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First Case of Ebola in US - Dallas, TX

Dr. Orange

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There has been the first confirmed case of Ebola to have happened in the United States, specifically in Dallas, Texas. This shouldn't be any cause for alarm or the call to pack the kids and run, since I would imagine if there was talk about an event on the level that Ebola is it would be already contained. However, it would be wise for our SFOers in the South to keep eyes out and keep hands clean. I got to see personally what Ebola Zaire does and I do not wish for anyone to experience it.


Stay ready, stay clean, stay safe.



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Yeah Ebola is only spreadable through bodily fluids from what I've read, it's not an airborne illness. It also can only be spread when you're showing symptoms and not during the incubation period.

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My aunt was in Liberia at the Embassy for the past couple weeks (she does some sort of diplomatic stuff. I'm actually not at liberty to say what exactly), and she's currently in quarantine to make sure she and her coworkers don't have any traces of Ebola. I don't think she's carrying it, since any and all trips outside the Embassy were done in an armored car and not on foot. But still, scary shit indeed 0_o

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  On 10/1/2014 at 3:13 AM, Patch93 said:

Yeah Ebola is only spreadable through bodily fluids from what I've read, it's not an airborne illness. It also can only be spread when you're showing symptoms and not during the incubation period.


This. He also contracted it from one of the effected countries, so there isn't like some secret Ebola dispenser in the States now.

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We should be fine folks.


No panics.


Although to be safe, we should all pitch in money to build a space-capible craft to lock us all in orbit for the forseeable future so that we can be Ebola-Free

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Ebola is fairly easily killed with chlorine bleach.


/drinks clorox


can t g et m e now 



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  On 10/2/2014 at 3:40 AM, Scourge said:

We should be fine folks.


No panics.


Although to be safe, we should all pitch in money to build a space-capible craft to lock us all in orbit for the forseeable future so that we can be Ebola-Free



And it would be broadcasted as a reality T.V. show, with the intro going like this:


Wouldn't it be great, if no one ever got infected?

Wouldn't it be great for all your blood to stay inside?

I have always said 'My life don't need no ending.'

And if I gave a high-five, would that be such a crime?



I wanna be, eeeebooolaaaa freeee

I wanna be where disease ain't the matter

I wanna be, eeeebooolaaaa freeee

Just sing  'Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha He Ha Ha Ha'


Something akin to this:



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If Plague Inc has taught me anything, its that we should all move to Madagascar, and or Greenland/Iceland and then bomb the infected areas, because first its organ liquification and then you evolve the ability to spit partially dissolved organs.

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I find the total freakout over this hilarious and sad at the same time.

You should ask yourself two questions:

1. Have I been to western Africa recently?

2. Have I been in close contact with someone who was recently in western Africa?

If you answered "no" to both questions, you're NOT going to get Ebola. If you answered "yes" to one of them, you're still only at risk if you or the person you were with had close contact with an Ebola patient or their bodily fluids.

I mean, Jesus fuck, one guy gets on a plane in Liberia and the US population loses it's damn mind. One person is not an epidemic.

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I mean, I can answer a yes to #2, but even then, the screening she had to go through was so thorough that there's no way in Hell she'd have it and still get into the country. Personally, I view it as the latest worry fad of the day, like Bird Flu or the NSA or #Kony2012 (who was probably dead by that time and probably drew our attention away from more serious matters in Egypt or Libya). Just another thing for us to fret over between news about those two reality stars going to jail on tax evasion and the iCloud leak. It'll pass over with time and people will just stop giving a damn within a couple months. 

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Lol.  I made this thread thinking there might be more information on the man's condition or more cases popping up. But the news says we're all going to die.

Screw packing the kids, leave them behind. FFA: Dallas edition. #glhf

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Dub post because developing elements.




Also >inb4








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  • Owner/Technical Admin

I'm not worried about it. I live in the middle of New York. Nobody I know has gone to Africa. Nobody I know is going to Africa. I don't plan on visiting other states.

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The biggest reason it won't be a "black plague" style epidemic is because how sanitary our country is compared to Africa

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hate to dredge a topic, then again, last post was barely a week ago. Now understand, I am not one to be freaking out about this. The nurse who treated the man with Ebola, went on a trip to Ohio. 7 people are currently under volunteer quarantine because they came into contact with her. They are pretty sure that the people won't have it. Then there are some that were on the same plane as Vinson (The Dallas man who got it) who are being scared shitless and staying away form people in case they have it.

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As my father says, there are two ways to get Ebola. One is to exchange bodily fluids with someone infected with Ebola. The other is to watch Fox News.

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The real epidemic here is human stupidity.


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Literally The VERY first thing I heard about Ebola was that it was sent by god to finally take care of the gays.



But I looked at stats of Ebola (Don't have a source for this one DX) But in terms of thousands in africa, it was 3000 people. (Which aids is well over 100,000) so in comparison, it's not nearly as bad.


And then you move on to the "American's only care when its close" Not necessarily a good mindset, but people don't typically care about what won't happen to them. Now that it's here, it COULD happen to them, so now they care. (Although I hear that hospitals are treating it quite well with quite a number of survivors.

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Be careful. Politics and Religion are off-limits.

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What are body fluids?

Ebola has been detected in blood and many body fluids. Body fluids include saliva, mucus, vomit, feces, sweat, tears, breast milk, urine, and semen.

Can Ebola spread by coughing? By sneezing?

Unlike respiratory illnesses like measles or chickenpox, which can be transmitted by virus particles that remain suspended in the air after an infected person coughs or sneezes, Ebola is transmitted by direct contact with body fluids of a person who has symptoms of Ebola disease. Although coughing and sneezing are not common symptoms of Ebola, if a symptomatic patient with Ebola coughs or sneezes on someone, and saliva or mucus come into contact with that person’s eyes, nose or mouth, these fluids may transmit the disease.

What does “direct contact†mean?

Direct contact means that body fluids (blood, saliva, mucus, vomit, urine, or feces) from an infected person (alive or dead) have touched someone’s eyes, nose, or mouth or an open cut, wound, or abrasion.

How long does Ebola live outside the body?

Ebola is killed with hospital-grade disinfectants (such as household bleach). Ebola dried on surfaces such as doorknobs and countertops can survive for several hours; however, virus in body fluids (such as blood) can survive up to several days at room temperature.

Are patients who recover from Ebola immune for life? Can they get it again - the same or a different strain?

Recovery from Ebola depends on good supportive clinical care and a patient’s immune response. Available evidence shows that people who recover from Ebola infection develop antibodies that last for at least 10 years, possibly longer.

We don’t know if people who recover are immune for life or if they can become infected with a different species of Ebola.

If someone survives Ebola, can he or she still spread the virus?

Once someone recovers from Ebola, they can no longer spread the virus. However, Ebola virus has been found in semen for up to 3 months. Abstinence from sex (including oral sex) is recommended for at least 3 months. If abstinence is not possible, condoms may help prevent the spread of disease.

Can Ebola be spread through mosquitos?

There is no evidence that mosquitos or other insects can transmit Ebola virus. Only mammals (for example, humans, bats, monkeys and apes) have shown the ability to spread and become infected with Ebola.

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Remember children, if a disease ever breaks out that has less deaths than such major causes of death like smoking, or alcohol, make sure you ABSOLUTELY PANIC AND IGNORE EVERYTHING OH GOD EBOLA WE DEAD. Never mind this happened with the H1N1 a few years back, never mind this will happen again and everyone will blow gaskets and panic again.


Its not sad, its tedious.


I mean, for the love of the lord, the Bubonic Plague is still killing people, why dont we all panic at that first? That killed many more people than Ebola has, or ever will.

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