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Tales of Symphonia


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Yarr, Kratos just rules, and I downloaded like 1/4 of the soundtrack from Blue Laguana, then I just bought the OST to save myself a week of downloading time xD, Ive done way too much research on the game, everything impresses me too, especially alot of the voice actors alternate roles, I never would have guess that the voice actor for Gnone was also Tidus from FFX and Ratchet from the Ratchet and Clank series <_<;;

The only thing that I hated the most about the game was the very first time through when I was playing it... When I first met Mithos and I didn't know who it was I was like "wtf... she looks alot like Collete O_o" and when I heard his voice I was like "Wierd voice for a girl though" and when I found out his name I was "Wait... Mithos... was a ... WTF THATS NOT A GIRL!?!?"

<.< I mean seriouslly, that was just sad on my first time through >>, I thought he was a girl >>

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Man those voice actors get around >.>

XD Mithos DOES look like Collet... For some reason I think it was intended, but it would have expected someone to go in the game, "HOLY CRAP WHAT HAPPENED TO COLLET?!"

Collet: "....I'm over here Lloyd"

Lloyd: ">_>; Oh... <_< then who the heck is this girl?!"

Mithos: ">< I'm a guy you tard!"

Zelos: "._. Well that's nice to know, guess I won't be hitting on you now..."

Everyone: "..."

Me: "RAAGH!" *Skewers Zelos with a large spike* "^^ Ahh... much better" *Walks off*

Everyone: O.o

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Yggy looks like a flat girl.


*before the solo fight vs. Kratos*

Kratos:  It's time to D-D-D-D-D-DUEL!

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At least none of the girls look like guys <_<;;;, and my last time through the game I turned off the music and used my own music for the boss fights xD, it was interesting, some of the choices I picked didnt work so well, but it was still interesting, the one that worked perfect though,

Abyssion: I wll show you, my true power! *When Hell Awakes starts*

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The solo duel with Kratos is awesome! ._. I got screwered with Grave the first time and died... but the second I came back with VENGENCE!!!!

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I died once out of all the times, I was trying to go through and not heal and he didnt the grave, then lighting blade combo, then he randomly linked super lighting blade to it which is unusual, but the hardest battle hands down, even with a level 100 Lloyd is Abyssion in Mania Mode, Always be fearful of Indignation Judgement, he uses it so fast that theres no way to get out of it, and aside from that, it HURTS, its like getting hit by his Indignation 3 times in a row without being able to block it

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