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Would you support this game being a reboot like Mortal Kombat 9?


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Mortal Kombat 9 rebooted its franchise, with the game being a mixture of the original trilogy with stuff from the later games (see Quan Chi) and Skarlet.


Would you support this game being a reboot that's a mixture of the SNES games and Lylat Wars with stuff from the later games (see Panther) with characters, planets, etc., made for the reboot?   

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I would be let down if this turned out to be a reboot.


I want the game to pick up where Assault left off.

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I would be let down if this turned out to be a reboot.


I want the game to pick up where Assault left off.


Same here. They have a nice canon going, but only if they ignore Command can they keep it nice...

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I don't know, it will depend on what it will replace the original with, though. I don't think it will be a reboot, though.

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Why should Miyamoto and Co. cling to the past games beyond the SNES games and Lylat Wars (to play it safe)? It worked for Mortal Kombat 9.


It looks like if Star Fox is going to get back on track then it has to ditch and/or revamp as much as it can of what's in at least half the games.

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Just because something like that worked for one series doesn't mean it's going to work for another.

I personally think StarFox has got a pretty good canon going, and rebooting that would wreck it for me.

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W-what could any of you possibly think was redeeming about the current canon?!


We know NOTHING about any of the characters, who are wildly inconsistent between games--the Fox McCloud of Adventures and the Fox McCloud of Assault are practically entirely different people. Assault killed/fucked up Andrew, Pigma, and General Pepper. Adventures gave us a gigantic timeskip for no real reason. Krystal has been a hot mess since she was introduced, pingponging between dinosaur princess, inexplicably telepathic space waifu, and emotionless bounty hunter. One minute Star Wolf wants to kill you, the next they're goofy buddy-rivals. This doesn't get fixed by adding a new game to the same continuity, because all that will do is further the inconsistency.


Rebooting the series post-64 doesn't mean getting rid of the newer elements or characters that you liked. It'll mean giving us a chance at actually establishing what the hell is going on, in terms of the universe and the characters, without interrupting the current narrative to go back and fill in the blanks. Adventures, Assault, and Command won't cease to exist if they decided to reboot the series. You can still go back and play them any time you want. But the past three games were a dreadfully pristine example of storytellers who weren't fucking communicating with each other and left the story in tatters.


Can you imagine, a game where Krystal gets introduced, and doesn't spend the entire game stuck in a crystal? But is, like, allowed to do stuff, and be an active part of the plot? We don't need to literally remake Dinosaur Planet for Krystal's role in the universe to be properly re-defined, but the way she is now, not even the games know why the fuck she's supposed to be there.


Star Fox doesn't have this long and glorious canon that needs to be preserved. It's, "quick, save this falling-apart planet from a guy who wants to destroy it for no real reason and also Andross' ghost I guess", to "stop the borg hamfisted bug aliens and also let's arbitrarily kill off a bunch of cast members", to "save the universe from giant fucking fish". Absolutely nothing of value will be lost by cutting them out of the continuity, tastefully reintroducing the elements and characters we like, and continuing on with a story that doesn't suck ass.

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Drasiana already pointed out several problems with the current continuity. I'l point out that Star Fox's current continuity isn't any better than Mortal Kombat's was before it was rebooted.

What's so good about the current continuity? Andross hijacking General Scales? Goody two-shoes Star Wolf? Krystal's lack of a backstory in Adventures and later games along with her random ass magic?

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Well, I'm not proud of the current canon, either. But I don't mind if they either reboot or continue, so long as the new installment is worth my time.

Anyone else here that doesn't mind either way?

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I sure as hell wouldn't mind. After all, change is good!

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I sure as hell wouldn't mind. After all, change is good!

Not necessarily. Change is good so long as the thing replacing the previous concept is better in quality. Just because something is different doesn't mean it will be better.

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To be fair, when what we're referring to in the context of changing it is Star Fox, change is definitely a good thing.


Unless, like, Star Fox Command 2: Anglar Boogaloo was a more popular idea than I thought

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To be fair, when what we're referring to in the context of changing it is Star Fox, change is definitely a good thing.


Unless, like, Star Fox Command 2: Anglar Boogaloo was a more popular idea than I thought

Lol. That was funny. I get your point, but if the "change" turns Starfox's quality into that of Big Rigs, then it would not be a good change. There are some good things from the current franchise that keep it above games like that.

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The "change" could also make it really good though. I'd take the almost-0 chance of Miyamoto somehow fucking up that badly over letting the series continue to stagnate under the "pitifully mediocre" umbrella.


By the sounds of it, the most radical changes this game will be making is in the actual gameplay. Regardless of what the plot does, this is still going to be a very new game.

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I wouldn’t mind a reboot of the series. However if they decide to go down that route then I hope they try something new with the story other than "Andross is attacking Cornaria! Fly your team to Venom and take him outâ€. We already had two games follow that storyline and I feel a third would cheapen it, as we all know how the story goes by now. The only way I can see something like that staying fresh is if they MASSIVLY expanded upon the back-story and world building elements of the game, and I’m not sure if that’s feasible in a game as fast paced as Star Fox. That said as long as it deviates enough from SF/SF64 enough to keep people on their feet I would be O.K with it. 
Another option could be to just continue the storyline after SF64 and declare all later games non-canon. That would get rid of most of the continuity problems without having to start the series from scratch.  
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If you're expecting good story from this game, you're delusional.

Miyamoto is already on record about story taking a back seat in this game.

Sure, I'd love a great plot, too, but at this point my expectation is a return to "Andross has declared war! He's invaded the Lylat System and is trying to take over Corenria" type story.

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That's the thing though, they don't actually need to give it a sprawling, intricate plot to fix things. A reboot would say "okay, THESE are the characters' canon personalities, THIS is how they relate to each other", without needing them to do anything outside of standard communication banter. The inconsistency of previous games requires more work the further down the timeline you go because then you need to start explaining things that you never explained to begin with. SF64ing it up plot-wise and cutting out all the half-baked weirdness of the post-64 games would make the story better and easier to handle with minimal actual involvement.

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Unless, like, Star Fox Command 2: Anglar Boogaloo was a more popular idea than I thought






I would not only support a reboot, I'd go to the length of recommending it. Star Fox, as it currently stands, has terrible characterization, plotholes that are more common than reaction photos on SF-O, and generally needs some help. The games have, at the very least, a halfway decent frame upon which to build.  The proper building isn't present in what we've seen from the series, however. Are characters said to have certain traits or personalities because it is observable, or is it because the game told you that they were that way without demonstrating it in a meaningful, consistent way? Is a certain conflict fleshed out and multifaceted, or is it one-sided and basic at best?  There are undeniable issues, and a reboot would hopefully work to alleviate some of these problems.

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I agree. If there was a reboot, it would be good to start out small plot wise. You can add deeper plots after things are established and structured decently, such as character traits. That's how the superhero comic books have evolved.

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Heck! I always wished for a new version of SFX! Let's hope they don't cancel it or make it taste like trash! ;)

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If you're expecting good story from this game, you're delusional.

Miyamoto is already on record about story taking a back seat in this game.

Sure, I'd love a great plot, too, but at this point my expectation is a return to "Andross has declared war! He's invaded the Lylat System and is trying to take over Corenria" type story.


Darn it!

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I don't see what Nintendo would stand to prove from rebooting the franchise.


Firstly, when has Nintendo properly rebooted a well known and established franchise of theirs?


Secondly, considering they need all the sales they can, I'm sure they're aware that rebooting the franchise, at the possibility of alienating the Star Fox audience is quite the risk.


Thirdly, most reboots are because the franchise has recently gone out of style. Seeing as Nintendo have kept the traditional family friendly style with all their game series', and it's yet to do them wrong, I can't see them bucking the trend with Star Fox for no good reason.

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I don't see what Nintendo would stand to prove from rebooting the franchise.


Firstly, when has Nintendo properly rebooted a well known and established franchise of theirs?


Secondly, considering they need all the sales they can, I'm sure they're aware that rebooting the franchise, at the possibility of alienating the Star Fox audience is quite the risk.


Thirdly, most reboots are because the franchise has recently gone out of style. Seeing as Nintendo have kept the traditional family friendly style with all their game series', and it's yet to do them wrong, I can't see them bucking the trend with Star Fox for no good reason.


Man, if you were at Netherrealm studios then MK would never have been rebooted. 


And "alienate the Star Fox audience"? Please. How would a reboot alienate Star Fox's audience any more than Adventures, and every non-remake game after it? What's so amazing about the current series that it can't be ditched? Fox going on about Krystal?

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Pretty much every game Adventures-on "alienated" part of the fanbase until Command just collectively shattered everyone's hopes and dreams. There's no one LEFT to alienate.


I also don't see how rebooting the series would be them "bucking the family friendly style"? If anything a remake spearheaded by Miyamoto would make the series even more family-friendly and accessible.


As far as previous Nintendo reboots go, none of the other franchises really follow the same narrative style and direction as Star Fox. Pretty much every Zelda game is a "reboot". Mario doesn't really have much in the way of a canon. There's only 3 games in Pikmin. You can't really compare their needs to the needs of Star Fox because as a series, they function completely differently from one another.

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SF 64 was a reboot anyway. Remember the first Star Fox and the Itoh comics?


Not to mention Ocarina of Time, which while not called a reboot, took its series in another direction that has both OOT and a bunch of the games after it not fitting with the games before OOT.

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