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PSA: DON'T pre order video games


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Who's talking shit about the actual quality of the tracks? The criticism is their usage as a marketing ploy, not the content of the songs themselves. I like plenty of bonus tracks, they're just frequently a pain in the ass to obtain legally.

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And here I just like having physical copies of music. Say, this thread has gone a bit off topic. Sorry about that.

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Who's talking shit about the actual quality of the tracks? The criticism is their usage as a marketing ploy, not the content of the songs themselves. I like plenty of bonus tracks, they're just frequently a pain in the ass to obtain legally.




Meh, the quality of bonus tracks vary from time to time. While some are covers or songs that were cut, a large portion of them are demo and live cuts of songs already on the album. Besides, most albums I own with bonus tracks are pretty universal, whether it be Sabaton, Dragonforce, Avenged Sevenfold, or Megadeth.

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We're going a little off track with the convo going from gaming to music (even though I started this convo).



So............ I just get hardcopies of games at least a year after the release date. They're cheap that way.

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lol for some reason I read that as general apathy rather than an actual criticism?? i need to browse sfo during waking hours

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I was also speaking mostly in jest so I was taking it loosely in order to make it relevant.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That reminds me, need to see about pre-ordering Bloodborne. And ordering a PS4 for Bloodborne.

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Here's what I say: If it's a game that you're seriously pumped for, that you REALLY REALLY want not only a physical copy but a collectors edition of, go nuts. Preorder to your hearts content. But if you have reservations about the game, if there's a chance it wont live up to your expectations, wait til after the reviews come out.


However, there's one more solution to this that may solve the issue, especially when it comes to physical copies: If you don't enjoy the game, if it was simply not worth the price you paid, take it back IMMEDIATELY. Shops like GameStop will take the game back for a full refund if you give them a good reason why. Lots of people I know did this with Sonic Boom and got a full refund because the game was genuinely terrible.


The preorder market isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's just a system that needs to be adjusted to allow people to still churn out good games. I mean people preordered Dark Souls and Dark Souls II and those were great games.


My point is that the idea of having preorders for games isn't a bad thing. It's a good way of telling the developers how many people want to pick up a copy of the game. It's a morality booster for them too, giving them a better reason to work harder on the game. But remember, being a developer these days can be very tough. These guys pass up jobs that would have them set for life to work on games, and they get the short end of the stick a lot, especially when it comes to release dates and payment, because from the corporate side of things, they don't care if it's half baked, they just want it done.


Let's also remember that there are companies like Nintendo which RARELY have to patch their games after release because they ordinarily get them done right on the first try. While yes, they have other problems *cough cough* copyright *cough cough* they still show that many of these ideas which most gamers immediately think of as toxic can work in a positive way.


Preordering isn't going any time soon. There wont be any mass boycott or protest that will sway gamers. There are simply too many people to convince. Instead of trying to get rid of the problem, why not just fix it?

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I only ever pre ordered one game, Colonial Marines. Never again. Never ever again.

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I don't really see the point in preordering other than out of sheer hype.


While I might be a laggard to the hypetrain I don't really play games because they're trending, I play what I feel like playing.


Besides if I wait enough everyone knows GLORIOUS STEAM SALE MASTER RACE will eventually show up. c:

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A: Certain preorder bonuses are worth the preorder if you're into the game/series enough


B: Not all games can be available on a Steam sale. Console exclusives, for example. I highly doubt I'm gonna see Persona 5 on Steam. Bloodborne too, is gonna be exclusive last I heard.


So yeah, in some cases your points are valid, but of course there ARE exceptions.

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