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Waffle's Pathfinder Game


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Gentlemen, Fedora, Arashikage and I are attempting to start a Dungeons and Dragons campaign. I wrote the campaign, and i already have the way that we are playing, which is here



Now we need about 1 or 2 more people for the campaign and cannot find anyone else willing to play. So i turn to you, SFO, to come and partake in this holiest of nerd traditions. We are using Pathfinder, which is D and D 3.5, which you can find here.



Dont worry about not knowing how to play, dont worry about not knowing how to build a charecter. If this interests you int eh slightest, tell me so and i can get you sorted out.


Also charecter sheet, note that it doesnt save unless you pay moniez.



For the stats,please only go up to 20 points, with a minimum of 8 in each

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I've played a couple of campaigns that got swiftly aborted due to lack of interest, so I know all the basics but still have basically no experience. I'm definitely down to play.


Also, for character sheets, I recommend http://www.myth-weavers.com/


It has an option for Pathfinder sheets, and all you need to do is make an account and you're good to go.


Also, your link doesn't go to your campaign XD

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No it doesnt, you have to register on the site i think to join though. And thank you for the charecter sheets. And welcome aboard. ill let you know when i can kick Kage and Fedora hard enough for them to do stuff.

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So what should we expect going into this campaign? Like, is there gonna be a lot of humor and silliness, or is it srs business? And any race/class restrictions or suggestions? Lots of roleplaying, or more of a focus on combat/skill checks? Any information on the setting?


If you can't answer any of the questions right now, that's fine. I just like to get a general idea of the sort of thing I'm getting myself into, especially before it comes to character creation so that I can make sure to roll up something appropriate to the setting.

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I am not a rules whore, i encourage roleplaying rather than Srs business number crunching. This is going to be dealing with serious things, but sillyness will probably be happening regardless.


As for charecters, there are no restrictions. As long as i can find it in that SRD i linked above your good. The setting is the age of Imperialism, so around the year 1700 our time. Guns are becoming alot more powerful and Cannons are starting to appear. I honestly dont care if you role up an Aztec warrior, but be warned that you will be looked at strangely.


Backstory will be relegated if i can get a single person more interested in this, i would like a minimum of four people.


Also, would you happen to have a steam i can talk to you over?

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Room for me on this? I'm all for some casual D&D shenanigans.
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Of course there is. Now with four people we are good to go actually. Just make your charecter and ill set a start date when its best for everyone.


What time would best for the either of you?

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Any time is good for me. My schedule is nonexistant, so I can work around pretty much anything. As for Steam, I suppose I could re-download the old bugger to make things easier for you.


If possible, I'd like to hold off on making a character until I have a bit more knowledge about the setting and such, so I can get a better handle on what sort of personality and backstory he should have and all that other whatnot that comes with making a character. I can work with the description you gave above, if that's what you want, but more is always better XD I'll still start outlining a basic character concept or two, in the meantime.


Also, about this:



For the stats,please only go up to 20 points, with a minimum of 8 in each


Do you mean we're doing a point-buy character with 20 points to spend? Just making sure I interpreted correctly.

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The setting is the Iberian peninsula, in a world far removed from ours. With Dwarves and elves, and more and more magical beasts from the get go, the world has stayed essentially the same in regards to its history.


Until now.


The Moors and the Egyptian sultans crossed over into Europa to find a world cleansed by the Black Death. No manner of mysticism, species based trait, or magic could prevent Europe from being culled..


So now the great migration began, the great sultanates sending men and supplies to claim these once christian kingdoms for themselves.

Italy, Greece, Spain, soon they all become provinces of ever expanding empires.


Until They came.


Riding on horses made of more fire than flesh, clutching weapons that no man could forge on his own, a great hoard rides down from the unknown north. Some say they were the spirits of those untold masses that died in the plague years, while some claim them to be nothing more than apparitions.


But regardless of the truth of the matter, These once burgening colonies are wiped clean and fully off the map, Europe abandoned by the muslems as cursed and wreched.


200 years ago that is.


The Grand sultanate of Mauritania looks to Iberia with carefully concealed lust. It is the age of enlightenment and industrialism, and though Europe has lain silent for these 200 years, noone has attempted to reinhabit those lands that had been culled by the hoards.


Until now.


For whatever reason, wanderlust, money, power, the Party has boarded a boat to the city of Ah-Menah, a city in Spain that has grown since its foundation. Though your room and board is the same, that is all the coincidence the party shares with one another.On royal charter are you being thrown into these lands, with the express purpose of expanding the frontier of the Sultanate. Good luck.




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Alright, and last question (for now): What's your Steam? I'm online now, and you did say you wanted to talk be able to talk to us there. I don't even know if I have you added. I need to see if I have, and do that if I haven't.

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Should be Onimonipea,

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Poking through the resources, but I'll have to talk to you in order to know what I can do for my character creation. Got ideas but unsure on the finer details like feats and such. Never done Pathfinder before.
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Ah okay, I am onimonipea On steam and im going to be cleaning a set of damned wheels for a bit so contact me over steam whenever you want for your questions.

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Okay I made my character after constant pestering.  I'm ready for whenever we start

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All that remains is to find the perfect time to do this.


Please post times that you are available.

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Mondays and Wednesdays are my days off from work, Tuesdays and Thursdays I am free around 3:30 when I get home from work, Friday Saturday I'm free around 8, and Sunday I'm free around 7


All times for me are EDT

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Alright Gentlemen. for those of you involved in this, i have isolated the times we can do this.


Monday to Thursday is the range and in the evenings would be the time. It would be a weekly thing so i need to isolate an exact time when i can do this.


When are you people good from monday to thursday?

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I've mentioned it before, but I'm good whenever. Especially if it's just going to be weekly, I can adjust my schedule pretty well to accommodate whatever everyone else needs.

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I can't do Wednesday evenings, but I'm otherwise good for the rest of week.
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Alright, so given the choice of


Monday 7PM-11PM American central time


Tuesday Ditto


or Thursday from 7 to 12


Which would any of you choose?

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Any objections? speak now or shut your mouths.

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This is just a friendly reminder that the game is on Tuesday at 7 o clock Eastern Time. This is also a reminder that charecters start with 200 gold and that spending all of it is encouraged.


That being said, what vocal platform should we use? Skype or Steam?

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