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Leaving on a never returning ship.


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After the events on Corneria (See Great Fox a long hyperspace trip), some of the people have decided to follow the Eras to a new star seystem that they could call home.


  • Not all that random but still can have random funny moments. (sorry)
  • please make and fill out a charactor sheet. (or copy mine)
  • and no I repeat NO smoking!

Name: Lilacs

Age: 23

M/F: Male

Race: Era

Colors: Purple

Abilaty: Water/air breather, very fast swimmer.

Likes: Space ship, robodics, Katara.

Dislikes: Sour foods, load noise and Rink.

Speaks in this color.

Name: B.O.B

Age: 20

M/F: Male

Race: Helper bot

Colors: Lager Green eye, light grey body.

Abilaty: this is B.O.B we are talking about!

Like: Everything and everone

Dislike: nothing

Speaks in this color.

Name: JT

Age: 22

M/F: Male

Race: Era

Colors: Tealish, black under belly

Abilaty: Taxi driver!

Likes: Wants to join the army, if he can get over being afraid of every thing

Dislike: The Dark, the noise under the bed, and caves.

Speaks in this color.

Everone will begin in the main hange, hanger K9....

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Guest Fox235

Name: Fox (Foxy)

Age: 13

Sex: Male

Race: Fox

Colors Orange and whit w/ black

Ability: Super submissiveness!!!1!!111....And alchemy

Likes: Renamon....Yeah...that's it...

Dislikes: Embarrassment...

Speaks w/ no color

Name: Renamon (Mistress Renamon)

Age: 14

Sex: Female (YES!)

Race: Digitally realized Fox

Colors: Orange, purple leg-markings and purple gloves

Ability: Super dominance....over Foxy and fighting...

Likes: Foxy....and....other things...

Dislikes: Challenges...

Speaks as such...

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*Taxi pulls up to Renamon and Foxy*

JT: Yo, furs need a ride?

*In the passenger seat of the cab*

Lilacs: B.O.B get ready to move over.

*in the back seat*

B.O.B: NO this is my back seat.

Lilacs: B.O.B here now.

B.O.B: Ahhhhhh, flys over to Lilacs.

*Still talking to Renamon*

JT: Yep I can take you to any were on Miracle.

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Guest Fox235

*sighs* No....We don't nee...*gets stopped*

Yes, thank you...*sits in the cab* Come on Fox...

*whimpers* F....Fine...*gets in*

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JT: So were ya headen?

*Stares at Foxy*


*Keeps stareing at him, like he is stareing at his soul*

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JT: How about down town, got some good casenos there.

Lilacs: Yeah, there great untill you go broke.

B.O.B: Yay broke like I am...wait.

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Guest Fox235

*laughs* We'll have fun Foxy...*grabs him* Trust me...

NOOOOO! Um...You, or you! Help!

Ah ah ah, no, leave him to me...

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Guest Remus_Lemures

Suddenly, a huge death beam strikes the ship out of nowhere and it explodes, killing everyone inside. B.O.B is gay, and Lilacs sucks, and JT needs to get a life. They're space frozen corpses now.

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Watch it Remus_Lemures do that again and ill tell the admin then there will be conquenses.

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  • 3 months later...

Name: Kid Cortet

Age: 19

M/F: Male

Race: Human

colors: normal human colors

Ability: Cornarian tech., and pilot

Likes: fox anthros, can explain why though...

Dislikes: having unusual incounters with Travis Sheper, unable to rememer who he is

Name: Travis Sheper

Age: 20

M/F: Male

Race: Fox anthro

Ability: Unknown

Likes: Unknown

Dislikes: not being alive

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Last Reply #13 on: October 05, 2006

This Rpg is dead my friend.

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did not notice really at the dates, but thanks :P

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