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Starfox Command Questions, Talk, and Overall Discussion


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I've never played Starfox Command. Based on what I've seen throughout the site, I found that most of the people here seem to dislike the game, specifically for its story. While I've not played it, I actually, based on what I've read, dislike its gameplay and like its storyline. Reading its storyline, as one might put it, gave me feels. It made me sad. And that one ending where 

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Fox and Krystal leave the Star Fox team and have a kid who later forms his own Star Fox Team was amazing and sad and I don't even know how to describe it to me.

I kind of want a game to be sad. Something that evokes a lot of emotion, y'know?

Of course, that doesn't mean I want any of this to be canon. As far as canon is concerned, if any of the endings of Command actually happened the games would be ruined almost beyond repair, I think. I also think some of the other endings such as the one where

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Fox and Falco become racers

was very weird.

But ultimately, I've not played the games so I can't really say much on this. I will say that I didn't like the art of the games, and I don't have a clear understanding of what the gameplay is like.

No matter. I want to hear what you guys think.

And please let me know and forgive me if I've broken some rule by creating this topic.

Please let me know how the gameplay actually works in this game, by the way.

Also, would Command actually ruin my view of the Starfox series? I played and liked both Adventures and Assault, and loved Assault. I also read the N64 comic and the comic Farewell Beloved Falco. I liked them both but preferred Farewell Beloved Falco.

Also, do characters talk to you in the middle of gameplay like other starfox games?


Something interesting: I found it rather odd to find X Play interviewing one of the Starfox creators who made the originals, the N64 one, and Command, I believe, and they praised him for Command and dissed Adventures and Assault, which I found unusual. Despite what I've said here, I think Command is likely the worst out of the series.


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I agree with you on the art as well. Only Q could make Krystal go from a furry's dream to flat out unattractive.


Yes, characters talk during battles, but there is no voice acting. The voices are computerized jibberish.


The thing about Command is it basically had no regard for the story that came before it. There were so many massive changes to the plot, and hardly any of them made any sense at all. It's just a bad game in all areas.

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I get what you guys are saying. It's unfortunate that its just computerized gibberish. I like voice acting. And I can understand why the plot disregarded previous games: If what I learned while watching that X-Play interview is right,one of the creators hated Adventures and Assault and has issues with Nintendo. If that's true, its no wonder; the guy didn't like what was done with the games as is.

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Well I guess now he sees who was right and who was wrong. Considering the fanbase can't mention his game without getting sick at their stomachs. ;)

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I'm going to tell you all a secret.



It's hidden here in black text. Gamestop buys your old copy of Starfox: Command.

Just a helpful tip.

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I played Command, and sincerely, I tried, *TRIED* to see something good or rather not-so-shitty at the game. Unfortunately it seems to be a private Hell built specifically for Fox, because whatever ending he has ends up messed up beyond reconstruction with exception of that [spoiler-- Hold on a minute, what is there to spoil? It's already spoiled since release. Beh, anyway]ending where he has a son that makes new SF team

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, but that's the less-shitty one and still made me want to reach critical mass for being unfitting, random, and reboot-implying. (If that does happen, and with Command's story left, there will be Atomic F-Bombs) The first one is plain horrible with more drama than Twilight, and I didn't want to spend my time even trying to get to the others.

Arwingpedia was quite a time saver: Q-Games did a job as bad as - If not even worse - the most perverted tiers of the furvert faction combined with the overpowered ego of Q Being. Why?


> Weird Pairings: Do I smell fan-shipping?;

> Wonky Gameplay;

> Downplayed Character Design: Almost everyone looks bellheaded (and wouldn't be any worse beheaded), and Krystal wears pink. Heck, crimson would be fine. Not all girls MUST wear pink;

> Amy Rose Frog: Fangirl character with otherwise no use than cannon fodder;

> Back From The Dead: Katt. Also, what the hell is wrong with her now?;


> Fat Ugly Flagship: New Great Fox has no use other than missile spam against the enemies you don't want to face. It could at least look a bit cleaner/space-y;

> Red Shirt Army Trained at The Imperial Stormtrooper Academy: Quantity not quality is good. Seems legit;

> HSQ Overkill Level I: Suddenly F-Zero. "...Nintendo, Why?";

> HSQ Overkill Level II: Suddenly a Son. "WHAT THE HELL!?";

> HSQ Overkill Level III: Suddenly Evil Mercenary From a Peace Lover. [*Cue Darth Vader "NOOOO!!!"*];

> ...and more!;


Anyway, you get it. And if they are to continue from that twisted, common sense-disrupted storyline, we all know the only way to fix it has already been tried. And we all know how that ended up last time:





...Which wasn't quite bad. But IIRC Nintendo isn't hiring J.J. Abrams anytime soon, and that was already done by someone else (Duh).


So, yeah, that's my opinion. As you can see I'm biased to what the SF story was before Command (except how it was quite bland, but that's another topic) and I'd be really disappointed at Nintendo if they continued the series from that thing.

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  On 3/15/2013 at 1:22 AM, Battlechili1 said:

There was nothing there. O.o

Mhmm look closer!

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@High Executor19: Oh. Thanks for reminding me that I need to look beyond what I see. But actually, I want to go to Gamestop and buy Starfox Command.

@OrbiterSpore: That sounds like one mess of a game. And yes, the character designs were AWFUL. Also, one point was weird parings. What were the weird pairings? Only pairing I can remember was Fox and Krystal, which was really hinted at before Command. Then again, I do remember there being something about Slippy having a girlfriend and there were hints at Fox and Falco (My reaction to that: O.o ), so if that's it, then yeah, weird pairings. Well maybe. I don't know much anything about Slippy's girlfriend if he did have one. I don't know. Other than that, that really does sound like something out of a bad fanfiction.

Also, I actually literally LOL'd at "Red Shirt Army Trained at The Imperial Stormtrooper Academy"

The AI is that bad? O.O

Also: When did Katt die? I don't remember her dying. If I remember correctly, she's in Farewell Beloved Falco, and she didn't appear in Adventures or Assault. I'm guessing she died in Command, and then came back? If so, that's really irritating, since it bugged me how Peppy Hare came back in Assault after dying at an earlier part in the game.

Also, who is Q?


EDIT: By the way, I'm actually ok with Fox suffering. It might make me feel sadness when Fox is sad, and thus, making me feel emotion towards something in a video game, which I find very fun. To make sure its effective, it would need to be a very depressing game.

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In an effort to purge your mind of the numerous atrocities of Command, I will present a video with a much more coherent plotline and a higher production value - it makes just about as much sense as Command does overall;




...It didn't dissapoint.

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Sadly, my internet speeds are not built for watching such a youtube video.

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I for one liked Command. (Yup, I'm a weirdo. :lol: )


The gameplay was genuinely good. It combined the classic fast paced shoot ‘em up that StarFox is known for with a more strategic element. While not as fleshed out as I would want, in all honesty I want the next StarFox game to use Command as a templet. For gameplay that is. The story is a complete different matter.

The story was atrocious. While the plot arc itself isn’t that bad, everything else is. The dialogue was painful to read, it was so freaking overly dramatic and corny that I was facedesking every two minutes or so. Everyone was so out of character that it felt almost like a bad fanfiction. Ya know what, I’m just going to stop talking about the plot now. I could go on for hours complaining about this game's plot, but I’ll spare you all the giant wall of text and simply say the story sucked. Bad.

But ya know what? The gameplay was so fun that I didn’t care. I loved the game to death despite the mess of a story.

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The "odd pairings" category doesn't include Fox and Krystal. That's a perfectly fine pairing. He's talking about every other pairing that is pretty much forced down your throat in this game. If you decide to buy it (God bless your soul), you'll see. If you don't mind complete spoilers, I'll let you know what he's talking about.


Also, we can rest easy at night knowing that Q-Games will NEVER get another shot at Star Fox again. If they do, we will all know how Nintendo actually cares about the franchise.

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I plan on buying the game eventually. I mean, I have no access to any other Starfox games besides Command and the Gamecube ones since I don't own a 3DS, N64, or SNES

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@Battlechili1: Oops. Apparently you misunderstood me. Katt didn't die, but came 'back from the dead' (as in pulled from the neglected old games then plastered over the new one), and AFAIK, she turned herself to the Dark Side, literally, even painting herself red and black.


Wait a minute...




Anyway, doesn't matter. After my little Wiki search she went sorta like more aggressive and in a matching drama for the Command esque. Who really died and came back randomly is Pigma. I sincerely cannot express the need for a facepalm. In a palm tree.


About the bad pairings, Amanda x Slippy is bad enough for all the fangirl drama, but they had to worsen and then suddenly Krystal x PANTHER.


The AI, pfft, the bosses are way too underpowered or repetitive. Basically shoot the big glow and DO A BARREL ROLL! Really, you have to do that to kill some. Minions are horribly weak and most are killed in one shot. So, Red Shirt Stormtroopers.


(And 'Q' was simply my Trekkie snark taking place. There's that sarcastic, hell-of-a-nuisance, overpowered-godlike guy from a thing called the Q Continuum in ST:TNG. Since the brand shares the name with him, it's not a surprise we're all ranting about it.)

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Ah, I see.  Kind of stupid they made Katt like that. They pulled a Shadow the Hedgehog indeed. But uh, Krystal x Panther? O.o From what I played of Assault, she seemed like the type that would NEVER be with Panther, despite his amusing love of Krystal. That's where some comedy in Assault comes from. To make it a real ship (this whole situation sounds like something I'd read on Tumblr or in a fanfiction, and so this seems realy silly) would be an extremely weird and unrealistic thing, especially if they took it far enough. I CAN see the idea that perhaps she sort of hangs around Panther a bit after leaving Fox, but I can't see her actually liking him. 

To go backwards, I think its kind of cool that they brought Katt back, but they did in the wrong way. The whole "turn evil and red and black in color" thing seems really....dumb. The bad AI doesn't help either. This game seems to have a lot of problems.

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Yeah so Command sucks and most all Star Fox fans hate it. It's not hard to see why since it really wasn't a good game on it's own, nor was the Star Fox part much better. Granted, since the entire time you were in a ship, flying around shooting bad guys, it was actually a lot more reminiscent of past Star Fox games than Assault or Adventures were, even if you only played the flight stages of those games. While that factor doesn't save the game, since nothing really can, I think that complaints like this:


  On 3/15/2013 at 12:03 AM, Ajc3000fox said:

Command ruined my life. If you're looking for something to evoke emotion, you've got your game.


Are hardly ever warrantied.

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As I said in the other topic,




-Addition of personalized ships and some RPG elements

-Attempt at character development

-The gameplay was...sorta fun for the first playthrough I guess

-The music was alright




-Character development is horribly misused in that:



  1. Fox is an unlikable, mopey, stoic cardboard ghost of his former self, even worse than Assault!Fox
  2. They try with Krystal, but ultimately her character goal is BEING WITH A MAN and not BEING WITH A MAN is an ending so shameful that it drives her out of the solar system

  3. Amanda is a useless character that came out of nowhere and seemed to exist for no purpose other than to make the "lol, Slippy has a GIRLFRIEND!" joke.

  4. Wolf is a parody of himself. He is not intimidating, he is a campy goofball and Fox repeatedly defeats Star Wolf singlehandedly. Nice.

  5. Panther, just...what the fuck.

  6. Katt is completely butchered, going from a sassy belle with her own agenda to another mopey paper doll whose entire arc revolves around how she NEEDS A MAN

  7. Dash is a pointless character who adds more questions than he answers, like "how the fuck does Andross have a grandson" and "why the fuck is Andross' grandson openly serving in the Cornerian Army". He easily could have been Andrew, but Andrew is instead a giant crab. For...some reason.

  8. Evil Slippy. EVIL SLIPPY.

  9. General Peppy. Because it makes sense to put a random mercenary in charge of the government.

  10. Falco dicking off to go do his own thing because he's SO MYSTERIOUS got old with Adventures. Stop.

  11. Bill's role was horribly unmemorable and he didn't even show up in any of the endings. Amanda got more attention than an established character.

  12. Lucy could've been interesting but honestly was just a badly-shoehorned plot device who was really only there to pass messages from Fox to Krystal. Her friendship with Krystal was a weird thing to shove in there being that we didn't even know about Lucy until this game.

  13. This is actually a huge problem with Star Fox in general: none of the character relationships evolve on-screen. Fox and Krystal get together and break up offscreen. Slippy and Amanda get together offscreen. Krystal and Lucy become best friends offscreen. Fox and Wolf start their rivalry offscreen. It's like coming home to two random people fighting on your front lawn.

  14. Have I mentioned that all the female character arcs (except for Lucy) revolve around trying to be with a man and even that one ending where they all team up they're still only fighting some random boss? Because yeah.

  15. Also Pigma comes back as a Rubix Cube and makes Falco angst a lot. No, I have no idea what the fuck.




-The art is horrible. Krystal in a bright purple jumpsuit? Fox with lime green cuffs? Why? Why is every female character swathed in pink except for the one that's actually supposed to be pink? Can Fox's forehead possibly get any bigger? Don't even get me started on the completely WTF anatomy/composition/consistency/EVERYTHING in the end/beginning art slides.


-The new Great Fox. Just...no.


-The worlds feel weirdly empty and lifeless


-Shit gets repetitive fast. You can only play "all-range kill [x] enemies in [x] amount of time" and "shoot a missile" so many times before you just want to end it all.




-The "barrel roll into the mothership to destroy it" on every freaking level was stupid as hell.


tl;dr Command had some good ideas but the rest of it was too stupid for that to really matter

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  On 3/16/2013 at 6:29 AM, Drasiana said:



I actually didn't mind the concept of the Arwings being able to fly underwater, In fact I prefer the idea over the Blue Marine and the Arwing walker mode swimming in SF2 (Both of which controlled horribly clunky). But other than that I definitely agree with your points.


Also, didn't Katt end up with Kool at the end of FBF? Why is she alone, going after Falco again in this game? CONSISTENCY MOTHERFUCKERS CAN YOU DO IT!?!


And finally, Slippy/Amanda.... just... just Slippy/Amanda... WHY. Did Slippy really need a girlfriend? I mean sure there was Croakella in the NP comic but that was meant to be part of a cheesy joke on Fox and Fara's relationship. He has a very child-like personality, is too busy with his mechanical genius and isn't a romantic guy.


I do like the concept of Peppy having a daughter as it was mentioned somewhere in a piece of SF64 information that he did have a family, but I prefer Dras' personification of Lucy. ;)

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Also, didn't Katt end up with Kool at the end of FBF? Why is she alone, going after Falco again in this game? CONSISTENCY MOTHERFUCKERS CAN YOU DO IT!?!




Ugggh poor Free Birds falling to the wayside D:


And I'm glad you like my Lucy! ;w;

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  • 3 weeks later...

If Command was a person, he'd get beat up :lol:


Like jeth, I liked Command. mainly for gameplay. But I also liked the variety in ships.


However, like many, I Dont like the story.

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  On 3/16/2013 at 6:29 AM, Drasiana said:

As I said in the other topic,




-Addition of personalized ships and some RPG elements

-Attempt at character development

-The gameplay was...sorta fun for the first playthrough I guess

-The music was alright




-Character development is horribly misused in that:



  1. Fox is an unlikable, mopey, stoic cardboard ghost of his former self, even worse than Assault!Fox
  3. They try with Krystal, but ultimately her character goal is BEING WITH A MAN and not BEING WITH A MAN is an ending so shameful that it drives her out of the solar system
  5. Amanda is a useless character that came out of nowhere and seemed to exist for no purpose other than to make the "lol, Slippy has a GIRLFRIEND!" joke.
  7. Wolf is a parody of himself. He is not intimidating, he is a campy goofball and Fox repeatedly defeats Star Wolf singlehandedly. Nice.
  9. Panther, just...what the fuck.
  11. Katt is completely butchered, going from a sassy belle with her own agenda to another mopey paper doll whose entire arc revolves around how she NEEDS A MAN
  13. Dash is a pointless character who adds more questions than he answers, like "how the fuck does Andross have a grandson" and "why the fuck is Andross' grandson openly serving in the Cornerian Army". He easily could have been Andrew, but Andrew is instead a giant crab. For...some reason.
  15. Evil Slippy. EVIL SLIPPY.
  17. General Peppy. Because it makes sense to put a random mercenary in charge of the government.
  19. Falco dicking off to go do his own thing because he's SO MYSTERIOUS got old with Adventures. Stop.
  21. Bill's role was horribly unmemorable and he didn't even show up in any of the endings. Amanda got more attention than an established character.
  23. Lucy could've been interesting but honestly was just a badly-shoehorned plot device who was really only there to pass messages from Fox to Krystal. Her friendship with Krystal was a weird thing to shove in there being that we didn't even know about Lucy until this game.
  25. This is actually a huge problem with Star Fox in general: none of the character relationships evolve on-screen. Fox and Krystal get together and break up offscreen. Slippy and Amanda get together offscreen. Krystal and Lucy become best friends offscreen. Fox and Wolf start their rivalry offscreen. It's like coming home to two random people fighting on your front lawn.
  27. Have I mentioned that all the female character arcs (except for Lucy) revolve around trying to be with a man and even that one ending where they all team up they're still only fighting some random boss? Because yeah.
  29. Also Pigma comes back as a Rubix Cube and makes Falco angst a lot. No, I have no idea what the fuck.




-The art is horrible. Krystal in a bright purple jumpsuit? Fox with lime green cuffs? Why? Why is every female character swathed in pink except for the one that's actually supposed to be pink? Can Fox's forehead possibly get any bigger? Don't even get me started on the completely WTF anatomy/composition/consistency/EVERYTHING in the end/beginning art slides.


-The new Great Fox. Just...no.


-The worlds feel weirdly empty and lifeless


-Shit gets repetitive fast. You can only play "all-range kill [x] enemies in [x] amount of time" and "shoot a missile" so many times before you just want to end it all.




-The "barrel roll into the mothership to destroy it" on every freaking level was stupid as hell.


tl;dr Command had some good ideas but the rest of it was too stupid for that to really matter

Oh wow. All these make the game sound horrible. I mean, wow. Just wow. What were the creators thinking? 

Ah, well.

I wish I could get the game soon so I could come on here and put of few thoughts on Command here myself.

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  On 3/16/2013 at 6:29 AM, Drasiana said:

...Can Fox's forehead possibly get any bigger?


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