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Take Over


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Gestalt plugs his ears and crouches over the volley. After impact he stood back up and threw his water bottle at the tank.


"LAZER, hold your fire. This place is supposed to be iffy. Do you not know on what forgotten grounds we stand?!"

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Monokuma notices Lazer's cannon pointed at the Archives from an inside window and comes back into the entrance to stop him, but it was too late. A giant hole was formed around him.


He sloops himself down as his Despair-sided Eye glows an infamous red. "MY FORT! I converted this abandoned place when I joined this site in case a time came for my domination, BUT NO! There had to be SOMEONE to blow my front door to smithereens!"


His Eye somehow dissipates in the color quite quickly, but his attitude stays as stern. "Seeing that this is your first time here, please get in and get to work. I have a NEW job to do."


He grabs some building materials from an empty sentry ammo feed panel, and starts to repair the entrance, mumbling to himself. "When I joined, I wasn't armed to the teeth and I was fine, but look at me now, rebuilding a mess someone did to my fort... These students..."

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LazerMaster5 says, "Sorry, mate. You could have told me you made the archives your home. Here I merely assumed it was here as some government property or something." He then pulls out his laptop. "I can have any amount of currency transferred to your bank account, you know. I have credentials I stole from a wealthy businessvixen back at Corneria. She was good in the sheets, but her husband was not so nice, so I grabbed their bank card on the way out. Anyway, how much currency do you need for repairs?"

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Gestalt wobbled past the debris and caught up with Monokuma who was still walking away. It was a strain but he managed to erect his body into an elegant posture while holding his paws behind his back.


"So, you've been here before, eh?" he said leaning forward a bit, one, because he was intrigued and also because it made his gait more agreeable.


"I have been told others besides Shen have tried to takeover by themselves. Most of them were forgotten in the wake of our..of my pure rage. Ah but you, you weren't forgotten...just never discovered. A true man of mystery!"

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  On 9/9/2014 at 12:33 AM, LazerMaster5 said:

LazerMaster5 says, "Sorry, mate. You could have told me you made the archives your home. Here I merely assumed it was here as some government property or something."[...]" Anyway, how much currency do you need for repairs?"


Monokuma's silence was a rare occurrence. 


"...I have no need for currency... most of the food and other stuff I found here came from previous people, and in my free time, I read the books here, biding my time...Just go and do some work or invest some of that money into actually hiding your PM System... The site caught you messing with the file, and detonated it. There's food and drinks in some of the sentry boxes, they're labeled, add them to our supplies."


Monokuma hands Lazer the remains of his own PM System and continues his repairs.


  On 9/9/2014 at 12:40 AM, Gestalt said:

Gestalt wobbled past the debris and caught up with Monokuma who was still walking away. It was a strain but he managed to erect his body into an elegant posture while holding his paws behind his back.


"So, you've been here before, eh?" 


"I have been told others besides Shen have tried to takeover by themselves. Most of them were forgotten in the wake of our..of my pure rage. Ah but you, you weren't forgotten...just never discovered. A true man of mystery!"


Monokuma gives off a slight chuckle of the praise apart from noticing Gestalt's pain. "You have no need to praise us yet, we still have plenty of work to do. Go get some rest, and when i'm done, i'll grab something from my med cache." 

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LazerMaster5 says, "This place could use some high-tech upgrades. Monokuma, you are okay with me installing radar and satellite dishes on the roof, right? I am also gonna need an empty room where I can set up my PC. Also, Monokuma, do you happen to have a spacedock around here? I left the Lightning Rider at a public spacedock 10 hours from here, and not only is parking expensive, but we may also need an escape plan if things get rough."

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"I think I saw a decent sized empty warehouse about half a mile back on the way here that could do in a pinch", Infinity noted, pointing east. "Assuming you haven't blown it up", he added in jest.

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LazerMaster5 says, "I am going to retrieve my ship. I should be back in the evening." He then climbs into the Landmaster and drives off into the desert.

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"Well, time to get Extreme Makeover up in dis beyotch", Infinity said, rubbing his hands together. "Let's check the power, security, and maybe a little cleani-", he paused as he felt something dart over his foot, "make that definitely a good cleaning!".

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LazerMaster5 returns, parks the Lightning Rider in the nearby warehouse (luckily it was an old ship warehouse), and parks the Landmaster next to Infinity's car. He then begins setting up his computer, making sure he has sufficient power. Next, he sets up a radar system for security and a satellite dish to receive signals from the surrounding galaxy. "Time to get crackin'," he says, looking at his damaged PM system. "I don't think I need this, for as far as the Mods are concerned, I'm dead, and I would rather keep it that way. I guess I should search their mainframe and find a weak spot. This should take a while, so sit tight."

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"All of you seems to have stuff to do, can I help with something?"

The wolf hated to do nothing and just rest.

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  On 9/9/2014 at 1:08 AM, Monokuma said:

Go get some rest, and when i'm done, i'll grab something from my med cache." 




*   *   * 

Rest, eh? I imagine I should find a chambers to call my own, then.


Gestalt looked up an endless set of stairs.


  On 9/10/2014 at 4:39 PM, The Raging Space Cookie said:

"All of you seems to have stuff to do, can I help with something?"



"Over here, Cookie! If your up for it, you could help me find a room...," he said staggering up the stairs. 


More like, help me to it.


The panda pushed on, open for assistance but not bound by it. The tenderness of his limbs was but a fraction of the pain felt by his mental anguish.

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As Monokuma puts his finishing touches on the entrance repair, he steps back to admire the beauty and replaces the building materials with some painkillers. As he passes the main hall to track down Gestalt, he's surprised by the improvements made by the two new students. 


"Woah, barely remember this place...Don't move anything in front of any sentry panels, though. Someone made 2 or 3 of 'em into escape tunnels." 

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LazerMaster5 says, "I should wait on tapping into the mainframe, as doing so would alert the authorities to our presence, which would be a thorn in our side. Anything you need me to do while I wait? If not, I'm gonna play some Burnout."

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"Over here, Cookie! If your up for it, you could help me find a room...," he said staggering up the stairs.

"I can carry you if you want to, just jump up on my back" The wolf ran up the stairs to Getsalt.

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LazerMaster5 makes himself at home in his new room, which is on the top floor and has a very good view of the surrounding area. He then cranks up Avenged Sevenfold and begins drinking gallons of coffee. Soon, he is playing Burnout: Paradise on his PC.

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  On 9/11/2014 at 2:41 PM, The Raging Space Cookie said:

"I can carry you if you want to, just jump up on my back" The wolf ran up the stairs to Getsalt.


Gestalt walked a few more paces with his arm around the wolf then he flung himself on top.


"I saw a grand window out front. I'm thinking there is a central office up there. Yes, take me to the largest room on the top. That will do."


"And I realize no one ever got you any food since we first met. We are lucky you managed enough restraint to -not- turn on us in your hunger. Monokuma mentioned a few stores of vittles, perhaps there is something there that will suit you...I can only hope."

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"While you do that, I'm going to scope this place out", Infinity said as he headed towards a large black door. He meandered through room after room of books, papers, outdated equipment, and a room filled entirely with lamps. All of the rooms were in a state of general neglect, as if everyone just cleared out without any thought for cleaning up. "Strange", he thought. At length, he entered what seemed to be an auditorium. Like the other rooms, it was dimly litwith emergency lighting, and the room was almost pitch black save for some emergency lights on stage. The stage itself was completely barren save for some chairs, crumpled curtains, and a large organ console, all caked in dust so thick he could tell from a distance that the hall in particular hadn't seen use in years. To be fair, what purpose would an auditorium serve in an Archive? He took a seat in a mezzanine chair, and begin thinking about what would cause people to just up and leave the place. Enemies? New building? Boredom? Ancient evil? Deep in thought, he was jolted back to reality by a distant but almost unearthly roaring and shaking that seemed to come from all around him. Initially thinking of ghouls and Zimbabwean aircraft, he assumed it was just wind leaking in and blowing through pipes. "Tis only this and nothing more", he said to himself.


But pipes don't make the sound of...footsteps?!

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The footsteps heard were from Monokuma's tiny shape coming in from the main hall.


"I saw that the door was open, I see you found my all-purpose theater...Kinda had a plan for some awesome kabuki plays, but the plans kinda fell through... Just don't touch the swords, they're decorative metal...priceless!"


Monokuma's voice fades as he climbs the steps to Gestalt's new room.

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"JESUS JOSEPH AND MARY IN A THREESOME ON A POGO STICK!", Infinity cried, jumping straight out of his seat, "DON'T CREEP UP ON ME LIKE THAT, DUDE!". Collecting himself, they strolled out of the door, the wailing organ disappearing into the other ambient noises of the building. "What a strange little man", he thought to himself. He hoped he wasn't psychic...

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The top floor was a straightaway leading to two heavy doors. Upon clearing the stairs, Gestalt insisted he could handle the rest of the way. A push to the doors gave way to a large circular window. In an instant it was apparent that the entire room ahead had been built around this window, for the window did not end at the floor. Rather, at the far reaches before him, the floors opened up and allowed the rest of the window to pass. Guard rails sat before this sudden opening. Ahead of that, sat a sufficiently sized desk holding an extinguished oil lamp. To either side of the window and desk were shelves upon shelves (of aging records, no doubt) contouring themselves about the rounded walls of the office--all of which complemented the grand window.


Right as Gestalt was noticing all of this, he, again, glanced through the window's ever striking presence. Night was falling once more. Off in the far distance the city lights dimly illuminated a portion of the darkening sky. At once he grabbed the lamp and lit it. He made his way off to the side towards a collection of cushioned benches and chairs that, though now dusty, were intended as a comforting area for review of the records. There he sat and entered a trance that on sfo was akin to sleep.

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After 5 days straight of Burnout Paradise, LazerMaster5 realized he did not sleep a wink. He soon collapsed in a pile of empty chip bags, fast asleep. 5 hours later, he is woken by a loud bang. "What the hell was that?" LazerMaster5 shouted. He grabbed his blaster and went downstairs to investigate.

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As Monokuma walks into the meeting hall, he notices Gestalt asleep. He quietly places the correct dose of painkillers on his lap and shuffles over to a portrait of a former user, who frequented this place as much as him.


The portrait represented the one who, by his review of the old books within the library and what records were left lying around, was a founder of these halls named Kursed, Monokuma's only higher being.


He salutes the photo before activating a hidden button and opening the wall behind it. He takes various parts and attaches them to himself, adding to his current equipment, his hidden/spring loaded claws, and his Handbook to Eye Extension.


He takes two final components, a oddly colored syringe, and Kursed's own blaster, in where shuts the wall, and moves back over to Gestalt, quietly placing the blaster on his lap, on safety.

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LazerMaster5 finds a Carson Annihilator crashed through the 2nd story wall, with no driver. "Huh," LazerMaster5 said. "Looks like Burnout does exist in real life. I thought Paradise City was on a different planet, though." He then pushes it out of the window, attaches it to the Landmaster, and takes it back to the Lightning Rider so he can have it fixed when he gets home. Next, LazerMaster5 walks back in to find Monokuma, covered in bits and pieces of technology. "What the hell is going on?" he exclaims.

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Infinity stumbled in groggily, pistol in hand and half-asleep. "Wuzgoinon?", he mumbled, confused by the hole in the wall and bits of débris lying on the ground, "We geddadakt?". Upon noticing monokuma, he jumped. "Jeziz wut 'append t'you, Ted?!". He wondered dimly if he was still dreaming or not. 3 hours of sleep over 2 days tends to do that to him. 

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