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TM2 Stadium SFO server


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Hi guys, Now that I've got the new version of Trackmania ( http://www.maniaplanet.com ), I'm now able to get down and dirty more than ever in the Stadium. Why don't you guys come and join me and we can get a server together? Oh, and DZComposer, in case you're wondering, there's none of this FreeZone virtual tax crap like in Trackmania Nations Forever, so we'll be able to get our own server without too many probs.

Edited by DZComposer
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If people are interested I can do it. The game's $10 on Steam and there is a Linux server. But I'm not setting up a server for 2 people.

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Well, you don't mind if I do a bit of advertising here and there on the website, do you?

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