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My (Re)Introduction Thread


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I do not know how many oldsters remember me, but after a bit of curious searching for the old SFX64 board (only to find that it died a rather long drawn out death, with a few old trolls still gnawing on the remnants), I came across this place, and decided to let myself in. I hope you don't mind.

As for my name, I first joined the Mouth Off board way back in 1999 under my real name, Scott, but later, when I created a character in another RolePlay group, I decided that Robin best suit me, and thus, Robin Redcoat was born. I dropped the surname, and just kept the first.

For those who don't know me, I am Robin, and I have been a fan of Starfox since playing the original game back in 1993. I read the Benimaru Itoh comics in Nintendo Power, and have played each game that came out since. I have been drawing since I first picked up a pencil, and have been drawing anthros since I was 9 years old. I practiced and practiced, and eventually found others who shared my interest in anthros or "furries" as some people have called them.
After graduating High school, I decided to share my art online for the first time at a StarFox site called Katt's Starfox Zone, Katt, as she called herself back then, had art and stories for fan characters, many of whom also posted at Mouth Off.

I was part of their artists group, and participated in drawing avatars for people, and also starfox inspired pieces whenever the mood struck.

In time, Mouth Off became Papetoon, and eventually, Puffy put up the SFX64.org message board called Outside the Great Fox, and this apparently was up for years and years, until at last everyone decided to pursue personal lives and leave the trolls to clean up the leftovers, like the hungry little scavengers they were.

Time has certainly gone by, and I hope that I haven't bored you to death with my internet life story.

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for listening to me rant on about old days..or not. It's okay if you want to skip over this. It won't hurt my feelings.

It is nice to be here.

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I always enjoy reading the perilous tales of the rises and falls of SF fansites.


:welcome: to SF-O.

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Thank you, and I am always glad to see new people breathing life back into what most people used to consider to be dried up, dead material. It is always good to get a fresh take on things. Thank you all for bringing back the Starfox fandom.

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Hi, Robin. I'm not sure we talked much back in the day, but I was at OTG as well. Always nice to see older members of the fandom coming back. Several older members of the fandom have dropped-in recently. Vixette just joined here, for instnace. We've also had visits from others, including Fana McCloud, Juju, and even Dermot.

Star Fox still gets some love in the broader Nintendo fanbase, but I'm doing what I can to keep the dedicated SF Fanbase alive. In fact, I've got a major site rewrite in the works right now.

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Bored? That was rather an interesting read! x3

I personally like reading things of times past. It's a nice reminder that it's all more than just pixels and coding. c:


Anyway. You're welcome on the forum, so as other old-timers with things to add. I'm Orbi. Not exactly the most active person around, but I hope we can meet around the forum. :D

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DZ, I remember a lot of your compositions and arrangements on the old board. It is nice to see some old faces as well as new ones.

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Welcome back to the last of us. There may not be many of us left but what we do make up is a great group of friends and fans. We're glad you came to join us!

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