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Take Over


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A running summary is provided at your convenience: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pxybAUauDGy_GDNUYHGPSjMlQjCdJcOTxIW_IYeJc-w/edit?usp=sharing









Maxwell was done for the day. He had finished his ambitions, obligations, and/or responsibilities. But suddenly it came over him in the form of a voice. The voice told him that he was meant for greater things, that all others were ignorant of truth, and that it was time to takeover the world to show these filthy..pigeons..the way.

The voice insisted that targeting sfo, a site that Maxwell had been connecting to, was the most tactical way to accomplish this agenda.
Any and every thing the voice uttered was truth to Maxwell. He had previously changed is old username on sfo from "Lord O Donnell" to "Lord Shen" and now to "Gestalt", just as the voice had instructed. He had never known why these instructions were so..
But the voice was truth.
--connecting --

Gestalt cracked a devilish grin as his form materialized in mid air. He dropped to the ground. After impact he immediately pick himself up then popped his back. Connecting had always taken a toll on his bones, yet it was a welcome sacrifice for his noble cause.


“Why SF-O?â€, Gestalt began to himself. “It is the will of him. I need no other reason.†But he knew inside the true reasoning behind it...
for the voice had told him:
"These members don’t know it yet but they are very unique denizens of the internet. To conquer them, is to conquer key pillars of Earth’s future."
Why these members were "unique" was still unclear to Gestalt but yet he obeyed. "I will gain victory by my patience," Gestalt said. He had spawned just outside of the community index, a towering slab set up perpendicular to the ground that showed the current sfo community all mapped out. He parked himself there crossing his legs and bowing his head.


He began meditating preparing for what was to come.

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After a long day of family gathering, Wolf finally arrived at his computer, checking his e-mail.


He quickly skims most of the mail sent, as most of the dreaded mail was spam. Upon reaching the mail folder named "Starfox-Online", his reading slows to a crawl.


"Banned game...Banned game...Macro War...Hmm? Take Over?" He reads that section of the mail in more detail. "Let's see. Non-Pigeon Team: Gestalt, Space Cookie...And me? Somehow figured Gestalt would pull that on me, but it actually sounds fun!"


Wolf was very fond of domination, but any, and all of his attempts in Starfox-Online ended in self-destruction. Another attempt, now with a team to do it with made it a bit easier. He has the sudden thought of who might be on at this moment and quickly shifts to the realm of SF-O.




Monokuma materializes more quickly this time, and hits the ground at a faster speed than normal. His small body bounces a good few feet on his impact and quickly checks his dual-colored metal chassis. "No dents... good. As for the speed, it must not be a crowded day today."


He spawns just outside of his self-proclaimed kingdom, the SF-O chatroom, of which he names 'Hope's Peak Academy' for personal reasons and heads inside, hoping for Gestalt to show his face to talk about this takeover plan...

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After a day that started good and ended terrible, Johannes arrives at his computer.

He browser throughs the forums until he find a thread named Take over.

He has finally got time to read it. He reads the thread over and over again until he has a clear view of it.


Johannes's day has already been ruined, so ruining it for other would be easy with his hatred flowing through him.




The angry wolf falls down at quick speed as he materializes. He hits the ground and leaves a mark on impact."There's probably not much activity today, that damage in the ground is enough evidence."


The wolf spawns at the community index, hoping for Gestalt to show up.

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Ajc( I Am That Is) had already be connected when the three showed up. He noticed each of their arrivals, he could feel them really.


He strolled around the achieve section( journal zone) where he usually lingered . "trouble" he thought. "Gestalt is alright enough" he paced forward intent in thought. "But those other two" a quick snort followed by head shaking, "trouble". He checked their stats quickly, " 15 and 29 posts" His eyes darted from the screen that he had viewed them on and back. "hmm'


It was a beautiful SFO night as Ajc was beginning to notice. How unfortunate. He was upset now, " what could two plebeians such as them have to do with the likes of Gestalt..." He looked up, " oh yes ahahahaha. So its begun." He spoke running off.  

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Gestalt popped open his eyes. He hopped to a stand. That throbbing presence was no doubt that of Space Cookie. 


Known for his swift action, no matter what his form, Gestalt was behind Cookie just seconds before the wolf's nose and even ears could register the rabbit form. Overflowing with moxie, Gestalt reached forth to tap the wolf on his shoulder when of a sudden something occurred to him--his rabbit form. He dropped his jaw a little and shrank back in reconsideration. This "wolf" Cookie was still new to Gestalt, and he had a sneaking suspension that this may be Cookie's "true form".


Realizing the wolf's senses were due to clock in at any moment the ninja bunny hopped back a few paces.


"Raging Space Cookie" Gestalt said in an effort the make first contact... a greeting. "Is something the matter? You seem uneasy. You are free to speak to me about it, but I must be about my business. Monokuma is here. Follow me and do open up about it. I must make haste."


Gestalt turned away from the wolf before there was a response. Monokuma was equally important.


Gestalt placed two fingers to his ear. r: Shen to Bear. Bound for the peak of hope. Wolf cargo. Meet in ways that are half.


The radio crackled. Gestalt turned back to the wolf. His gaze was landing in that direction when of a sudden something occurred to him--his rabbit form.

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Monokuma, receives the radio feed at full blast, taking a bit of time to lower the volume of his radio. He adjusts his mic settings once more and speaks. 


r: Ok, Shen. Heading to the halfway point now. 


Monokuma quickly hops to the exit of the Chatroom after saying goodbyes to his students, and quickly heads off to the halfway mark.

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Deeply thinking, the wolf got interrupted by a voice and the feeling of Gestalt's presence. The wolf snapped out of his mind and looked back. A tasty looking rabbit was standing in front of him.

The wolf was hungry, and there were a delicious rabbit in front of him, so his wolf instincts took over him and he started to chase the rabbit.


After a few minutes of chasing his dinner, the wolf realized that the voice from earlier could bee the rabbit's. Ignoring his hunger, the wolf stopped chasing the rabbit, trying to recognize it.

"That must be Gestalt, I can feel his presence."

The wolf didn't want to lose his dinner, but he had to ask the rabbit if it really was Gestalt.


"Gestalt, is that you? Sorry for the chase, I'm really hungry and you're a tasty rabbit"

The wolf stood still, waiting for an answer.

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r: Damn it all, Monokuma. Play the part. Speak in c--crrRrr


Gestalt had enough foresight to dodge roll the charging wolf. "I am not your dinner Cookie! Though..I most certainly could be," he said eyeing the wolf with a hand to his chin. It was massive in comparison.  


"And yes I am he, the one they call Gestalt. The resident sfo'er that many have watched but few have seen! " 


"Worry not, I shall find you a more suitable meal when first I meet with the, ever important, bear. For now I must be over the hill. Mono should not be left to his own devices. The results could be, let's say, catastrophic."


With that rabbit clicked out of the conversation and headed over the hill. He was not one to be called a people person, especially when there was an agenda at hand. As he peaked the summit there it was--the power plant, the heart of the site. This trail was often trod by those journeying to and from the chat-rooms, but over the years most members had often overlooked and even forgotten about the plant.


Even still, there was a hovering sign marking off the area.


"Rules and Announcements, Community Content., all DZComposer's undisputed territory. Hard labor and precious money pours into every second that reactor beats. It is said that the mod's round table is nested within the shell of the site's reactor. It is a lie."

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Upon reaching his point, Monokuma spots a yellow rabbit with a wolf in tow. "So that's what Gestalt looks like...Hehe, cute...Oh well, he could say the same to my small form." 


He quickly decides that his half wasn't far enough and goes the extra distance to directly speak to the two. Monokuma looks up at the two and spins toward the reactor.


"Any reason why we're talking in 'Leader Monokuma's' territory?"

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"Your territory! Bah! You give yourself too much credit, Monokuma," Gestalt said eyeing the chat-rooms in the distance. The rooms were now different from what he had remembered years before. They were now fashioned into some sort of...academy.


"And it would seem, I don't give you enough."


Gestalt turned to the reactor, "Alright boys, produce your post counters." The rabbit's post counter was cuffed to his forearm. It was rather large for he had made many a post. 1,169 to be exact. He unlatched his then turned back to the others.


"You know what these mean to me?" Gestalt said displaying his counter. He did not wait for an answer. Instead, he crushed his, right there in his palm. His form fizzled as site struggled to register him without his counter, but soon the member index locked back on to his presence. Gestalt dropped the remains of his counter to the ground.


"I hope they mean the same to you."


"Now, I sent you all messages asking for your help. Here's why: What lies ahead is not the 'mod round table' as the rumors would have you to believe, but rather, a unique tool is in storage there that will be instrumental for a...greater good. My friends, will you help me retrieve it?"

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Monokuma looks at the remains of Gestalt's counter in excitement. "Oh my, this just got even BETTER!" He takes his counter from inside his form, and starts to gnaw on it. He dances happily as his teeth destroy it within seconds.


His attention gazes back on Gestalt's words of this tool he mentioned, and he immediately strikes up information he gained from a corrupt member of the table.


"That's a suicide mission, students. That tool is called the U.C.D, and it's no easy grab. It's something we need an actual plan for."



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  • 2 weeks later...



A headache came over Gestalt. He rammed is eyes shut and grasped at is head. "I..I have to go."




Maxwell looks over at his room clock despite the fact that there is the working computer clock. It is 2:38 AM. The red back-light of his keyboard illuminates his lifting hands.


"Have I been so forward?"  He makes his way to the kitchen. "..not to.." He begins to hand wash the dishes despite the fact that there is the working dishwasher.  "Plan?"


"This is the User Compliance Device I aim at stealing. Should I fail or get caught, I will be banned. What's more, my friends will banned, blindly banned, fooled by the comfort of my determined words."


Maxwell throws his favorite plate aside. It shatters. "I cannot vouch for the cleanliness of these dishes, but I can say we will be prepared for this." Maxwell walks at calm pace back to his room. There he places him self at his laptop and opens his avatar folder. "Ah, here it is."




Gestalt spawned at the community index once more. As always, it provided the best vantage. He was poised to land perfectly, and surely, he did. But soon thereafter, he collapsed sending his top hat rolling away. 


"Agh, my bones," he said struggling off the ground. The most unpleasant of sounds emerged as he cracked his back. Upon retrieving his hat, he sprinted back to where the others would be.


Time is weird on sfo, I wonder how long it has been since i left...if any time at all. 


"I might know where we can best do this planning away from prying eyes. Tell me, which board gets the least attention and traffic on sfo today? I'm thinking caves there will make the most excellent of headquarters."

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Monokuma chuckles at his only guess for the farthest location in SF-O


"Hate to give another opposite answer, but it seems that there are no caves to where we're going. Only a large desert and the Archives that lie within. It's the best shot we have here, seeing that library hasn't been used in a long while. No wonder I always call it the Dead Library."

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The wolf shivered as it heard the word desert. What would a animal living in the north do in the heat?


"Did you say desert?" The wolf asked whit fear in his voice.

"I don't think I will be useful in the heat, we need to figure out something I can do instead"

The wolf tried to think of a way to skip the desert mission.

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"Right, the desert."
Gestalt turned his back away slightly and produced a notepad and crayon. He flipped to a tabbed page which read "RP Board -  cave sector - moderately inactive - HQ." He then vigoruosly marked out the page with the crayon before clawing it out, crumbling it, and tossing it to the wind. On a remaining page he penciled in: "Dead Threads -  desert sector - EXTREMELY INACTIVE - better HQ." Gestalt turned back to Cookie.
"Ah don't be ridiculous, Cookie." Gestalt slung one forearm across his, technically, wolf brethren then took off his hat and pointed it to nothing with the other. "It will be much needed fun and bonding time for our posse. I tell you what," he placed the hat to his heart, "travel with us until we reach the boarder of the Desert of Death. You are more than welcome to turn back if I fail to convince you otherwise."
"Now, I have a few things I might need to gather and check on along the way. For me there shouldn't be any massive detours as most of it lies within our course. Monokuma, Space Cookie, search yourselves to see if you may need anything, as well."
Gestalt cocked his hat and gave a grin at an incoming breeze.
"That's an order!"
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There weren't much opinions, so the wolf made his decision to take the travel.

"Fine, I'll travel with you. I guess I can take the heat"


The wolf took a moment to think if he needed something, he couldn't come up with something a plain wolf would need

"I don't think there's something I need to gather, how about you, Monokuma?"

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Monokuma ponders his personal needs, and comes up quite short. He pulls out his 'PM System' from his form, and shows it off.


"Nah, i'll only need my Modded E-Handbook for this mission of ours, I suppose. Might need incoming info from another student or something."


 His thoughts quickly switch to his own travel method. "Uh, guys? Seeing that you're both bigger than me and all that, mind if I take a ride on either of you?"

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"Ah yes, spawning that far off the radar is quite advanced, isn't it? And vehicles have always been a mod thing, haven't they? Heh,...whatever puts us on our way I suppose."


"I shall serve as your steed," Gestalt said heading to a crouch and then laying down. "Hop to it before my second brain kicks in, eh."


There Gestalt took off his monocle. He held it at the claw, gave it a blow, and began polishing it. Inside, he fell very far away from this conversation.

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"If you get tired, Gestalt, just tell me and I'll carry Monokuma" The wolf was happy to be able to help.


"Shall we go then? Where should we first head?" The wolf couldn't wait to start running.

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Preston had gotten home from school, completely stressed out from all the work and drama the old place has to offer. His mom had to go pick up the younger siblings from their other school, so Preston could mess around a bit. Preston tossed his backpack on the floor, and plopped down on the couch. He pulled out his phone, and went to starfox-online.net.


The quilava stood on the edge of the community index, sharpening his pocketknife. This pocketknife meant a lot to him, considering his dad handed it to him on the death bed. "Where to go, where to go..." "Max" as he was known by mumbled to himself. He decided ti go into the rec room, skimmed some posts, and left. "Ah, here's something." He jumped into the bottom of the index. He fell into a desert. "Agck!" He said as he hit the sand. "This must be why I never come here."

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  On 8/18/2014 at 5:44 PM, The Raging Space Cookie said:

"Shall we go then? Where should we first head?" The wolf couldn't wait to start running.


  Reveal hidden contents

Of a sudden, Gestalt was ripped out of his introspection. There was a distinct ringing at his ear.
"Yes, Now! We leave now!" he cried at the top of his lungs. Quickly, Gestalt snatched up Monokuma, and with a powerful thrust he launched himself forward in a southerly direction.
In that same instant, a police interceptor skidded around the corner and bashed into a wall of boxes with it's alarms blasting. It was OneUnder, a decorated, committed moderator
of sfo.
Gestalt was unsure who or what the spotlight on the vehicle was aiming for, but he was not waiting to find out. He headed back over the hill, but the cruiser was still, seemingly, in pursuit.
Instead, in an effort to lose OneUnder, Gestalt skirted the corners of the city buildings that stood just past the community index. Eventually, he was able to scale a small building and progressively hop taller and taller structures. Gestalt made his way to the train tracks at the far reaches of the city.
There he stopped and thought of Cookie, the Cookie that had been so eager to run just before. Cookie was not immediately within Gestalt's visual range and the sirens were still blaring.
The tracks Gestalt stood at ran straight to the Desert. Briefly, he pondered whether he should go back for Cookie, but the answer was far too clear.
"Aha! There are no pigeons among these ranks. Our flexibility and skill is unmatched."
Gestalt went on, making sure to dig his prints a little deeper than usual, at such a pace that his hat blew off at Monokuma. Gestalt scaled the majestic wilderness that was the backbone of sfo knowing that of all the members he had met, Space Cookie was in no danger.
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Monokuma barely holds on to Gestalt during the mod's pursuit. As his hat slips off Gestalt little by little, he decides to grab it and securely wears it. Upon seeing the tracks to the desert behind him, he pulls out his Modded PM System, holding it in one hand, his other holding on to Gestalt.


The PM System blurs to a medium-range Radar, showing the blips of OneUnder and Cookie, going more and more far off towards the north end of the screen.


"How the heck did they respond that quickly...?"

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Max lays in the desert of the SFO Archives section, groaning as they get up. "Mods as usual." He gets up and starts to walk through the old, locked areas. The mods pull up. "Hey, you. What are you doing here? This place is where the old archives go. Mods only for this area." Max continues minding his own business. "Who says I can't be here. I'm not posting." The mods start to drive along with him. "We said so." Max turns to the mods. "Well, why don't you mind your own business, go find someone or something to arrest. I don't care." The mods get out of the car, grabbing Max. Max grunts and uses his quills to escape. It was a technique that his grandfather taught him. "AAAGH!" The second mod starts throwing sand to put out the flames. Max gets into the buggy and drives. "Hey, get back here!" Max snickers as he drives back into the community index zone. "Like ya gonna think that's gonna help!" 

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Just a second had passed, and Gestalt was already out of sight. Eager as the wolf was, he started to run after Gestalt.

The wolf could feel the strong presence from the mod, but he had never recognized it before.


As the wolf follows Gestalt's trail into the city, he sees two mods chasing a car.

He stops by to see what's going on and he feels an unrecognisable presence, which he assumes is from a 'lone wolf'.

The wolf don't want to waste time, so he continues at full speed, heading out of the city for the tracks.


A minute later, the wolf sees Gestalt and Monokuma, so he starts to howl.

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Max was driving through a crowd of people, trying not to hit them. "I'm sorry, but it's the only way!" He yells at the crowd. Finally he passed through the crowd, only to find more mods. But this time chasing a group of people. Max speeds up and tries to distract the mods so the group of 3 can escape.

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