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furries and furry fandom

madame bellatrix

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My qualifier for being furry has always been identifying as one. You can be a fan of anthropomorphic characters and art without being a furry, but making the choice to identify as one changes things. For me I decided to take on the title because I'd met a lot of really great people (and continue to do so!) who were involved with the fandom and decided to make the jump to identification.


There is no one trait that makes you one and there is no trait that you can associate the entirety of the fandom with.


The way I've been a furry has changed dramatically, first a passing interest, then minor involvement with the art and exploration, then an interest solely for the pr0ns, then outright misanthropy (briefly and hilariously), and now where I'm in it for the fun and culture and general tolerance that's associated with being a member.

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It's me, I'm one of them.

Used to have a fursona and everything. And worse. Knew people who got into furry communes and all of that stuff, who blew entire paychecks on fursuits and art commissions, almost went to a convention once. Virtually all the people I knew online were furries at one point. Wasn't healthy, which is true for all echo chambers.


Don't know what did it, but I just lost interest at some point, switched IM clients and never looked back. Sometimes I wonder what the old crew is up to, four years later. Probably the same stuff.


A few of my friends are furries to varying degrees. Most of them aren't. Those who are don't let it define them, it's just one small part of their personality. I can have a laugh about the worst stuff in the community with them, as well as admire the good things in it. I'm not a rabid hater, nor blind to all the crazy stuff that goes down in the fandom; it's just people. People can be weird sometimes, and that's alright.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I really don't have anything against furries. Its the furverts I'm worried about.


Fursuits, ok I'm fine it.


Shagging with fursuits and perversion of anthro characters, not ok.






Ok, alright, thats too extreme. Where does anyone draw the line between fans of furdom and weirdass-perverted sh*t?

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I think I at one point did consider myself a furry, when I was just getting into this site and in fact the SF fanbase. At this point, I don't. The fandom isn't for me, I don't really see the same appeal that furries do, and I see no reason that I should have that title.


I also have a lot of furry friends, but for the most part I actually poke fun at the fandom and treat it a bit like a novelty. I have no real grudges though, it's all in good fun (as far as I am concerned anyway).


In reality, I don't even have problems with the worst the fandom has to offer. I think they are weird, but them existing on the same planet as I do has never made me upset, and I am comfortable with acknowledging their existence. I don't know anyone like that anyway. At least... I don't think I do...

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I really don't have anything against furries. Its the furverts I'm worried about.


Fursuits, ok I'm fine it.


Shagging with fursuits and perversion of anthro characters, not ok.




Ok, alright, thats too extreme. Where does anyone draw the line between fans of furdom and weirdass-perverted sh*t?


'The Line' is subjective to the viewer. Although pretty much everyone in-fandom/out-fandom agrees that the rock bottom is by the lovely confines of 4chan/Facepunch/the darkest side of FA, not everyone agrees on the various other tiers that must have proper analysis and classification in order to avoid generalizing. And of course nobody gives a **it.


I think the point is, the closest to an unanimity that can be reached, removing all hater bias, fan blind-loving, and unknowing of the subject, is the following:


-> If you like anthropomorphic animal characters, odds are people may consider you a Furry fan, or even you may consider yourself as one.

--> Liking anthro animal characters does not necessarily dictate you are a Furry. (I've personally seen people with their own Furry character and all, but openly claim not to be of the fandom. Go figure. *shrug*)


-> Comparing having an anthropomorphized 'you' to committing bestiality will leave blatant that you're not the brightest bulb in the light show. Anthropomorphy can be used to express creativity in the confines of a more free, fantastic realm, if able to. It can be also used simply for comical intents, or because the context has anthropomorphic beings, or even because it's just a personal option or liking (which is the most common case).

--> Acting like constant self-infliction of expelling genetic material due to a visual input is not abnormal and is otherwise just 'fun' for everyone will qualify you for a worthiness of having the ability of species perpetuation denied by the use of martial arts, showing that it isn't a bright hypothesis, either.


-> One thing is detailedly depicting/enhancing the per-say natural beauty of Furry characters in an artistic way. Another one entirely is turning them into a mental/visual equivalent of prostitution. A harmless beach scene or a tight wear is not the same thing as disrespectfully flaunting the cleavage and/or crudely violating one's right of privacy for no valid reason.

--> Content that may be slightly questionable, as in, only appealing (in sexual terms) to weak-minded, and otherwise directed towards 'trained mind' appreciators and fans may have a disclaimer beforehand. Intent and nature are two different things. A thing of (if slightly) questionable nature may have been done with innocent intents, or vice-versa.


-> 'Appreciation' is subjective to the viewer. One may like darker themes, other ones may like cheerier moods. It is necessary to have enough self-awareness and of the environment you're in that certain things may not be for all audiences. If your content is bloody, gory or ludicrous gibbing, or of morally deviating nature, you won't probably fit for a child-teenage ambient.

--> On the other hand, you'd be unabashedly lying and having a horribly-based bias if said that the entirety of the internet is meant for this nature of content and that whoever is not liking what is seeing is a 'moron' [Refer to 'The Viewers Are Morons']. (Seems legit for a liberal </sarcasm>)


-> 'Fursuits' are from far off-holiday costumes like a silly Halloween plaything. Taking the fantasy outlet of being part of the fandom to this extent is not as of entirely harmful, but it has its proper places and times. (a.k.a. it's not exactly everyone who'd go waltzing in such a thing around the streets)

--> "Weird" is one thing. "Despicable" and "disgusting", "gross" and "sick" are completely different ones. Having a 'Fursuit' for the sole purpose of fulfilling (if badly) a lust towards a logically-unfeasible being is out of commission.


-> Generalizing any person in the fandom as one of these people is illogical. Everything that is on the internet eventually will have a perverted version created by people with nothing better to do of life. Or at least, that don't want anything better to it.

--> Being loyal to the clean side of the fandom should not blind you to the bad side of things. There always were bad things, there still are bad things, and there will always be something bad amidst the group. The issue of the Furry fandom, is that its bad part is proportionally more vocal than the other.


Or at least that's what I think.

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'The Line' is subjective to the viewer. Although pretty much everyone in-fandom/out-fandom agrees that the rock bottom is by the lovely confines of 4chan/Facepunch/the darkest side of FA, not everyone agrees on the various other tiers that must have proper analysis and classification in order to avoid generalizing. And of course nobody gives a **it.


I think the point is, the closest to an unanimity that can be reached, removing all hater bias, fan blind-loving, and unknowing of the subject, is the following:


-> If you like anthropomorphic animal characters, odds are people may consider you a Furry fan, or even you may consider yourself as one.

--> Liking anthro animal characters does not necessarily dictate you are a Furry. (I've personally seen people with their own Furry character and all, but openly claim not to be of the fandom. Go figure. *shrug*)


-> Comparing having an anthropomorphized 'you' to committing bestiality will leave blatant that you're not the brightest bulb in the light show. Anthropomorphy can be used to express creativity in the confines of a more free, fantastic realm, if able to. It can be also used simply for comical intents, or because the context has anthropomorphic beings, or even because it's just a personal option or liking (which is the most common case).

--> Acting like constant self-infliction of expelling genetic material due to a visual input is not abnormal and is otherwise just 'fun' for everyone will qualify you for a worthiness of having the ability of species perpetuation denied by the use of martial arts, showing that it isn't a bright hypothesis, either.


-> One thing is detailedly depicting/enhancing the per-say natural beauty of Furry characters in an artistic way. Another one entirely is turning them into a mental/visual equivalent of prostitution. A harmless beach scene or a tight wear is not the same thing as disrespectfully flaunting the cleavage and/or crudely violating one's right of privacy for no valid reason.

--> Content that may be slightly questionable, as in, only appealing (in sexual terms) to weak-minded, and otherwise directed towards 'trained mind' appreciators and fans may have a disclaimer beforehand. Intent and nature are two different things. A thing of (if slightly) questionable nature may have been done with innocent intents, or vice-versa.


-> 'Appreciation' is subjective to the viewer. One may like darker themes, other ones may like cheerier moods. It is necessary to have enough self-awareness and of the environment you're in that certain things may not be for all audiences. If your content is bloody, gory or ludicrous gibbing, or of morally deviating nature, you won't probably fit for a child-teenage ambient.

--> On the other hand, you'd be unabashedly lying and having a horribly-based bias if said that the entirety of the internet is meant for this nature of content and that whoever is not liking what is seeing is a 'moron' [Refer to 'The Viewers Are Morons']. (Seems legit for a liberal </sarcasm>)


-> 'Fursuits' are from far off-holiday costumes like a silly Halloween plaything. Taking the fantasy outlet of being part of the fandom to this extent is not as of entirely harmful, but it has its proper places and times. (a.k.a. it's not exactly everyone who'd go waltzing in such a thing around the streets)

--> "Weird" is one thing. "Despicable" and "disgusting", "gross" and "sick" are completely different ones. Having a 'Fursuit' for the sole purpose of fulfilling (if badly) a lust towards a logically-unfeasible being is out of commission.


-> Generalizing any person in the fandom as one of these people is illogical. Everything that is on the internet eventually will have a perverted version created by people with nothing better to do of life. Or at least, that don't want anything better to it.

--> Being loyal to the clean side of the fandom should not blind you to the bad side of things. There always were bad things, there still are bad things, and there will always be something bad amidst the group. The issue of the Furry fandom, is that its bad part is proportionally more vocal than the other.


Or at least that's what I think.


Talk about essay format!


Its a tough case, but I think you proved it valiantly my friend :D

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Speaking of the furry fandom, apparently the fandom is big and noticable enough that a video game company, CyberConnect2, is making a book called "The Kemono Book", for fans of furry art, and were looking for furry artists to help them.

The reason? Their games Tail Concerto and Solatorobo: Red the Hunter were well recieved, especially from the furry fandom here in North America, for obvious reasons.

Link here to Cyberconnect2's official site with info on this here. Note that the site is in Japanese, so make sure to be using Google Chrome so it can be translated into English: http://www.cc2.co.jp/kemono/

I'm looking forward to this book.

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The way I really got into the furry fandom was through StarFox, I was going to make a costume of Fox from SF Adventures. I was following a youtuber by the username of KrystalArchive. (a friend to SF-O i believe) I was subbed and still am to their channel, I was trying to find the creator of the krystal suit. They were at Further Confusion and i googled it and it got the ball rolling. I did research and was excited and a wee bit disappointed with what id seen and found. I saldy heard of Yiff, and watched NCIS. But i have and plan on getting a suit and plan on going to all of the U.S. furry conventions,  I also plan on making con vids and maybe one day, making a documnetary on the true furry fandom :D.

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I'm glad I could put your fears to rest. I hope we can still be friends.

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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

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¯_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯ Why Lenny now?

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And... How dies that relate to the thread?


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And... How dies that relate to the thread?


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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And... How dies that relate to the thread?


Did your backspace key give out?

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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)



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Did your backspace key give out?

No, I just can't edit on mobile. So I put a new post correcting myself. It then joins them together.

But really guys, back on subject.

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