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Actually edit to make this more fitting to game rules:


I get easily annoyed by stupid people on deviantArt.

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People like me better after I've had a few drinks. Apparently I talk more.


(I also have a harder time typing, but I can also blame that on my new long fingernails that Steve wanted me to grow out)

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I am a furry who finds fursuits to be stupid and used to be in denial about being in the fandom.

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I've stopped drawing certain characters because I don't like attracting the fandom.

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I still like fedoras unironically and absolutely hate people who have no idea how to wear them.

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When i walk into a library, i fear i may uncontrollably burst into song. As such, i silently mouth would be boisterous lyrics to keep the peace. 

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Scourge and I get freak with it but it's not gay because we're friends.


I refuse to confirm or deny this.


Also: I have upwards of 14 yoshi stuffed animals.


Suck it you all jelly.

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I avoid almost everyone very often

I love wolves, but I draw dying wolves when I feel sad

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I secretly judge anyone who doesn't go as something scary for Halloween. Fuck your weird cheapass 'sexy crayon' outfits.

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^ D''=  !!


- Here, only here: I get queasy when wearing the same avatar for too long. 


- Deep down inside, every bug/pest I kill, there rests a bit of remorse.


- That remorse is non-existent when it comes to roaches. Roaches do not have my permission to exist.

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Transgenders confuse the shit out of me. If you are a guy and you like a girl who turns out to be a transgender, does that make you gay? If you are a trangender and like the gender you are emulating, does that make you straight? My head spins thinking about it.

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I can be almost instantly put to sleep by having my hair played with/brushed.

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Transgenders confuse the shit out of me. If you are a guy and you like a girl who turns out to be a transgender, does that make you gay? If you are a trangender and like the gender you are emulating, does that make you straight? My head spins thinking about it.


A transgender person is the gender that they identify as. No, a guy isn't "gay" if his girlfriend is a trans woman, he's straight, because he's a man into women that is dating a woman. A trans woman who exclusively likes other women is a lesbian. Mystery solved. Now, can we not use this topic to say shit like this? If you actually want to know more about trans people there are plenty of resources out there for you, and none of them are somewhat insulting "are trans people gay boogeymen?!" comments on Star Fox forums. Jesus christ dude :/


On-Topic Confession: I definitely thought Pokemon were real when I was like 7

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I'm sorry, man. I didn't try to be offensive, I just was confused by the whole thing. Thanks for answering my question, by the way.

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No problem. You can PM me if you have any more questions, and I get there isn't a whole ton of education about this thing (particularly in the States...), but yeah. Just so ya know.


Confession: One time I accidentally got my cat's tail stuck in a door and to this day I'm pretty sure I'm going to hell because of it

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Anything with a jelly like texture triggers my gag reflex.

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Anything with a jelly like texture triggers my gag reflex.


Is okay bby if you're ever in the hospital I'll eat your gross hospital jello for you.


Confession? I am deathly afraid of needles. I had blood drawn today and the trauma is fresh let me tell you.

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Confession: I'm awful at dating. Just completely awful at it, so I don't try.


I'm pretty introverted outside the interwebs and I like being single for the most part I guess but still idfk

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When I still lived at home, I had just woken up and my sister wanted to play SSBM with me, and I was playing single player with two allied pikachus, but in my sleepy state I got all excited because I thought they were both called "Ally".

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I hate stuffed animals. I get scared around them and think they'll come to life and attack me.

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I'm completely terrible with deadlines.


I keep drawing things and saying I'll find some way to upload it even with broken scanner but I always do other things instead of doing that.

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