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Most of you have Steam I'm sure and have probably seen this on the front page of steam as the new early access game, but I looked at it and it was the kind of horror game I'd really enjoy and would like to get the word out on it some more, haha. This is from what I've seen as I haven't actually played it, btw.


The idea behind Damned is there's four survivors that have no way to directly negatively impact the monster (think Amnesia), and one player who gets to play as a monster. The entire levels and such are randomized so each run has the survivors running blind. The levels can be all sorts of classic horror locations, hotels, hospitals, that sort of thing. Anyway, they have flashlights that can illuminate their way but also reveal them to the monster. There's different types of monsters and I believe the person selects which one he wants to be at the start of the round, and each one plays differently. The survivors want to work together and avoid the monster, while the monster wants to kill them. Survivors can't attack the monster so they must run and hide.


In the video on Steam, the type of monster that is in their game can exist in two different dimensions. On the physical dimension, he moves slower than the survivors and is able to kill them, on the other dimension, he can't see the survivors but is able to pass through doors and move quickly. Switching from the other dimension to the real one takes about 10 seconds and while doing so the survivors hear a loud, unusual noise that announces the monster is entering their dimension. That monster seems very interesting to me.


Right now it's early access so, and I believe it only has that one monster, but more are planned of course, so if you aren't the types of folks to buy into early access but are interested, I'd suggest making a note of it and checking up on it.


Who knows, it may be something the SF-O members have fun playing.


Steam page for anyone who's interested.



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Holy shit, this seems like the kind of game I'd love to play but I'd shit my pants at the same time.  I'm not a huge horror guy, but I might give this a look.

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That can be changed as the game progresses, however, granted anyone can up their gamma but they can turn the brightness of the game overall down for survivors. It is an early access after all so things are subject to change and they are looking for feedback.

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