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Starfox Command Questions, Talk, and Overall Discussion


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So I finally got Starfox Command. Within 5 minutes of playing the game I already hate it.

This is not a good start at all.


The Star Fox team is

disbanded?!! What? That would never happen. And Fox told Krystal to leave the team because its too dangerous?!! Well that doesn't make sense either. If that was a problem, then why didn't Fox make a big deal about it in Assault?!!

It doesn't make sense. Added to this, the artwork look really ugly to me and the gameplay itself seems really weird. Its like a turn based strategy game combined with watered down Starfox gameplay. :(


The stylus being the device used to steer also is frustrating and unnecessarily difficult.


I had an extra copy of Pokemon Emerald that I traded a friend so he'd buy me Starfox Command.

That was a big mistake...


Oh well. I'll try and give this game a chance and see what happens.

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Why is it every time a crisis is over someone leaves to go do their own thing like Falco for example? I can forgive that because Falco is...well, Falco.


But to have the entire team just go apart like that? Really?!







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I think we all agree by now that Command didn't exactly have the most sterling and well-built story that has ever existed, which especially becomes evident through the 9 different endings the game had, all of which don't accomplish squat or were just flat out stupid.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Emotional conclusions can be good, but the endings were mean spirited and out of character.

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Not for nothing...but how have you all forgotten to mention how some endings don't even line up with the title of the ending? I'm just baffled at how the story to the game made less and less sense the more often you played it. In fact, this thread helped me remember some story angles that just flat out didn't work.


I mean we all know the best part of the game was when

Krystal went out of her way to become a conspiracy theorist for the sake of adding character depth for the first time in.....forever.


That said, good luck to you as you fly, shoot and roll and roll and roll and roll and roll for your life through repetitive types of enemy fighters and storylines that just may make you believe you can write your own Sci-fi film and make millions while managing to accomplish nothing.


You know what? I'm gonna flat out say it....should there ever be a SFC movie...M. Knight Shyamalan should do it. He'd sure save the fandom /sarcasm (Off topic, but the point is the story was that bad it would be a toss up between Shyamalan and SFC)

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You know what? I'm gonna flat out say it....should there ever be a SFC movie...M. Knight Shyamalan should do it. He'd sure save the fandom /sarcasm (Off topic, but the point is the story was that bad it would be a toss up between Shyamalan and SFC)

Oh, come on, SFF. You do realize that Shyamalan is into more pretentious story writing. I was thinking that maybe Micheal Bay should go ahead with the project. Its practically gift-wrapped for him. Aliens, explosions, stereotypes, you name it.

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Oh, come on, SFF. You do realize that Shyamalan is into more pretentious story writing. I was thinking that maybe Micheal Bay should go ahead with the project. Its practically gift-wrapped for him. Aliens, explosions, stereotypes, you name it.


Hey it could be worse, a lot worse. Some retard like Uwe Boll would get a hold it and not let go.

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  • 2 months later...

graphics and character designs are ugly, gameplay is repititive and not worth 9 playthroughs.


I'd love to make a long ass post and disect everything wrong with the so called story/stories of command. everyone's ooc, mean spirited, this has bad fanfiction writen all over it, its disgusting.



-despanding the team? no, you can't do that! we've already been through this in adventures!


-falco going off his own way AGAIN?! this feels so pointless!


-peppy being general? gosh it feels like we hardly knew ya peppy and now you're on the sidelines like this? though you still continue to get out of that retirment chair, it still doesn't feel the same.


-who are the 2 people that asked for slippy to get a fiance? who? amanda is the ugliest most useless addition to starfox not to mention the lamest in terms of gameplay.


-fox and krystal got together! cute! but they broke up because fox was scared for her and wanted her out of danger-WHAT?! how contradicting can you get? seriously foxy you didn't think this way when you had her on the team last game,  i didn't see you asking her to leave in the middle of that! but really, if this is how fox honestly fealt then logically you would quit WITH HER! get another job with her! there! done! you didn't have to sacrifice love for your dangerous job that keeps getting you poor after each game! plus krystal is psychic! she's taking this way too far by joining criminals like star wolf just to get back at fox, i don't want to see her act like this angsty drama queen because her boyfriend dumped her when she could already know the truth by reading his thoughts. she seemed sweeter than this in assault and adventures.


i also laugh at how they tried to retcon andross's backstory. he still started a war, killed fox's father, just because his intentions were good before doesn't excuse what he did after words.


4 endings do fit together, like say

lucy and krystal (everyone makes up and ends up like the game never happened)

good bye fox (fox and krystal get back together and have a pup named marcus, the kid grows up to be the next leader of starfox)

slippy's resolve (one of marcus's friends so i don't see why not)

and dash makes a choice.(we need a new villain for the future, dispite this being cliche, i did like dash for having the "not all apes are bad" kind of vibe to him)


the rest of the endings can rot. like someone here said, they are so mean spirited and makes me feel so sad and that SHOULDN'T be happening in a starfox game!


the anglar emperor (krystal going with panther....even after fox apologized. this is so fanfiction and out of character it hurts. get this soap opera out of my video game!)

starwolf returns (aaand it has nothing to do with starwolf aside from them getting the bounty off their heads. krystal becomes more angsty and transforms into the oh so overrated kursed. lame)

the curse of pigma (fox and falco become f zero rip off racers and "their mercinary lives become distant memory"? no. while the crossover is neat, it took a heavy sacrifice because of it.)

pigma's revenge (suddenly star falco..you know, i saw a flash about this on newgrounds way before command was in the works...maybe this is where they got the idea from)

fox and krystal (GET AMANDA OUT OF MY STARFOX TEAM AND BRING BACK MIYU AND FAY! freaking hell this is stupid!)

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Star Fox Command have a lot of good ideas, but badly used.


At the top, of course, the opportunity to FINALLY choose the character and the ship we fly, but the ship are not enough specialized to my taste.


The free flight was also a realy good idea, but same, badly used, probably because of the technical limitations of the DS, the map was realy too small, I would like to have something similar to Rogue Squadron.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Heres a general summary of my reaction of SF:C



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