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So, how would 64 have been if Fox's wingmen could have been shot down?


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Can they be shot down permanently [for the remainder of the game] in the SNES version?  It's been awhile since I've played it.  If not, they certainly can be shot down in SF64.

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I believe he means shot down dead. They didn't have the Great Fox in the SNES version, so the pilot went down with the fighter. In Star Fox 64, the pilot pulls out and their Arwing undergoes repairs.

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Other than the fact that it might run the risk of goofing the future of the series if everyone is dead, not much would change. Your team mates are pretty much useless anyways unless they're helping you find alternate routes.

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Having your wingmen shot down in both the snes and n64 games will ultimately effect you score. I don't think there would be too much difference really.

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Well for one, getting medals would be much more difficult since you need all your teammates to stay alive in order to earn one on a mission. And if one or more of your teammates got shot down, you would not be able to get medals for the rest of the game if that were the case.


It would be even more tedious due to the fact that you can actually damage your own teammates in this game, unlike SF1.

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