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RP Request - Blood Hounds (formerly Guns for Hire) [APPROVED]


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Name: Dimitri West
Gender: Male
married to: Victoria West
Race: Siberian Husky
Height: 6'6"
Home planet: Corneria 
age: 25
Profession: mercenary
Appearance: Tall, strong, Lean and cut (somewhat built, but not half way to bodybuilder) anthro Husky, black white and gray fur.  Voice is somewhat deep, yet not a boombing voice, with a country twang.
Clothing: Casual: red, and blue Plaid shirt tucked into his somewhat light blue jeans. A black cowboy  hat, and boots.              
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Let's see if I'm doing this right...


Name: Danny Murray


Aliases: Neoware, Nationsunited


Gender: Male


Height: 5'7''


Race: Human


Age: 14


Profession in this RP: Apprentice computer coder/Part-time hacker (I WOULD LIKE TO POINT OUT THAT I AM NOT A REAL HACKER. I SAY THIS BECAUSE I HAVE PLAYED A LOT OF HACKING SIMULATION GAMES, LIKE THIS ONE: http://www.exosyphen.com/page_hackerevolutionuntold.html )


Appearance: Voice has distinct, maturing British accent. Can see muscles slightly bulging out from all the arm wrestling matches I did at school


Clothing: Red hat, Black hoodie that extends over my eyes when my hood is up, black trousers, white trainers. ALWAYS carries a headset with him. (It's pratically a habit)


Primary Weapon: Maybe Beggar's Bazooka from Team Fortress 2?


Secondary Weapon: Five-Seven pistol. 20 bullets in each clip.


Melee weapon: Medium-sized rapier.


Special skills: Has a computer built into my body so I can use a computer wherever I go. All I have to do to bring it down is put my thumb, index and middle fingers together, drag them down through the air in a diagonal direction to make a transparant, hologram-like computer appear in front of me.


That good enough for ya, Jero?

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Alright, just real quick:


1. this is a story in the Star Fox universe. Humans dont exactly fit in.

2. I would prefer links to the character list and just say which one you're using, then I'll look them up.

3. This thread is meant for discussion on what to do with this RP as well, so filling it with character stats doesnt really help.

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I choose the second one for this.


The first is character I created for my fanfic series. The third is a backup.

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Nice. Welcome aboard.


I'm working on a blueprint of the ship. Yes, I just said that. I've got AutoCAD software for students and I'm taking a course on computer aided drafting and design. First will be the floor layout of course.


Once I finish this Dynamics assignment, I can put more into this storyline.

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Welcome aboard.



Alright, now that we have SIX people, its time to start doing some discussing.


I need everyone to give me a short introductory paragraph, sort of like a sample rp of how exactly you would find the ad above and respond to it and where to meet.

In addition, I need input on what to call the team as well as a better name for the team itself.


I like seeing female characters in here. Truth be told, I want an even number so having a male and female wing makes sense, but it also brings in diversity.


By the way, russian, which character do you want to use?

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oh sorry, I though I put that along with the link. I want to use Ashlin.

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Alright. Nice. Apparently I cant do math and that makes five, not six. Can take three more.

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Alright, NOW we're at six.



Everyone please find the questions I asked somewhere in there and answer. We need to fine tune our entrance.

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Here is my introductory paragraph.


Day 67 of the off season, and Ian already had a gig lined up. The flier had been crudely stapled among the figurative trillions of other fliers, and in fact Ian would have never have seen it if he hadn't flung the board to break the oncoming charge of a Rhino.


GUNS FOR HIRE it said in bright yellow text, and already Ian knew he would be in without question. After all, no employer yet had turned down his Gatling Gun's suppressing cacophony. Ian doubted anyone ever would.

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Everyone please post a paragraph of how your character finds out about Hackett's group. Waffles did it PERFECTLY.


In addition, we need to discuss the team's name, the name of their carrier, and the first few missions.


Players, send me your introductory missions via message or email.

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   As usual and in between jobs, Ansam Sonderust returned to the terrestrial spaceport docking bay 6, his head still buzzing from last nights drinking binge. He was just within the threshold when he stopped himself upon hearing the familiar crackle of security force comlinks. As he peeked around the corner, he silently groaned and whispered a sharp 'Dammit' under his breath. The CDF had finally caught up with him and was in the process of impounding his only means of transportation.


   He dove back, placing his back firmly against the wall and grit his teeth, thinking about the debts racking up around him. He looked up into the sky as the twin suns above were setting on this world and on him. He had to think fast, they knew he was in the city, but that wasn't what he was focused on. It was the money he had to come up before his deadline with Desmio Kariddian, kingpin and the only remaining first member of the ruthless Me'Langa Cartel. Four hundred thousand to be precise.


   But as if by fate, lady luck or some careless idiot who dropped it, a yellow flier had twisted in the wind floating before landing on Ansam's snout. He removed the piece of paper and read it to himself.


   "Hmph, well this looks promising."


   Looking out for anymore trouble, Ansam disappeared into the intersecting crowd ahead, heading to find a fare to take him off world.


   (Sorry lol, when I start writing I can't stop)

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Ashlin sat on a rugged stool,  a seat that she could practically call her home, at the bar of a seemingly full pub on the dry surface of MacBeth. It was a popular place for mercenaries to hang out; being a hotspot to snag the incoming transmissions of companies or people who requested a mercs "talents".  


She was just about to sink her teeth into a burger when her PDA flashed and extended a screen out infront of her, showing a new transmition. "Guns for higher eh?" she said to herself, forgetting about her food. Is was about time for a new job. 

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I like the incoming posts! These posts will be inserted into the first post of the RP once its given the OK.


At some point I may transcribe this into a fan script because I love movie stuff. Not sure though. I'll give it some thought.


I thought about a few names. Watchdogs (like the game, yes), Nightwatch, and Blood Hounds particularly stood out.

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As she walked down the street, Star held her head as her mind raced. How will she support herself? Will she have enough money to last her until her next job? Getting fired was abolutly the worst thing that could happen to her. Suddenly, she heard something coming from a group of TV's within a window. She stopped to look and saw an advertisement for Guns for Hire. As she watched it became more and more interesting by the second. Catching scumbag villains could maybe lead her to catching the sick, experimental freaks she dealt with through her childhood.With a grin, she pulled out a pen and paper and wrote down the contact information. "I guess my luck is changing. Guns for hire, here i come". 

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  On 2/16/2014 at 5:09 AM, Jeroscope said:

once its given the OK.


Consider it given the okay. You've definitely gathered enough support and have an intriguing concept that seems to be planned quite well -  I look forward to reading through the proceedings. :-P


Start a thread in the roleplay section when you're ready.



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I'm going to wait for any last minute backers as well as everyone's initial post. Compiling information as we speak.

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I might give this a go. Character works + into in spoiler.

  Reveal hidden contents
Name: Zephir Sokolovskii
Age: 36
Race: Wolf
Origin: Katina
Sex: Male
Height: 6 Feet 1 Inch
Weight: 203 Lbs
Build: Strong
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Light Brown
Fur Color: Darker Brown
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Personality: Silent and observing, Kind and Violent

Occupation: Post-Cornelia Quantum Physicist, Tactical Adviser, Moderate Ship Technician

Background: Zephir grew up on the Katrina frontier. His family were farmers near one of the inland lake. He learned the lay of the land and how to fight but the sky always fascinated him. One day, the farm was attacked by bandits, the village he lived in burned. Zephir ran to one of the nearby Military outpost and made a trip to Cornelia where he spent the rest of his childhood. Later he bacame on one of UoC's best professors. A highly skilled scientist and an advocate in exploratory research into the knowledge of space and how it works. He's also one of the writers on the Oposa-Hemingway Theorem; which dictates under correct circumstances a object can escape the event horizon only when space-time has been shifted to the extent that the gravitational pull of a Black Hole is offset by the lack of pull from one direction of the object falling into the Black Hole. (Basically just popping a Wormhole behind a ship and letting it fall in.) He also worked on Warp-jumping for smaller objects and people. The end result worked but too expensive for mass-production, not even the military could size up for it.

Over time he became bored. The university never had enough funds to support his research or Space travel as he would have wanted. He began thinking on how he could complete his work and enjoy himself in the process. Oh wait... the CDF. Yeah, physicist gone wild. He joined up to become a space pilot. However that didn't satisfy him. He moved onto tactical training and became a strategist. He worked with Bill Grey and composed specialized flight patterns for the Husky and Bulldog squads, completely unique and solid. Once the Venom wars were over, there was nothing for him to strive for. What would the army do now? So he left again. Stealing a fighter from the CDF, which made him a semi-outlaw (the CDF didn't like it but figured he maybe deserved if for some of his work. Still considered it illegal.) From there we worked stick jobs using his fighter for whoever had the most pay. He would use this to pay off his experimental supplies and to repair his ship if needed.

Then he met a renegade ship. Curiosity over took him as he warped over to this ship. Later learning it was a mercenary group. Not even thinking twice, he wanted to sign up. The first words anyone hear from him once his initial jump were, "I want in."

My work here is done.

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