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Is this release of Code Lyoko on Amazon on DVD legit?



Let me explain. For a while now, I've been wanting to buy all the seasons of Code Lyoko for quite some time.

However, I can't tell if some of these releases are legitimate releases or bootlegs or something some random guy made. What I mean is, I'm looking for official releases.


Upon research, I found this:



There are also a few other season sets that are a lot like this, but with different box art.

The thing that gets me though: It's region All. Not only that, but its made on DVD-R. This all seems awfully suspicious to me.


At the same time, I found this:



This seems official and legitimate, but I only found the first season. Now I'm not worried about this being legit, its just that there don't seem to be any other season sets from Funimation here. I can assume that there were none, I guess.


Now if I remember correctly, there were some complaints in the reviews that episodes aren't put in order. Since amazon combines the reviews for both season sets into one, I can't tell which reviews go with which release.


What I wanted to know is, is the first season set and all the ones corresponding to it an official release? The region all thing has me worried, along with the DVD-R thing, and the possibility of episodes not being in order.



EDIT: Scratch what I said about episodes being out of order.

I read a customer review explaining that the Funimation release which I said seemed official and legitimate was the one with episodes out of order, it seems. The one that I"m asking if its official or not is the one that's in order, apparently.

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

This is printed on demand from amazon when you order it. As far as I can tell, it's legit. I've been looking to purchase the first four seasons as well. This is what I was planning on purchasing once I save up enough money: http://www.amazon.com/Code-Lyoko-Complete-Disc-Collection/dp/B006O2L15Q/ref=sr_1_8?s=movies-tv&ie=UTF8&qid=1374844133&sr=1-8&keywords=code+lyoko


This is all four seasons of the cartoon. No live action.


There was another series that was printed on demand as well, It's the Swat Kats dvd box set. I already own that, and mine didn't come as DVD-R, as far as I can tell. It's got nice art on the DVD's and everything.


If you feel more comfortable, you can also order all the seasons from iTunes as well.

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I wouldn't worry about it anyways. There are plenty of bootlegs on Amazon that are actually of superb quality. I'm pretty sure two of my Sailor Moon box-sets are bootlegs, and they're great.

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

My DVD copy of Swat Kats says nothing about being a DVD-R, however it does have a symbol on it that says DVD Download. There is also this message: "This dics is expected to play back in dvd video 'play only' devices, and may not play back in other dvd devices, including recorders and pc drives." I put one of the discs in my desktop and it's not reading it very well.

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