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A big hello from VonSteakhand to StarFox-Online!


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Hello, everyone. My name, or at least the name you will know me as on these fine forums, is VonSteakhand.

To begin, I have vague memories of playing Star Fox 64 as a child, but I was never any good at it. Only years later did I ever find interest again in the series, with Super Smash Bros. Brawl's "masterpieces" section. I played the crap out of the 3 minutes it gave me, trying to find out ways to get through the level as best I could.

Eventually I snapped and bought Star Fox 64 through Nintendo's virtual console and dove into it's fandom.

Several Google searches later and here I am, signing up for a Star Fox forum. Woo-hoo.

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Welcome to the largest Starfox Fanbase in Zimbabwe the world.


I hope you chill with us sometime.

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Welcome, rookie. I'm LazerMaster5, the best arwing pilot in the universe. I'm also a griefer and a troll, but don't worry, I try to be respectful outside of the rec room.

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Welcome to my domain.


There are cookies somewhere. You can have them if you can find them.

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Hey there! Don't mind the crazy welcome wagon. It's pretty much like that all the time. o3o


Stick around, browse the topics from new to old. I'm sure you'll find something interesting as Gestalt said there. owo




And if you don't, just stay here anyway. You're here forever, okay? o3o

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You're here forever, okay? o3o

I'd imagine that you're all waiting for me to submit to a blood pact or something then?

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Officially, no. Of course not.


Just regular folks. Doing regular things. In a very regular type fashion. Typing in regular colored fonts that come from regular sources.

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 Welcome to the site! As you can see there are many colorful personalities for you to get along with. Youll do just fine.

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