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Would you support this game being a reboot like Mortal Kombat 9?


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I would be quite happy with this ending up being a complete reboot. I don't see a problem especially after Star Fox 64 essentially being a remake of the original Star Fox with elements from Star Fox 2.


Not too interested in this talk of an episodic format though, at least if it's not also released on disc at the end of it.

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No problems here I am just hoping this turns out to be a good SF game as this is the deciding factor for me to buy a Wii U Preferably a SF WII U Bundle


Edit 1 Forgot to say yes i would support it if it was a reboot as long as it is a good SF game as stated above

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Yeah, Command did the things it wasn't supposed to do.


I would still support it. I'd be interested in the direction the game would go with, though I hope that somethings from the previous canon would be coming back. 


I'm more in favor of continuing things as they were before Command, but I'm not going to punch a wall over a reboot. As long as the game is fun.

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My two-cents is in agreement with most: I'd like to see a post-64 reboot. However, there's still plenty of room for error even if they were to do that (which personally, I don't think they ever will. Would love to be wrong though).


The plot and characters need fixing, plain and simple, but even if there was a reboot we can't guarentee these problems would be solved entirely. Even partially.

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Are they really going to reboot the series? I thought the new game would take place after Star Fox 64. 

  Anyways, is it a possibility that the trophy  descriptions in smash 4 concerning Star Fox characters  may actually be meant as cannon for the next  Star Fox game?


 I remember Melee had trophies of upcoming games like Pikmin and Animal crossing. It was cool how the developers were advertising by using trophies in-game.  

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Why would the trophies be a problem? Backstory details like Wolf and Pigma founding Star Wolf can be brought up in a  reboot. And the trophies have already had references to the SNES continuity.

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 Or they could be brought up in the next game. Samll background details like that along with some character development can be added without getting rid of what you already have. Mind, I would still support a reboot, but I would be disheartened since I would prefer them to continue with the original cannon. With or without Command dosent matter to me, because it is possible to make good material from a Command ending (see fanfic writer Tobias Umbra.)

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