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Most awaited Games that will come for the Wii?


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1. Legend of Zelda: Twillight Princess

2. Spore

3. SSB:Brawl

4. "StarFox Wii"

5. Portal (If it comes out to Wii)

6. "Mario Wii"

that's about the only games that I know may get (very) good.

Edit: Forgot about Brawl, and Portal, Red Steel seems to get good to.

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There's no real confirmation that Spore is coming to Wii, except perhaps this: http://www.joystiq.com/2006/05/16/spore-confirmed-for-wii-sorta/

"Mario Wii" is called Super Mario Galaxy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Mario_Galaxy

My most anticipated (in order, preference given to confirmed titles):

1. Super Mario Galaxy

2. Super Smash Bros. Brawl

3. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

4. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

5. Red Steel

6. Rumored "Star Fox Wii"

7. Spore (if it comes out for Wii)

8. Pokemon Battle Revolution

9. Wii Sports

10. Portal (if it comes out for Wii)

List of all confirmed Wii games

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Oooh I sure hope they release Spores on the Wii, that would be awsome... as for my most antisipated... it's basicly

Zelda: Twilight Princess

Metroid Prime 3: Courrption

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

anything else after that is just whatever I get my hands on first, Red Steel looks nice

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Oh boy! Just talking about it makes me impatient. :roll:

Lemme see. Here's mine in no particular order

Super Mario Galaxy

Wario Ware Smooth Moves

Super Smash Bros Brawl

LoZ Twilight Princess

Metroid Prime 3 Corruption

Wii Sports

Sonic and the Secret of the Rings (Unconfirmed Title)

There was another Sonic game but it's unconfirmed

Super Mario Strikers Charged

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Hummmm...favorite games for the Wii

Super Mario Galaxy

Super Smash Bros Brawl

Metroid Prime 3 Corruption

Wario Ware Smooth Moves

Twilight Princess

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It could be like the XBOX360 and it just jumps up 10 bucks from the previous generation games.


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Nintendo has stated in several places that they don't plan for games to increase for the Wii. $50 will probably still be the standard.

Games for the virtual console were originally going to be free, but they are now apparently going to be $3-$5 apiece.

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Great! Glad I'm wrong about that.

Somewhere I heard that there was going to be a charge on the library. So, I'm not surprised there.

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There was another Sonic game but it's unconfirmed

I think your thinking about Sonic the Hedgehog going to be released for the 360 and PS3, which sucks because it looks cool...

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I can't wait to play the first Super Mario Bros., I have never played it before mainly because I ain't got a Nintendo.

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Free old games? Blasphemy!

That's originally what Nintendo said they would charge for first party games, then IGN started posting prices.

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I can't wait to play the first Super Mario Bros.' date=' I have never played it before mainly because I ain't got a Nintendo.[/quote']

If you'd like you can always get the NEW Super Mario brothers for the DS. It's basically the same thing but better graphics, more replay value, multiplayer. It's like the BEST remix of a classic game Evar!

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I would make a list, but there is sooo many games I want and such limited money .... :( But I'll make it, I'll get what I want, A little saving goes a long way. :twisted:

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...NSMB isn't a remake. It's a sequel.

No, it really is a remake. It takes gameplay elements from SM3, SMW, and a few others, but the overall structure and level design is based on the first Super Mario Bros.

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Which explains why there are many times more levels in NSMB than SMB...Not to mention ghost houses, fortresses, new bosses instead of reincarnations of Bowser, etc.

Most of the recurring stuff serves as a throwback to OSMB, like the level ending, just like it throws back to most of the older SMB games It's one of those friendly sequels that acknowledges that it's a sequel.

Metroid Zero Mission is a remake. The level core of the game remains the same, with some things added (like graphics, a few new bosses and moves, etc.). It's different, but you can still see the same Metroid you know and love. NSMB doesn't have that feeling. It's not a remake, it's a new game that barrages the player with references to past games.

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Well, NSMB is considered a remake according to reviewers alike.

I don't think there were any sequals in the Mario Brother franchise. Sure, Mario saved the Princess and then the next game, whole new setting with little to none reference to the past game. Similar controls, similar concept. One or two new things to set the newer game from the first.

I need to play those games again. >.>;

B.O.T. Since you brought up Metroid, I'm wondering about Metroid Prime Hunters 3:Corruption. Man, I wanna see that game in action, especially with the Wii controller. :D

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BoT FTW. m/ :D m/

Yeah, the Ridley fight alone looks badass. I've heard nothing but good things about the controls, especially for the switches (lock on, turn controller, and pull out). It'll be something to hold me off until Brawl comes out.

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Just wanted to let you guys know that Spore has been confirmed in development for Wii AND it will take advantage of the controller's unique play style.

Also, Super Paper Mario is being moved from the Gamecube to the Wii.

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Spores?! Down...right...awsome! >_> :D My superior alien races shall be born! MWAHAHAAHAHHAAHHAHAHA *Cough* ha...

-_- and I never liked the look of Super Paper Mario... it looks less like a RPG and more like a platformer...which is no good!

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