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Blood Hounds - Ch. 3 : First Day on the Job


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"I dont know if youve ever been stung by a Titanian fire scorpion doc, but I can tell you it lives up to its name. While most scorpion venom you can bare through, a fire scorpion could put you down for days and definitely kick you off any job you were on." She reached into one of her lower pockets and pulled out a small vile. " Ive been injecting myself with small doses of it mixed with a tiny bit of anti venom to try a build a stronger tolerance to it, kinda like a vaccine. Its been working so far with no big side effects and, as you can see, Im not dead yet."

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"So I see" Doc replies as he writes more notes down. "But I would urge you to instead consider antivenoms to build these immunities instead of mithridatism. While you can build a natural immunity with your ways, it can faster and more safely using antivenom serums. With Hackett's permission I can requisition such a serum or perhaps create it if the proper tools are aboard this vessel."


Doc looks Ashlin in the eye before continuing, "I personally won't stop you but do take note that you are injecting yourself with poison, albeit remote doses. Take heed of not only the risks but also the fact that you now have a team counting on you."


With that, he relaxes a bit. "That being said, was there anything else?"

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(Ansam to Hackett)


   "No, just never had to do that before. Hah, don't worry I'll do it, I was never into narcotics anyway. I never even shipped the stuff during my smuggling career." Calmly he laughed it of; he wanted to keep this job and didn't want anything to threaten him losing it.


   Ansam then looks at Hackett with his head in his hands, he appeared rather unusually tired. "Hey, you okay? You don't look so good. Maybe some rake time is in order for you."

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"Im just getting old is all." he said sitting up. "The clocks ticking, son. Ive only got a few left in me to let you and everyone else here have a shot at redemption. To do something for the better and have your names cleared." He leaned back again and sighed. "But I bet youre tired of me rambling by now. I wont bother you further."

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"Redemption for what?" Elektra asked. She knew that she had done quite a few questionable things, but who was he to decide who needeed redemption? None of the people around her looked like they were particularly bad anyway.

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"Anything you feel you did wrong," he said look up at Elektra. "Any job you felt was degrading, any time you were framed, anything that has happened or been done to you in life that eats away at you from the inside." He looked back down as his haunting memories came back. "When I was boy, Andross's forces attacked for the first time. My parents were killed and I was left to fend for myself. I stole, I lied, and I cheated my way through deals. I was only thankful that the CDF didnt straight up put me in prison but gave me a second chance because I was so young. They trained me and taught me right from wrong, accepting me into the academy and making me a leader. But... It didn't end as spectacularly as I thought it would. One day, I got assigned to escort a freighter with cargo. Probably one of Raddels ops. It sounded like him at least. Before we got off the ground, a bogey came in hot pursuit and tried shooting it down. I saw that it was just a scared kid, probably desperate for something. I gave him a warning shot and he broke off, but Raddel told me to shoot him down. I argued, saying he was just a child. He threatened me with a court martial, so I shot him down." He closed his eyes tightly for a second to get the image out of his head before continuing. "When I checked the wreakage, I found the body of what looked like a ten year old boy." He looked back up at her. "He was the exact same age I was when I was caught." He looked infuriated. "I was trying to give him a chance to make something better of himself, but I chose to kill him so it wouldnt reflect on my record. I broke my own morals that day." He turned over to Ansam. "So get in line. You're not the only one who wants to kill him."

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"Its alright doc I know the dangers, and ive taken precautions,  but like I said I made sure its not a lethal dose. The injections hurt like hell, but they wont kill me." Ashlin stared down at her feet, thinking. Normally she would of rejected Docs offer, liking to do things the survivalist way. But he did have a point. "Alright doc, ill take your offer. If you can get me an antivenom that does the same thing, ill stop with the lethal stuff. Oh, you might need this." She handed the doctor the vile of poison. "And besides that there is nothing else to report."

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(Ansam to Hackett)


   "Nah I quite enjoy our conversations. Maybe you and I will chum it up sometime, have a few drinks."

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He grinned a bit. "Heh... Maybe..." his somber expression returned as he leaned over, twiddling his thumbs.

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Doc takes the vial of poison, labeling it if it wasn't already labeled. "Very well. I'll get on the antivenom as soon as I can. That being said, let's begin the checkup." Doc performs his checkup. Nothing really strikes him as something that could keep her from working. "Alright then. We're almost set." He hands her a cup. "Take this and return with the urine sample. Tell the next person to come in while you're at."

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Ashlin nodded and took the cup from Docs hand before disappearing out of the med bay and into the bathroom. She never liked pissing in containers, always made her feel a bit uncomfortable, but it came easy enough and she was back in the clinic a few minutes later.


"Hey shepard." She said to Ansam as she walked by him. "You're next."


The fox appeared back before Doc and gave him the container. "Is there anything else needed?"

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"No. That will be all Ashlin. I will contact you about that antivenom soon. Until then, stay healthy" Doc said while he replaced what he had to for the next person.

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'Okay here we go.' Ansam thought getting up for his turn, placed the magazine on the table and walked over to the room where the Doc was.

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Lennox saw the Shepherd going in. He whispered to Ashlin as she walked past the feline.


"Doc gonna go like: 'Gonorrhea? yes. Syphilis? oh yeah. Herpes? enough for all the ship and all the alphabet worth of Hepatitis' with him"

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The Fox got up walked behind the Jaguar with a disapproving look. He delivered what is known as a swift "Gibbs Slap" to the back of his head. "Knock it off."

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"Alright then, see ya later doc." Ashlin said, walking out of the med bay. The vixen stopped and snickered at what Lennox said. "I dont want to know what he has down there, but he better keep it to himself." With that she made her way back through the ship and into her room, picking up her bag to organize her things. Seeing as she didnt have much stuff, it didnt take her long to sort everything and make this place a little more homey. "Now what the hell do I do with these?" She said to herself, holding two extra viles of venom in her hand. "Ah well, I figure it out later." Tossing the poison next to her rifle, the fell onto her bed and buried her face into the pillow.

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"Hey, what the fuck what's that for?!"


Lennox swore the fox had something against him. He only infiltrated hsi whole mission over someone he possibly had contact with before, no need to be harsh.

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"Figure it out." he said before sitting back down and opening his tablet to read.

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   Ansam's deep laugh echoed from the other room. He personally didn't have anything against the feline, he just reminded him of a business associate he knew back in the day when had a contract with the Me'Langa Cartel.


   "I'm ready when you are, doc." he said sitting down.

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"Take a seat" Doc says. "Ansam Sonderust. An Alsatian of 25 years if age." Doc looks through the file.


"An interesting way to spend your youth, in and out of hospitals and jails it seems. Some of note, a fractured skull caused by a drunk with a full beer bottle following a bar fight, broken knee from an undisclosed scuffle, and a broken arm after a fight with CDF personnel." Doc looks at Ansam. "Interesting life you lead." Doc returns to his notes. "We also have a history of smoking but interest in stopping and....." Doc pauses as he thinks for a moment if he needs glasses. "An irrational fear of Beanie Babies?" Doc shoots Ansam a puzzled look for this one.

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(Ansam to Doc)


   "Uh yeah, that...I don't know, just lookin' at them things sends chills up my spine. I can't really explain. In fact, I'd rather not talk about it."


   He sharply exhaled, eyes wide as paper plates as he stared at the ceiling.


   "Thats not gonna be problem is it? I mean, pirates and thugs ain't in the habit of using...beanie babies...as-s-s weapons, right? I mean, heh, who'd do that?"

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Doc gives Ansam one more confused look then writes a quick note down before putting down the medical records. "Very well. Anything you want to let me know about before we begin?

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(Ansam to Doc)


   "No. You aren't gonna use one on me, are you?" he said with a very serious look. "Cos if thats the case, there WILL be a few more bullet holes in this deck. Do I piss in the cup now?"

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"A Beanie Baby? No. I don't have any. It could be a different story if Giuseppa was here, that might have been another story. Now then, let's begin." Doc does his check-up. He seems a bit heavy given his weight but it could be from his muscles. After he finishes he hands him the cup. "You know the drill. Fill the cup with urine then bring back here and send in the next person."

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(Ansam to Doc)


   "I can break it down right now, if i'll save time."


   Ansam unzips his pants and positions the cup. In no time flat the cup is filled with no dripping what so ever. He then hands Doc the cup and walks out.


   "Hey whoevers next, go."

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