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Glacier's character thread


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If I am to make characters I play, I will post them here too. This is gonna be the thread for it, and if it still accords the rules now or by then, I will dredge it to add characters to maintain order within the forum. 
The very first one right here is actually not a player character, but more of a babysitter for one or several other adventures. That, and the fact that she is a Dragon-type or Bossfight-type character in another story are the reasons why she is so overpowered. I'm not intending to 'play-play' her though, so 
Edith Carruthers
39 (I don't know how long she's been that age, might be the first time, or have been for 2 years)
Higher (meaning what we call 'Anthro') Alligator
Fortuna, Fled to Ft Mike during the early Lylat wars.
A small scrap shop in a little town on Ft Mike
6'4 (Is a lot taller when stretched out on the ground like a lesser Alligator.)
Very, very heavy.
She trains her body to move quickly while carrying very heavy weight.. That, and constantly carrying her armour and her weapons trained all areas of a body more than enough to be clearly visible on any spot that the armour doesn't completely cover.
Due to her species, she has eyes pointing in oppsite directions and leaving a blind spot in the exact front of her face. They have an intimidating yellow shine and in contrast a pitch black iris that makes it very clear, who she's looking at at all times.
She doesn't have hair.
She has her husband, Howard Carruthers, whom she does practically everything with. She even does most of her dangerous work with him. In case the two of them have children, they do a really good job at hiding them. Though not at the same place, it is said she lives in the same city with her mother and what's left of her siblings.
Chaotic neutral
She is down to earth and pragmatic, and completely scrupulous. She and Howard will take any husband that features a good danger/payment relation. Unless it serves her a practical use, she never loses her temper. Though if she can, she lets loose and tosses out everything she has on an enemy, or even just on someone completely innocent who made her angry without being checking for protecting circumstances (such as local laws protecting him etc). Yet there is one thing that really drives her mad, and that's when people start making statements that she considers 'deluded'. Racist slurs are never her problem, but one should not dare overromanticise any one culture, empire, domain or other group of people, declaring them or themselves choirboys. Just as passionate about work as a bounty hunter, she is with her work back at home, be it turning junk into functional technology or developing something new or personal. Despite her life being exciting enough, she never lost her fascination of adventure stories. Maybe for another reason than before. Because they didn't just create worlds of awe and wonder, but also happy worlds, in which not as much goes wrong as it tends to happen in real life.
She hatched as part of the first and only egg batch of Agnes Brighton, a laid back farmerswoman, who held a ranch of lesser mammals in the hills of Fortuna. Whenever her Father Geoffrey , a Cornerian pilot, was at home, he'd tell her stories about the life in the Cornerian Army. About all the wonders they would conjure up with the sheer magic in the devices they had. Her father didn't tell it that way, but she was always so fascinated of it, since she had so little contact with the outside world apart from books and sometimes from school. Though the latter was more rare than usual, as she lived in a very conservative and isolated community. 
Of all the books and pieces of machines or whole gadgets her father brought home either just at the side when coming home, or as presents on her birthday or other occasions, she preferred most the stories of adventure and one specific series of novels about a female reptilian adventurer, who traveled the universe fixing every issue that posed a threat to her and her surroundings by assembling some gadget by hand at the last moment. She spent all her spare time trying to live up to her fictional idol's preferences and learning everything in the field of engineering and alternate engineering that interested her. Not just the standard things such as the different types of energy harnessers or drives or transportation technology. She picked up on every unusual bit that she found interesting, after a few years even starting to learn from public universities' databases and encyclopedia, because conventional literature wasn't good enough at a certain point.
When the Lylat wars arose, her father was one of the first sent to the front lines due to his non-canine nature, which lead to a suitingly early death. Upon hearing about that, When they had to move, the possessions she deemed most valuable were nothing other than her books, be it fiction or technical literature. They fled out of Lylat, into one of Corneria's protected territories. Of course these could be a point of conflict from time to time, too, but they were much wider and one spot in them much more unlikely to be attacked for one, and for the other, the place the vast majority of the battles took place at was the Lylat system, the very core of both Empires, Corneria and Venom.
Cherryls, a city on Ft Mike was the place, where they came to stay. They couldn't take all the farm animals they had with them, and some even died or disappeared on the flight. Which was a glimpse of one of the downsides of Edith's new home. It had a much higher crime rate. On more occasions than back at home, she, her siblings and her mother heard of other people getting robbed, some getting addicted to mind-altering substances, higher animals getting abducted for slavery or prostitution, the list was endless. All this existed back in their old home too, but in a much weaker manner and the local media mostly just put it off as a conspiratorial Venomian influence. 
And addiction to 'Diamond Glass' is what happened to one of her sisters. She took a vacation upon finding out about that and investigated after her sister, together with her brother Billy. They tracked her back to the man responsible for it, knocked him out, and Billy checked on his ID. But what they took for legitimate news back on Fortuna, proved little by little, even through this example to be more of a propaganda in preparation for a war. This criminal wasn't a Venomian spy or any of the sort. Even his comm had nothing similarly hinting in his history. He was a fully rectified Cornerian citizen and a true-bred Doberman at that. This was one of the many occasions, that had her eventually lose any trust in everything she was taught to believe in. She no longer cared for Cornerian or Venomian or who was with the enemy and who was not. This was her way of growing up. Of starting to see the world as the wide range of individuals it was, and she considered it too much of a bother to try and apply morals to anything any more.
But Ft Mike didn't just have bad sides to it. It's news were a lot more neutral for a start, and featured articles and news programs about political topics showing the dirt both sides had to them, as well as completely non-political and often very interesting ones about other cultures, history or science. Same went for the degree of civilization. Ok, the community she lived in back on Fortuna maybe wasn't a good example, but nonetheless this place showed a lot more signs of civilization, such as cheap access to electronics and connection to the networks up to the point that everyone had it in several places individually. She didn't have to go to a Network Café to checkup something on the networks or check her N-mail account. 
And this higher degree of civilization is what she always thought brought her together to Howard or her 'man' as she just called him.  She initially just knew him as a competitor in her field of tinkering junk together, and as a partner for exchanging work experience and detailed knowledge from an engineering board. But eventually, they found out they lived in the same city and Howard came over to meet her. And gradually, what started as a professional competition, became a professional partnership, then a friendship, then a relationship, and eventually led to their marriage. Since they met, they both kept feeling like doing everything together. And they always did ever since.
Abilities and equipment:
Edith knows her way in engineering if it's in fields that don't require high-tech equipment or include forging top-notch-conventional machines.
She doesn't have much weaponry, just a blaster and an assault rifle. Her most important asset is her armour. Her and Howard's most cherished piece of work is a set of compressed versions of conventional equipment usually used in aircraft. They both wear a large plate armour covering almost their entire bodies, as well as with several hanging plates on the outside. They are pretty thick block most physical projectiles, and if in relative motion, such as when they turn or roll, deflect all light projectiles. The same deflection is also applied to their barriers, which they only turn on in battle though. Both of them work best, when she willingly or instinctively death-rolls, which she can do any time in battle.
Dammit, the background turned into what feels like a novel again. Well I guess no-one is forced to read it anyway, as it's only to justify her appearance, abilities and personality.
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