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Starbound has hit beta


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....on december 4th


so for those of you that dont know, Starbound (link in my sig) is a terraria-esque 2D metroidvenia game that so far is looking like its going to kick more ass than Chuck Norris on Chuck-Hating-Day.


and guess what, you can pre-order it now.


I'm serious, pre-order this shit now, the game is only just starting off and you'll thank me for it later. They already have shittons of features such as infinite universes, spaceships, multiple tiers of progression, pets (unsure about this bit).


If you liked Terraria in any capacity, go to www.playstarbound.com now and pre-order it to get a great deal on whats looking to be a great game.


and right now, I'm looking into possibly hosting a server for this so maybe we could kick some space-ass together! :D

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Just snooping around the website for a while has piqued my interest. (Along with that $15 pricetag) I do wonder though if this will be like other games where downloading the beta will automatically give you access to the full version  of the game when it is released. I suppose it is since it says "Pre-Order"...


Do my eyes deceive me?


96,653 Backers ( $2,161,993 )  :o


And the beta release date was only just announced?

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  On 11/30/2013 at 4:22 PM, StarFoxfan-FUR_ever said:

Just snooping around the website for a while has piqued my interest. (Along with that $15 pricetag) I do wonder though if this will be like other games where downloading the beta will automatically give you access to the full version  of the game when it is released. I suppose it is since it says "Pre-Order"...


Do my eyes deceive me?


96,653 Backers ( $2,161,993 )  :o


And the beta release date was only just announced?

They've had pre-orders open for a while. The pre-orders got you a guaranteed beta slot

that extra cash they were using to fund the game until beta, as they were hitting the bottom of the bucket at around that time and needed to pay for things somehow

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might get this


because it looks


*puts on sunglasses*






But yeah, seriously considering getting a copy. Kind of want to finish my 2nd run of Terraria first though. Hm.

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  On 11/30/2013 at 8:05 PM, LoneWolf said:


But yeah, seriously considering getting a copy. Kind of want to finish my 2nd run of Terraria first though. Hm.

December 4th so you have a few days

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Eeh, I caved and bought it. Excited to give it a try. 2 more days.

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Those pre-order bonuses are actually pretty nifty. If I had expendable cash monies, I would totally opt for getting a statue made of me, guitaring with my M14, if possible. But alas, I not has monies.

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Well I've played a couple hours and so far I really like it. Decided to roll up an Avian character and explore the harsh reality of the planet the game decided to make me go to.


This was the highlight of my entire game so far, besides the flame pissing psyduck that I sadly missed out on getting a screenshot of.



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  • 1 month later...
  • Owner/Technical Admin

This topic is a month old, but I'm curious to see - is anyone still playing? When the beta came out it was very hot, all my friends played and played. Though we've gotten a few updates (character wipes NOOO), my friends don't seem to be playing, probably waiting for new patch.

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I play on and off but I'm waiting for the wipe before I start playing again. I've dumped maybe 80 something hours into it so far and I'm pretty damn sure I'll be dumping in some more.

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I'm waiting on another content patch to do anything more with the game


Its great functionally, but I keep running into the same generated structures and planets every time I take a cosmic-step so... more shit needs to be added

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