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Your Top FIVE Worst Games Ever Played Thread


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   Hello, Snes1993 here.


   So, bad games. We've all played them at some time or another. Whether it was sequel or a standalone game we felt that general apathy toward those developers with that same haunting question, "WHY?!!"


   Well here you can get that proverbial monkey off your back and beat it into the ground with your imaginary Hulk fists. Ok, too graphic. So without further ado, here are the conditions of the thread:


   1) Give a description of the worst games that you have played.


   2) The max limit is five. Please do not exceed five. If you don't have enough ideas, give what you can.


   3) Be civil, respect the mods and please don't start any flame wars. I will not tolerate it. True, a users opinion is just an opinion. But don't fight over it, at least not here.


   4) (optional) Post the games box cover or poster or screenshot of said games.


   5) They don't need to be in any particular order.




   Anyway, just keep a good atmosphere and promote niceness. Long live the SFO community  :-)

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I'd have to agree that these rules and regulations on this thread are a little strict. But anyway....

In no particular order....

Teen Titans: A beat em' up game with levels and a near incoherent plotline with boring controls that revolves around the Teen Titans being sucked into a video game.

The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer: A game that continues the ending of the movie The Incredibles and has you fight a bad guy known as the Underminer. Gameplay is kinda simple and the storyline is simple but altogether there's no real reason to play the game.

Spiderman 3: A Spiderman game based on the third Spiderman movie in the original trilogy where there's a lot less stuff to do in the city from what I can tell, the game mechanics are very limited and you'll find yourself only using a couple combos throughout the entire game, and the game feels limited despite being really open.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: Ruined the games normal gameplay and exploration, making it level based and changing how spells work. This resulted in causing the game to become much more boring and less free, as exploring Hogwarts was one of the things that made it so much fun in earlier games.

Paper Boy: A Nintendo 64 game I got as a child that was super simple and involved throwing papers into mailboxes and windows to cause mischief, deliver mail, and fight aliens, even if that meant going on the same course a couple dozen times because you needed to deliver a couple hundred papers. So annoying.

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World of Tanks




The game is rather not bad except for one GIGANTICALLY glaring problem. The matchmaking system. If you are a light tank "scout" vehicle of, say, Tier III, you will get matched with Tier VII heavy and medium tanks, simply because you are a scout. There is absolutely nothing you can do to them or about it. And the justification that "You're a scout, you can scout them and get points" is a shitty fucking defense when their turrets can traverse faster than you can move, and one hit kill you without having to land a direct hit with a HE shell. And the matchmaking isn't even hard to fix. Here's how you fix it:


Tier I fights Tier I

Tier II can fight Tier II and III

Tier III can fight Tier III and Tier II OR Tier IV

Tier IV can fight Tier IV and Tier III OR Tier V

Tier V can fight Tier V and Tier IV OR Tier VI

Tier VI can fight Tier VI and Tier V OR Tier VII

Tier VII can fight Tier VII and Tier VI OR Tier IIX

Tier IIX can fight Tier IIX and Tier VII OR Tier IX

Tier IX can fight Tier IX and Tier IIX OR Tier X

Tier X can fight Tier X and Tier IX


There. Matchmaking problem is fixed. There are enough players in the game that there is no excuse for not being the system except for horrendous developer ideas. And if by some chance people don't have enough to get into a game, here's how you do it. If after 1 minute of attempting matchmaking there aren't enough slots for the game, then you expand it by one bracket.


But as it stands now, it is an unplayable broken system that needs to be drastically overhauled. It is just bad. It is fucking bad. If you want to get a tank later on that requires you to have a Tier III or Tier IV "Scout" vehicle along the research path, prepared to be fucked harder than any system in any game has ever fucked you before. If given a choice between trying to get enough experience on my Pz.Kpfw. 38(t) n.A. to get the Pz.Kpfw. IV, or playing Sonic '06, I'd pick Sonic. Not even exaggerating. The Pz.Kpfw. 38(t) n.A. is a Tier IV "Scout" vehicle and you get matched with Tier VII heavy and medium tanks about 80% of the time. This is how leveling went. Fifteen games in a row against at least half a team of Tier VIs+, get all of 13-20 exp per game, need thousands, finally get in a match with at most Tier V, get couple hundred exp, then proceed to another double digit streak of at least half the team Tier VIs+. Only reason this isn't the worst game on the list for me is because it was actually fun otherwise, and if they fixed the matchmaking system I'd be more than willing to play it again. Oh yeah, it's also rather pay-to-win at times, with exclusive "Premium" tanks costing up to $50. That's right, the only way to get that tank is to pay $50. That does not include camouflage or a well trained crew.




Amnesia: The Dark Descent.




The game itself isn't bad. It's just not in any way enjoyable to me. It is so mind-numbingly boring. Any scare effect at all in it is restricted to gimmicks and jump scares really. Any immersion based scares is completely ruined by how restricted the game makes it for you. And what I mean by this is weapons. Now I'm not saying put in some guns and swords or anything, but if I can stop one of the monsters running full charge by throwing a book or a bloody broom at it, then what's keeping me from using a table/chair leg or better yet, one of those butcher hooks on a chain as a makeshift weapon? It may not actually kill the monsters but it damned sure would stop them. As it stands now, though, they are less scary than the zombies for Shaun of the Dead, and here's why:




The zombies are impervious to random shit thrown at them. Except records for some reason. That automatically makes them tougher than the abominations in Amnesia. They are less frightening than zombies from a comedy film. Let that line sink in. I have tried 3 times to play Amnesia but by the Nine Divines I just can not find it enjoyable no matter how I try. Now some people like Amnesia, and that's fine, but I really regret purchasing it.




Battlefield 3




This game could of been great, and that's the main thing that makes this game such a personal problem. Battlefield 3 had all the makings of an amazing game. Then DICE got cocky and EA put a rush on it. DICE used an engine that's horribly faulty (making BF3 unfixable as it's the very engine that's broken), but DICE also refuses to accept that the game isn't a good game, no matter how many players for it demand that they fix the fucking game. Glaring problems with it include bad hit detection (my personal favourite is coming up on someone in a corner or something, emptying an entire magazine into them, only for them to spin around and kill me while they're reloading, and the kill indicator says they have 80% of their health still). Shotguns that if you shoot pellets at a target within three feet only one pellet registers, in other words you can't point blank someone with a shotgun consistently. Outright idiotic weapon balancing (I'm looking at you M16A3, PKP Pecheneg, AEK 971, AKS-74U, FAMAS, and M240B). Even more idiotic attempts at weapon balancing, "Oh, the M16A3 and AEK 971 are the most overpowered assault rifles and the only things you ever see? Nerf the G3." Weapon attachments often times don't work properly. For instance, the foregrip actually reduces accuracy on the guns. This was stated by DICE and I can say without a doubt that it's true since my weapons became ridiculously more effective with the removal of the foregrip. And let's not forget the heavy barrel/under barrel shotgun glitch, where if you have heavy barrel on a rifle and put on the underbarrel shotgun you give each shotgun pellet the same damage as the rifle bullets, so people ran that on the G3, and you could one hit someone effortlessly over 100 meters away. Now in case anyone is thinking it's just a matter of me being mad because I'm bad, look in my signature, it has my BF3 stats. I have a very high W/L ratio, and iirc a good K/D ratio. I can and have had games where I am just mowing people down and go something like 63-5, and it will be the most rage inducing fucking time I have ever had and I can feel myself on the verge of a fucking aneurysm. And by what they've shown of Battlefield 4, it's going to be as bad if not worse. I urge you, do not buy that game, it will just be feeding two heartless monsters of corporations. EA with all their fucked up shit, and DICE making a broken game and then just outright refusing to admit there's problems with it. They carried on about Battlefield 3 like it was the greatest game ever made and we are worthless peasants who are being gifted by God by the ability to even utter its name. It took them THREE MONTHS to fix the problem where you couldn't use some of the Back to Karkand weapons on the Back to Karkand maps. If you tried to use the MG-36 or QBU-88 on those maps you either froze and then disconnected, or you carried the gun above your head in the most fucked up position ever, and trying to aim in resulted in a nice close up of your left bicep. Three. Fucking. Months.




Star Fox: Command




I'm sure you've seen me rant about this game before. If you're a newer member and haven't, I'll do a quick rundown.


It has shitty controls with a multiple ending system that wouldn't be bad if it weren't for the fact every facet of the story is just a mangling together the worst of the Star Fox fanfics you could find. The only good thing about it was the ability to play as people besides Fox McCloud, something I'd like to see more of in any future Star Fox titles.




Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2




As bad as Battlefield 3 was to me, it had its moments of fun and was a good game fucked over by some bad shit. Modern Failure 2 wasn't, it was just a bad fucking game. Call of Duty 4 was great. World at War was great. I was fucking pumped to hell for Modern Warfare 2, they had announced they were going to be making it a tad more realistic (I was hoping this meant that there would be no more machine gun Desert Eagles or Barret .50 caliber sniper rifles down a hallway). Instead, we get a shit ton of equipment and things that don't exist in any official sense, and weapon statistics that while they could be a tad strained in COD4 and WaW, even the likes of Caligula could look at the weapons and realize something isn't adding up on them. There was no balance in the weapon stats, either. The perks were unbalanced too, to the point there was no variety, each perk slot had those "meh" perks and then that one amazing perk that you really couldn't do without for the most part. The maps were just outright atrocious bottlenecks of fucking things, there was no other way to go in so many of the places. Modern Failure 2 is the only game I have gotten rid of, and I still own Murakumo: Renegade Mech Assault and Enter the Matrix to put that into perspective. MW2 was just insultingly bad on every level for me. I got no enjoyment out of it except trolling people with Cold Blooded with a thermal scoped sniper on Derailed. And that was by far more abusing the idiotic game development for my own favour than actually using what development there was put in.

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   Okay, heres my un-fav five.











Rebel Raiders: Operation Nighthawk PS2




   This game is just terrible. By looking at the box, you're thinking, "Hey this looks okay. Jet planes! What could go wrong?"
And then you played the game and realized what a horrific purchase you made.


   Think of it as a lazy version of Ace Combat, which when you think about is a travesty to compare it to AC. That series had pretty good gameplay and great graphics for the PS2 which not the case at all With Rebel Raiders. RR:ON takes places in the future when mankind has conquered space and begun colonizing the cosmos. However things go spiraling out of control politically and becomes nothing more than a Star Wars/Battlestar Galatica ripoff. So, as you guessed it, its up to the rebel to restore the loyalist requiem and throughout the colonies.


   The gameplay is a mess. There is pitch and yaw but a lack of roll in the controls. You can do barrel rolls which are used to evade missile locks. The weapon system is pretty straight forward: 20 set-and-forget-missiles as secondary and 350 rounds max 50 caliber machine gun as primary. You use them a lot and quick run out and when you do, you press the O button to reload your weapons. Wait...what? How? Just a minute ago, you just exhausted ALL OF YOU WEAPONS. YOU HAVE NOTHING LEFT, and you reload them with...what...magic?


   The voice acting is worse than a porno flick and uses cheap anime clips to represent characters. There is hardly ANY side story as to who the bad guys are and what they want.





My rating? F-









Super Scope 6 SNES


http://www.sitesnes.com/photo/img_SNIN/Super NES Nintendo Scope 6 (1).jpg


   Seems pure sacrilege on my part, but hey it sucked. Even Duck Hunt with the NES Zapper had more accuracy than this hunk of crap. It gripped like a blaster but felt like a bazooka. It was almost as if the Super Scope didn't know what it wanted to be. Even though it made its way into the item dump of Super Smash Brothers, that will be all its remembered for.


My rating? D








​Turok: Evolution GC




   This failure of a sequel made diehard Turok fans rage, rant and cry in the corner for years. From faulty A.I.s, to character voices that sounded like they talk out of tubes, Turok Evolution pushed the envelope in the opposite direction. However, I must admit it did entertain me...ROLLING ON THE FLOOR LAUGHING!!!!


   No seriously, at least the air combat on the back of pterodactyl firing machine guns was fun to an extent. Invisible walls, glitches that cause death and just things that don't make any sense at all. For example, there is this one part you have to escape into an air duct. You know you have go in, theres no where else to go. Oh yeah and you have to climb up the grate and into the duct. But you can't and you know that is the way out. And oh yeah, its not a glitch. FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!


   My rating? F-








Starfox: Adventures GC




   My rage against this game is obvious, ITS NOT TRADITIONAL STARFOX!!! When I played this game for the first time, I wasn't expecting a Legend of Zelda feel to it. Rather I wanted the space tube shooter had come to love. But guess what, Adventure wasn't that game...AT ALL. It was also the game that resulted in the destruction of my Sega Dreamcast. I won't go into detail...long story


   Anyway, no blasters, no Falco, no reason, no love.


   My rating? Z-








Star Wars Battlefront II XBOX


http://www.tegames.co.uk/media/raw/Star Wars Battlefront II xbox.jpg


   I'm gonna receive such hate for this one.


   Sequel to the acclaimed Battlefield ripoff, Star Wars Battlefront II carried on with its slogan from the first game, "Fight In Classic Star Wars Battles Any Way You Want." Well compared to the one before, no. In the first, every map was littered with vehicles of every type for different objectives, true to the slogan. It also showcased classic environments such as Mos Eisley, Bespin and Hoth and also an expanded universe ice planet Rhen Varr. We expected so much from the sequel.


   What we received was nothing short of appalling. Sure they had maps like the Death Star and Jabba's Palace. But that didn't hide the fact that this game was a rushed mess. Every map has something wrong with it. Invisible walls, annoying glitches and lazily made textures that screamed, "This game was rushed to meet with the demand of the Star Wars Episode III movie release."


   When you do that to a game only to market the end of a crappy line of sh*tty movies, its a transgression and a step backwards. The only map that meets with the demands all of genre players is Hoth. The rebel pilots were replaced by...a smuggler? Really? What does he do? Oh yeah, he smuggles bacta and ammo, really smuggle-worthy. And a shotgun?! In Star Wars?!!! A SHOTGUN IN STAR WARS!!!!!!! Not only that, the clone commanders have chainguns suspiciously mounted like a rocket launcher. I also love how they reused everything from the first game and slapped a sticker on it and said, "Here you go, Lucasarts stamp of quality. Now lets get back to putting effort into the Lego Star Wars games."


My rating? D

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Here are my top 5 worst games, along with the consoles I played them on. Please respect my opinion.


5. Spongebob Squarepants: The Movie (GBA)

Finished it in 2 hours with next to no challenge, and it had low replay value. I got the Gamecube version after this disappointment and it was far better.


4. Sonic 06 (PS3)

Glitches, terrible story and annoying characters. IT'S NO USE!


3. Sonic Unleashed (PS3)

While this game is built better then 06, I had far less fun playing Unleashed. Slow, boring and tedious wherehog stages and a stupid level entrance system (you don't have enough sun medallions, collect 21 more) made for an unenjoyable experience.


2. E.T The Extra Terrestrial (Atari 2600)

It is the worst game ever. Nuff said (while its not the worst game I have ever played, it is still the worst game ever).


1. ICO (PS3)

Boring as hell. I hated every second of it, and wasted 12 hours of my life playing because of supposed connections to Shadow of the Colossus. E.T and Sonic 06 were so bad it is sorta funny. ICO is just flat out terrible. No music outside menus and some cutscenes, no sense of progression, unlikable characters, and terrible gameplay all bring it down tremendously. I was so lost, I looked at a walkthrough, and even with it right in front of me, I still had no idea what to do. If Shadow of the Colossus was not on the same disc, I would destroy it immediately. Definitely the worst and most over rated game I have ever played.

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Star Wars Battlefront II XBOX


http://www.tegames.co.uk/media/raw/Star Wars Battlefront II xbox.jpg


   I'm gonna receive such hate for this one.


   Sequel to the acclaimed Battlefield ripoff, Star Wars Battlefront II carried on with its slogan from the first game, "Fight In Classic Star Wars Battles Any Way You Want." Well compared to the one before, no. In the first, every map was littered with vehicles of every type for different objectives, true to the slogan. It also showcased classic environments such as Mos Eisley, Bespin and Hoth and also an expanded universe ice planet Rhen Varr. We expected so much from the sequel.


   What we received was nothing short of appalling. Sure they had maps like the Death Star and Jabba's Palace. But that didn't hide the fact that this game was a rushed mess. Every map has something wrong with it. Invisible walls, annoying glitches and lazily made textures that screamed, "This game was rushed to meet with the demand of the Star Wars Episode III movie release."


   When you do that to a game only to market the end of a crappy line of sh*tty movies, its a transgression and a step backwards. The only map that meets with the demands all of genre players is Hoth. The rebel pilots were replaced by...a smuggler? Really? What does he do? Oh yeah, he smuggles bacta and ammo, really smuggle-worthy. And a shotgun?! In Star Wars?!!! A SHOTGUN IN STAR WARS!!!!!!! Not only that, the clone commanders have chainguns suspiciously mounted like a rocket launcher. I also love how they reused everything from the first game and slapped a sticker on it and said, "Here you go, Lucasarts stamp of quality. Now lets get back to putting effort into the Lego Star Wars games."


My rating? D


Okay, there are several problems here, and let me explain them in a long winded response before I go on with my five.  


First off, this was not intended to be, nor constitutes a Battlefield ripoff.  The Battlefield franchise created by Dice and published by EA was a series starting in World War II, consisting of enormous maps, control of almost all vehicles(Including battleships in the earlier games such as 1942), and separate classes that each do different things.  Star Wars Battlefront has these features(Maybe minus the scale that Battlefield has), but so do a lot of games.  Team Fortress 2 has the class system, ARMA, ARMA 2, and ARMA III all have the class system, the maps scale, and the vehicular control, Even Planetside 2 have the large map scale, the vehicle control and the class system.  Are these five games battlefield ripoffs?  Not really, I would say no.  


You say the game was a rushed mess, but you say nothing about how besides the fact that the textures were lazily made, and there were walls and glitches places.  Nowhere is it talked about that they added many brand new features such as Jedi Heroes which you can play as, space battles, adding a plethora of new maps which might answer for the lack of Rhenn Var and Bespin, new vehicles to play with, and even new maps from Episode III.  


In the next paragraph you tell the reader that Star Wars is a "Crappy line of shitty movies," yet provide no basis as to your claim.  However, this claim also has absolutely nothing to do with the quality of the game.  It wouldn't matter what the movie is like if the end product is good, and Star Wars Battlefront II was a good game.  The weapons were actually quite spot on based on the expanded universe.  Yes, shotguns existed in Star Wars.  Why wouldn't they?  They're very effective firearms, scattering a wall of bullets or in this case bolts at the opponent is one of the best ways to take them out at a short range.  Just because they weren't seen in the movies doesn't mean that they weren't there.  We are shown open battlefield, yet no close quarters in the trilogy, shotguns are used primarily in close quarters where they'll be effective.  And generally in video games, engineers carry shotguns.  Now as to the chainguns being mounted like rocket launchers... How do you expect them to carry the chainguns?  There are likely sights on the side that you cannot use if you're holding it the Arnold Schwarzenegger way, which is inaccurate no matter who you are.  


Whatever they reused was reused for good purpose as well.  If it ain't broke, don't fix it.  Add new things such as Jedi Hero battles in Mos Eisley, Hunt mode, space battles, and more expansive maps.  


Now this is what gets me.  The company that made Lego Star Wars was Travellers Tales.  This company has NO affiliation with Pandemic, the creators of Star Wars Battlefront and Star Wars Battlefront II.  The only similarity was the publisher: Lucas Arts(Rest its soul).  However, the publisher has no say except in whether a developer releases a game under their name or not.  


But I don't believe you're giving Star Wars Battlefront II enough credit.  They added so many features in light of some slight drawbacks, and even then, the textures were great for the time.  Mind you this game was released late 2005, and back then graphic technology was not good enough for amazing mind blowing textures that are today's standards.  I urge you to reconsider, or at least give the game a fair comparison.  

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Okay, there are several problems here, and let me explain them in a long winded response before I go on with my five.  


First off, this was not intended to be, nor constitutes a Battlefield ripoff.  The Battlefield franchise created by Dice and published by EA was a series starting in World War II, consisting of enormous maps, control of almost all vehicles(Including battleships in the earlier games such as 1942), and separate classes that each do different things.  Star Wars Battlefront has these features(Maybe minus the scale that Battlefield has), but so do a lot of games.  Team Fortress 2 has the class system, ARMA, ARMA 2, and ARMA III all have the class system, the maps scale, and the vehicular control, Even Planetside 2 have the large map scale, the vehicle control and the class system.  Are these five games battlefield ripoffs?  Not really, I would say no.  


You say the game was a rushed mess, but you say nothing about how besides the fact that the textures were lazily made, and there were walls and glitches places.  Nowhere is it talked about that they added many brand new features such as Jedi Heroes which you can play as, space battles, adding a plethora of new maps which might answer for the lack of Rhenn Var and Bespin, new vehicles to play with, and even new maps from Episode III.  


In the next paragraph you tell the reader that Star Wars is a "Crappy line of shitty movies," yet provide no basis as to your claim.  However, this claim also has absolutely nothing to do with the quality of the game.  It wouldn't matter what the movie is like if the end product is good, and Star Wars Battlefront II was a good game.  The weapons were actually quite spot on based on the expanded universe.  Yes, shotguns existed in Star Wars.  Why wouldn't they?  They're very effective firearms, scattering a wall of bullets or in this case bolts at the opponent is one of the best ways to take them out at a short range.  Just because they weren't seen in the movies doesn't mean that they weren't there.  We are shown open battlefield, yet no close quarters in the trilogy, shotguns are used primarily in close quarters where they'll be effective.  And generally in video games, engineers carry shotguns.  Now as to the chainguns being mounted like rocket launchers... How do you expect them to carry the chainguns?  There are likely sights on the side that you cannot use if you're holding it the Arnold Schwarzenegger way, which is inaccurate no matter who you are.  


Whatever they reused was reused for good purpose as well.  If it ain't broke, don't fix it.  Add new things such as Jedi Hero battles in Mos Eisley, Hunt mode, space battles, and more expansive maps.  


Now this is what gets me.  The company that made Lego Star Wars was Travellers Tales.  This company has NO affiliation with Pandemic, the creators of Star Wars Battlefront and Star Wars Battlefront II.  The only similarity was the publisher: Lucas Arts(Rest its soul).  However, the publisher has no say except in whether a developer releases a game under their name or not.  


But I don't believe you're giving Star Wars Battlefront II enough credit.  They added so many features in light of some slight drawbacks, and even then, the textures were great for the time.  Mind you this game was released late 2005, and back then graphic technology was not good enough for amazing mind blowing textures that are today's standards.  I urge you to reconsider, or at least give the game a fair comparison.  


Its how I see it. Its a terrible mess and shows the laziness on the part of the late Lucasarts.


I'll say it again, this game was a step backwards and regardless of who they leased the rights to had a responsibility to the game. And you are forgetting that I pointed out it was rushed to market the release of Revenge of the Sith, the end of "Crappy line of sh*tty movies" aka the prequel trilogy.


I neglected to mention that the Rise of the Empire campaign was the only redeeming quality of the entire game, something the previous game lacked. But it cannot be redeemed on that basis. I also forgot to mention the clone troopers are not voiced by Temuera Morrison unlike the previous. E-11 blasters rifles and arc casters have the SAME design in the game. They couldn't change it from the first? The chainguns didn't have to be over the shoulder but they were. What was to stop them from more original position for holding a heavy weapon of that caliber? More levels to accommodate all genre players would have been nice, but I see that would taken away from the Rise of the Empire maps in the campaign.


I'm sorry, you see a good game, but I see flaws that stand out to me like a sore thumb that I can't ignore. I hope that Battlefront 3 (if it ever comes out) will solve at least half of these problems. I respect your opinion and I realize we can't agree everything (or at all).

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I'm definitely going to have to agree with Arashikage in here; Battlefront II was one of my favorite Star Wars games of all time - it was addictive and offered some intense firefights.  To criticize the game for added weaponry and mechanics is hilariously shortsighted at best.

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 I also forgot to mention the clone troopers are not voiced by Temuera Morrison unlike the previous. E-11 blasters rifles and arc casters have the SAME design in the game. They couldn't change it from the first? The chainguns didn't have to be over the shoulder but they were. What was to stop them from more original position for holding a heavy weapon of that caliber? 



These are pretty petty reasons not to like a game if you ask me. Different voice actor, weapons having the same model as the previous game, and a different way of holding a fictional heavy weapon are hardly major strikes against a game. I understand you have other reasons, but those are just being nitpicky right there imo.

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These are pretty petty reasons not to like a game if you ask me. Different voice actor, weapons having the same model as the previous game, and a different way of holding a fictional heavy weapon are hardly major strikes against a game. I understand you have other reasons, but those are just being nitpicky right there imo.


Yeah that, mostly its because of the game slogan "anyway you want" which isn't the case of BF2. I'm a pilot not a commando and in the previous game I serve my part preforming airstrikes on online matches. In BF2, I'm forced to home my skills only in space and Hoth. Personally it was a let down. But, while I have such a distain for the console I had an eye for the PC version.


MODs for BF2 are really the reason I still play the game in the first place and retain my piloting skills and not restricted to being a ground based unit. Sure it has its moments, but the consoles just don't give you that freedom to play it "anyway you want". As for the voice acting for the clone troopers, it needed work. This game was rushed and it shows.


LOL I didn't think this would become a BF2 discussion thread. :)

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Yet none of those preferences constitute Battlefront II being a bad game.  It's just what it is: preference.  I prefer flying to shooting, does that make shooters bad games?  No actually, not at all.  Certainly not enough to be on a top 5 list of worst games(Although, poorly executed shooters make up some of said list).  

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Yet none of those preferences constitute Battlefront II being a bad game.  It's just what it is: preference.  I prefer flying to shooting, does that make shooters bad games?  No actually, not at all.  Certainly not enough to be on a top 5 list of worst games(Although, poorly executed shooters make up some of said list).  


Its just my opinion. Thats why its in MY top five list. Games are just like movies in a way that they can't make everyone happy.


Lets just leave it at that.

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As of right now, I can only think of two games:


Number 5: Finding Nemo on Playstation 2

Description: This was back when I was in the last years of elementary school. My mom bought me and my little sister a Playstation 2, and the game she got for my sister was Finding Nemo. Though it was meant for my sister, she was too young at the time, so I gave it a play. It's your basic rushed movie tie-in game, so you should know how those are. Mostly swimming in a level until you reach a certain destination. I'll give it credit for keeping me entertained as a kid, but some of the levels were a bit too difficult for the target audience. I remember getting frustrated at the level where you have to chase Bruce the Shark. Overall, it's just a movie-game that suffers all the problems that other movie-games suffer from.


Number 4:


Persona 4: Arena on the Xbox 360

Description: This was the most recent game that really got to me. I went to my local Gamestop and traded in a couple games (GTA IV and Halo Wars). I got about $16 in store credit, plus they were having a 30% extra on pre-owned games. I decided to look around and see hat I could get. I came across Persona 4, and remembered that my little sister (who is about 14 now and into a lot of the same things I'm into) wanted to play it. After I looked up a few reviews on my phones, reading that it was a good game, I decided to get it, planning on it being a fun game for me and my sister to play together. I payed $5 for it, and took it home and played it.


At first, I was impressed that the game had a tutorial mode, something that I never saw in other fighting games. I hopped into tutorial mode, and it took me about 30 to 45 minutes to go through the entire tutorial. For me, this game was way too complicated with its combat system. There's is just way too much to try and remember in this game. This is something that annoys me about today's fighting games, in that they're focusing too much on complex combo moves. Just once, I would like to see a modern fighting game other than the great Super Smash Bros. series use the simple fighting system of one button traditional combos. To add to that problem is that with those kinds of control systems, the controls themselves become unresponsive. For me, you had to hit the right buttons at the EXACT SECOND your attack hits the opponent, no more, no less. Another problem I hit was that the roster was horribly imbalanced. I remember facing a main roster character with attacks that could hit me from all the way across the screen! Not only that, but those same attacks did huge damage to me. Within 5 seconds of the round starting, I get hit with 3 attacks and get knocked down to 1/4 of health left. And the AI in this game are way too brutal. They give you absolutely no breathing room and will hit you non-stop.


I could only take about an hour and a half of playing this game before I gave up and returned it first thing in the morning the next day. I traded it in and got a new, more fun game that I KNOW me and my sister will enjoy playing together. Sonic All-Stars Racing Transformed. Although I did have problems with that transaction before I even got home and put the game in my 360. Funny story, but that would go off topic.

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  • 5 months later...

I despised Finding Nemo!!! I don't know what it was about disney games but they were so hard for me when I was a kid. 


As of right now, I can only think of two games:


Number 5: Finding Nemo on Playstation 2

Description: This was back when I was in the last years of elementary school. My mom bought me and my little sister a Playstation 2, and the game she got for my sister was Finding Nemo. Though it was meant for my sister, she was too young at the time, so I gave it a play. It's your basic rushed movie tie-in game, so you should know how those are. Mostly swimming in a level until you reach a certain destination. I'll give it credit for keeping me entertained as a kid, but some of the levels were a bit too difficult for the target audience. I remember getting frustrated at the level where you have to chase Bruce the Shark. Overall, it's just a movie-game that suffers all the problems that other movie-games suffer from.



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