followed by Big Macinsuave in the remaining issues, the wonderbolts disbanding because Fleetfoot, "the best flyer EVER," is retiring and their wedding being hailed as the wedding of the CENTURY (which the royal wedding would be a tough act to follow), Celestia, Twilight, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and perhaps Rarity all saddened by Big Mac being taken off the market (with Dashie wondering what everyone is so sad about, which let's face it, that wedding was the reason the Wonderbolts disbanded, she'd be the saddest one there), Apple Jack waiting with a trophy that says "Best Sister -In- Law," and the imagery of it all coming from Fleetfood's mind while she has a serene, daydreamy expression makes me think it's just her fantasy, but it probably does pertain to the story arch.



All the covers can be seen here, btw.






But let's see, Issues #7 and 8 seem to do with Rarity going Nightmare mode, based on the covers (I think you'll love Issue 8 cover B, Xort), as well as residual Nightmare Moon influence/regret on Luna, Issue 6 seems to be about them heading to the moon (likely due to said residual Nightmare Moon influence/regret), and is likely where Rarity goes all Nightmare mode.


I ordered:


Main Series:

#1 Double Midnight and Midtown Comics

#2 Double Midnight

#3 Cover A

#4 Hot Topic

#5 Covers A, B, and RI (was the easiest way to get RI, not that I mind owning covers A/B)

#6 Cover A and Dynamic Forces

#7 Hot Topic

#8 Cover RI

#9 Comics World and Hot Topic

#10 Hot Topic



#1 Double Midnight (really want Cover A as well, though, Spike reading Twilight's fanfiction while Twilight looks epic)

#2 Cover B

#3 Double Midnight

#4 Covers A and B

#5 Double Midnight

#6 Double Midnight


Eventually, I would like to own them all.



Also, I watched Equestria Girls just now and found it to be a pretty decent movie. It too seemed a tad rushed in spots which is a shame since while episodes are really time constrained, you can technically make a movie go as long as needed, the 90 or so minute deal is more of a guideline than a rule. And this one was only 73:18 counting the opening intro and ending credits (speaking of which, best ending credits Easter egg ever.


Anyways, the part that really seemed rushed to me was

when Twilight resolves the human version of the Mane Six's problems with each other. She just came in and said, "Yeah, Sunset Shimmer did it." At which point everyone puts giant, neon orange 2 and giant, neon orange 2 together. There's that part, and then there's where Sunset Shimmer is defeated. Twilight just says everyone be friends and everyone does. It just doesn't flow very well and I feel would have been better if Twilight intersected an angry mob that was heading to get their fair dues from Sunset for all the crap she's caused, and Twilight cuts them off and provides a good, heartfelt speech about not doing that.


Also, I am saddened by the lack of Octavia (totally should have been hanging out with Vinyl), and the lack of School Nurse Redheart. Also totally should have been a Discord character.


Also, Sunset Shimmer's transformed look totally reminded me of Scanty and Kneesocks from Panty and Stocking With Garterbelt, though that could be because both Sunset Shimmer and Scanty and Kneesocks were ruling a school as part of a larger evil plot and have demonic transformations.


I, for one, am looking forward to either a sequel or section of the series that's a direct follow up to it where either the entire Mane Six go back to Equestria Girl's world, or vice versa and the Equestria Girls variants come to Equestria (or both), or a villain causes the fabric between the two worlds to tear and they must combine forces to defeat said villain. Though honestly I care less about the villain in that scenario and just want to see Pony Pinkie and Human Pinkie in the same location because imagine how many laws of the universe would be broken.


But anyway, this is me thinking of the possibilities that Equestria Girls has created:




I am just sad that none of them will be done most likely. Ah well, either way, I will be purchasing Equestria Girls when I can. Also, apparently there's a novelization of it coming, at least on iTunes as an eBook.

Edited by Vydrach
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This is funny to mention. I watch WWE (that wrestling show), and last night on RAW, when it did a pan across of the crowd at the very beginning, I saw a sign with Rainbow Dash on it! I freaked! Now I'm tempted to make a pony picture using the upcoming SummerSlam match of CM Punk vs Brock Lesnar.


In other news, the DVD for MLP: Equestria Girls just came out today, and I already got mine. :biggrin:

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This is funny to mention. I watch WWE (that wrestling show), and last night on RAW, when it did a pan across of the crowd at the very beginning, I saw a sign with Rainbow Dash on it! I freaked! Now I'm tempted to make a pony picture using the upcoming SummerSlam match of CM Punk vs Brock Lesnar.


In other news, the DVD for MLP: Equestria Girls just came out today, and I already got mine. :biggrin:


Well now i really wish I saw the show last night. Talk about something that would make the show interesting again for me. Im kind of an on and off wrestling fan lately. But anyways, this is a pony thread right? XD


I wish I could sneak in Equestria Girls DVD. Lucky you....so lucky.


Still, it needs Octavia, that would make the movie feel complete


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Well now i really wish I saw the show last night. Talk about something that would make the show interesting again for me. Im kind of an on and off wrestling fan lately. But anyways, this is a pony thread right? XD

I know, I just thought it'd be funny to mention that one fan in the audience had a pony sign.



I wish I could sneak in Equestria Girls DVD. Lucky you....so lucky.


Still, it needs Octavia, that would make the movie feel complete


Funny you should mention that, cause I noticed a little something during one of the songs:


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I think I found a gif of it on Derpibooru. Hang on...



Never mind. I can't see shit.

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I know, I just thought it'd be funny to mention that one fan in the audience had a pony sign.



Funny you should mention that, cause I noticed a little something during one of the songs:




Pause the video at 3:03 and look at the green haired girl holding the skull. Notice a familiar symbol on her skirt?

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Oh don't worry, i was just acknowledging the wrestling thing. Seriously, what reason have they given me to watch lately?

You'll have a reason if I ever become a wrestler for them. A brony as WWE Champion. I also have the feeling that one certain wrestler by the name of John Cena may not like MLP:FiM all that much since I remember a couple years ago he used it as an insult for another wrestler.


I'll admit that my curiosity about the green haired girl with Octavia's cutie mark is definitely peaked. I'd really like to know more about her.

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One more reason to hate Cena then :P I dont know how, but it's gotten to the point where I honestly prefer TNA. (Either you or me should make a separate thread to discuss wrestling before the discussion drags on in here too long. Wouldnt want to upset anyone.)


Anyways, back to pony. The only gripe I had was the character designs. Granted I felt that they shouldn't have colored them blue orange pink yellow whiter-than all-white...and purple.... (Go go Power Rangers :P ) Seriously, if I see purple hair in a specific curl, i'll know its Rarity. And rainbow hair, everyone knows thats RD. Frizzy pink = Pinkie, while mostly straight pink = Fluttershy. Mostly straight purple is Twilight, and the girl in the southern farmer clothes is AJ. I get that they weren't supposed to fit in, but to that extent seemed ridiculous to me.


Then again, I would be hypocritical to analyze it as such, since my favorite cartoon as a kid was "Doug". And this show for those of you who are young, was known to make their characters all sorts of different colors, shades of yellow, green, purple, blue, orange. Anything really. Only the main character's family and a couple of minor characters were white or black. It was a down-to-earth sort of show. I guess the genre is called Slice of Life. But anyways, the point was that it represented society in such a way as to not falsely represent specific groups. EG's did this in the complete opposite manner, where I don't get how all the other characters were white or black in skin tone, but very few weren't.

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One more reason to hate Cena then :-P I dont know how, but it's gotten to the point where I honestly prefer TNA. (Either you or me should make a separate thread to discuss wrestling before the discussion drags on in here too long. Wouldnt want to upset anyone.)


Anyways, back to pony. The only gripe I had was the character designs. Granted I felt that they shouldn't have colored them blue orange pink yellow whiter-than all-white...and purple.... (Go go Power Rangers :-P ) Seriously, if I see purple hair in a specific curl, i'll know its Rarity. And rainbow hair, everyone knows thats RD. Frizzy pink = Pinkie, while mostly straight pink = Fluttershy. Mostly straight purple is Twilight, and the girl in the southern farmer clothes is AJ. I get that they weren't supposed to fit in, but to that extent seemed ridiculous to me.


Then again, I would be hypocritical to analyze it as such, since my favorite cartoon as a kid was "Doug". And this show for those of you who are young, was known to make their characters all sorts of different colors, shades of yellow, green, purple, blue, orange. Anything really. Only the main character's family and a couple of minor characters were white or black. It was a down-to-earth sort of show. I guess the genre is called Slice of Life. But anyways, the point was that it represented society in such a way as to not falsely represent specific groups. EG's did this in the complete opposite manner, where I don't get how all the other characters were white or black in skin tone, but very few weren't.

I actually watched some of the special features from the Equestria Girls DVD, one of which kind of explained why they went with the designs. They claim they didn't want to make them look too bland and uncreative, which I do kind of see. Had they all had normal skin tones, they would probably look very bland and boring outside of their hair and clothing styles.Funny thing when you mentioned the white and black skin tones, I remembered realizing that I didn't see one person in the entire movie with black skin. Everyone's skin was either white or a random Skittles color. Not a single African-looking character, NOT EVEN ZECORA!!! Yeah, Zecora never appears.

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Ponies are just goddamn manly, don't you think?

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So BronyCon was good, opening ceremonies was good. 



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Ponification taken to its logical extreme.

We got ponified versions of the human versions of ponies.

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I would love to see that actually happen. Truly.

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Ponification taken to its logical extreme.

We got ponified versions of the human versions of ponies.



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