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Arminius's Character(s)

Arminius H O Fiddywinks

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This is the first time I have ever RP'd or made RP-ing characters, so please: don't shoot me.


Name: Bohdan Zenobi Chmielnicki


Nicknames/Aliases: Bo, Bodi, Nik, BC, Boss, Bogdan, Hmel, Sclav, Priest, Father, Preacher, Holy Man, Theodore Khemelnetski, Theo


Species: Dragon (Western)


Age: 129


Gender: Male


Origin: Kitezh, Sclavenian Capital District, Ruthenia


Home: Ruthenian decommissioned Star-Class cruiser RSS Szabla


Height: 7 ft


Weight: 350 lbs.


Build: Muscular


Eyes: Brownish-orange


Scale Color: Crimson, with tan color running from lower jaw along the front area of his body.


Family: Janus (father, KIA), Ana (mother, KIA), Wladyslaw (brother, KIA), Marina (sister-in-law, KIA), Jerzy (nephew), Casimir (nephew).


Personality: Religious, hard-working, just, daring, self-destructive, fanatical, protective, vengeful.




Bohdan Chmielnicki hails from the planet of Ruthenia, located in a star system close to the galactic core of Andromeda. Bohdan comes from a long line of warrior-priests, among the upper classes of Ruthenian theocratic society. As a result, Bohdan and his brother, Wladyslaw, had a life of ease, with ready access to a good education. Bohdan was a rather fun and hyper child. Wladyslaw was more of a bookworm than Bohdan, and stuck to study rather than his active big brother. Like his father, and his father's father, Bohdan joined a seminary after he finished his education and studying at a university with a degree in Theology. After the seminary, it was not uncommon for priests to join the armed forces of the Ruthenian Empire. And so, Bohdan joined the Czar's army, eventually becoming a captain. Ironically, the studious Wladyslaw joined the army instead of a university, being only a corporal by the time his older brother enlisted. Bohdan would soon put his knowledge to use.


The Galactic Wars were a series of devastating campaigns of imperial conquest, expansion, and conversion undertaken by the Ruthenian Empire with two things in mind: more territory and to spread Ogniemism, the state religion of Ruthenia, to the galaxy. Bohdan, being a priest, cared more for the second reason. He also went to war with his family. Bohdan's father was an ace pilot. His mother was a medic. Bohdan was in command of his brother, as well as his sister-in-law, Marina, whom Wladyslaw fell for in basic training. The Chmielnicki family fought bravely in the First Galactic War, living through 4 invasions of various worlds. About 7 years later, the Empire launched another War with several more invasions, this time backed by an uneasy alliance with the Republic of Corneria and the People's Republic of Papetoon. However, the Chmielnicki family's true test would come in the Third Galactic War, when Ruthenia waged war against the powerful Kingdom of Cerinia.


During the initial invasion of the Cerinian homeworld, Bohdan's life changed forever. His father was shot down by enemy fighters over Lyonesse, the Cerinian capital city. His mother was shot in the head by a Cerinian sniper while attending to a downed comrade in the heat of battle in the city suburbs. Bohdan's regiment (along with Wladyslaw and Marina) was attacked while breaching the outer walls of Lyonesse by a Cerinian force twice their size. Marina was gunned down, while Wladyslaw had a sword plunged into his chest. Bohdan and the surviving soldiers managed to fight the attackers off. Bohdan cradle his dying little brother in his arms, tears running down his face, promising him that he would have vengeance for his family. Wladyslaw used his last breath to tell Bohdan to take care of his sons.


Bohdan, bolstered by fresh recruits and a Papetoonese military liaison named James "Star Fox" McCloud, spearheaded the assault on the King's High Hall, the royal palace. They carved a bloody path to the king's room, where Bohdan faced the royal family alone. In pitched melee combat, he slayed the Cerinian king, his wife, and his son. However, he could not bring himself to kill the king's infant niece and helpless teenage brother, and let them go. Due to his "heroic and outstanding achievements" in the Siege of Lyonesse, Bohdan received the Defender of the Faith Medal from the Patriarch of the Ruthenian Ogniemite Church, as well as the Czar's Medal, awarded to him by the Czar himself. Bohdan was also promoted to the rank of colonel. He was also offered a position as a knight of the Order of Kitezh. He declined. 20 years later, Bohdan learned of a bounty placed on his head by the now adult brother: 1 trillion credits. He had to flee Ruthenia, for the safety of his brother's children. Bohdan "commandeered" an old First Galactic War cruiser to make his hasty escape to the Lylat System, where he would look for his war-time friend Star Fox and seek his assistance. Only when he learned of James's death through an old hare was Bohdan introduced to his friend's son, Fox, and his mercenary team.


Bohdan would once again heed the call of war, guiding the floundering Cornerian generals on strategic decisions during the Lylat Wars. While Star Fox got the glory, Bohdan was in the War Room with General Pepper himself, being a key adviser to his staff. Rear Admiral Chester Stringworth would later write in his memoirs of the war that "Without Col. Bohdan Chmielnicki, we would most certainly have a much tougher time beating that crazy ape, as well as losing a lot of good lives." Bohdan was also involved in the Aparoid Invasion, personally helping the local Saurian forces and a Cornerian expeditionary force eradicate the last of the Aparoids on that world. When the Invasion was over, Bohdan also helped to reform and rebuild the Cornerian Army into a much more effective fighting force, under General Peppy Hare's administration, to prevent catastrophes such as the repeated sieges of Corneria City. After his work was done, Bohdan decided to become a freelance mercenary, forming Chmielnicki Security. He recruited his team more or less through his persuasive rhetoric rather than monetary incentive. He recruited Korben Dallas and his partner Sandor Kalocsai when they attempted to kill him to collect the substantial bounty on his head. His calm and collected demeanor, along with his persuasive charisma, convinced the duo to join him. He would also use these tools to recruit Elizabeth Morion, a former CDF sniper who wanted to kill Bohdan because he killed Morion's husband, Lucas. They still do not see eye to eye.


Personality/Key Info:


Bohdan, being a priest, is a man of faith, clinging to his belief in God. It is his driving force, since most of his family is gone. Unfortunately, he can take this a step too far. He can sometimes do irrational, illegal, and downright wrong actions, believing that he was doing it in the name of God (i.e. killing suspected terrorist Lucas Morion). His father and the clergy also taught him his sense of justice, of morality, the difference between right and wrong. His mother and brother taught him that hard work meant great reward, that if he did enough and went beyond what was needed, then he could change whole worlds. However, with the death of most of his family, he became more self-destructive, doing more dangerous things, like attacking smugglers' hideouts or kidnapping targets alone. He is also quite reckless, usually disregarding the warnings of his teammates, charging headlong into enemy fire armed with his bastard sword. Although it doesn't usually show, he also became depressed, sometimes shouting in battle "Kill me! I have nothing left!" or "I am ready, God!" This is further noticed when Bohdan sometimes prays for God to give him his family back. His other team members, most notably Sandor Kalocsai, are quite concerned with Bohdan and his mental state. He is also very protective of his team, often criticizing Star Fox when the two teams are working together for hanging back and letting Bohdan and his team take the brunt of the beating. He is especially protective of Sandor Kalocsai, often taking fire for the young man during combat.




As is custom of Ruthenian priests, Bohdan almost always wears a hood to cover his head. Rarely is he seen without one on. He has both combat and casual light jackets custom fitted with a religious-engraved hood for his head. Casually, Bohdan wears either a duster coat-like jacket with hood or a short jacket. Other than that and an Ogniemite religious icon, Bohdan dresses quite normally. In combat, Bohdan prefers a short jacket for maneuverability, but will wear a long coat for winter and desert conditions. He also wears boots instead of shoes, and is always seen with a belt containing a compact automatic blaster and a bastard sword, standard for Ruthenian warrior-priests.




As a dragon, it is expected that Bohdan can fly and utilize a breath of fire. His wings, which give him controlled flight for short distances, also act as weapons, much like two additional arms. His fire breath acts as a flamethrower, but for shorter distances with much greater control. Due to his experience in the Galactic Wars, Bohdan is familiar with most weapons, old and currently used. He can also pilot most vehicles with familiarity, and is exceptional with his bastard sword in melee combat. He is also a very good shot with his automatic blaster. However, Bohdan is a pathetic technician, and equally inept with machinery. His large frame means he's a big target, but he does take a massive amount of damage before going down. Bohdan is also a rather slow runner. and is not very agile on foot. And although he can pilot a fighter, he is certainly not like his father, Janus. Bohdan also cannot swim, and will drown in deep water. His stealthiness is also non-existent, being unable to sneak past any competent thug. Bohdan prefers a more... direct approach to situations.


Bohdan is a very excellent soldier, with high health, accuracy, and strength. He's suited for the front lines, and is at home there. Don't hold him back, or he won't be as effective.

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Everyone, meet my first Star Fox OC.


Name: Korben Dallas


Nicknames/Aliases: K, Korby, KD, Dally, Doctor, Doc, Doctor Black, Bug Boy, Aparoid King, Sunglasses, Flat Tail


Species: Beaver


Age: 25


Gender: Male


Origin: Corneria City, Cornerian Capital Metropolis, Corneria


Home: Ruthenian decommissioned Star-Class cruiser RSS Szabla


Height: 5 ft. 11 in.


Weight: 180 lbs.


Build: Average


Eyes: Left is green, right is blue (heterochromia)


Fur color: Brown


Family: Arthur (father), Helena (mother), Arthur Jr. (brother), Craig (brother), Amanda (sister), Ian (nephew), Henry (nephew), Nicholas (nephew), Brittney (niece)


Personality: Reserved, quiet, witty, selfish, determined, slightly deranged




Korben Dallas was born into great wealth on Corneria, being the youngest son of Arthur Dallas, founder and CEO of Dallas Pharmaceuticals, the Lylat System's largest pharmaceutical company. The Dallas's were corporate giants, having manufacturing and research plants on Macbeth and Corneria, and developing and selling widely-known and used prescription medicines, such as Adalol and Dercronymine. As a result of this massive amount of money, Korben's parents sent him to the best (and most expensive) schools on Corneria, with good reason. Young Korben was a genius, graduating high school at the top of his class, and excelling especially in chemistry and biology. Hoever, Korben did not want to inherit the family business. Rather, he wanted to become a doctor. And, after the Lylat Wars, he also wanted to be a soldier.This was quite shocking to the rest of the Dallas Dynasty, especially to his father, Arthur. Nevertheless, he went off to the Barbarossa Academy of Military Sciences to study Battlefield Medicine. Enraged, Korben's father cut his son off from the family wealth, and omitted him from his will, which caused major problems for the recently graduated Korben, who was in deep debt to the Academy. He would not forget this injustice. To remedy the situation, Korben became a concierge doctor for Corneria City's rich and famous, as well as a medic for the CDF. But, Korben's life would change when the Aparoids came.


Korben was supposed to be deployed to help destroy Oikonny's rebels at Fortuna, but due to the arrival of the Aparoids, his deployment was delayed for a few days. Little did anyone know what would transpire next. As team Star Fox raced to save Sauria, the Aparoids struck at the very heart of Corneria, attacking the capital city in a bold and decisive move. Korben and his squad were among the first to encounter the bugs, and the first to be destroyed, The bugs descended onto him and the squad, like water flooding a dry riverbed. None of them could be stopped, One by one, the soldiers were cut down by the Aparoids and slowly assimilated into their hive mind. Their blood became discolored, turning blue and purple as it ran through the streets. Korben was horrified, but had no time to mourn the death of his friends and comrades, as a bug lunged at him. It used its mandibles and tore through his torso, carving several deep gashes that revealed his very organs. Korben reacted just quickly enough to shoot the bug and kill it. Korben, with no clear orders and no squad to follow, simply stumbled his way, bleeding, to the ruined Cornerian Medical Research Center. He crawled into a Med-pod and healed himself, but found out that he was infected with what he dubbed the "Aparoid Virus". It would be only a matter of time before he lost his mind. But he had no intention of becoming a mindless drone, and raced to find a cure. After several hours of experimentation, he hastily discovered something that just might work. Korben injected the new medicine into himself, and discovered the discolorations fading, and the hexagonal patterns disappearing. He was cured.


After the battle, Korben attended to the wounded and sick CDF soldiers, as well as Peppy Hare, whose heroic actions saved General Pepper. This is where he meets Star Fox, with the mercenary team personally thanking him for being the first on the scene (as all the other medics in the area were dead or dying). However, Korben and the team noticed something odd about the doctor: he had two different colored eyes. When Fox McCloud commented on this, Korben was shocked, and walked away. They would not see each other for another few years.


Korben also developed other troubling oddities, including a severe stutter, difficulty in walking, occasional bouts of bad headaches and hallucinations, and a greatly weakened immune system. These setbacks altered his personality, molding him from a sociable person and friendly person to one that's closed off, a bit shy, quiet, and self-centered.  But there were perks to his developments, including exceptional strength, greatly increased stamina and agility, and, most interestingly, the ability to control Aparoids. Korben hypothesized that these abilities and handicaps stemmed from the Aparoid Virus partially altering his genes, replacing old DNA with Aparoid DNA, creating both good and bad mutations.


After the Aparoid Invasion, Korben was quite surprised that the self-destruct program designed by Beltino Toad did not kill him. He theorized that he himself was the new center of the Aparoid hive mind, the new Aparoid "King". Korben liked that theory, but did not like the Virus. To this day, he still works to find a permanent cure for the Virus, as his hastily devised vaccine is only effective in doses of 3 grams, and for 24 hours. If these doses were not administered routinely, Korben hypothesizes that the Virus would completely take control of him within hours, effectively making him an "Aparoid King". Korben was soon honorably discharged from the CDF for medical reasons. Desperate for action, Korben delved into the criminal underworld, becoming a hitman-for-hire. Occasionally Korben would cross paths with a young tykeriel named Sandor Kalocsai, a cunning thief, with mixed results. Sometimes, the pair would work together. Other times, they would try to kill each other. Korben would later call this a "dysfunctional friendship". During his 2-year career as a hired gun, Korben is believed to be involved in the murder of 31 people. His 32nd target was supposed to be a Ruthenian priest, Bohdan Chmielnicki. Bohdan, however, persuaded Korben that he was a better friend than an enemy. And so, Korben joined Bohdan as the doctor of the newly formed mercenary group Chmielnicki Security.


Personality/Key Info:


Due to the Aparoid Virus's negative effects on Korben's health and appearance, he is rather quiet, shy, and quite reserved. He hides is emotions beneath a stoic facade and a pair of sunglasses that also masks his multi-colored eyes. With his greatly weakened immune system, it is not uncommon to see Korben taking a few pills to relieve symptoms of a menagerie of illnesses, ranging from the common cold to the flu to pneumonia. He also frequently uses a Med-pod to stay in at least average health. Due to his aristocratic background, Korben can also be rather selfish and even arrogant, flaunting how he came from a wealthy family and how much of a bigshot he still is, much to the chagrin of Sandor Kalocsai. But, despite these, Korben occasionally shows legitimate affection and caring for his team.




There's a reason Korben Dallas is called Doctor Black. It's his signature color. If it's not black, he won't wear it. Korben doesn't mind wearing white, however, so long as there's black going with it. Casually, Korben wears a white shirt with rolled up sleeves and a black tie, along with black jeans and black sneakers. He can also wear a black leather jacket with a white t-shirt, black jeans, and white sneakers. For more formal attire, such as business meetings, Korben wears a suit and tie: black blazer and tie, white shirt, of course. There are very few times where Korben is seen without sunglasses. They include showering, being onboard the Szabla, and interrogations and torture (for the intimidation effect).




Korben's most useful trait is his abilities as a doctor. He can fix up people like Slippy Toad can fix up machines. Medicine is his trade. However, Korben's time in the CDF and experience in war has also given him above average combat abilities. With the Aparoid Virus integrated into his body, Korben has great strength, being able to lift 10-ton vehicles, as well as exceptional stamina and agility. However, he is very fragile, going down if he takes even slight damage. Korben's difficulty in walking also takes a toll on his effectiveness in a fight, and no one, not even the Doc himself, knows when the next painful headache or hallucination will strike. Korben is also one of the worst pilots in the Lylat System, only receiving rudimentary training from the CDF and Sandor Kalocsai. Korben is a very poor mechanic and technician, too. Korben's most profound ability is the capacity to control Aparoids. Although most of the Aparoids have been destroyed, there are some stragglers left across the Lylat System, most notably in Fortuna and Fichina, where the military has a hard time tracking them down.


Korben's a doctor. He's suited for medicine. Although he can shoot, run, and do parkour, he's no juggernaut like Bohdan. Keep him out of the thick of it, and he'll be a great asset.

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>Korben Dallas

What is this, Fifth Element?

I'd never imagine I'd meet another person on this site who watched The Fifth Element.

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The species of this character was created by the artist Kutsivi. You can find him on DeviantArt and YouTube if you look.


Name: Sandor Kalocsai


Nicknames: Sandy, Sand, SK, Kal, Mr. K, K, Alexander Kalocsai, Alex, Al, Specter, Magyar, Kid, Boy, Generic Goon


Species: Tykeriel


Age: 18


Gender: Male


Origin: Vineta, Vineta Capital District, Kew


Home: Ruthenian decommissioned Star-Class cruiser RSS Szabla


Height: 5 ft. 4 in.


Weight: 156 lbs.


Build: Skinny


Eyes: Blue


Feather Color: Black, with orange and white undertones


Family: Attila (father), Katalin (mother), Csaba (uncle, deceased)


Personality: Fierce, independent, outspoken, aggressive, mentally unstable, psychopathic




To say that Sandor Kalocsai's childhood was rough would be the understatement of the decade. He was born to an impoverished family that emigrated from Magyara to Kew under the impression that the planet, rich from sitting astride major shipping lanes between Ruthenia and Corneria, would give them ample opportunities to be successful. The Kalocsai family was proven wrong. Attila worked 12-hour shifts in a shipping plant, moving and packing goods he could never afford to buy. Katalin worked as a cleaning lady in massive mansions owned by Kew's affluent population. Csaba was unemployed, and looked after Sandor when he arrived from school. Csaba was very abusive towards Sandor, physically attacking him, striking him in the torso and the back, where the wounds wouldn't be easily seen. Csaba blamed all his troubles on little Sandor. It was certain for him to beat his nephew nearly every day. Sandor remained quiet, fearful of his uncle. As a result of this abuse, Sandor's grades dropped dramatically, much to the frustration of his parents. They began to verbally harass him, calling him a disappointment. This did not aid to Sandor's mental health and development.


Sandor, in an attempt to avoid his home, fell into a life of crime at only 14. He joined a gang of thieves operating in his poor neighborhood. They honed his stealthiness and cunning. The gang leader, Sigmund Adanski, was more of a father figure than his own father, teach little Sandor how to put down someone with his fists and improvised melee weapons such as bats and pipes, and how to avoid being noticed. Sigmund, who was a former Kewite ace pilot, showed Sandor his personal star fighter. He taught Sandor to fly it, and eventually little Sandor would fly it far better than Sigmund in his glory years. The gang leader was slightly jealous.


One day, Sandor simply snapped. After being mercilessly beaten by Uncle Csaba for over an hour, he took a knife from the kitchen and stabbed his uncle to death. Shaking over the body of the first man he killed, Sandor began laughing, laughing at his abuser, standing over his bloody corpse, humored by the irony of the situation. But he returned to reality, packed his things, and ran away, leaving his family, hoping to join Sigmund. However, Adanski was arrested during a botched bank robbery, and had no where left to stay on Kew. Sandor stowed away onto a Cornerian merchant vessel, heading for the Lylat System. There was no turning back now for Sandor. He could not return home. He was only 15.


Upon arriving on Corneria, Sandor was amazed by the sheer greatness of the capital city. The tall buildings, the clean streets, the clear air. He could make it here. He could start anew. He could become a better person than anyone else in his family. Unfortunately, fate was just as harsh to Sandor as it was to his parents. Only a few days after he arrived, Sandor found himself on the streets, pickpocketing, stealing, and even killing to survive. He operated in the Downtown area of Corneria City, but resided in Little Aquincum, the Magyar section of the city. Although the CDF viewed Sandor as a criminal, the tykeriels living in Little Aquincum saw Sandor as a Robin Hood figure, as he would frequently share his profits with the most impoverished families. To escape and evade the CDF, Sandor used the Metro tunnels to slip away into the darkness. He would eventually know every corridor, hallway, side street, alley, and rooftop in Corneria City. This knowledge would prove life-saving when the Aparoids attacked the city, allowing Sandor to successfully avoid the bugs for the duration of the siege. The only time he was detected before, during, and after the siege was when he stole supplies off of a dead CDF soldier, where he was seen by a bleeding medic stumbling down the street. Sandor threw the wounded man some bandages, and ran into the Metro.


When the dust settled and the Aparoids were destroyed, Sandor returned to his life of crime as if it was never interrupted. However, due to his increasing popularity with the tykeriel immigrants of Little Aquincum, and notoriety in the criminal underworld, he caught the attention of hit man Korben Dallas. Korben and Sandor would either work together or against each other whenever they crossed paths. Sometimes Sandor was a useful ally, other times he was a cunning adversary for the doctor. A few years after the Aparoid Invasion, a priest named Bohdan Chmielnicki approached both men when the duo worked together to try and kill the holy man. Korben was a bit hesitant to join the employ of his target, but Sandor was more than happy to sign up.


Personality/Key Info:


Sandor's harsh upbringing and the complete lack of a nurturing childhood molded the boy into a mentally unstable, cunning, deadly psychopath. Due to his abusive uncle and strict parents, Sandor developed a constantly aggressive and fiery personality, speaking out on things he doesn't like or people he thinks is "quite a substantial asshole". He is also fiercely independent, always wanting to go his own way and do his own thing. Much like most Magyars, Sandor is an Ogniemite, but he follows Castor of Karinthy's interpretation of the faith (collectively referred to as the Castorian Ogniemite Church) rather than the traditional Sclavic Church. Korben diagnosed him as suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, on account of Sandor's constant nightmares when sleeps, emotional numbing, hypervigilance and constant irritability, and a loss of interest in activities, withdrawing to his quarters whenever there's no job to be done. Sandor replied, "Bullshit!" However, Sandor has formed a close bond with Bohdan Chmielnicki, his team leader. Whether it is by their similar faith, similar struggles, or for some other reason, is unknown. Sandor, despite his age, is not afraid to spill blood. In fact, it is noted by Korben that he rather enjoys it.




Growing up in a poor environment taught Sandor that looks are worth nothing. He'll wear anything that fits: jeans, shirts, tees, tank tops, jackets, vests, sweaters, hoodies, cargo pants, boots, sneakers, polos, anything goes. It's not uncommon to see him around the Szabla wearing a simple t-shirt, a pair of jeans, and some sneakers. Sometimes, he'll ditch the t-shirt. In combat, he'll tend to wear casual clothing along with his tactical gear. Being a Castorian Ogniemite, he wears an Ogniemite religious icon around his neck at all times.




Because of Sigmund Adanski's training, Sandor is both an excellent pilot and master of the shadows. He has been constantly rated as one of the top 5 best pilots in the Lylat System alive, tied with legends like Falco Lombardi, Fox McCloud, and Bill Grey. Sandor is also very cunning and stealthy. He can sneak past whole divisions of heavily armed soldiers undetected to reach his objective. Sandor can also infiltrate even the most well-guarded facilities, having stolen from the Cornerian president's personal watch collection twice. He can also steal nearly anything that's worth stealing, ranging from pocket change to blueprints for an experimental antimatter bomb (The Tillman Incident). But although he began killing at only 15, he is a very terrible shot, usually requiring Sandor to empty a whole clip before hitting a target 10 meters downrange. And although being as fast and agile as Korben, and having more stamina, he is not strong at all, having a skinny build. He is also very susceptible to injury from both enemy fire and accidents.


Sandor is the kind of guy you need if something needs to be stolen. He's also at home in the air, and to date, has never backed down from or lost a dogfight. Sandor is the ultimate infiltrator, and a pilot to rival the Blue Lombard.

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  • 3 months later...

This was the last teammate of Chmielnicki Security that I conjured up.


Name: Elizabeth Morion (nee Wallace)


Nicknames: Liz, Ellie, Lizzie, Beth, Sharpshooter, Killer, Mory, Madam


Species: Siberian Husky


Age: 35


Gender: Female


Origin: Alesia, Autonomous Republic of Gallia, Corneria


Home: Ruthenian decommissioned Star-Class cruiser RSS Szabla


Height: 6 ft.


Weight: "If I told you, I'd have to kill you." - Elizabeth Morion


Eyes: Brown


Fur color: Black, with white undertones.


Family: Lucas Morion (husband, deceased), Sylvester Wallace (grandfather), Keith Wallace (father), Marcia Wallace (mother), Steven Wallace (brother), Graham Morion (father-in-law)


Personality: Prim, Spartan, disciplined, vindictive, calculating, decisive, rational, intelligent




Elizabeth Morion was born Elizabeth Wallace, to a military family. Long have the Wallaces served the Cornerian people and the military. There was even a Wallace commanding a company of soldiers during the Battle for Cerinia. A dutiful and prim student, Elizabeth was raised to join the army fresh out of college with a degree in physics. A masterful markswoman, she proved herself to be an able soldier and commanding officer during the Lylat Wars when she was only 25, eventually rising to the rank of Lieutenant by Andross's death. During the initial attack on Corneria City, she and her squad, while dangerously low on ammunition, managed to fight off whole battalions of Venomian troops and armored units. She fondly remembers Star Fox swooping in to destroy a row of Venomian tanks approaching her squad's position. She took off her officer's helmet, waving to the pilot in the Arwing. The vulpine pilot gave her the thumbs up.

Unfortunately, this war would cause a rift between her and her brother, Steven. Steven was always envious of her older sister for being an overachiever, for gaining all of the glory, while he received almost nothing from his hard work and obedience. When Elizabeth received her promotion as a full-fledged officer, while he was still a foot soldier, Steven was very unhappy with her. He vowed never to see her again, let alone be under her command.

Lt. Morion would once again heed the call of her country as it was suddenly and viciously attacked by a terrifying new enemy - the Aparoids. During the attack on the capital city, only she and her squad's medic, Korben Dallas, remained standing. Morion noticed her comrade's life-threatening wounds, and took him to the Cornerian Medical Research Center, where she helped the beaver heal himself. During this battle, she managed to encounter her younger brother, Steven, once again. Steven, now a sergeant, was less than happy to see his older sister. But he became furious when Elizabeth started giving him orders. He stormed out of her presence with his squad to fight elsewhere in Corneria City. Elizabeth would not see him again for some time. Due to her heroic actions and perseverance in the face of enemy fire, Morion was promoted to captain. After the Aparoids' destruction, she and Korben managed to keep contact with one another, despite parting ways. She finally had time to marry her high school boyfriend, Lucas Morion. They planned on having a family, and finally settling down to civilian life, with Lucas as a chemist for the Cornerian Advanced Sciences Department, and Elizabeth as a physics professor in the very college she graduated from.

However, this optimistic future was shattered when a series of explosive devices detonated in transportation hubs all across the city of Thermon. The media and the government were in an uproar, desperately looking for the perpetrator before he struck again. Since Lucas Morion worked in Thermon, had strong socialist views, was an expert in chemistry, and was seen near the blast sites with a duffel bag, the whole world fingered him as the Thermon Bomber. He was brought to the Cornerian High Court in the capital city, where the planet, including Elizabeth, anxiously waited three weeks for the verdict. Unfortunately, Lucas would never see his innocence, as he would be gunned down by a sniper as he left the High Courthouse alongside his wife, Elizabeth, on a bright sunny day. Elizabeth, with her sniper training kicking in, pinpointed the area where the shot originated, and spotted a Ruthenian dragon fleeing the scene. She would never forget that Ruthenian's face as her husband died in her arms. It was only after the Papetoonese government released information that their intelligence officers arrested a rogue agent of theirs, Thomas Cale, that the truth was finally revealed. Cale, not Morion, was the real Thermon Bomber.

At her husband's funeral, Elizabeth, along with the rest of her family, as well as Lucas's family, were stunned to see Steven arrive for the ceremony. However, what was even more shocking was that he was wearing a major's uniform. Steven, standing just a few inches shorter than her older sister, swallowed his pride, and saluted Elizabeth.

Three years after her husband's death, Elizabeth Morion, now burning with vengeance, finally managed to track down Bohdan Chmielnicki, the Ruthenian Sclav that shot her husband dead. She confronted him atop the very rooftop where Bohdan took the shot and, before pulling the trigger, experienced a vision of her husband. Lucas told Elizabeth that he didn't want her to kill Bohdan, that he forgave him for what he did. Elizabeth, although very reluctant to do so, did not kill Bohdan. Days after that fateful encounter, Bohdan, in an odd way of atonement, asked Elizabeth to join him and his new organization, Chmielnicki Security. Elizabeth, after weighing the decision heavily in her mind, finally agreed.


Personality/Key Info:


Elizabeth is a prim and proper soldier groomed by the army. She's a no-nonsense woman, who valued discipline above all else. She hates insubordination and is quick to punish those underlings who'd dare challenge her. Due to her stern demeanor, Bohdan made her second-in-command, a title she dutifully carries out. Elizabeth also doesn't indulge, and has a rather simplistic and Spartan lifestyle. Sometimes, however, she breaks the bank for the finer things in life. However, if you wrong her, she will break you and bury you. The same goes for any of her friends or family, which are numerous. As she is a college graduate and former professor, she is also very smart, and can apply her mind to solve most problems rationally and effectively. She can, though, have some fun with her war buddy, Korben Dallas. She will usually call him by his last name or by "Sergeant", and order him to do various menial things. The duo have a brother-sister relationship. As for her relationship with Sandor, she looks at him as the rebellious son she never had, and will go out of her way to make sure Sandor is safe.




Elizabeth will typically wear military attire from her time in the army, such as a combat jacket over a t-shirt, camo pants, military boots, or her officer's cap. However, she usually wears casual civilian clothing with a hint of her military past somewhere in her outfit, mostly in her officer's cap. While issued a pair of Veteran's Sunglasses, she only wears them on very bright days, and keeps them in her pocket. She always carries a primary sidearm, a concealed sidearm, and a combat knife. She also has several Gallic-themed tattoos adorning her body, highlighting milestones in her life, such as her coming of age and her marriage.




Elizabeth is perhaps one of the best snipers in the Lylat System to date, with over 500 confirmed kills. She is, therefore, absolutely deadly wielding a sniper rifle, but is very accurate with most other weapons. She is also very quick on her feet, and her agility means that she can traverse rough terrain and through buildings with ease. Her reflexes are also above average, and wields dual-wield pistols with maximum effect. In a melee fight, her greatest asset is speed and physics. She knows how much force you need to take someone down, and how to apply it as efficiently as possible. To her, a fight is completely reliant on physics: how something moves, how fast it moves, how much force it applies when it hit something.


Elizabeth is a sniper. Put her in a position with a view and a sniper rifle, and she'll be a feared menace. She is, however, capable of slugging it out in a fire (and fist) fight.

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  • 1 month later...

This guy I made up within the span of a few minutes early in the morning:

Name: Elias Zagwe

Nicknames: Eli, El, Ezee, Zag, Ellis, Elliot

Species: Ethiopian Wolf

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Origin: Adwa, Empire of Abyssinia, Katina

Home: Kleveburg, Cornerian Katina, Katina, among others

Height: 5 ft. 10 in.

Weight: 165 lbs.

Build: Somewhat muscular

Eyes: chestnut

Fur color: see physical description of Ethiopian Wolves

Family: Tekle (father), Abeba (mother), Emnet (sister), Demessie (brother), Joanna (wife, nee Mathers)

Personality: eccentric, charismatic, adventurous, carefree, sociable, humble


Elias Zagwe was born as the first son of a wealthy and prominent land-owning noble. Elias's father, Tekle, however, was withdrawn, and would rarely leave his manor, even to meet with other nobles and the Emperor himself in annual Imperial Overviews. Elias was instead sent in Tekle's place. Every year, Elias would rub shoulders with other nobles and shake hands with the Emperor. This led to a more outgoing, adventurous, charismatic, and sociable personality: traits which Tekle envies somewhat. As was the life of the nobility, Elias was showered with luxuries, and accommodated with the best education. Elias, however, had an increasing dissatisfaction with his comfortable position at the top of the pyramid. As a teenager, Elias would frequently traverse across his home city of Adwa, meeting all kinds of people: merchants, craftsmen, soldiers, farmers, laborers, beggars, foreigners. An eclectic personality grew within Elias as a result. As Elias grew into a young adult, he attended the Royal College in the Abyssinian capital of Gondar, where he received a higher education in the arts.

However, when Elias graduated at 23, Abyssinia was invaded by Corneria in an attempt at the global colonization of Katina. Elias was levied into his father's retinue as a regimental officer. In the decisive Battle of Harar, Elias led his regiment in a daring assault against a Cornerian mechanized division and, armed with everything from heavy rocket launchers to satchel charges and anti-tank grenades, they managed to disable dozens of Cornerian armored vehicles and take hundreds of Cornerian soldiers as prisoner. Elias's charismatic personality allowed him to rally an additional 100,000 Abyssinian soldiers, which reinforced him during the assault. Due to the impetus and sheer size of the attack, the whole Cornerian offensive within the province of Harar ceased altogether, and eventually led to the Cornerians pulling out of Abyssinia for good. However, Elias's father, Tekle, took credit for the victory. Elias, though, did not care, and was even happy that his father got his share in the limelight.

Due to his harrowing experience in the Battle of Harar, Elias became an advocate for peace with Corneria, an increasingly popular view among all classes of Abyssinians. Elias frequented the Cornerian colonial capital of Kleveburg, and even Corneria itself, opening dialogues and negotiations for peace. Due to his lengthy time among Cornerians, he became fluent in their language, and even managed to learn the Cornerian accent. Eventually, Elias decided to move to Corneria City, where he could work more closely with their government. Under Elias's supervision, the Emperor and the Cornerian president eventually drew up a peace treaty, officially ending the fighting between Corneria and Abyssinia. Elias, however, could not return to Katina: the Aparoid Invasion prevented him from doing so.

During the Aparoid Invasion, Elias managed to rally elements of the Black Guard and evacuate the civilian population of Corneria City, but at a high cost. Almost all of the Black Guards were wounded or killed, and Elias himself lost both of his legs, which needed to be replaced with bionic ones. Nevertheless, after the Aparoid Invasion, Elias, along with Peppy Hare, became a figurehead for reconstruction. His go-to personality instilled a fire among ordinary Cornerians to dust themselves off and carry on. Elias, however, declined to have celebrity status, and wished to live out a quiet life. Eventually, he met a beautiful Cornerian golden retriever, Joanna Mathers, whom he married. The two of them decided to live happily on Corneria, and they hope to start a family.


Personality/Key Info:

Due to his adventurous childhood, Elias thrives on meeting new people, on going to new places, on always being in a group. He dreads spending time alone, and is only saddened by that experience. He is acts quite randomly, and isn't afraid to do something unorthodox just to have fun. He's a borderline adrenaline junkie, but he knows his limits. Elias is also quite humble, having been taught lessons in humility from the Abyssinian Emperor himself. Elias also speaks before he thinks, which could have disastrous consequences. He has also managed to form a loose friendship of sorts with Elizabeth Morion and Korben Dallas, two former Black Guards under his command during the Aparoid Invasion.


Elias, when in combat, will wear combat fatigues and advanced body army. He'll have a patch of the Abyssinian flag sewn onto his clothing. Out of combat, he dresses in smart casual or casual, although he prefers pants to hide his bionic legs. It's a feature of his body he prefers not to show to most people.


Do not mistake Elias Zagwe for a simple eccentric noble. He's a hardened veteran of two wars, and knows his way around a firearm. Even though he's not a fighter, he's a good one if the need arises. His specialty, though, is daring assaults and demolitions, drawing from his field experience in the Battle of Harar. He is also a great and charismatic leader, convincing others to pick up weapons and join him on a path to victory. Although not particularly strong, he is exceptionally fast and has incredible stamina, and could outpace most contemporary athletes. His bionic legs are a key factor in this. His kicks are devastating, as well. Taking a back kick to the jaw from a metallic leg is not a pleasant experience. But if weapons aren't needed to win an argument, Elias's words can talk either bring him victory, or a hail of blaster fire.


Elias has the body of a marathon runner with the fighting skills of a foot soldier. He can lead like Bohdan and act like Sandor. He's a jack-of-all-trades, and a master of none. 

Edited by Arminius H O Fiddywinks
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  • 3 weeks later...

It's time for an "average" character from me.


Name: Jacob Massamo

Nicknames: Jake, Mass, Rhyhorn

Species: Black rhinoceros

Age: 44

Gender: Male

Origin: Zvongombe, Kingdom of Mutapa, Katina

Home: Corneria City, Corneria City Capital District, Corneria

Height: 6 ft. 2 in.

Weight: 220 lbs.

Build: Slightly fat

Eyes: Brown

Skin color: Grey

Family: Henry (father), Saida (mother)

Personality: Intelligent, productive, creative


Jacob Massamo was born and raised in the Mutapan capital of Zvongombe. As his father and mother owned and operated a computer repair store in the city, Jacob was raised in a lifestyle equivalent to an average Cornerian middle class family. During his childhood years, Jacob and his father Henry would spend quality time together repairing and reprogramming computers, both ancient and modern. They would work hours away on computer after computer, knowing that what they were doing would put food on the table. Jacob grew up to enjoy working with computers. When he became a young man, Henry and Jacob's mother, Saida, managed to scrounge up enough money to send Jacob to one of Corneria City's great universities. There, he studied computer programming and coding, and earned himself a few degrees in those fields. He decided to use his honed talents with computers and get a job as a programmer for one of the great companies of Corneria.

A few months out of the university, Jacob found a job working for Ingri Inc., a company specializing in the extraction of precious minerals. However, the company preferred him to be a senior programmer on site, and moved him to Macbeth. There, he lived and worked for several years, helping to program the countless automated mining machines that reaped the natural wealth of Macbeth's crust. He was content, having a steady income, but always felt homesick. He longed to see his parents in person. Of course, every birthday they talked via subspace communication, but it did not feel natural. He missed Zvongombe, his parents, his neighbors, the strange smell of his parents' shop. However, within a few years, there were other, more dangerous matters to deal with: the Venomians.

During the Lylat Wars, when the Venomian military occupied Macbeth, Jacob was enslaved like the rest of the workers on the planet. He was forced to create coding and programs for various autonomous weaponry to be used by Venomians against innocent lives. This sickened Jacob, but the Venomians threatened his coworkers with death. His hands were tied. Eventually, when the Cornerians liberated Macbeth, Jacob could not wait to return home to Mutapa on Katina. Upon arriving back home, he discovered his parents still owning and operating the same shop they had ever since before his birth. However, Ingri Inc. folded due to the Lylat Wars, and Jacob was out of a job. It was at this time that he decided to work for the Cornerian government, but he unfortunately had to move away once again to Corneria. Based at the Orbital Gate above the planet, he worked as a programmer, and during the Aparoid Invasion, worked tirelessly with Beltino Toad's team to devise a self-destruct program to eliminate all Aparoids. When the invasion was over and the Aparoids defeated, Jacob moved to Corneria City, where he was surprised to find that his parents had moved the family business to Corneria, where the opportunity for greater revenue enticed them to move. This pleased Jacob, as he could continue to work for the government, yet still be in close contact with his family. Now he lives a relatively calm life in the city's suburbs as a programmer for the Ministry of Public Works.


Personality/Key Info: Jacob, with a strong tutelage from his father, is a master computer programmer, coder, and hacker. He can find his way through nearly every single computer in the Lylat System: he helped repair nearly all of Mutapa's! He is also very hardworking, and spends every waking hour solving problems or programming. However, he has no stomach for fighting, and his complete lack in his experience of weapons shows it. Jacob prefers to defeat someone with a computer rather than a blaster.



Jacob dresses casually regularly, although he can dress more formally on occasion. Since he doesn't see action, he has no need (or desire) to wear combat fatigues. Jacob, due to his poor eyesight, wears glasses virtually every day, although he sometimes wears contacts.


Abilities: Jacob is no fighter. He has never picked up a blaster before in his life. He should not be expected to shoot to kill, so giving him a blaster would not end in good results. Although he does not fight well, one should not expect to bring him down easily. His large body and tall stature makes him a challenge to bring to the ground. His mastery of programming, coding, and hacking means that he can access and control almost any computer, if given even the most primitive computing tools.


Jacob Massamo is a normal man leading a normal life with normal ideals. What more can be said of him?

Edited by Arminius H O Fiddywinks
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  • 3 weeks later...

This guy is giving Sandor's life a run for its money.


Name: Roy Carlisle

Nicknames: RC, Roy-Roy, The Bard, Mr. Mystery

Species: Russo-European Laika

Age: 36

Gender: Male

Origin: Sleswick, Autonomous Republic of Angeln, Corneria

Home: In transition

Height: 5 ft. 10 in.

Weight: 125 lbs.

Build: Very skinny

Eyes: Brown

Fur color: Black with white undertones on torso and limbs

Family: Timothy (father, deceased), Magda (mother, deceased) Charlotte (wife, divorced), Hannah (daughter), Walter (brother)

Personality: Ambitious, determined, unwavering, creative, eccentric, impatient, slow


Roy Carlisle was born and raised in the Angle city of Sleswick. As a growing child, he and his younger brother Walter were exposed to music from their mother, who was a bassist for a local band. Roy soon became enthralled in the world of music, while it unaffected Walter. On his 8th birthday, Roy was given an acoustic guitar as a gift from his mother. Almost immediately, he began strumming it and learning from both his mother and from tutorials found on the Internet. Although he was a slow learner, he was progressing. In high school, he found himself as bisexual after falling first for a girl in his Freshman year, then a boy in his Junior year. He has no preference. Roy attempted to gain access to a musical college, but was unable to. His high school grades were lackluster, mostly due to his slow learning, and partly due to his focus on music. Roy could only get into a general education college, where he flunked out in his first year. Frustrated, his parents kicked him out of their home when he was 21.

With no home, no job, and no college degree, Roy turned to his passion to help him survive. Despite being only a novice with the strings, Roy slung the same acoustic guitar he was given when he turned 8 over his shoulder, and hit the road, traveling from city to city, playing his guitar. He would play anywhere from the local street corner to a crowded park to a dive bar. Sometimes, passersby from the street corner or park would be generous and throw a few credits into the guitar case. This was breakfast, lunch, or dinner: Roy's choice. On rare occasions, he would find the local dive bar packed, and his music actually appreciated. The bar owners would then pay him just enough money for a nice dinner and a night in a motel. Sadly, most nights would be him eating at a soup kitchen and sleeping in a homeless shelter. To traverse the highways, Roy relied on the kindness of truckers and trusting drivers. He was not afraid to walk, though.

When the Aparoids attacked the Lylat System, Roy was pulled off the street, cleaned up, put into a CDF uniform, given an assault rifle, went through basic training and a lesson in discipline, and pushed to the front line, where he found himself under the command of his brother, Walter, who was an NCO. During the siege of Corneria City, Roy and his brother fought against both nightmarish creatures and comrades who were infected and could no longer control their bodies. Roy was horrified. In between the periods of intense combat, Roy strummed his guitar, which gave brief, well-needed periods of respite, and even managed to temporarily boost the morale of the men, to which Walter approved. Unfortunately, Roy's and Walter's parents were killed in the Aparoid Invasion, which devastated the brothers. Walter grew angry and began lashing out against both the enemies and his own men. Roy became saddened, and left the CDF when the Aparoids were destroyed and the dust settled. He vowed never to go to war again.

After the Invasion, Roy went back to his usual habit: traveling city to city, playing his guitar. Then, one night, in a nearly empty bar, Roy caught the eye of a matron, Charlotte, who was more attracted to his body than his talent. After a few dates and... interesting nights in motel rooms, Roy and Charlotte quickly wed and had a daughter: Hannah. Roy loved his daughter as much as his music, and even contemplated putting down his guitar to be a stay-at-home dad. However, the music still resonated in his ear, and kept traveling far and wide to play. Charlotte, annoyed by her husband's constant traveling, divorced Roy after 4 years of rocky marriage, gaining custody of Hannah, the house, and everything except the clothes on Roy's back and his acoustic guitar. Although he hates his former wife, Roy still loves his daughter, and never misses an opportunity to spend some time with her when scheduled.


Personality/Key Info:

Roy, being a starving artists, strives to become better. However, he is a slow learner, and it has taken him a very long time to be at his current level of skill with his guitar. Ambitious and determined, he never lets a bad night deter him from chasing his dream of becoming a great music artist. But he is not just a simple guitarist. Roy is a fierce and dirty fighter. He owns a blaster pistol he took off a thug he jumped, and uses it when he's in a tight spot, along with whatever else is at hand: 2x4's, pipes, bats, broken bottles. His CDF training and experience in a combat situation also adds to his ferocity and effectiveness.



Having spent days eating nothing from poor performances, Roy is skinnier than the average healthy person. Having also been homeless for some time, his clothes are old and worn-out. Although he looks tired and defeated, Roy still manages to maintain his personal hygiene.



Roy is a musician, and can more or less competently play a guitar. However, he can fight like a demon, using whatever weapon he has, along with his personal blaster. Roy, however, prefers to play for someone rather than outright kill them.


Music is Roy's passion, his life, his way of earning bread. But if you try to take his bread, he will drop you.

Edited by Arminius H O Fiddywinks
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  • 6 months later...

It's about time I made this guy.


Name: Iosif Ionescu

Nicknames: Joseph, Josef, Jozsef, Joe, Josip, Jo-Jo, Anton Iliescu

Species: Mosor Rock Lizard

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Origin: Corneria City, Cornerian Capital Metropolis, Corneria

Home: In transition

Height: 5 ft. 10 in.

Weight: 161 lbs.

Build: Average

Eyes: Yellowish-gold

Scale color: Dark green, with dirty yellow undertones

Family: Ioan (father), Flavia (mother), Anton (eldest brother), Gavril (older brother), multiple extended family members

Personality: Aggressive, rash, compassionate, sympathetic, spiritual, bombastic



Iosif Ionescu, called "Joe" by most Cornerians, was born and raised by a pair of Vlach immigrants and along side his two older brothers. Although a rather quick child, Iosif was constantly picked and put down by his demeaning brothers, since he was the youngest of the trio. Instead of attempting to escape or seek assistance, Iosif simply kept quiet and kept his head low. This decision would not lead to stellar results, however, and by his junior year in high school, Iosif had developed severe depression, and attempted to commit suicide by shooting himself in the head. Vlach physiology, however, meant that his skull slowed down and stopped the bullet, but not before it had destroyed his eye socket, and therefore, his right eye. He refused a bionic eye over religious grounds.

Iosif eventually pulled himself out of his depression in his senior year of high school, when he fell in love with Diana Gostautaite. He graduated from college as well, majoring in mechanical engineering, hoping to become an inventor. Unfortunately, war would interrupt his dreams.

The Aparoid Invasion disrupted the lives of all Cornerians, including Iosif's. He, along with girlfriend, Diana, was conscripted into the Cornerian Defense Forces as an infantryman, defending Corneria City. He was witness to the horrors of the Aparoids, with his fellow comrades falling victim to their drone-like hive mind. Few in his company survived, such as his commanding officer and his girlfriend. Iosif, however, proved himself as a more than capable and cunning combat engineer.

After the war, Iosif found it difficult to find a job outside the government, as reconstruction was placed almost totally under government control. Not wishing to work for Corneria any longer, he decided to look for other means of employment. As crime rates drastically increased, he offered his expertise he learned from his time in the CDF to criminal bosses as an assassin, using his creative mechanical genius to inventively kill targets. He was hired by the Comescu Family, the largest Vlach crime syndicate in Corneria. But, after several successful kills, Iosif questioned the morality of working for criminals to eliminate people who really were not terrible. So, he turned himself in to the CDF in exchange for legal immunity and information on the Comescus. He did so, yet refused to be put into the Witness Protection Program. This led to dire consequences, as assassins hired by the Comescus attempted to kill Iosif. Now, both he and his girlfriend, Diana, are on the run, and keep their heads low, working odd jobs and as occasional hitmen-for-hire. Occasionally, he and Diana are hired as support by mercenary groups, such as Star Fox, Star Wolf, and Chmielnicki Security.


Personality/Key Info:

Iosif is a rather smart individual, and a solid mechanic. He knows how to fix things, and how to break people. However, he is rash at times, due to his high aggression, especially on the job. This can lead to simple mistakes. Nevertheless, he is an efficient killer. Iosif also has a soft side, as he makes admirable attempts to spend more time with Diana and his friends. He also is bisexual, and has frequent romances with a certain Roy Carlisle. Diana frowns upon this behavior. Due to his Vlach origins, Iosif is also religious, an adherent to the Zalmoxian branch of Ogniemism, the main religion of the Vlach people.



Iosif dresses casually most times, even during jobs, with varying apparel. However, he has formal wear for formal events and meetings with important people, such as clients. He also has all his sweaters and vests with a custom religious hood for worship, as customary for his people. On the job, though, he sometimes wears a combat vest over his black apparel, as well as combat boots and other gear, much of it "borrowed" from the CDF. He had it tinted black. As he lost his right eye in his suicide attempt when he was young, Iosif wears an eye patch over where his right eye used to be.



Iosif is a skilled mechanic, and a brilliant engineer. He can build, manage, and maintain most machines and explosive devices. He is also a competent soldier, yet due to the lack of a right eye, he is not as accurate as others. Physically, he is not extraordinary overall. In fact, he is somewhat handicapped by his missing eye.


Iosif is a solid soldier, but not a very good shot. He tends to spray and pray rather than take accurate shots. Nevertheless, he is a competent melee combatant, and a masterful mechanic.

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Here's another character I should've started on earlier.

Name: Diana Gostautaite

Nicknames: Di, Princess, Lady

Species: Furred dragon (wingless)

Age: 29

Gender: Female

Origin: Corneria City, Cornerian Capital Metropolis, Corneria

Home: In transition

Height: 5 ft. 11 in.

Weight: 155 lbs.

Build: Average

Eyes: Dark blue

Scale/Fur color: Shades of gray

Family: Tomas (father), Irena (mother), Benediktas (younger brother), multiple extended family members

Personality: Cunning, quick-thinker, witty, laid-back, cordial, passive



Diana Gostautaite's family, the Gostautai, are minor nobles in their home world of Baltia. However, on Corneria, they, like most other immigrants from the Ogniemite Nations, are just commoners. Her parents became police officers, operating in the Little Vilna district of Corneria City, where most other Balts in the city resided. As a result of their constant absence, Diana developed independence from an early age. She was energetic and exploratory, always going out and having new experiences. As she grew and aged, she became smarter, more cunning, yet more comfortable dealing with others. Diana, during high school, developed a close bond with one of her classmates, Iosif Ionescu, a Vlach. When he was down, she would pick him up. Where she went, Iosif went as well (although he would need some persuasion). This bond would only become stronger in combat.

Both Diana and Iosif were conscripted into the CDF straight out of high school to combat the threat of the Aparoids. Together, they managed to survive where others did not. They fought side-by-side. When the dust settled, they attempted to pick up the pieces of their lives. Alas, Diana's father was killed in the Invasion, and her mother's psyche was shattered. Hesitantly, Diana had her mother institutionalized, and she struggled to move on. Iosif was a major source of emotional support for her.

Unlike Iosif, Diana wanted to follow in her parents' footsteps, and became a police officer, patrolling the same streets her parents were patrolling before the invasion. She was a dutiful officer, known for having a cool head and diffusing situations that could have resulted in a shootout. However, she was not as sqeaky clean as most might expect. Diana had become corrupt, taking bribes from crime families, such as the Comescus, to ignore a large portion of their deeds. But, as Iosif fell out of favor with the Comescus, both he and Diana became targets, and she was forced to resign, running with Iosif.


Personality/Key Info:

Diana has a much cooler head than Iosif, and is able to diffuse situations much more easily than him. She is also a skillful detective and quick minded, always observant of her surroundings. However, she is often easily persuaded with money, as her dealings with the Comescu Family have shown. Unlike Iosif, and most other Ogniemites, Diana is not very religious. She is a believer in name only, and faith does not have a very strong sway over her, with her mind seeking rational explanations rather than supernatural ones. She has also a strong bond with Iosif, a bond that is, at times, tested by Iosif's complex love life.



Diana wears typical Cornerian apparel, although prefers brighter colors. In combat, she wears gear and tech "borrowed" from the CDF. Her Ogniemite medallion is also tungsten with gold paint, as opposed to gold, since she does not want to pay for a gold one.



Diana is a decent markswoman, and has an above average physique, although she does not usually resort to violence, unless it is needed. She is a master persuader, and a good speaker. But in combat, she specializes in heavy weaponry and support.


Diana is a solid soldier, and even more solid speaker. If she cannot tell you to calm down, she will throw you onto the ground and make you calm.

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  • 4 weeks later...

This guy prefers wine over weaponry.

Name: Michael Doukas

Nickname(s): Jaws, Razor, Tiger, Ioannis Metaxes, Plato

Species: Tiger shark

Age: 33

Gender: Male

Origin: Oinoe, Cycladian Islands, Selachii Kingdom

Home: Oinoe, Cycladian Islands, Republic of Zoness

Height: 5 ft. 11 in.

Weight: 161 lbs.

Build: Somewhat muscular

Eyes: Dark brown

Skin color: Beige, with dark brown stripes

Hair (yes, he has hair): Black

Family: Stathis (father, deceased), Chloe (mother, deceased), Athan (younger brother, deceased), Evangelos (youngest brother)



The Doukas family have been dutiful nobles and subjects of the King of the Selachii for centuries. Michael is just another in this long-lived family. As the son of the Count of Oinoe, Michael was raised in a luxurious environment, being given the best education and an amazing manor to run free in. One of his favorite hobbies was sprinting through the family owned vineyards on Oinoe, and occasionally snatching a grapevine and eating the fruits of his family's labor. He was sent to the University of Protevousa, the capital of the Selachii Kingdom, and graduated with two degrees: one in agricultural sciences, and another in political science. He had planned to lead a quiet life, caring for the citizens of Oinoe and his family vineyard, while occasionally subjecting himself to the drivel of the royal bureaucracy in Protevousa. This would not be the case, however, as the Royal Army enlisted him and his citizens into their ranks as the Oinoe Division, and at the age of 22, Michael Doukas became a military commander for the Selachii Royal Army, or SRA for short.

The Selachii went on a war of conquest against the two other nations that inhabited Zoness: the Republic of Nutria and the Aves Free State. Both nations fell quickly due to infighting and a weaker military, which, unlike the SRA, who was armed with Cornerian weapons, were more technologically handicapped. In this conflict, Michael had a taste of war. It tasted biter-sweet. He had fought against his people's enemies, but saw the adversaries' suffering all to often. He did not relish the next time he would be thrust into combat.

With the enemy defeated decisively, the Selachii had total dominion over Zoness, and they began to shape the world in their image. Yet Michael, travelling the lands he helped conquer, realized how oppressed the other peoples had been, became disillusioned with the Kingdom, and retreated to his island home of Oinoe. He found bliss among his grape vines, although he had received an influx of Nutrian and Aves immigrants, fleeing war-torn areas. Michael accepted them with open arms, and his island slowly became a multicultural haven. Unfortunately, Michael would be disturbed by the government, with officials stating that they were building a workers' camp for Nutrian criminals. Michael reluctantly stood aside as the government constructed and filled the camp with Nutrians, but he was taken aback when he noticed that not only men, but women, children, and the elderly, were being shuttled to the camp. He questioned the motive behind this, with the capital only stating that they were treasonous rebels plotting to overthrow the government. Michael, not wanting to get into trouble for asking more questions, looked the other way. He would be shown the truth when the Revolution arrived.

Nutrian rebels, armed, trained, and financed by the Papetoonese, overthrew the Selachii Kingdom in a bloody revolution. When the rebels besieged Oinoe, Michael had no choice but to surrender, rather than sacrificing his people in a fruitless endeavor. The Nutrians seized the island, and forced Michael to see what the camp hid from him: Nutrian bodies burnt in incinerators. Killing rooms disguised as showers. Those few left alive, worked to death, bony and ghostly. Michael was horrified, but he had no time to absorb these facts. He, along with the rest of the Selachii on Oinoe, were whisked away to the new capital of Zoness: Cerezo, the former capital of the Republic of Nutria. While the Selachii commoners of Oinoe were executed almost immediately, he and his family were imprisoned, and forced to stand on trial for crimes against life: genocide. However, the day before his execution, the Venomians invaded and deposed the Nutrian societist government.

The Venomian invasion united all native Zonessians to fight, to stop the apes from "raping their world". Michael, as one of the few nobles left alive after the Great Killings, as the Selachii called it, took command of a large portion of Selachii resistance. Together, with the Nutrians, Aves, Cornerians, and, most importantly, Star Fox, they managed to wage a planet-wide guerrilla war against the Venomians, and eventually pushed them off-world. In the mess the Venomians made on Zoness, the Aves took control, establishing a democracy. Michael returned to his ruined island, which was briefly a Zonessian training camp, to attempt to return to a normal way of life. Unfortunately, the toxin the Venomians dumped had rendered his island very toxic for growing crops, such as grapes. To not only occupy himself, but to generate an income, Michael has resorted to becoming a mercenary, hiring several hardened former soldiers across the planet in an effort to become the "Star Fox of Zoness", with his headquarters at his manor on Oinoe.


Personality/Key Info:

Michael is an adventurous and cordial man. He seeks understanding and reason, not prone to violence. He is also an individual that is hungry for knowledge, yet knows what to do and when to do it, even if it is distasteful and even illegal. He plans out before acting, which may hinder him if he needs to make a split decision. Michael also prefers a more subtle approach to life, preferring to stay at home and read rather than party at a nightclub.



Michael dresses neatly and appropriately for each situation. For meeting clients, he dresses in formal or semi-formal attire. Around friends and outside of business, he wears casual clothes, mixing Cornerian and Selachii clothes.



Michael is a skilled soldier, having been a veteran of two wars. He is also a seasoned leader, commanding thousands of troops over his life. Michael is an expert in melee combat, and a competent marksman. However, he has no particular skill, which makes him only useful for being a level-headed commander.


Michael is a scarred warrior who just wants to live a quiet life on an idyllic isle. But if he has to fight to get that life, he will do so.

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  • 1 month later...

She is essentially a female Sandor.


Name: Teresa Sanchez

Nickname(s): T, Terry, T.S., Babe

Species: Sea otter

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Origin: Isla Cabrera, Isles Gimnesies, Republic of Nutria

Home: Oinoe, Cycladian Islands, Republic of Zoness

Height: 5 ft. 4in.

Weight: 119 lbs.

Build: Thin

Eyes: Hazelnut

Fur color: Brown, with beige undertones

Hair: Brown

Family: Rodrigo (father), Marta (mother, deceased), Luis (older brother), Hernan (younger brother, deceased), Alma (younger sister, deceased), Claudia (younger sister, deceased), Ignacio (younger brother, deceased), Pedro (grandfather, deceased), Olivia (grandmother, deceased)



Teresa Sanchez hails from the small, nondescript island of Cabrera, one of many in the district of Isles Gimnesies in the former Republic of Nutria. Humble fishermen, the Sanchez family sailed their own fishing boat to catch Troika fish in the waters surrounding the island, for sale in markets on the larger capital island of Mallorca, as well as a means of sustenance. The large Sanchez family, although living barely above the poverty line, was a happy one, gathering, along with the rest of the island's small community, for monthly feasts and festivities. But, when Teresa was only 7, she and her family would be shocked to find the outside world knocking.

When Teresa was 7, the Selachii Kingdom invaded Nutria in a quest for planet-wide domination. In a matter of weeks, the Selachii overran most of Nutria, with the exception of the Isles Gimnesies, Teresa's home district. The last pockets of Nutrian resistance there valiantly defied the Selachii forces, but were nevertheless wiped by Cornerian technology used by the Selachii. Teresa's grandfather, a volunteer militia fighter, was killed when his fishing boat he turned into a suicide vessel was attacked and destroyed by a Selachii gunship. He would be the first of many in the Sanchez family.

With the Selachii victorious, they began implementing their harsh, discriminatory laws over their Nutrian subjects. First, all Nutrians were forbidden from holding jobs deemed "fit only for a Selachii", such as doctors or lawyers. Next, came their barring from facilities of higher education. Then, there were the laws against Nutrian-owned businesses. Then, there were laws forbidding Nutrians from entering Selachii areas. Slowly, more and more laws were introduced to hamper Nutrian freedom. then, when Teresa was 10, the harshest law came: all Nutrians and their families were to be sent to specially built "housing" camps. Not sensing much of a choice, many Nutrians simply accepted and went. Some, however, saw through the ruse and deemed the camps as death traps, and fled to remote islands to openly resist Selachii authority. Unfortunately, the Sanchez family were among the former. They, along with so many other families, were moved to a camp just outside a Nutrian fishing village called La Savina, on the island of Formentara.

Inside the camps, Teresa's younger sisters and youngest brother, along with her grandmother and mother, were told to go to a shower facility immediately to clean themselves. Teresa never saw them again. She, as with her father and older brother, avoided the need for a shower by pretending to be a boy. And so, the three remaining Sanchezes worked themselves half to death day after day. They, along with the other prisoners in the camp, would commit much time and effort to utterly meaningless tasks, such as digging and covering up deep holes, making roads that lead to the sea, and filling up a well with salt water. For years, the Sanchez family labored behind the barbed wire of Camp LS1-F. Teresa herself, like all others in that camp, was subjected to brutal, barbaric, and unthinkably cruel torture and mistreatment. Frequently were there beatings, withholding of food, and whippings. The brutal horrors finally ended when Societist rebels, backed by the Papetoonese, liberated the camp from the Selachii.

When Nutrian Societist rebels liberated Camp LS1-F, its survivors were nearing death, including Teresa. The rebels nursed them back to health, and almost immediately armed them to the teeth in the fight for the Revolution. While her father and brother were reluctant to take up arms, Teresa's heart burned for revenge, her psyche shattered after years inside a death camp. And so, she became a soldier of the Revolution at the age of 15. She devoted her life to the Societist Revolution, and was elated to be on the winning side when the Selachii Kingdom was overthrown and the Zonessian Societist Republic was born. But, the tables had now turned. The Nutrians were the masters, and the Selachii were subjects. So, the masters decided to punish the subjects. The new government decreed that all Selachii were criminals of the highest degree, traitors and savages who committed genocide. As such, the death penalty was an applicable punishment. This led to the mass killings of millions of Selachii, to avenge the equally massive slaughter of millions of Nutrians. Teresa allegedly took part in these killings, but there is no definite proof. The insanity ended with the Venomian invasion, which toppled the Nutrian Societists and forced all three species to fight in the name of Zoness. Suddenly, Teresa found herself fighting alongside Selachii and Aves soldiers. When the Venomians were finally defeated and the Aves in control, she deserted the Revolutionary Army, and was disillusioned with herself, and her actions. She attempted to return home to Cabrera, but found only ruins. Her father and brother shunned her upon her arrival. She left them, and found herself in the company of a certain Selachii nobleman called Michael Doukas, who was equally as distraught with his world. He offered Teresa food, shelter, and money. She accepted, despite the awkwardness of working for a Selachii overtly present.


Personality/Key Info:

Teresa's mental health deteriorated rapidly within Camp LS1-F, as her exposure to death and torture warped her mind into one of merciless calculation and depraved madness. She, like Sandor Kalocsai, has almost totally lost her mind. Teresa is unafraid to resort to low acts to get what she wants. She is also exceedingly anxious and paranoid, jumping at slight sounds and devoting her eyes to scanning her surroundings with vigilance.



Teresa usually dresses casually and normally, so as to avoid unwanted attention. Most clothes will do, although she has a certain disdain for dresses. In combat, she will wear brown fatigues with a tactical vest, combat goggles, and a shirt.



Teresa is a proficient foot soldier, and a decent shot. However, she specializes in hit and run tactics, and unexpected assaults. Surprise is her greatest weapon, and she can be gone before you know what hit you. But, she is not used to flying aircraft, and is a rather poor mechanic.


Teresa has been through too much suffering, and is more than ready to return the favor to anyone who even looks at her the wrong way.

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Despite his bright colors, this guy is an excellent marksman.


Name: Lorenzo Caltanissetta

Nicknames(s): Feathers, Bright Beak, The Rainbow Man, Larry

Species: Keel-billed toucan

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Origin: Adanti, Sicelia Province, Aves Free State

Home: Oinoe, Cycladian Islands, Republic of Zoness

Height: 5 ft. 11 in.

Weight: 177 lbs.

Build: Average

Eyes: Yellow and red

Feather color: Black, with small shades of bright yellows, reds, and greens

Family: Emilio (father, deceased), Carmina (mother), Eligio (younger brother), Giana (younger sister), Marcella (younger sister)



The Caltanissetta family is a well respected merchant family hailing from the isle of Silecia, in the former Aves Free State. Lorenzo was born into this family as the eldest of four children. After graduating Rema University with a business degree, Lorenzo inherited the family trading business, eventually expanding it off-world to Corneria. However, he would also find time to engage in a passion of his- hunting. The skills he learned with a rifle while participating in his hobby would be needed dearly later on in his life.

The Selachii Kingdom invaded the Aves Free State when Lorenzo was a young man. In defense of his homeland, Lorenzo and millions of other Aves volunteered to fight. Despite their bravery and ferocity, the Aves were no match for Cornerian technology in the hands of the Selachii. Lorenzo, along with much of the Aves Home Army, was captured during the disastrous Battle of the Twin Islands. Lorenzo was forced to work as slave labor, along with countless other Aves, in rebuilding the State into a Selachii puppet.

It was only when the Nutrian rebels overthrew the Selachii Kingdom that the Aves became free once more. Lorenzo returned to Silecia to rebuild his shattered business. He would not fight for several years after the revolution.

When Venom invaded with swiftness, Lorenzo, and an innumerable amount of Zonessians rose up to defend their home against the polluting off-worlders. With the help of Star Fox and Corneria, the Zonessians drove the Venomians out of their world. Lorenzo, realizing conflict made massive amounts of money, decided to give the merchant business to his younger brother and become a sellsword. He had heard about a Selachii nobleman, Michael Doukas, reforming the Iron Cap Prince's Army. Lorenzo sought his permission to join, and Michael accepted him as a combat sniper.


Personality/Key Info:

Lorenzo is usually no-nonsense, but will indulge in fun if he wishes. He also has a passion for hunting. As a businessman, he can come off as cold or calculating, but he will often be sincere.



While Lorenzo prefers dressing in Cornerian apparel, especially business casual, he chooses to wear Aves made footwear, especially expensive shoes and watches.\



Lorenzo, from his time hunting and in the military, is a proficient sniper, though not the best in the system by far. He is also a smooth-talking businessman, and his expertise in finances is something to behold.


I actually felt a bit hollow making Lorenzo. I don't know why.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The second character I've got from the Chmielnicki family!


Name: Pawel Chmielnicki

Nickname(s): Paul, Hetman, Kiddo, Cousin, Ilya Kuryakin, Arkady Ourumov, Demetrius Zvonimir, Nikola Karev

Species: Dragon (Western)

Age: 119

Gender: Male

Origin: Corneria City, Cornerian Capital Metropolis, Corneria

Home: Corneria City, Cornerian Capital Metropolis, Corneria

Height: 6 ft. 10 in.

Weight: 233 lbs.

Build: Slightly muscular

Eyes: Gold and brown

Scale color: Burgundy, with khaki undertones running from lower jaw down along front of body

Family: Maciej (father), Regina (mother), Antonia (younger sister), Kazimierz (younger brother), Bohdan (cousin), Wladyslaw (cousin, deceased), Janus (uncle, deceased), Ana (aunt, deceased)

Personality: Adventurous, reckless, bold, greedy, calculating, sneaky, distant, rowdy



As the second member of the Chmielnicki family born on Corneria (after his father), Pawel was raised in a much more open environment than Ruthenia. He grew up amidst the rapid, modern setting of Corneria City, its lights dazzling Pawel since he was but a hatchling. Pawel was raised in luxury, his father a respected admiral in the Cornerian Space Fleet, as well as members of the House Chmielnicki, a prestigious noble family. Pawel was always an adventurous, yet reckless, child. He would always get in trouble not only in high school, but in university as well, where he was almost expelled after setting a teacher's car on fire. Through only his parents' intervention was he spared the rod. However, he was given no more support from his family after university. Pawel was on his own.

In need of money and a method to satiate his hunger for action and adventure, Pawel decided to join the CDF, hoping to work as a patrolman, chasing petty criminals and doing something good for a change. And this is how he lived for half a century, walking the streets of the capital as it grew larger and larger as the decades passed. He eventually rose through the ranks, from common police officer to being an actual soldier in the CDF's military branch. From humble foot soldier, his thirst for action made him wild, yet bold. He eventually rose to the rank of major. He attented the funeral for his cousin Bohdan's immediate family, but saw them more as rarely talked-to distant relatives rather than close family.

Pawel served Corneria admirably during the Lylat Wars, yet lost many good men in the process due to reckless and dangerous decisions, his most infamous being ordering a whole platoon of CDF soldiers to attack a squad of Venomian Garuda units, which led to that platoon's demise. Pawel, more angered than distraught over these staggering losses, managed to destroy two Garudas with heavy weaponry before being shot in the stomach by a Venomian sniper. He was put out of action for the rest of the war.

Disillusioned with being a leader of men, Pawel left the CDF and Corneria's service when the war ended, to pursue his own interests. The Chmielnicki family was up in arms against this decision, but Pawel shrugged them off, deeming them largely irrelevant in his own life decisions. He soon took to adventuring, delving deep into Titanian and Saurian ruins to hunt for treasure. He was also unafraid to sell out his combat services to the highest bidder, those often being petty warlords on backwater worlds. In time, Pawel built up a reputation in the underworld as one of the few true treasure hunters in the Lylat System, as well as a masterful explorer, yet careless towards most of his actions. He is also known as a notorious womanizer, constantly throwing himself onto most women, using his handsome looks and occupation as an adventurer in an attempt to woo them. Currently, Pawel owns a few properties in the capital, although he is often absent from them, as he is usually on some adventure far from home.


Personality/Key info:

Pawel, as an adventurer, constantly craves action and is a bold person. He always pushes the envelope, and undertakes dangerous feats for various reasons. However, he has tasted the material wealth of his adventures, and his hungry for more. Pawel, however, is also detached on an emotional level, often disregarding the feelings of others for his own thoughts or pursuits. A lone-wolf personality, Pawel does his best work solo. He also enjoys the company of women, and is not afraid to try and woo them.



Pawel dresses in Cornerian fashion, and admires leather jackets, frequently wearing black or brown ones. He also sometimes wears hoods, although he prefers caps. He also typically wears jeans, even on adventures. Pawel wears all-terrain boots as well, even in urban areas. In combat, he has tactical gear available for wearing.



Pawel was trained by the CDF as both a police officer and a combat soldier, so he has good investigative and combat skills. Typically a gung-ho type, he rushes headlong into action guns ablaze, which sometimes works against him.


Pawel is the quintessential adventurer and thrill-seeker. Attentive, yet bold and reckless, he can burst into a room with a machine gun in one hand and a dame in the other.

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  • 5 months later...

Here is my first ever robot OC:


Name: Sebastian Georges Richelieu

Nickname(s): Tin Can, Clunker, Man of Steel, Michel Rochambeau, Francois Sauvage, SGR-01

Species: Robot (formerly Belgian malinois)

Age: 46

Gender: Male

Origin: Turitg, Helvetic Confederation, Corneria

Home: Dielsdorf, Helvetic Confederation, Corneria

Height: 6 ft.

Weight: 180 lbs.

Build: Robotic

Eyes: None

Fur color: None

Family: Marcel (father, deceased), Estelle (mother)

Personality: Outspoken, shrewd, enthusiastic, compassionate, forgiving, optimistic, calm, collected



Born into the esteemed and wealthy Richelieu family, Sebastian Georges Richelieu was always given the best opportunity. Private school, a feast every night, the newest and most high-tech toys, a manor to play in, a life of luxury was his to live, a life built upon the fortunes of the technology industry. However, he felt a deeper calling at a very young age, when he first caught glimpse of the magnificent starships of the Cornerian Space Navy during one of the Fleet Weeks hosted by the CSN. From then on, Sebastian strove to serve Corneria. As he grew into a young man, finishing his time at university, he joined the CSN, hoping to travel across the stars.

As an ensign on the cruiser CSS Battleaxe, he worked tirelessly tending to the ship's armory, although he would rarely see the marines aboard rushing to wield the weapons he saw daily. But all of this would change when the Battleaxe was deployed to monitor shipping lanes near the star of Lylat. An unexpected solar flare knocked out the computer systems of the cruiser, which eventually led to an overload of the ship's nuclear reactor, thus leading to a catastrophic explosion, shattering the Battleaxe. Sebastian was severely wounded, being horribly maimed and trapped with several of his comrades in a sealed section of the ship. A rescue team from the nearby CSS ship Queen Miriam III managed to find and rescue Sebastian and his comrades, the few survivors of the Battleaxe, and shuttle them to safety.

Horribly injured and on the brink of death, Sebastian was slipping away in a hospital back on Corneria. Agonized over watching his son die, Sebastian's father, Marcel, chose a different path for his son. He paid to have doctors and engineers transfer Sebastian's mind from flesh to machine. An experimental humanoid robot would be Sebastian's newest, second body. Designated the SRG-01 by the engineers, Sebastian was no longer a life form, but instead a machine holding the consciousness of an almost dead man. The military immediately jumped on this opportunity, and, despite the protests of Richelieu family, adopted Sebastian as a prototype combat android. Sebastian himself was against this, but could do nothing, as he was determined to be property of the Cornerian Armed Forces.

Sebastian was highly trained in the art of warfare and combat, to be utilized as a tactical battle robot. Assigned to the Black Guards, specifically the Turitg Division, he was given the role of sergeant, where he would have his first taste of combat, when Venomian forces launched a mass invasion of Corneria. Turitg was not as hard hit as most other cities, but it was still subject to large assault. Sgt. Richelieu, in command of a small squad of Black Guards reluctant to take orders from a robot, boldly defied Venomian forces, dispatching an entire battalion of Venomian troops within six hours. Dubbed the "Man of Steel" by local media, Sebastian was a local war hero, although appreciation of his efforts was seldom seen outside his homeland. His steel would once again be tested during the Aparoid Invasion, Many of his comrades in arms would sacrifice themselves to protect their commander from the Aparoids, who were very keen on infecting Sebastian. After the invasion was over, Sebastian's zeal for serving Corneria began to falter, as he saw his friends fall down around him. He wanted to leave the armed forces, but the brass would not listen to him, seeing him as little more than a prototype that was their property. Months of legal fighting resulted in the armed forces finally agreeing to see Sebastian as more than just a thing, and gave him the right to choose. He chose to leave.

Sebastian now works as a solo freelance mercenary, rubbing shoulders with groups like Star Fox and Star Wolf. However, he also works as a motivational speaker and a (ahem) male escort.


Personality/Key Info:

Despite his artificial body, Sebastian shows great compassion, understanding, sensitivity, and mercy. Rarely does he act in malice, and he mostly keeps a cool head, even in the hottest of situations. He almost never holds ill will against anyone for even a short period of time. Sebastian is also a team player, and prefers to work with at least one other person in a mission. Going alone just is not his style. He is also an energetic and enthusiastic guy, choosing activity over idleness.


Appearance: As he is a robot, Sebastian does not need clothing. However, he will dress for certain occasions, usually formal ones. However, it will be limited to overcoats and the like. He will also wear hats or other headgear mainly for amusement.


Abilities: Sebastian's robot body allows him to take far more damage than most other organics, but he still feels pain due to sensors that detect damage, so he nevertheless must be careful. He also has strength, speed, and stamina that exceed most regular people. In addition, he has two integrated automatic heavy blasters attached to his arms with limited ammunition.


Sebastian is a death bot with a heart. Even if you don't get on his good side, he probably won't kill you, unless the mission calls for it.

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  • 4 months later...

Yeah, imma just put two characters' bios in one post. Also gonna shorten a ton of it for reasons.


Name: Yohannes Afewerki Eleazar

Nicknames: Johnny

Species: Lion

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Origin: Mek'ele, Tigray Region, Empire of Abyssinia

Home: Dodson, Corneria Capital District, Corneria

Height: 5 ft 11 in

Weight: 176 lbs.

Build: Athletic

Eyes: Blue

Fur color: Tan, with a dark orange mane

Family: Eleazar (father, deceased), Jazhara (mother, deceased), Kelile (younger brother, deceased), Lishan (brother, deceased), Naomi (sister), Selassie (cousin)


Yohannes and his whole family are, or rather, were, nobility in the Empire of Abyssinia, the most powerful nation on Katina. However, they chose to side with the Cornerians during their invasion of Abyssinia, giving the invaders total control of the city they managed, Mek'ele. When the Cornerians were surprisingly and spectacularly defeated and thrown out of the country, Yohannes and his family were branded as traitors by the government, and most were arrested and executed, save for Yohannes, his sister Naomi, and their cousin, Selassie, along with Selassie's mother. They managed to flee to Corneria. They now reside in Dodson, an Abyssinian-majority neighborhood in Corneria City, where they scratch out a meager living. Yohannes works as a small time thug and cheap mercenary for hire, but thanks to his training as a member of the elite Mehal Sefari, he is far more dangerous than he seems.

Personal/Key Info:

Yohannes is a down-to-earth kind of guy, soft spoken, and calm on most occasions. However, he is a meticulous planner, and easily gets flustered when a curve ball gets thrown his way.


He dresses according to the situation: casual for casual, formal for formal. However, he does not wear hats, as they mess his mane up. Yohannes also tirelessly grooms and cares for his mane.


Yohannes is a former soldier in the Mehal Sefari, an elite fighting force in Abyssinian Imperial Army. As a result of this, he is quite adept in most form of ranged and melee combat, including hand-to-hand fighting. However, he also focused on demolitions, making him a more than competent with handling and deploying explosives and things that go boom.


Name: Selassie Dawit Tesfaye

Nicknames: Sal

Species: Lion

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Origin: Mek'ele, Abyssinia

Home: Dodson, Corneria

Height: 5 ft 9 in

Weight: 169 lbs

Build: Somewhat athletic

Eyes: Pale blue

Fur color: Light tan, dark brown mane (mane shaved)

Family: Tesfaye (father, deceased), Deborah (mother), Eyasu (older brother, deceased), Hanna (younger sister, deceased)


As the cousin of Yohannes and Naomi Eleazar, Selassie lived in Mek'ele, and befell a similar fate to his kinsmen when the Cornerian Invasion of Abyssinia failed. He and his mother fled Katina, along with his two cousins, to Corneria. He acclimated much more easily to Cornerian culture and already had a concrete understanding of the language due to him studying Cornerian culture and history as a hobby in his youth.

Personality/Key Info:

Unlike Yohaness, Selassie throws caution into the wind, and rarely plans ahead. However, he knows when to apply logic to a situation, and understands when to fight and when to flee.


Selassie loves to wear leather jackets, even in hot weather. His favorite one is an old, brown biker jacket he got as a gift for his 16th birthday. He also wears hats, as he prefers to shave his dark brown mane down. However, he is sometimes mistaken as a lioness due to this.


Like Yohannes, Selassie trained and was in the Mehal Sefari. He too has extensive combat abilities, but prefers to fight in the air. Unlike Yohaness, Selassie applied in the Air Wing of the Mehal Sefari, and the Sefari honed his flying and dogfighting abilities. An impressive pilot, he was once considered one of Abyssinia's best pilots before his exile.

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  • 2 months later...

Whatever, here's Chris.


Name: Hristofor Antonov

Nickname(s): Christopher Antonov, Chris, Yokel, Boris, The Bolghar

Species: Ruthenian Sclav (Western Dragon)

Age: 107

Gender: Male

Origin: Melnik, Pirin, Ruthenian Empire

Home: Novoarkhangelsk, Corneria

Height: 6 ft. 10 in.

Weight: 271 lbs.

Build: Lanky

Eyes: Bronze and yellow

Scale color: Light brown, with dark brown colored undertones

Family: Anastas (father), Bilyana (mother), Damyan (older brother), Diana (older sister), Ivan (younger brother), Naum (younger brother)


Hristofor Antonov is the son of a farmer, who was the son of a farmer, and so on. The Antonovs, like everyone else in the village of Melnik, have lived and farmed that land for centuries, and were originally serfs. Living at the bottom of Ruthenian society has great challenges, such as the crushing poverty. Machinery and locomotives were rarities in Melnik, and the village was not even connected to the grid until Hristofor was twelve. Nevertheless, Hristofor and much of his family and neighbors were strong and healthy enough to be conscripted no less than five times by their Empire to fight in distant wars they neither cared for nor knew much about.

His status as a poor peasant and constant conscription into the Ruthenian military were not the only reasons for his emigration to Corneria. He had done a fatal mistake: he slept with the daughter of a local boyar, a noble. Angering a powerful, wealthy, and influential figure in his region, Hristofor chose to leave rather than get killed by a vengeful boyar. However, as he was only given a rudimentary education and taught himself Cornerian on the trip to the planet, Hristofor (whose name was misheard by immigration authorities as Christopher) had only one key skill: he could fight and use a blaster, due to his repeated stints in the Ruthenian Imperial Army. So, Chris became an enforcer and hired gun for anyone who could afford him, and since he offers his services for relatively low rates, almost anyone can afford him.

Personality/Key Info:

Chris is a rather humble, if impulsive character. He is usually subservient to others, despite his towering height. However, he does have a mind of his own and will find it very difficult to follow an order he disagrees with.


Chris has real combat experience and solid training in melee combat and the use of most basic blasters, explosives, firearms, and melee weapons. He also has training in most land combat vehicles. Unsurprisingly, he is also a green thumb, and is adept at growing fruits and vegetables.

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