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Star Fox 64 2. Gameplay, Story. All here.


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Star Fox 64 2



Ok so let's just get this out of the way now. This is not official. Nintendo is not making a Star Fox 64 2. But they should. And It's rightly so. Star Fox is one of Nintendo's gem's in their collection of games but still they continue to taunt us by not creating something that the world wants and desperately needs. And that's a new Star Fox game. Now the following I write Is my own personal idea of where Star Fox should go and what gameplay should be contained in the new game. So if Nintendo is reading this, take notes, because if you made this game. You guys will be making bank! 


Now of course you can't play Star Fox without having the traditional arcade ship combat. I tip my hat to Nintendo for giving us Star Fox Assault even though the on foot missions really sucked. But this new Star Fox game will of course have the traditional arcade ship missions. Bombs and all. But now let's get deep into this. Of course everything about flying the Arwing is awesome. But what really interested me that Nintendo introduced into Star Fox was on foot missions in Star Fox Assault. Now I just previously stated that I thought the on foot missions were really stupid in this game. And I still stand by this, however if done correctly, on foot missions on this game could be just as fun as blowing crap up in the Arwing. Two games that I really enjoy playing is Gears of War, and Lost Planet 3. Both of these games have something in common. They both share cover based combat. This type of firefight type of style mixed in with the arcade gameplay of Star Fox could make this game so addicting!!! Fox moving from rubble to fallen ships to take cover from the enemy units firing upon him. That would be really sweet. I know Nintendo is kind of a family based system but another thing I would like to add is if an enemy dies. Let him die. Don't vaporize him, or when he dies his body disappears. I don't know if a bunch of dead animals lying on the ground would change the rating of the game. But the mood of this game will be a lot darker anyway. But who knows. That's up to Nintendo isn't it? Now let's talk about something awesome that I have been really excited to share. And that's star fox weapons. Here are the weapon categories. Now I haven't like created a whole weapon system but this is where Nintendo could be really creative so here they are:

  • Cornerian
  • Venomian
  • Star Fox Team

These three types of weapons will be used through out the campaign. Now of course when you start off on foot the player will have a Star Fox Team weapon that he'll spawn with, and then as he moves through the levels he'll be able to pick up enemy or ally weapons as the player chooses.


Now let's talk about the Cornerian weapons. Cornerian army is rarely mentioned in the franchise. I mean you barely see fellow wingmen flying with you or fighting with you on the ground. Nintendo has portrayed them as a bunch of sissies that need mercenaries to do all of their work for them. I mean Star Fox of course is needed. But I think The Cornerian Army will be a little bit more involved in this game. The Cornerian weapons will be very simple, sleek, good looking guns. They'll be kind of a white-grey smooth heavenly  color to them. Now these guns will not be the guns that the player will really want to use. Sure they'll get the job done in taking out Andross's forces. But I want them to be recognized as guns that the player doesn't really want to use. For the Cornerian Army I'm thinking of a simple rifle. An auto burst rifle. and a rocket launcher.


Now let's about Andross's weapons. Now these weapons will be really fun to use and will cause a lot of damage. I don't want to follow what Halo does with their weaponry and basically have the same gun for every race. I want all guns in this game to be different. So Venomian weapons will be awesome fun guns that the player will actually want to use. My ideas for these type of weapons are kind of slimy looking, very gritty black weapons. I think Andross's forces will use slime cannons. Gritty green laser guns. Anything gross can be used for a gun with these guys. I think Nintendo could be really creative here as long as they don't make similar weapons to the Cornerians.

Star Fox Team

Now let's talk about my favorite gun class, Star Fox weapons!!! In all of the past Star Fox games Slippy Toad is just the annoying guy who apparently made the Arwing ships. and is basically the guy who makes all of the awesome Star Fox gear. In the games they don't really highlight his skills. All we want to do is just simply shoot Slippy because he's so annoying! but in this game Slippy makes some sweet guns that will make you drool. They will be the most superior weapons on the battlefield and you'll  always want them. Even though you spawn with a Star Fox weapon. My ideas for Star fox weapons are the following: SAW Machine gun with end clip grenade launcher weapon. Sniper-sticky grenade combo. exc...It just gets better and better as I keep thinking of all of the awesome weapons that Slippy could create. However, these weapons won't be as easy to get as the others. Since they are better than the others. The player should have a certain kill streak and then Slippy would then send a drop pod containing the weapon as a reward. In this game I think that SF weapons could be hidden and stalked as well. Whatever Nintendo decides, they need to make these guns hard to get. So now that we got the guns out of the way Let's talk about guns and power-ups and grenades.

Now as far as power-ups go I think a drop shield, such as the one in Halo 3 would be effective. A barrier that the player could use for cover and hide behind. Also an auto turret would be very useful as well. Now every gun faction will also have a grenade to go with them The Cornerian grenades will be a simple explosion. Nothing to fancy. The Venomian grenades will explode but melt helpless victims with a green ooze. SF grenades will be pretty sweet. You'll throw them in the air and they'll be basically a cluster grenade and will take out numbers of enemies.


Now this will be really awesome. I've always admired what Bungie did with halo and is now doing with Destiny. They really let the player use they're creativity. I think that the player should unlock character species: Fox, Toad, Bird, Raccoon, Mole, exc. and also character parts such as costume design parts for your character. Multiplayer will be extremely fun and also you would be able to see what your fellow Star Fox fanatics created as well.


A lot of you may be mad, or even furious with the way I have imagined Star Fox going. But this is what I think should happen with the series and it I feel that this is the direction the game should go. The game will have a more darker feeling to it than any of the past Fox games. Characters will have a larger depth to them so that players can actually feel what the character is feeling. The voice acting in this game will be much better. I think that's the number one problem I had with the Star Fox games was that the voice acting was just to corny. I mean I don't want profanity but still the voice acting will be better and more realistic in this game. Here are the following characters that will be in the game. As I write the plot you'll probably realize that some characters will not be mentioned as much. That's because I believe that they are completely not necessary to have, or I've saved them for the next game so here are your characters: 

  • Fox McCloud
  • Falco
  • Slippy
  • Peppy
  • Krystal
  • General Pepper
  • Sgt. Burt the Bulldog
  • Harry the Hedgehog
  • Murry the Mole
  • Bill
  • (all of Star Wolf Team)
  • Andross

Now as you can see I've added some characters. Star Fox, Burt the Bulldog, and Harry the Hedge Hog will be the only playable characters in this campaign. It will feel a little different than the only Fox gameplay but it should still be pretty awesome. I haven't come up with any boss characters for the game. But I'll just go through the story line and with the gameplay, weapons and characters. I think you can imagine the amazing quality that Nintendo could create with this story line. The storyline takes place right after Star Fox 64. So here we go.


The story takes place in the depths of space of the Lylat system. Fox is in his quarters of the Great Fox thinking about his recent events of what happened after the destruction of Andross. He keeps hearing his father's words as the two of them escape out of the fiery inferno of Andross's lair. Fox wonders if his father is actually alive, or if he's dead. Peppy Hare enters and comforts Fox being the father figure that Peppy feels that he should be since being the close friend to his father, James McCloud. Rob 64 calls to Fox informing him that General Pepper is calling them. Fox and Peppy quickly head to the Bridge where the two are met with their comrades, Falco, and Slippy. General Pepper has a job for the Star Fox team informing him that a surviving band of Andross's Army has taken refuge in Meteo. Pepper tells Fox that he would send his own forces to take own the last remain stragglers but since Fox's team is closest. Pepper says it would be easiest also saying that he would pay a handsome sum to their services. Star Fox agrees and they head to Meteo. Star Fox engages the remaining  forces of Andross and destroy them all leaving them with one final Boss. Star Fox almost kills their last remaining enemy. With the Boss's last dying words he tells Star Fox that Andross has returned. Fox refuses to believe it and the Boss tells him it's true. Peppy then asks where he his. The Boss then tells them that Andross is being rebuilt where it all began. Venom. He then tells the team that they will be destroyed and that the Lylat system will be Andross's. Fox responds to this saying, "Not today," and shoots a bomb and kills the Boss. With Star Fox confused and disturbed they head to Corneria to tell General Pepper all of what they have seen. Pepper of course does not believe the words himself but Star Fox insists that it's the truth. Pepper then decides to send a small squad of scouts. The best pilots the Cornerian Army has to investigate the barren planet Venom. He sends Bill, Murry, and Harry to do the job. (player plays as Harry) Before the Cornerian soldiers leave Fox is concerned with his friend, Bill, and worries about his safety and tells him it's not a good idea for him to go. Bill reassures Fox that everything will be ok and jokingly tells him that if he sees Andross that he'll give him his regards. Fox hugs his friend and the three Cornerian soldiers leave to Venom. Harry leads his squad into Venom and the planet appears to be Barren. Bill tires to tell Harry that they're wasting their time when all of a sudden they are ambushed by hundreds of Venomian ships. Harry and his wingmen fight their way through the forces of Andross when they encounter Andross himself. Andross has finally been rebuilt and is larger and more powerful than ever before. Half of his face is gone and is replaced with a robotic face that makes him look more menacing than he ever has. Harry, Murry and Bill fight Andross but he is to powerful. Andross Kills Murry leaving Harry and Bill left. Andross tries to grab Harry but Bill blocks the way. Andross begins to crush Bill's ship. Bill shoots a bomb at Andross's hand which he is gripped in but does no effect. Bill yells at Andross that he'll never win and that Fox will kill him. Andross Tells Bill that he would like to see him try and kills Bill. Harry fights Andross the best he can but he to is nabbed by Andross. Andross decides not to kill Harry but damages his ship almost killing Harry. Andross tells Harry to return to Corneria and tell Pepper everything that he has seen. Harry escapes. Harry arrives at Corneria and tells Pepper and the Star Fox team everything that he has seen, and then dies in General Pepper's arms. Fox is infuriated and screams and cries for his lost friend Bill and swears vengeance against Andross. Pepper tells his forces to gather together and they'll make their attack for Venom. One of the soldiers speaks up and tells Pepper that he doesn't need to. And that Andross has brought himself to them. Pepper and the Star Fox team watch the monitor and watch as the huge Bulk of the half machine Andross enter the Cornerian atmosphere followed by his thousands of soldiers ships and star cruisers. Andross launches three large dome shaped objects upon the Cornerian city. Pepper gives orders to attack Andross but Andross cannot be reached. He is protected by three dome shaped objects which are shield barriers. Pepper tells fox if he can run a ground assault to destroy the three shield barriers. Fox agrees and destroys the shield barriers and helps attack Andross in the skies with his Arwing. Andross is attacked by various of enemies and is forced to fall back to Venom. He teleports himself and his enemies flee. Cornerian troops ask Pepper if they should follow Andross. Pepper tells them no and orders all forces to count casualties and begin repairs upon Corneria. Pepper tells Fox and his team that they need their help once again to kill Andross. Star Fox says to Pepper that it would only be a pleasure.  


Well guys if you liked this so far let me know and I'll continue writing this for you. Tell me your opinions of your ideas and thoughts of this game. Thanks for reading and seriously though let me know if you want to here more and I'll finish this.


Sincerely your Fox Forever Fan,





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Starfox franchise does not need more characters to add in lieu of making the game better. The sonic series tried that, and look how that turned out


The characters we have now aren't even fucking characterized very well, lets not further confuse things with... Murray the Mole... which by the way, even SOUNDS like a sonic character name


We don't go around calling Krystal: Krystal the Fox. She is just Krystal, no surname.(at least until Fox stops being such a wuss and gets her a fucking ring)


Christ Fox the Fox just sounds dumb enough.


keep that little naming convention in sonic pls. kthx.

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Hey, guys, come on! I myself am not sure whether this is serious or not, but it's obvious they put a heck of a lot of work into it, so if you don't like it, just say it and be done with it.


It sounds pretty cool IMO, but it's not really "Star Fox"

You sound a bit too eager to make it best gaem evar, but your plot is cool, idea is cool. It'll never happen but it's cool.


Have fun

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Hey, guys, come on! I myself am not sure whether this is serious or not, but it's obvious they put a heck of a lot of work into it, so if you don't like it, just say it and be done with it.

It sounds pretty cool IMO, but it's not really "Star Fox"

You sound a bit too eager to make it best gaem evar, but your plot is cool, idea is cool. It'll never happen but it's cool.

Have fun

I have to agree with Icy... too many times do I see people here burning new members that had an idea they were excited about and wanted to share. Bad idea, weird idea, whatever, it reminds me of the antagonists of some angsty teenage soap opera trying to cull the herd and make cliques... seriously... chill out a bit and try to offer some sort of constructive commentary.

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you realize this game of yours is painfully out-of-character fanfiction rather than something resembling a feasible installment of the series. Write as much fanfiction as you want, but there's a separate board for that.


s'all i'm sayin'

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OK, I'm locking and cleaning this thread for the OP's sake.

I get it, the story is terrible, but don't shit on the guy. We've all had terrible story ideas for the series at one time or another. :lock:

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