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Water - can you taste it?



I remember making a poll about drinks and stuff, a long time ago really and a couple of members said they don't like water. I think one said they found it boring, another said that they don't like the taste.


Does water have a taste? What is it like in your country? I know it can be harder or softer from various areas on the planet, but how can one not like water? I don't taste anything when I drink it. :/

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Well, for perspective, this is me:


Well, not really, but you make your jokes where you can get them.

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Water tastes like iron, to me. :P And if I can't taste the iron, it's chlorinated and "purified" and ick.

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See this is so bizarre to me because Scottish water is so clear, it has no taste at all. :S

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Water has a flavor. It's like a lemon, sour and like a lemon. Water's flavor is... bland and... refreshing?


Can I add the lemon to the water so there's more of a flavor? 

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I would say that's adding flavour, I personally love lemon in my water. I guess it's hard to explain, but when I have water in my mouth I'm only aware of the pressure of the water itself, there's no taste.

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And If we're talking about water. Let me make clear and warn everyone that Mineralwasser is deadly and could harm your tongue. 


You hath been warnedth.

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 The taste of purity~


What are you, a Visit Scotland commercial? X3


I noticed that German tapwater wasn't very nice. I always have bottled water when I'm over there.

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Tapwater and Bottled Water, depending upon the brand, always have different tastes.  Things like Dasani, bottled by the Coca-Cola Co tastes perfectly fine and just as water should.  Something like Nestle LifeWater, however, makes you feel as if you can taste the plastic of the bottle.  NYC's tap water is rather good IMO.

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Yes water has a taste, sometimes it tastes metallic depending on the pipes, although cold water usually does the trick in eliminating this taste somehow. Bottled water in Australia like Mount Franklin has a distinctive taste to it, i would describe it as tasting more pure somehow. So yeah it does have a taste depending on the mode of drinking, how the water is kept or processed.

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Why does water taste so sweet when you're very thirsty? I don't know why that is and its a good feeling when you're out hiking for a while and that first gulp from the canteen. Its amazing.

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Oh my god, like, after I've been working out and I drink water, I'm actually so relieved that I have to close my eyes and drift away for a few moments. XD That's really the only time I can taste water, and it tastes kind of like... a muted, heavy air. That makes no sense but I can't word it any other way.

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Oh my god, like, after I've been working out and I drink water, I'm actually so relieved that I have to close my eyes and drift away for a few moments. XD That's really the only time I can taste water, and it tastes kind of like... a muted, heavy air. That makes no sense but I can't word it any other way.


Water is denser than air and it is made up of gases. Maybe you're a fish Redeemer :)

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Well, for me, tap water tastes normally here, but it isn't particullary clean. If we got a shortage, it can get brown and soily, but that eventually subsides.


Won't really kill me. In fact, I like to think it boosts my inmune system when I use it. I don't really have to drink it. Many people buy bottled water for consumption.

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Er, water tastes like ( runs of to check ) Er a slight hint of porcelain( probably my sink or tubing) and a very pleasant tasting hint of iron  

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Water is hit and miss, when I worked at big corporate hardware store we had really nasty water from Belmont Springs (which I referred to as Castlevania Water). Tasted like soggy woodchips and copper. Here in Florida we got bottled water from zephyr hills, I'm a little weary because it's pretty much purified swamp water but it tastes clean so I don't mind it much.

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Water is denser than air and it is made up of gases. Maybe you're a fish Redeemer :-)





I'm a shark. Which is a mammal, I know, but let's pretend for a little while. :D

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My water comes straight from the Skagit River, so it's some of the best in the nation. Absolutely clear.


Worst water: California water. Tastes like pool water. Barely acceptable for use with crystal light or tea.

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Well, I have no idea what it tastes like. It just tastes like, well, water.


It does have a distinct sort of taste to me, though. I typically drink bottled water.

And yeah, it's 90% of what I drink. I used to drink probably 75% other junk and then I realized just how good water was for you and, well, yeah..

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Well, I have no idea what it tastes like. It just tastes like, well, water.


It does have a distinct sort of taste to me, though. I typically drink bottled water.

And yeah, it's 90% of what I drink. I used to drink probably 75% other junk and then I realized just how good water was for you and, well, yeah..


Same here actually; I haven't touched any sort of beverage aside from water [and milk] since summer 2012.

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Water is actually the key to many healthy things, like clear skin, a strong bladder and weight loss. I think many people don't drink it because there are other things, like juice, pop and stuff but really, normal water is the best thing you can drink.


Although I think this 8 glasses a day is nonsense, because you can get about 2 glasses from your food providing you're eating normal meals. I believe that 8 glasses is too much.

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God I know right? It's horrible, especially since I also drink green tea to detox myself every day. Excessive pissing is not a welcome side effect.


I think 6 glasses a day is enough, or 3 500ml bottles.

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Straight tap water tastes godawful in SoCal, I'd imagine the taste is like that of rust, but I haven't eaten rust at any point in my life so I can't say for certain. :P We use a home filtration system to leave the water tasting less shitacular and more like a cleansing hint of minerals. I'm not surprised that the water tastes like shit though because we actually have to import the water from places north of us via the California Aqueduct, so it has undoubtedly had to go through many pipes of varying quality to get to me, more so than if it were sourced anywhere close to locally.

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Water tastes ...tasteless to me. Then again I mostly drink distilled water. I can see water coming from other sources picking up minerals and other things that could influence it's taste, though.

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