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Star Fox Stages in SSB4: And Other Things!


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Since Krystal already has her own topic and the regular SSB4 thread is involved more in discussion of things we actually know about, I thought I'd just make a thread for speculation on what Star Fox stage(s) we get to see this time around.


As it's been pointed out a few times, Star Fox is a bit of an odd one in SSB right now being that it's the only series with a confirmed playable character, but no playable stage. It stands to reason that the stage will be revealed with another character. But why wait that long? We still have the stages for other series with potential newcomers, or got the stages before them.


Theory 1: The stage is tied to the newcomer and will give away their identity. This is Star Fox, so that really limits us in terms of characters and associated locales. The only ones I could think of were Krystal and Sauria, and Wolf and Sargasso Space Station.


Theory 2: It's associated with a new Star Fox game. Take this with a teeny tiny grain of salt, of course, but if that leak is true in any capacity, then boom! We get the new game announcement, and the stage finally shows its head in Nintendo's huge spot on SSB4.


Theory 3: They just haven't shown one yet because of reasons.


No matter the reason, though, we're still getting a Star Fox stage of some kind--actually potentially two, one for each version of the game. So what do you think it should be?


If we're going the Sauria route, there's many different ways we could go: Walled City (RedEye stage hazard?), Krazoa Palace, Thorntail Hollow, Moon Mountain Pass.


If we're going the traditional "Great Fox flying through a place route", we still have...well, most of Lylat. I think we'd most likely get an updated Corneria or Lylat Cruise (since other Melee and Brawl stages have returned), and I wouldn't mind that. The "make the pilots talk" easter egg was a fun thing I could easily see returning.


But then, let's think outside the box! Like this really good idea Faisul just had:


maybe something on that bolse satellite while a space battle goes on around everyone. every once in a while the gravity changes



Stages aren't the only thing the game likely has in store for us, though. With the Smart Bomb and Andross, we know that the doors are still open for Star Fox items and Assist Trophies. While I don't think the chances are too high we'll be seeing many more than what we already have, it's still fun to think about


Summoning Tricky to trample the opposition? Or maybe the Great Fox itself, firing its giant fuckoff cannon at your helpless opponents. Some speculate that maybe popular newcomers like Krystal or Slippy will get the AT treatment instead. As for items...I've got nothing right now, but maybe I'll have an idea later.


The sky's the limit! So, where in Lylat should Sm4sh take us?

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 Or maybe the Great Fox itself,



Or maybe the flight-deck of the Greatfox? Arwings launching and landing as a hazard?

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Oo, I meant Great Fox as an Assist Trophy but that's not a bad idea either!

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Or maybe the Great Fox itself, firing its giant fuckoff cannon at your helpless opponents.







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"Great Fox will cover you." :D  Get me some of that! Well, except all the nerds here love turning off items and scoff and try to kill "the casuals" with their looks. But I digress.


While I would L-O-V-E for the stages to hint at a new Starfox game, my first instinct is to doubt it. That's kinda sad, huh? Still, if it was the case, my shout of joy could probably be heard across the world. Time to be as hopeful as we all can.


It'd be cool to see more Starfox team as Assist Trophies. But how cool would it be if you could also have a chance of breaking open an Assist Trophy as a Starfox character and a SF character you're not playing as pops out? They were able to track who was on the field in the smash taunts for Lylat Cruise. It'd be fun to team up with Falco when playing Fox or vice-versa, hear some banter between the two, y'know?


I would actually like to see Sauria again. A Redeye hazard sounds like it'd be fun to watch (Until the hardcore brawlers mod it into a balanced stage with regular falls and flat as a fritter) or just flying over the planet. Heck, why not General Scales flying galleon where we'd sometimes get visits from the good General? He could throw Sharpclaws onto the stage to harass players or just throw them straight at the players. Maybe see Krazoa Andross in the background every now and again.

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I don't really care too much about the upcoming Smash Bros. game but Titania or Macbeth would be really neat to see as a stage.

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 I think Sauria would be cool to see, something like the Krazoa Palace or Thorntail Hallow. BUT, if Krystal is a new comer abd the stage hints at another game, then I would love to see a Cerinian map. An extremely long shot I know, but hey I can dream.

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Some ideal stages would be the Sargasso Space Zone, the Beltino Orbital Gate, the Astropolis from Star Fox 2, the rain-splattered surface of Zoness, the drifting half-complete construction zone from Sector X, or the Core of the Aparoid Homeworld.


Obstacles would including attacking Wolfens, incoming Aparoid Missiles, Venomian Mech Prototypes (like the ones scene on Sector Y), the Sarumarine on the Zoness level, the Mirage Dragon from Star Fox 2, and the Aparoids creeping from over the edge of the stages to attack the players.


All utterly implausible ideas, but I can dream, can't I?

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