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Does Anyone Know Who This Belongs Too?


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Hey guys, I'm on a quest, and I thought maybe you could help me out...


I'm trying to find the artist that did this beautiful picture of Wolf that reminds me ALOT of a scene from one of my fanfics: http://satoshi-lucis-caelum.deviantart.com/art/Wolf-O-Donnell-202327739


The profile that this pic is on has the original author listed as ???, so I'm assuming that it isn't his. I'm on a quest for a custom starfox wallet, and this pic is one I would love to have, but I'd like to pay the artist for the art they obviously worked hard on. Any leads?

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Ah, well for one the artist  satoshi_lucis_caelum claims to have edited the original (and bring about what you see now), but the artist didn't specify to what degree they modified it. The original may just be a super bare conceptual sketch found adrift on an anonymous image board  



this artist may have just added lighting effects to make it more wallpaper-esque 
If it were more recent one might message satoshi_lucis_caelum and ask for an upload/link to the original. Then we could investigate from there. But of course, the path to the original may have been lost in the passing of the years unless saved to a drive before/after modification.
possible hit on the background with a semi-involved Google image search:



okay, now we have more of an idea for the scope of the original


EDIT-EDIT: i sent that note

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The original artist is Nemu or Nemurism, a japanese artist.

That drawing was once on her previous Deviantart account, but she deleted it and she didn't repost the drawing in her new dA account ( http://nmrbk.deviantart.com/ ); it isn't on her tumblr ( http://nemurism.tumblr.com/tagged/nmrbk ) and I cannot access her website for some reason ( http://nemuri.sakura.ne.jp/ ). She used to have a pixiv account too, but it's been deleted as well, I think. So here's a link to her drawing on Danbooru ( at least they mention it's hers) : https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/330274?tags=nemurism


Here, her drawing has just been badly photoshopped (you can see a line of white pixels all around Wolf) with a colour editing on the background photo (and erasing the text) and a few textures here and there. I guess he's a teenager learning digital editing or something.

At least he admitted the drawing wasn't his (EDIT1 : still, he should have credited both artists, Nemu and the one behind the background Gestalt posted). I'm kind of surprised he didn't mention Nemu since her style is unique in Starfox fanart. But hey, some other dude once reposted the starfox logo I made for the LLS fangame ( http://ala1n-j.deviantart.com/art/Lylat-s-Last-Stand-Starfox-349166631 ) and didn't credit me, claiming he found it on the net. Yet the only places I found my drawing were on my dA account and here on SFO. I sent him a note asking him politely to credit me, but he ignored me. It took the intervention of some of RennardFuchs's friends in the comment section to finally make him credit me.

EDIT2 : @ FinalFive : I don't know if Nemu ever sells her drawings. I haven't seen her taking commissions from people on the internet.

Edited by Ala1n-J
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I asked him where it was from or if I could use it easily a month ago, and he never got back to me. I don't think he uses his dA anymore... ugle this puts me in a precarious position...


Thanks so much for your help, you guys have mad skills :-) I think that I may just ask JCEBrush to make an original for me. Problem is he's crazy busy all the time ^^; And this image really gives me the feels...

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