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Why's my comm turning off automaticlly



I recently got a fantastic game called 'Trackmania Sunrise'
( http://www.trackmaniasunrise.com ) and i was fiddling about in the Track Editor for a while.
And within about 2 hours of me entering it, my computer suddenly went onto stand-by without
any warning in any form. (I could tell it was stand-by because the power light was still on, but
there was VERY little humming coming from my computer and my monitor had turned off). I tried
moving my mouse, pressing the power button, pressing random buttons on the keyboard, but i couldn't get it
to come back on, meaning i had to hold in the power button for a few seconds to completly turn it off
and then back on again.When it booted back into Windows, i double-checked all my power settings and it
said it wasn't configured to go on stand-by or turn off my monitor AT ALL.So i went back on Trackmania
and played it for another 2 hours WITHOUT going in the Track Editor.AND IT BLOODY TURNED OFF AGAIN.
Why the HELL is it turning off?! And why is it doing it with EVERY Full-Screen game i've got?! 
Help me out here guys...
P.S: As i said, it only seems to be FULL-SCREEN games that shut the computer off.There's one
game which doesn't do it though (I don't know why), and that's Trackmania Nations Forever.WHY?!


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12 answers to this question

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Could be your video drivers crashing and then a blue screen..

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Sometimes if a game is too much for your computer's PSU(That's Power Supply Unit), your computer will just shut off.  I don't know if it puts it into standby, but if it's a laptop that might be the issue, that or it eats up a lot of power from the battery.  


This is because of the power it's drawing from your graphics card and RAM and processor.  If you built your own computer, and you don't have a good enough power supply to handle all the components you put on the computer.

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I checked both of your suggestions, i tried them, and IT STILL TURNS off. DZComposer, any ideas?

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Ok, then go to your start menu -> "run"

in the box paste this:

%windir%system32eventvwr.msc /s


And in the left sidebar expand "windows logs" and click on "System".

In the right sidebar, click on "filter current log..".

In the listbox next to the word "Logged:", select an amount of time within which it happened, for example "last 24 hours". Click on OK. Back in the main window, in the list of events, click on the header of the "Level" column to sort them by event types. Scroll down until you either see a "warning", "error", or "critical". If you get some, try to copy the events' details and past them in you reply.


Next, in the left sidebar, under the little "Windows Logs" folder, click on "Application". And repeat the same steps you did for the the system logs earlier.


This might help, if it even had the time to log anything.. If its hardware, it will definetly won't have logged anything, if its software, it should have most likely logged something, given that even blue screens are logged..

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I tried even that, and it's still doing it. I'm probably screwed.

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That wasn't supposed to fix your problem, he wanted more information on what was going on.  


You need to copy the information and paste it here so we can read the logs and see what's wrong with your program if it's a software related issue.  Try following his steps again.

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I've actually found something that might help you guys.


You know when you hit CTRL+ALT+DELETE, it comes up with the list of tasks running, and when you click on Processes
and scroll down, there's a process called 'System Idle Process'? Well, i noticed that it shows the amount of time that
process has been running for, and when it gets to 2 hours EXACTLY, it turns off. Hope that helps guys. :P

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Another thing as well.


Does your computer seem hot when it goes into standby mode? I'm not sure if you're running a desktop or a laptop, but I've found with my laptop that if it's running something that takes a lot from the computer, it'll overheat and will either go into standby mode or completely shut off. I recently bought a new fan for it which seems to be helping it a lot.


That's the only other thing I can think of, though it sounds more like your computer's being overloaded in general.


I'd check your overall settings too, might be something there that you've missed and need to disable/change.

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Hmmm... Is your computer using an USB mouse ? And is it relatively old ? I think I had a pc that I had to change a setting in the bios to avoid the screensaver from popping up when I'd use only my mouse for a certain time..


Try to go in the power settings and disable the automatic sleep or hibernate.


And those logs could still help by the way.

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Hmmm... Is your computer using an USB mouse ? And is it relatively old ? I think I had a pc that I had to change a setting in the bios to avoid the screensaver from popping up when I'd use only my mouse for a certain time..


Try to go in the power settings and disable the automatic sleep or hibernate.


And those logs could still help by the way.

Auto Standy and hibernate were already disabled. And when i check the logs, there is no recorded crash or anything like that, so it NOT Windows which causes it.

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

Some basic specs about your PC could also help. Is it:


Desktop or Laptop?

What kind of Processor does it have?

How much memory does your PC have?

How much HDD space do you have?

What kind of Video Card do you have?

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Some basic specs about your PC could also help. Is it:


Desktop or Laptop?

What kind of Processor does it have?

How much memory does your PC have?

How much HDD space do you have?

What kind of Video Card do you have?


Desktop, Intel Pentium 2.66 GHZ, 996 MB of RAM, 80 Internal Hard Drive and i don't know my video card.

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