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Is a Star Fox Assault remake possible?

Jo Jo  SmoOth

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I don't think you understand the type of remake I'm talking about. Yes, they would have to add new missions, Upgrade multiplayer, improve on-foot level designs and controls but that's the point of a remake. Its to improve on every bad note.




Did you just choose to ignore how I said that the kind of remake you want would require such an intense overhaul that they might as well make an entirely new game? A new game that doesn't have the baggage of having previously been a really bland game that no one liked?


You keep talking about how Nintendo would be "wasting its money" on a new game, only to propose a remake that would cost just as much to make. You somehow think that a remake of a half-baked, rushed game would be better than an entirely new game, because you think the new game would be half-baked and rushed as the exact one that they're remaking


You show a complete misunderstanding on how Nintendo's deals with third parties work. Nintendo does not call up Namco and go "hey buddy go make a Star Fox and we'll see you next year". They especially wouldn't say "go make a Star Fox" and then let the developer choose to just remake Assault on their own merit. I guarantee you there is a rigorous behind-the-scenes process that you will never see that involves tons of back-and-forth between the companies, including providing proof of concept to Nintendo so they will be allowed to proceed with the project. You know what Namco is doing right now? Smash 4. And they've already said how weirdly particular Nintendo has been about making sure the characters are represented the way that they want them to be represented. Third party production does NOT by ANY means mean that Nintendo has washed its hands of the project.

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Yes, a remake like that would probably be a high cost to make(depending on system) but creating a completely new star fox game(Meaning new story, new music, new enemy, new worlds/levels, new unlockable rewards, new multiplayer) isn't easy for Nintendo to dictate to a 3rd party. Heck, even the SF64 remake was rush leaving out online multiplayer. The whole point is to make money not to listen to fans(unfortunately as Nintendo has done in the past)


Did we need a Wind waker remake or  3ds Port of DK CR?? No, but they made money.


Yes, Namco is taking specific orders from Nintendo because smash is a unique game  that comes out once every generation. Obviously  Nintendo doesn't just hand over a franchise to 3rd parties and tell them to do what they want, but as for Star fox its completely different. What will they gain from taking there sweet time and specific orders over a non-flagship title that didn't have good sales in the pass nor  popularity to sell above average? After 20 years the Big N forgot its anniversary  & rushed on SF64's remake, and you're telling me that a completely new entry wont be half baked or rushed? 

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I'm pretty sure you aren't actually reading my posts at this point.


Yes, a remake like that would probably be a high cost to make(depending on system) but creating a completely new star fox game(Meaning new story, new music, new enemy, new worlds/levels, new unlockable rewards, new multiplayer) isn't easy for Nintendo to dictate to a 3rd party.


You have no idea what "proof of concept" means, do you? The third party developer will have to prove through demonstration that their Star Fox game would be solid enough for Nintendo's approval. This means showcasing artwork and an outline of what the game will be like and how it will use the unique functions of the WiiU or 3DS. They will also probably check in during production.


Did we need a Wind waker remake or  3ds Port of DK CR?? No, but they made money.


As I already said, Wind Waker HD is a testing grounds for new features for future Zelda games.


What will they gain from taking there sweet time and specific orders over a non-flagship title that didn't have good sales in the pass nor  popularity to sell above average?


Uh, not getting fired? Not losing money? Not being critically panned? Wow, it's almost as if Nintendo and third parties have a lot to gain by making games that don't suck!


And what will they gain from taking "there" sweet time making a remake of a non-flagship title that wasn't popular and didn't sell well?


What kind of logical dissonance is leading you to believe that a new game will suck and be terrible but a remake of Assault will be a vast improvement over the crapshot that was the original game?

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(Your right I had no idea what "Proof of concept" is but I'm guessing Nintendo focuses more on marketing then the actual game cause  after SF64 came out Nintendo just stop caring. Don't even count adventures. It's more of a copy and paste star fox)



A new SF will only suck if somehow the 3rd party developers screw up like they did with...... every other SF game after SF64. Nintendo focuses on how good the game sales will be. Yes, they make sure their games are fun/playable/good but what point is there in continuing to develop good games for a franchise that creates low profit?


So instead of risking money on creating and marketing a new installment on a series generally unpopular, it would be better to stay low and release a remake to see if people are still interested in the series. You cant just go ape and start creating this awesome game for this unpopular series expecting people to throw their  money away. Logic like that just doesn't happen.

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You can't discount Adventures just because you didn't like it. Again, as I said, it was specifically Nintendo's choice to make Dinosaur Planet into a Star Fox game. They evidently cared enough that they completely changed the game to be a part of the series. Honestly, it was probably their need to turn it into a Star Fox game that goofed up production.




So instead of risking money on creating and marketing a new installment on a series generally unpopular, it would be better to stay low and release a remake to see if people are still interested in the series.


They...kind of did that already. You know, Star Fox 643DS? The remake of the Star Fox game that people actually cared about? Why would Assault, of all things, be a better litmus test than the game that people actually wanted to play?


You keep talking about how this is the smartest financial decision for Nintendo, but let's be real here.


Nintendo does whatever the hell they want to do with minimal fanbase input. Remember how a new Kid Icarus game came out 26 YEARS after the original? If Nintendo thinks a game would be worth making, it doesn't matter how forgotten or unpopular it is, they will do it.


Then, I don't know why you think pissing away millions of dollars on a total-overhaul remake of Assault (a game nobody liked), then quietly releasing it with no marketing budget, would be a good idea. That is like, the opposite of sense. 


What does make sense is porting a bunch of Gamecube games to the VC, which could include Assault or Adventures, but also games like Mario Sunshine and Waverace and the original Animal Crossing and maybe even Smash Bros Melee, and then offering them at discounted prices or even for free with the purchase of a WiiU/Gamecube controller adapter bundle. Then people might actually buy the system, instead of noticing a rerelease of a bad Star Fox game instead of a new Star Fox game and going "nah, I won't bother buying a WiiU for that".

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I like both games but Adventures show just how little Nintendo cared. So you think replacing the main character with fox and  not improving arwing missions showed that Nintendo cared? Of course not. Instead of making their own title they took out every element that made a  star fox game for the sake of profit and expanding the franchise. It was just a Zelda clone with poor excused arwing mission. There was no care


-Watch the Jontron Review / also stating opinions like "no one liked assault" wont help that adventures truly was Rares work taken by Nintendo with no care.  



Yes SF64 was made to see if people were still interested and yet they rushed leaving out online play. It made a decent amount of money but not enough for a Wii u installment.  Nintendo did create a  new Kid Icarus  game after 25 years but that was once. After 25 years its practically a new installment since its not the same gameplay type as it was in the pass, therefore there's no need to worry if the series is unpopular. It was dead and forgotten so they changed the gameplay with awesome eye candy graphics, plus online. Also, Where's Earthbound, F-zero &  Ice Climbers?  im guessing Nintendo's waiting for right time....


An assault remake does not have to be Namco's Assault. Developers don't want to go through the process of creating a new storyline, music, worlds, and genera (especially in this generation of remakes and milking ) but lets hope Nintendo does go crazy and decide to create a brand new installment for a slowly dying franchise. (And I honestly do want this to happen)


Porting VC games would also allow Nintendo to see if people are still interested but I doubt  since its an old flawed game. Ether way I see it happing. 

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First of all,



Watch the JonTron review


fuck no




Bad gameplay elements do not mean that Nintendo "doesn't care". This is not a simple matter of Nintendo sitting up there scheming away about how they'll make lacklustre games just to spite all those Star Fox fans they don't care about. The production of all three post-64 games have been plagued with numerous streaks of bad luck. You don't seem to understand the slightest thing about game production and development, but it is not a clear cut process, sometimes things disrupt development (like, say, Rare being sold to Microsoft and having to completely redo the game to make it a Gamecube game, or, say, the arcade project Assault was associated with getting cancelled).


Nintendo has released other bad games for their other franchises, too. Metroid: Other M? LoZ: Spirit Tracks? Pokemon Coliseum? They didn't exactly go over well, because some things they tried with them just plain did not work. Star Fox has had a particularly bad streak of luck, but it has always been an experimental series and these experiments just did not work out. That is the risk of experimenting, but the worst option is to stagnate. Nintendo, in terms of its library, has stagnated. Why do you think the answer to that is to give us a remake that absolutely no one, other than you, wants? That is the definition of stagnation in gaming right now.


Your approach to this still makes no sense. One second you're whining about how Nintendo is only doing things "for profit" (which they need to make, since they are a company and all), and then suggesting really harebrained ideas for them to make "profit". If they went along with your idea, here, they'd be just as shallow and soulless as you're complaining about them being. So you hate how Nintendo is apparently this lazy, stagnant, uncaring, profit-driven husk of a corporation, and yet that's somehow simultaneously what you want them to be for the sake of...an Assault remake?


Also, Where's Earthbound, F-zero &  Ice Climbers?  im guessing Nintendo's waiting for right time....


I think you meant this as a smarmy aside, but you know what? They could be. Other than Earthbound, where I think its creator said the story is resolved and there's no reason to continue the series. But F-Zero and Ice Climbers? Sure. They could be. This is how Nintendo works. You aren't psychic. Your uncle doesn't work for Nintendo. You can't just say Nintendo won't make games like this just because they haven't made any of them for a while. That defeatist, pessimistic attitude is the single most obnoxious element of the Star Fox fandom at the moment and there is really no basis for it other than "there hasn't been a new game in a while".



Developers don't want to go through the process of creating a new storyline, music, worlds, and


...are you kidding? This is what developers, especially the creatives at Nintendo, live for. This is what people are literally paid to do. You're acting like it's this huge, tedious hassle for video game developers to literally do their jobs, and do things that they've probably dreamed of doing since they were a kid. Even concerning Star Fox, uh, several third party developers have expressed interest in making a BRAND NEW game. Don't even try with the "but third party means Nintendo doesn't care!!!" garbage anymore unless you want to argue that the well-loved and critically acclaimed Metroid Prime trilogy and recent Donkey Kong games were just a result of Nintendo "not caring".


It's amazing how Nintendo has two Zelda games, Yarn Yoshi, Pokken Fighters, X, Pushmo World, and more coming down the pipe, have just released new Kirby, Tomodachi Life, Yoshi, and Mario Kart games, and have four unannounced titles to be showcased at E3, and yet you're sitting here whining about how Nintendo doesn't want to "go through the process" of creating a new game because they'd rather just make remakes forever...when they've released, like, two remakes recently, and have a grand total of one coming soon (that we officially know about).


It's cool that you want an Assault remake or whatever, but you wanting it does not make it a good idea, and there is yet to be any solid reasoning here that anything more than a VC release would make any damn sense at all.

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First of all I wish I could quote like you but I'm on mobile x)


Second, stating why a SF  remake on a Wii U could be more approachable then a new game is not whining .  Marketing a not-so-well known franchise  on a not-so-well system is hard to accomplish. Its possible, just hard to predicted. Also I'm not saying Nintendo wont make a new SF b/c they hadn't made a new one since 06, I'm saying Nintendo isn't doing so well on the Wii U  to begin with and their marketing is terrible.  It makes no sense when comparing franchises with failed game experiments like Pokémon coliseum, Other M, and spirit tracks when their series in general make more then SF does. So they can fail multiple times and be ok while SF only has about 6 games.


Third, I dislike most remakes and believe they should always keep expanding a franchise even if its genera differs from its core gameplay. SF assault was an average game for its time but by no means do I prefer Nintendo to remake games forever nor did I say that. 


And forth, You keep picturing an actual Namco Assault remake, I'm not. Just picture an easy cash in for the series with decent reviews. I mean after you ignore you franchise's 20th anniversary and lay low on taking about anything related to it, you know that there not caring. But lets say im wrong and this is their way to market a game or start hype by keeping completely quit about the series and hinting anything about it other then some DLC for steal Diver... 

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I literally do not see how any of what you just said justifies an Assault remake. You are saying the same thing over and over again and not really getting it.


You keep picturing an actual Namco Assault remake, I'm not.


What does this even mean?


Just picture an easy cash in for the series with decent reviews.


But this isn't an easy cash-in! At all!


Nintendo wants to sell WiiU units. They want to keep doing what they just did with Mario Kart 8, where people actually bought the console bundle for the game. They're not going to do that by remaking goddamn Star Fox Assault. No one in their right mind would think they could sell a failing console with a remake of a game, that again, got very poor reviews. It doesn't matter how good this theoretical remake would be. Everyone remembers it as the badly-textured hatcher-shooting grindfest with an insanely imbalanced multiplayer.


You know what would be an easy cash-in? Actually making a new Star Fox. You don't need to venture far to find Nintendo forums full of people asking for new Star Fox. There's a reason literally every single fake E3 leak from the past half a decade has included a new Star Fox game. It's because Nintendo fans want a new Star Fox game


Nintendo will not make a significant amount of money by remaking Assault just because you want them to. Their best course of action for Star Fox would be to release a NEW game and include it in a bundle with the WiiU, like Mario Kart 8 was.

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mfw this thread


Ok, look here buddy (JoJo) - You are essentially arguing for a very specific wish-fulfillment remake of Assault. Enhanced remakes are a thing sure (see: Resident Evil 2002), but they are a rarity. Assault just was not a good game, at least not good enough to warrant a remake. It isn't "a classic", it isn't well designed, and it was generally held in much less regard than its older brother Adventures (which btw despite also being a crap game had a huge fandom and hype support).


Why want a remake for a game that's so shit? I mean, I want bandaids on the franchise more than anyone, but making Assault -good- would essentially just be redoing the -whole game-, in which case effort would be better aimed at making a NEW game. SF64 got a remake because 1: Its well loved 2: It was GOOD 3: It has a strong legacy. Thats what games that get remade need: quality and an image. Assault lacks both. There's a ton of GCN games that could be remade that'd be muuuuch smarter choices than Assault (say, F-Zero GX).


And honestly, why even WANT a remake of a crap game? I'd much rather have a NEW, possibly GOOD game instead. 

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Developers don't want to go through the process of creating a new storyline, music, worlds, and genera


uh, maybe the guys who work on sports games don't, but, uh, yeah, no


but with that said, why do you think they wouldn't have to create a new storyline, music, worlds, and genera if they remake Assault? the storyline, music, worlds, and genera of Assault were all pretty weak or at least in need of improvement, largely because Assault was kind of a shitty game all around. and if you're remaking all of that stuff, in addition to the controls and AI and weapons and level design and graphics and multiplayer and stuff, then at that point the amount of work between "make an Assault remake" and "make an entirely new game" is so negligible that you might as well just make a new game and not have to deal with the fact that you're remaking a shitty game in the first place.

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Of course I want a new SF but I don't see that happening any time soon. I'm Just saying if star fox does get toss to another development team (like they always do), that team may or may not show effort in wanting to create a brand new installment and Nintendo could agree because its not a flagship or anything eye opening. The series has been having a streak of bad luck with multiple teams working on it after SF64. It seems no one wants to touch the franchise.  



Yes, Assault was crap and in our generation especially we keep seeing more crappy games being made (just look at command) If you believe I want assault to  be remade on Wii U you're wrong. A Downloadable eshop game would be fine. Assault only had 10 missions, 6 of which were on-foot. They could just cut them out  or start out those mission with a Land master and upgrade the Multiplayer.

Release it as a downloadable game on eShop and that's your remake.

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if Nintendo contracts out to a development group that is too lazy to do its job then the game they produce is probably gonna be a piece of shit whether it's an Assault remake or not.

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You don't have to be lazy to work on a downloadable remake for eShop. Showing effort would be creating a new installment but that doesn't mean they wouldn't get lazy and screw up.

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Of course I want a new SF but I don't see that happening any time soon. I'm Just saying if star fox does get toss to another development team (like they always do), that team may or may not show effort in wanting to create a brand new installment and Nintendo could agree because its not a flagship or anything eye opening.




What universe do you live in where proper business ethic includes being hired by Nintendo to make a new game only to go "ehhh, I don't really feel like making a new game..."?!


 It seems no one wants to touch the franchise.


Not that I needed any more proof that you're completely ignoring my posts or anything, but this is flat wrong. Platinum Games, Two Tribes, and Retro Studios have all expressed interest in making a Star Fox game. Do your research before vehemently making claims like this.


If you believe I want assault to  be remade on Wii U you're wrong.


This has been the basis of the entire topic. Stop shifting the goalposts.

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Once upon a time a bunch of crazy meth addicts found a rancid piece of ham lying on the sidewalk. Being meth heads, they picked up the disintergrating loaf of meat and grease, and said "this would be an awesome burger." They went and got two stale pieces of bread, about as hard as rocks. Then they squished that leaking, fetid lump of flesh between them. Then they ate it.


Ten years later, another bunch of meth addicts, having grown up to tales of the first bunch of meth addicts and their shitty rotten burger that gave them food poisoning and killed them, come across another rancid piece of ham on the sidewalk. Remembering the agonizing deaths experienced by the first group of meth heads to eat a rotten burger, one of them turns to the others, swivel-eyed, and grunts,

"This would be an awesome burger, just with fresher bread."

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The basis of this argument is if its possible for assault to be remade. Nowhere did the title of this topic say it had to be a Wii U remake. Any platform goes.


When did I say Nintendo would hire a company to make a 'New' SF game? Even if they did, before even beginning to work on anything Nintendo would have to see which concept would work better depending on which console it would be release on. So for example if they hired a team to develop a star fox game on eshop they could go with a simple remake and it wouldn't necessarily have to be Assault. In the end it all depends on Nintendo and on which platform it would be released on. 


Platinum, two tribes, and retro studios all showed interest but soon forgot about it. We'll just see and wait if there working with anything star fox related on E3 

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The basis of this argument is if its possible for assault to be remade.


About as possible as your car disappearing and then suddenly reappearing into the wall of your garage.


Certainly within the realm of theoretical mathematical possibility but I wouldn't count on it.

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lol xD I guess you could say that but I don't count on seeing a new Star Fox in a while

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I'm glad we have arrived to this delightfully and surprisingly sensible agreement.

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When did I say Nintendo would hire a company to make a 'New' SF game?


Every single time you've complained about how Nintendo will probably farm it out to a third party? In like, every other post you've made? Stop saying you didn't say things that you've spent half the topic talking about!


 Even if they did, before even beginning to work on anything Nintendo would have to see which concept would work better depending on which console it would be release on. So for example if they hired a team to develop a star fox game on eshop they could go with a simple remake and it wouldn't necessarily have to be Assault.


I don't see how this is contrary to anything I said considering this is literally what I told you.


And despite parroting back what I've been telling you, you still don't seem to understand that there is nothing "simple" about a remake!


Platinum, two tribes, and retro studios all showed interest but soon forgot about it.


Thanks for the insider info, I'm glad someone here knows exactly what's on the mind of every one of these developers!

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Hey man I'm glad  we agreed but just like any other Star Fox fan out there, I want the whole series in general to become popular. Your crazy if you think I just want Assault to be remade. I want every game in the franchise to be renewed. Kind of like what Sega did with classics by porting them to Xbox Arcade. It was a nice deal since your paying for 10 games in one.


My thoughts on an Assault remake for eShop is just a theory. It could happen or not, im just stating here why it could but I think Drasiana took it a little too serious.

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Lol xD yeah I can read minds and also see how far those development teams have gotten with there huge interest in creating the next star fox

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I'm not taking the idea of a remake seriously, because that's stupid. I'm baffled by your continuous stream of anti-logic and contradictions. Also, don't double post.

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I want ever game in the franchise to be renewed. Kind of like what Sega did with classics by porting them to Xbox Arcade. It was a nice deal since your paying for 10 games in one.




My thoughts on an Assault remake for eShop is just a theory. It could happen or not, im just stating here why it could but I think Drasiana took it a little too serious.


For the first sentence I am glad that you want Star Fox to become like one of those 200-games-in-one dealios. I remember getting one of those knockoff chinese game boy cartridges with that stuff on it in outdoor markets in madrid for 5 bucks a pop, that was some quality shit.


For the second, I think Dras took you for the words you wrote on the screen, which is about as serious you need to take them in order to understand what they mean. Doesn't sound to be too serious to me.


Whoa, backseat modding going on here too. We're in for one hell of a fresh open air ride

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