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Star Wars: Battlefront Discussion Thread REDUX


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   Since the old Battlefront thread is dead, I figured it was time to breathe new life into it.


   For those of you who are new, Star Wars Battlefront is a first person and third person shooter based in Star Wars universe a bit like Battlefield, released in 2004 on XBox, PS2 and PC. It features vehicles and weapon class types to aid you and change the tide of battle into your favor. In 2005, Battlefront 2 was released with tons of changes and improvements and later sparked similar games on PSP and Nintendo DS handhelds. A third installment was in the works until its developer Free Radical went bankrupt and the project was scrapped.


   Following the selling of Lucasfilm and other sub-companies, EA had announced at E3 2013 that a new blockbuster would be coming soon. Naturally the fans were ecstatic. 




   With a new Battlefront on the horizon, what are your thoughts on the series and expectations to come?

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Shameless copypasta from the previous thread


Star Wars Battlefield 3.  That's what it's going to be.  I'm not looking forward to this trainwreck.  


It's going to be DRM infested first off.  EA will freak out about piracy and make it harder for the legitimate buyers to actually access their goddamn game when they buy it(SimCity anyone?).  It'll be 60 bucks probably with Day 1 DLC not included in the price.  Because of EA it will also have packs that you need to buy separately and a BattleFront III Platinum Edition for an extra 40 dollars about two months in.  You won't get half the planets the Platinum users get, you won't get any of the armors they get, the weapon customizations, you won't get shit for vehicles, and you probably won't get to find many servers if you're not Platinum.  


Say goodbye to hosting a multiplayer game on the PC edition, because EA wants you to buy servers from their providers.  You'll have to pay 15 dollars a month to rent a server if you want to play with some friends under your own terms.  



They might just remove the AI in the game and instead go with players only like the new Battlefield games.


In short, I'm not excited for it.  Call me skeptical, call me a cynic, call me a killjoy, but I want to bring some things to light.  How excited were you guys when SimCity was announced?  Hm?  How about Mass Effect 3?  How did that turn out?  


I always take any EA game being released with a grain of salt.  So no, I'm not waiting with baited breath, I'm not excited.  Apathetic.  That's what I'd call myself.

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Battlefront is amazing. One of the best Star Wars games made, and not, as DZComposer puts it, 'George Lucas s**t'.

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   So the general consensus is that EA will ruin the series? I have to admit what I saw of Star Citizen looked well down, I wonder if that will carry over to Battlefront.

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   So the general consensus is that EA will ruin the series? I have to admit what I saw of Star Citizen looked well down, I wonder if that will carry over to Battlefront.

Why would it?  Star Citizen has absolutely nothing to do with Star Wars Battlefront.  The creator has no affiliation with EA, or DICE, and he's a pretty decent person, which gives me a lot of doubt that he will cut a deal with either company.

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Why would it?  Star Citizen has absolutely nothing to do with Star Wars Battlefront.  The creator has no affiliation with EA, or DICE, and he's a pretty decent person, which gives me a lot of doubt that he will cut a deal with either company.


Sorry, I miss heard that. I watched a video by Star Wars HQ on Youtube talking about cockpit views and how they might be similar to that of Star Citizen. My mistake :lol:


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Hold up, first off DICE is developing the game. EA is producing it, not good or bad news, just clarifying.

Second, since the Sim City fiasco, EA took down their DMC policy. It would be a PR disaster for them to use it again.

Third, DICE and EA have been relying on private hosting for over a decade now. They wont be taking it down if it gets them more money. Again, PR dIsaster and EA knows it.

Finally, let's put things in perspective. Yes, EA has made a few bad releases recently. That doesnt mean theyre evil. Evil is doing what activision or microsoft do and not even apologize until sales drop. EA took the time to make a crucial PR move and gave free DLC to Mass Effect buyers and a free game to Sim City buyers, later including a patch that removed the DMC feature from it completely and even accepted refunds for BOTH titles. They knew they screwed up and wanted to make it up to the fans.

Battlefield 4 was a disaster, yes. I dont know what they plan to do to apologize later aside from fixes, but given their recent moves, the company seems like it knows when it screws up. Im going to be carefully optimistic with this and wait until we get more details, but with their marketing on the Hoth battle, we have something good to look forward to.

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So speculation side, will this game recapture the what made the last two good or will it diverge and blaze its own path?

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