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Vexx Models (In-Progess Workshop Models for SFM)


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While not Star Fortress related, I've been working on a different project. I have a couple of models I plan on importing to Source Film Maker that I ripped. However, I would want to know if you guys would actually like to see them being used for Source Film Maker. These models came from a lost gem known as Vexx by Accalim and were ripped via 3D Ripper DX and Blender, since I have in no way of actually getting the data from the iso. I plan to release these models to the workshop as soon as I get started on rigging and ik rigging in Blender.




Currently, I have Vexx scaled to Heavy's shoulder as shown here. 




And just recently, I managed to finally get Dark Yabu (Primary Antagonist) thanks to some AR Codes I managed to find in the database of the internet. I haven't scaled him to the appropriate height as of yet. So for now, he's just eye candy. 



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  • 5 months later...

Holy crap, this is exactly what I was looking for!


I've been a huge fan of Vexx for years now and was hoping to make a few SFM posters of the game provided I could find the model.  If I couldn't find one already set up for the Source Engine, I was actually planning to learn to rip and rig the models myself.


This is probably a far-fetched question considering how long this thread has gone without replies, but might you still be planning to finish these?  I'd really be excited to work with Vexx in SFM, and I'd even be willing to assist in the models' completion if needed.

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Wow I thought I was the only one who played this thing. Nice.

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  • 5 years later...

hey did you ever get these finished and or if you have them available still, can i have the download for the vexx model please? thank you!

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  • 1 year later...

Hello Aurora. I just wanna ask you how you managed to make Vexx work with 3D Ripper DX. I've been trying for ages to make it work, to no avail. Is there some kind of special setting I missed? Thanks in advance. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

i hate to inform you that this thread was created nearly 8 years ago and aurora hasn't been online in 7 years

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Owner/Technical Admin

In the future, please check dates before responding to a dead thread. I'm going to go ahead and lock this thread.


(Hoo, thanks for responding, this message wasn't directed towards you.)

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